The Multiverse Conqueror

Chapter 261 - Change in the Island

After an hour of gardening, Xin decide to go back with everyone, after all, they cant stay all day just to tend the mini-farm.

There are many things need to be done, while Xin need to investigate the change of the Island.

After coming home and cleaning, everyone sit at the dining table and start the day with a heartfelt breakfast.

While munching a piece of bread, Xin asks them,"If any of you notice some change on the Island?"

All of them stare at Xin confuse, they don't know what he is talking about.

Nymph ask," Like?"

"Some ting like change in gravity, air pressure or the weather on the Island?"

"Is any of you notice something like that?"

Astrea suddenly raised her hand," Hai! Hait!!"

"Did you notice Astrea?"Xin ask.

Astrea gulp his milk and said," I notice that something changing at the center of the Island!"

All of them stare at her, waiting for her report.

"While im flying in the air, trying to find new things i accidentally fly in the center of the Island"

"The first thing I notice is that while i'm flying closer, the gravity is starting to get stronger, while the oxygen in the air starts to get thin"

"First I ignored it because it did not hindrance my movement"

"And second later I start to get tired fast while the gravity is multiple by 10x"

"But that's not all, the scariest part of that is, I'm not even halfway in my journey .."

"And then?"Xin ask.

"Because im too scared flying closer to the source,I fly back yo report it to President"

"So Mikako already know it," Xin said.

"Nope," Astrea said.

Xin slowly asks," You just said that you go back to report to Mikako right?"

Astrea bow her head and shyly said," Well …. Because of im hungry,I fly to eat first here,and eventually, i forgot to report"

Xin's lips twitch, suddenly he thought something important," Umm .. Astrea … how many days before you discover the change?"

Astrea thought," Well if I'm not wrong, two days later when Master went out"

All of them suddenly become gloomy, this problem started a long time ago but the only heard it now.

Xin said," Well, I think we need to check what is the cause of this change later"

"It's not good if this change affects the daily life of the future residence of the island and us too"

All of the minds,while Astrea feels embarrassed about what she did.

Xin smiled at her and said," Don't worry about that Astrea, everyone can make mistakes"

Astrea sadly nod her head.


After eating their breakfast every one start to do there own duty.

Hiyori flies up to synapse to help Sohara in her work.

Nymph go to Mikako residence to help the building project.

Younger Harpie and Chaos fly somewhere to play.

Older Harpie and Melan choose to stay at home and clean it.

While Xin group consists of Ikaros, Astrea, and Frankenstein choose to go to the source of the change.

To the center of Sorami Island.

They were going there to see what is happening and if the change can endanger the whole Island.

While riding at Xin's somersault cloud they see the vast and dense forest.

It looks like a tropical jungle that people never explored, but the problem is they did not see any animals in the area that they pass.

Yet Xin feels that the whole forest is full of life energy, he was sure that there's something that changes the Trees in the island.

A few miles after they travel, Xin start to feel that the gravity start to rise while somersault cloud start to get slow a little bit.

Astrea hurry said," The gravity is starting to change master!"

Ikaros nod,"....yes Astrea is right ...and I feel something wrong …"

Xin continues to command somersault cloud to fly deeper of the Island.

A few miles past the gravity change again, this time the gravity change to 2x the normal gravity outside of the perimeter.

Well because of they all strong enough to withstand this kind of change Xin continue to fly deeper.

A few minutes later Frankenstein suddenly sad,"Ummm…. Master .. the gravity starts to affect my body …"

Hearing what she said, Xin suddenly realizes that Frankenstein is made from fresh, not some super durable materials like Ikaros and Astrea.

Xin hurry said," Try to use KEN to fortify your defense"

Frankenstein follow the suggestion of his master, she use KEN and surround her body with NEN.

Ikaros and Astrea did not see any change from Frankenstein, but they feel something change from her overall aura.

After using KEN , the gravity that restrain her is gone, but the problem is the aura from her body start to consume fast.

In her calculation, her aura can only last for 20-25 minutes.

Seeing her worried face, Xin patted her head and said," I know what you are thinking, don't worry i help you later"

Frankenstein's shock inside, she did not know that his master can easily read her thoughts.


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