Lu Ba, has the bloodline of the tyrannical lion, Lu is Lu Yunhe's surname, and together, it is the name Lu Yunhe gave to his beast pet.

Hearing Lu Xiaoyun's words, Lu Yunhe took a closer look and found it was true.

Lu Ba, who was slapped by the fire wolf beast with three claws, lost his previous tyrannical aura, like a little widow who was wronged, looking at Xiao Huo on the opposite side with fear, a pair of lion eyes the size of a copper bell actually With teardrops.

Lu Yunhe swayed and almost sat on the ground.

He is now full of question marks.

How could this be?

This is a second-order lion beast. After blessing the bloodthirsty and madness, the same-order beast pet is almost invincible.

But even such a powerful beast pet was defeated, and it was defeated so thoroughly and so quickly that Lu Yunhe didn't even realize what was going on until now.

He didn't know, but of course Lin Jin knew that the second-order versus the third-order only had a ghost if he could win.

Moreover, Xiaohuo is not an ordinary third-order, it is improved by the perfect advanced method, and there is another point, just now, Xiaohuo has just finished training the first chapter of the "Beast Qi Training Art".

This exercise is tailor-made by the Beast Museum for beast pets, and there should be no other animal exercises in this world that can compare to it.

In this way, Xiao Huo, whose strength is advancing by leaps and bounds again, wants to get down on a lion beast that is only second-order.

Lin Jin sighed, got up and walked back.

"I'll take a nap, don't disturb me."

After that, it was time to go to sleep.

As for Lu Yunhe, just let Lu Xiaoyun arrange it. Speaking of which, their family has similar personalities, Lu Xiaoyun didn't insist on going against her at the beginning. I believe that Lu Yunhe should be the same, and will soon abandon the dark and turn to the light.

In the hall, Zhao Ying, together with her pet pet, helped up the broken door panel, the door was broken, and now the curtain was hung with a large cloth.

And Lu Yunhe, lost his soul, until now, he is unwilling to accept the reality that he has lost to a waste.

Moreover, the other party is only a beast appraiser, not a member of the monk association.

I actually lost to such a person.

His self-confidence began to crumble.

Although Lu Xiaoyun next to her is blaming her brother for being reckless, it's hard to talk about him now. Instead, she has to persuade her with good words. Don't be beaten down, it will be troublesome.

"Brother, there were a lot of things going on yesterday, and I didn't have time to tell you, so I made my own decision and attached to Master Lin Jian. Don't listen to nonsense from outsiders. Master Lin Jian has real talents and real learning. You know his pet, and you can see what it looks like now." Lu Xiaoyun summoned her pet, the red fox, and let Lu Yunhe see it.

Lu Yunhe glanced at it, and immediately lost his voice: "Second-level? What's the matter, when did the red fox advance? Isn't it impossible to advance within a year? Could it be that it is..."

Thinking of something, Lu Yunhe's expression changed.

Lu Xiaoyun nodded, then pulled her brother aside and slowly told what happened.

The farce in the hall just now came and ended quickly, and Zhao Ying blocked the broken door frame with a curtain in time, so the people outside had no idea what was going on inside.

At the door, Zhang He, who was hiding in the crowd, looked puzzled.

He only saw the angry Lu Yunhe breaking into the door with the lion beast pet, and then, there was no more.

He couldn't see what was going on inside, there was a lot of noise around, and he couldn't hear what was going on inside.

However, Zhang He felt that Lin Jin would definitely not be able to eat and walk around this time.

"I don't know what kind of virtue I have, but I'm actually courting death, trying to pry at the corner, and it's a trainee under the name of a high-jian master. Isn't this courting death? Lin Jin, a high-jian master can play you to death. "

Zhang He was still thinking at this time.

In his opinion, it is normal that there is no movement inside. Who is Lu Yunhe?

That was one of the best in the younger generation of the monks association. Against Lin Jin, the winner should have been decided in the blink of an eye. Maybe Lin Jin had already been knocked out.

It's a pity that I don't know who is hanging the curtain, so I can't see inside.

He didn't dare to go in either, if he collided with Lu Yunhe, it would be bad.

After waiting for a long time, someone came out.

It was Lu Yunhe.

It's just that at this moment, Lu Yunhe obviously doesn't have the anger he had before, and the whole person looks a lot more peaceful. His pet shrugged his head and followed.

Lu Xiaoyun also came out.

"Haha, it must be Lu Yunhe who pulled his sister away, and is going to seek an apology from Master Gao Jian. Lin Jin, Lin Jin, I'll see how you will look up in the future."

Zhang He excitedly patted his thigh.

It was just Lu Yunhe's next performance that made him very puzzled.

"Sister, I was the one who was reckless before. You also know my character. I was tricked by someone with a letter, which almost caused a catastrophe. Unfortunately, Lin Jianshi took a nap, so it's hard to disturb him. When he wakes up, You must talk to him, just say another day, I will invite him to dinner." Lu Yunhe said softly.

Although the sound was not loud, Zhang He also heard seven, seven, and eight.


It's not good to disturb Lin Jin's sleep?

Do you want to invite him to dinner another day?

Is this Lu Yunhe not awake and talking nonsense?

Zhang Hezhen rushed up to ask what was going on.

Lu Xiaoyun nodded: "Brother, it's alright, Lin Jianshi is not that small, so don't believe those rumors in the future."

Lu Yunhe looked embarrassed, and then remembered something: "By the way, I broke this door. I will find a craftsman to repair it in a while, and I will pay for the cost. Besides, there is something, sister, you have to help me."

"What's up?"

"Lu Ba, I want to give Lin Jianshi time to show Lu Ba..."

Hearing this, Zhang He felt that he had a bad day today. At noon, Lin Jin made a big fuss in Hongyun Building. Not only was it okay, but he also made friends with Chef Liao.

In the afternoon, I thought that Lu Yunhe could teach Lin Jin a lesson and relieve himself, but this was the result.

Zhang He was at a loss for a moment.

Over there, Lu Xiaoyun agreed. It's not just a beast, just register. Now, she can almost feel Lin Jin's temperament.

At this time, Lu Yunhe whispered again: "Sister, tell me the truth, is that fire wolf beast of Lin Jianshi... third-order?"

Lu Xiaoyun really didn't know: "Lin Jianshi didn't say it, but my red fox and Zhao Ying's pangolin are helpless together. I think, even if not, it's very close."

Hearing this, Lu Yunhe took a deep breath and clenched his fists, his eyes shining brightly.

He is a monk, cultivating the realm of blood deeds, but the rank of beast pet is the real key. In order to find a way to advance his beast pet, he is willing to give anything.

But even so, it is extremely difficult to advance from the second rank to the third rank. Even in the cultivator association of Hongye City, the third rank beast pet is very rare.

The third-order beast pet, just thinking about it, makes people yearn for it.

Although he didn't get a definite answer, Lu Yunhe had a feeling that the fire wolf beast that knocked his lion beast down with just one claws was definitely not only second-order, it was very likely that it could reach third-order.

Lin tried his best to make his own beast pet into Tier 3, and there must be a way to help his pet pet advance.

Thinking of this, Lu Yunhe was frightened for a while.

I actually ran to trouble others stupidly. Fortunately, it didn't cause a big disaster. Otherwise, I would not dare to think about the consequences.

At the same time, he had higher expectations in his heart, and he made up his mind to find an opportunity to let Master Lin Jian help him identify beasts.

"I can't do it today, tomorrow, I'll come to register!"

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