The Multiverse Conqueror

Chapter 260 - Daily Routine

Early in the morning Xin just wake up, when he is about to stand up he felt that his body was locked by something heavy.

He slowly opened his eyes to see what happens,when the gaze in his c.h.e.s.t he see Chaos and Younger Harpie holding her down.

Xin smile at them and ask,"What are you two doing in my room?"

Chaos smile brightly and said,"Good morning Brother,Sister Ikaros ask us to wake up you"

Younger nod," Good Morning!"

"Well Good Morning too"Xin said.

The two girls stand up and run outside, leaving Xin cleaning his bed.

After that Xin walk at the basin and washed his face, then he goes down to start his morning routine.

When he was about to go out, Frankenstein follow him behind, Xin can't help but ask," What's the matter, Frankenstein?"

Frankens tain shyly said,." Umm … im goign to follow you master…."

"Is it okay?.."

Xin nod," Well I'm going to do my morning exercise, after that I will visit my mini-farm .... do you really want to come?"

Frankenstein nod," Yes"

Xin smiled at her and said," Sure, let's go!"

He then started his morning jog, while Frankenstein follow him behind like loyal retainer.

While running Xin see that there is too much change in the city, last time before he left he can only see dense forest and long river.

But now, it's almost full of buildings and houses, but still he feels that the City is too small, well, of course, he made a huge piece of Island that half the size of Japan.

While running at the mountain terrain, Xin start to feel heavy, he stops and asks Frankenstein," Do you feel heavy while we are running?"

Frankenstein was confused, then she tries to jump and notice the change," Umm … master, I feel that gravity starts to change.."

Xin stare the surroundings, he did not notice anything wrong but, when he tries to jump, he feels that he has been shekel by something.

Hisi whole body starts to fall down fast.


When He falls down he sees a large crack in the surface of the earth.

He picked up a stone and throw it up, and just like what happens to him, the stone descend faster.

"The gravity here is higher than the normal gravity … well let's go up to see if there is the change here"

Frankenstein nod and fallow Xin whos running up in the mountain.

While both of them running up the gravity start to change again, this time the gravity triple the normal gravity of the earth.

Xin still continues,this kind of gravity can only shackle little portion of his physical strength.

Meanwhile, Frankenstein starts to feel the burden of gravity, her breath started to get fast while she starts to sweat.

When they about to half-way of the mountain, the atmosphere is starting to change, now it was hard to breathe.

The air in the surrounding starts to become thin, while the gravity starts to heighten again.

Xin was confused about what happened here when he created the whole Island he did not add any magic on it.

So he was confused about why that gravity and atmosphere in this particular mountain change.

"Ok let's go back I will ask the girls if they knew what is happening here," Xin said.

"Okay master" Frankenstein answered.

While walking back, Xin did not notice any change from the forest, the trees are good healthy.

But he notices that not single animals in the forest, not even migratory birds.

Well, he can understand that no normal animals will choose to stay here, even the forest is full of food.


After Xin has done his morning exercise, Xin go through his farm to start to take care of it.

The farm did not change except the additional field, he notices the large part of farm planted with watermelons.

Well just the fruit planted on the part, Xin know who made it.

And just like he imagine the owner is Ikaros, he can see Ikaros flying while holding watering can and a rake.

She fly down in front of Xin and said," Good morning master…"

Xin smile at her and said," Good morning Ikaros, you can do your things first and then let's go home together with everyone later"

Ikaros nod and then start to tend her little farm.

While Xin start taking care hsi farm, when he is about to start he notices Frankenstein staring at him while standing behind him.

Xin wave at her and said," Can you help me in my farming Frankenstein?"

She shyly nodded her head and help Xin in his daily farming.

While Frankenstein helping him in his mini-farm, Xin constantly explaining to her what she needs to in managing a vegetable farm.

She did not even answer Xin or ask, but Xin knows that she can easily understand all the things he explains.

Frankenstein is a shy and introverted girl, she doesn't like associating to others except his own master.

While she doesn't like other wasting energy like electricity and water.

She likes gardening and gardening, she is smart so she can easily understand all he teaches on her.


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