Lin Jin nodded.

Just after Lin Jin nodded, Zuo Wentang's heart that had been hanging was also let go.

He knew the time was running out and he had one more thing to do.

At the moment Zuo Wentang jumped up and chased in one direction. He wanted to kill people and kill them. Naturally, they were the two guards of King Nightmare.

The two were restrained by Lin Jin with a silver needle before, but Lin Jin recovered his spiritual energy in order to save Xiaohuo, and the two also had some means. Sneak away with help.

However, the two were severely injured and could not run far in a short period of time. In addition, Zuo Wentang had already used some means just now, leaving some breath on them.

In this way, Zuo Wentang just went for a moment and came back.

There is more blood on him. Don't ask, the two men of the Nightmare King are also dead, and Zuo Wentang's old way of doing things, the corpses of those two people should also be cleaned up, and there will be no left behind. trace.

And the corpse of the Nightmare King does not need to be disposed of. Just now, it was crushed under this stone mountain with the Western Region King Snake.

So, those who are still aware of the situation are the few present.

Lin Jin was naturally trustworthy, not to mention Qu Wenji, Di Li was the only one left.

However, according to Qu Wenji, although Di Li and her have known each other for a while, they are already sisters. Besides, Di Li also escaped from the Western Regions, so she should keep it a secret.

In this way, Zuo Wentang was relieved.

At this time, there were hippogriffs screaming in the distance, Zuo Wentang's face changed, and he knew that the master of Hongye City was chasing after him.

"Bad, why did they come so fast!" Zuo Wentang felt cold in his hands and feet at this time. He knew that the person sitting in Fengya Building in Hongye City was a master with similar strength to him, or even stronger, called Zheng Yuan. .

This person has a low-key status on weekdays, but his strength is quite tyrannical. Not only does he have third-order beast pets, but his third-order beast pets are also a rare beast species. Some people call him the strongest third-order beast.

In addition, because the back of Fengya Building is a big tree, Zheng Yuan can use a lot of power. Fengya Building keeps a group of masters, and they are scattered in the city to enjoy happiness on weekdays. At this moment, when Fengya Building is in trouble, they naturally is to start.

As for hippogriffs, is there a shortage of hippogriffs in places like Fengyalou?

Zuo Wentang knew that it was too late for him to hide Qu Wenji and Di Li. At the speed of the hippogriff, after two or three breaths, the other party would see the situation here.

And in such a place, how can people hide?

"It's all in vain." Zuo Wentang knew that after Zheng Yuan and the others came, Qu Wenji and Di Li would definitely be brought back. After that, if they didn't say Di Li, just say Qu Wenji, she would definitely stay in Fengya Building. Be the cash cow over there.

This is her fate.

And herself, can she change her fate?

It's hard.

Losing this opportunity, how could he, Zuo Wentang, wrestle with the forces behind Fengya Building, let alone him, even the city lord Bai Zhenkong, I'm afraid he doesn't have such courage.

At this moment, Zuo Wentang only felt that he was useless, his teeth creaked, and he looked at Qu Wenji with bloodshot eyes.

Qu Wenji over there also had a miserable face, but she knew where Zuo Wentang was in trouble, so she didn't say anything, just smiled, with a hint of helplessness and a hint of despair in her smile.

How could Zuo Wentang not know Qu Wenji's thoughts? Now he really wants to continue killing people, killing Zheng Yuan and them all, so that he can be with Qu Wenji.

But reason told Zuo Wentang that if he did this, he would not say whether he would succeed or not. Even if he succeeded, he would not be able to hide it.

At that time, the forces behind Fengya Building knew, and Bai Zhenkong couldn't keep him.

The speed of the Hippogriff is really fast, and it flew over within three breaths, and this time, there were two Hippogriffs, one sitting with a person, and the other carrying two people.

Three people in total.

The one who took the lead was Zheng Yuan.

This Zheng Yuan looks like a hero, with a shaggy beard and a rough appearance. There is no animal pet around him, which means that he should have also practiced the Beastmaster Scroll.

The other two people on the hippogryph, one has a python wrapped around his arm, the other has a hunchback, and has a scorpion tail. If you look closely, there is actually a big scorpion lying on his back. The clothes, naturally, look like hunchbacks.

These two people, one looks uglier than the other, and the other dresses weirder than the other.

But just these two people gave people a very dangerous feeling. Zuo Wentang naturally knew who these two people were. They were the two masters of the Evil Dao Master List and were employed by Fengyalou.

Zuo Wentang was about to speak at this time, but Lin Jin took the lead and said to Zuo Wentang: "Don't be impatient, I will use a trick, these three people, apart from you and me, Can't see anyone else."

Hearing this, Zuo Wentang was first surprised, then overjoyed.

If someone else said it, Zuo Wentang probably wouldn't believe it, but if it was said by Lin Jin, he would believe it.

Experts who can condense mountains and suppress fierce beasts in the air should be right. Although this method of blindness sounds like a small method, it is only one of the ancient fairy methods. In today's world, at least Zuo Wen Don has not seen it yet.

Qu Wenji and Di Li could hear Lin Jin's words, as well as the leopard demon Lin Bao over there. Although they also had doubts, they were all honest at this time, holding their breaths, not daring to speak or move.

Still silent in my heart, you can't see me, you can't see me.

But obviously, the three people who jumped from the hippogryph were not far away. How could they not be seen at this distance?

It can be said that everyone's mind is different, and their mood is also different.

Zuo Wentang was also hanging in his heart, Lin Jinqu was calm, and when he saw the three people walking in, Zuo Wentang could only bite the bullet and step forward.

"Zheng Yuan, why did you arrive now!" Zuo Wentang was in a good mood at this time. After all, he was the chief executive of the City Lord's Mansion.

While speaking, he also greeted him, just blocking Zheng Yuan and the other three.

Over there, Zheng Yuan looked at Zuo Wentang and also laughed: "General Manager Zuo, when I heard that something happened, I rushed over immediately. I heard that it was Miss Qu and a new woman from the Western Regions who were kidnapped by the gangsters. , we have been chasing here all the way, and please ask the left manager to tell the real situation."

The words are very polite, but it can be seen that this Zheng Yuan is definitely not so easy to deal with. He seems sloppy and casual, but his eyes are shrewd and definitely not easy to fool.

As the other party spoke, he looked at Lin Jin.

Zuo Wentang Zheng Yuan naturally knew that he was the chief of the City Lord's Mansion, but he didn't know about the person next to him. Zheng Yuan was also a master. He intuitively told him that this person was not simple.

Lin Jin was laughing without saying a word at the moment, he didn't know the other party anyway, so there was no need to speak in a hurry.

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