Zuo Wentang knew that although Bai Zhenkong valued him as the chief director of the City Lord's Mansion, he would definitely not offend the large group of forces behind Fengya Building because of him.

And said, that is to fall on the wind.

Zuo Wentang is also an old man, he will not be so stupid.

But today, it seems to be a crisis, but in fact, in the crisis, there is an opportunity hidden, that is a coup that he just thought of.

Count on count.

Through someone kidnapping Di Li and Qu Wenji, Qu Wenji can truly get rid of Fengyalou's control.

Once this thought appeared, it was difficult to suppress.

For Zuo Wentang, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He is very clear that once he misses this opportunity, it is almost impossible to wait for the next time.

This time, the enemy has a name and a surname, and by means of Fengyalou, to find the Nightmare King of the Western Regions of Mangzhou, there is no problem at all. If it is said that the Nightmare King kidnapped Di Li and Qu Wenji, then Fengya Lou will definitely be furious, but more likely, he will be at peace.

After all, the Western Regions Kingdom itself is a first-class country. Even if the Nightmare King can only be regarded as the bottom of the thirteen kings in the Western Regions Kingdom, he is still the king of the great kingdoms. The gang behind Fengyalou are still in the Yulong Kingdom. It can be horizontal and horizontal, but if it is to the outside world, it is likely to be cowardly.

This is an opportunity.

As long as others believe that Di Li and Qu Wenji were both captured by the Nightmare King, then no one will be held accountable.

At that time, I can secretly arrange a place for Qu Wenji, or even resign from the position of the chief director of the city lord's mansion in the future, and then disband with her and return to the field, and live a good life as an ordinary person.

This might be a good place to stay.

Zuo Wentang has no shortage of money and so on. Over the years, the property he has accumulated by himself is enough for him and Qu Wenji to live the rest of their lives comfortably.

Originally, he planned to discuss with Lin Jin and ask him for help, but now Lin Jin sits cross-legged with his eyes closed, and the most strange thing is that Lin Jin has an indescribable aura at the moment.

Zuo Wentang glanced at it, and he was timid, and he didn't dare to come forward to disturb him at all.

Zuo Wentang is anxious here, and the leopard demon Lin Bao is also anxious over there.

At this time, it has already avenged its revenge, the Nightmare King died, and its slave imprint was also released. It is reasonable to say that it planned to thank it before running away.

Lin Bao was planning to find a place to hide first and avoid the limelight.

But now, before it could speak, the Great Immortal Master in front of him was meditating cross-legged. Lin Bao, like Zuo Wentang, really didn't dare to disturb him at this time. He didn't dare to leave if he wanted to, so he could only stick here.

The atmosphere at the moment was obviously a little weird, and no one dared to speak.

Immediately afterwards, they discovered something even more bizarre. Behind Lin Jin, half of the icy cold wind came out, and half of it was surging with fiery flames. The two forces collided and merged. , and then slowly dissipated.

The next moment, Lin Jin opened his eyes and stood up with his brows furrowed.

Lin Jin didn't know what happened just now.

Before, he had done his best to help Xiaohuo resist the almost strangling coercion, just like the legendary transcendence. When you borrow some kind of power beyond your own, you will be locked by heaven and earth.

Fortunately, Lin Jin borrowed the atmosphere in the museum to help Xiaohuo survive.

It didn't take long. In the eyes of the law, the color of the sky and the earth changed, the Nine Heavens Profound Clouds, the palaces and pavilions, all disappeared without a trace, and even the terrifying beast roar was silent.

Lin Jin knew that this doom caused by himself should be avoided.

This time is extremely dangerous, even in Lin Jin's eyes, this time is the greatest danger he has ever encountered, and it is much more dangerous than when dealing with monsters and old dragons before.

It was a little careless, Xiao Huo, and even himself, would be torn apart by that power of heaven and earth, Jiutian Xuanyun and that terrifying beast roar, and turned into dust.

Well, it's over.

Xiaohuo just spent too much energy, and the yin and yang Dharma body was almost torn apart by the invisible force of heaven and earth. At this moment, he has not fully recovered, so he is still sleeping.

Lin Jin is also sleepy, but now is not the time for him to rest.

Opening his eyes and looking around, Lin Jin saw Zuo Wentang and others. From their expressions and reactions, he could see that the terrifying change in the world just now, Jiutian Xuanyun, and the roar of the beast were all just himself and Xiaohuo. Can hear, can see, other people, do not notice at all.

This is even more confirmed, because the mountain god spell was cast just now.

"It seems that in the future, the decree spell can't be used indiscriminately. If it is done again and it is attacked by heaven and earth, it will be bad. Next time, it may not be able to survive."

Lin Jin thought to himself at this moment.

He is now in shock, after all, he has seen a more terrifying, more powerful and more mysterious existence.

As everyone knows, Zuo Wentang and others have the same state of mind as him.

Seeing Lin Jin get up, he didn't cross his knees to meditate again. Whether it was Zuo Wentang, Di Li, or the leopard demon, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"President Lin!" Zuo Wentang couldn't hold it in anymore, he stepped forward and handed over.

He is in awe of Lin Jin now, how dare he call him Brother Lin anymore, but Lin Jin smiled and joked: "What happened to Big Brother Zuo? Could it be that you don't recognize me as a brother?"

Zuo Wentang was stunned for a moment, and then he came to his senses. At the same time, he was extremely grateful. Lin Jin clearly had an advantage, but he was willing to make friends with him. Such people are truly worthy friends.

"Brother Lin, I'm confused." Zuo Wentang was also stable at this time, and he didn't hide his thoughts and plans directly.

"Anyway, I'm not afraid of your jokes, brother. Wen Ji and I met last year. It was love at first sight, but we didn't dare to let outsiders know about us because of our status. Now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I don't ask, I just ask Brother Lin to help me keep the secret."

Zuo Wentang bowed and said at this time.

In this matter, the people present, including the leopard demon, can't leak the slightest rumor, otherwise Zuo Wentang knows that his end will be miserable, and even Bai Zhenkong can't protect himself.

The best way is to get rid of the leopard demon, but he doesn't have the ability, and Lin Jin definitely won't do it.

So, who can restrain this monster from going out and talking nonsense in the future?

It can only be Lin Jin.

Besides, with the methods currently shown by Lin Jin, even if Zuo Wentang had any plans, he would not dare to make decisions without authorization. Even if it was his own affairs, he had to discuss it with Lin Jin.

Lin Jin only found out about this later. Probably after Lin Bao kidnapped the two women, Zuo Wentang almost didn't even think about it, so he chased after him regardless of his life.

You must know that the breath that Lin Bao showed at that time was extremely terrifying. At that time, Fengyalou had their own thugs, so they didn't dare to chase them out. After all, if you were not careful, you would lose your life. There must be a reason for the identity, regardless of the danger to chase it out.

Now Lin Jin knew the inside story.

Of course he would not object.

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