The Animal Appraiser Association, the hall of Gao Jiang Appraiser.


Gao Jiang sat up from his chair and said to Zhang He who came to report the letter: "What are you saying is true? Lu Yunhe can't do anything about that Lin Jin?"

"It's absolutely true, I saw it with my own eyes!" Zhang He stood on the opposite side and assured: "Master Gao Jian, I also feel puzzled. Originally, Lu Yunhe was aggressive and kicked Lin Jin's hall door with one foot, but he didn't know where he was later. What was going on inside, his attitude changed drastically when he came out, not only did he not bother with Lin Jin again, but he also took a sip of Lin Jianshi, I am also puzzled by this matter."

Gao Jiang pondered for a while, then waved his hand: "It's nothing, Lu Yunhe is impulsive and has no brains. It is estimated that he was blinded by Lin Jin's rhetoric, but after all, rhetoric can't compare to real talent, and he will reveal his secrets sooner or later. "

Zhang He felt that something was wrong, but he didn't dare to say anything more.

"Zhang He, you used to rely on Lin Jin's name before, and you know his abilities best. If he has real talent and practical knowledge, you can't change the family, right?" After Gao Jiang finished speaking, Zhang He nodded hurriedly, repeatedly saying yes, It may be this sentence that makes him regain his confidence.

He used to be Lin Jin's most trusted person. He was always by his side, and of course he knew each other's abilities.

Simply put, it's a mess, there's no doubt about that.

"President Wang has already submitted the document for revoking Lin Jin's official qualification as a beast appraiser to the general meeting, and there should be a result soon. At that time, Lin Jin, the black sheep, can only get out of the way." Zhang He said at this time. .

Gao Jiang's eyes lit up, the news was obviously top secret, if that's the case, then Lin Jin's days are really numbered.

At this time, the sound of footsteps outside came in a hurry.

"Master Gao Jiang, President Wang Ji is looking for you in a hurry."


In the Beast Appraiser Association, in the hall of the president, Wang Ji with a moustache was chatting with an old man.

"Manager Zuo, you are the same hero as you were in the past. Now you are more valued by the city lord. If the city lord is promoted in the future, you will definitely be able to soar."

Wang Ji attached great importance to the old man.

The other party was called Zuo Wentang, who was a lieutenant colonel in the early years, and later became the chief butler of the city lord of Hongye City.

In this red leaf city, it can be said that one person is below ten thousand people.

Zuo Wentang squatted a big colorful tiger, even if he was squatting, it was almost as tall as a person, and he definitely had the power of the king of beasts.

"By President Wang Jiyan, I rushed to visit today because the city lord dug up some beast eggs that had been buried for hundreds of years in a historic site this morning. These need to be identified by President Wang. After all, you are this experts in the field.”

Although Zuo Wentang is old, he is full of energy and has a strong momentum.

What he said was the dozen or so eggs in front of him at the moment.

The eggs vary in size, the big one is comparable to a winter melon, the small one is the size of a fist, and when illuminated with light, you can vaguely see the liquid flowing inside.

Obviously, this egg is still alive.

The blood contract method in this world, if the blood contract is added before the pet has hatched, the blood contract level and the potential of the beast pet will be improved.

But obviously, the premise is that the animal pet must be identified first.

Some people will say that the eggs of different pets must be different in appearance. Judging from the appearance and some details, this is true, but the problem is that these are not ordinary eggs.

As the president of the Hongye City Beast Appraisal Association, Wang Ji certainly has some knowledge, and he said at this time: "There is a cloud in the beast book, take the five elements of Hongmeng Qi, and even the yin to yang magic spell, with the eggs of monsters, you can get the Primordial Beast Eggs, their shapes are different, it is difficult to see inside them, they absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, gather the essence of the sun and the moon, and combine the true energy of the five elements... Chief Zuo, you have given me a problem."

The mouth is crepe crepe, in fact Wang Ji is scolding mother in his heart.

It's extremely difficult to identify this kind of primordial beast egg. It's not that your surname is Zuo who doesn't know it. You even brought it to me to identify it. How can I identify it? Isn't this difficult for a strong man.

But he couldn't say this, the other party represented the city lord of Hongye City.

Zuo Wentang is also a human being, and he laughed: "It's because it's difficult, so I can only come to you, President Wang. You must know that this batch of Hunyuan beast eggs is not exclusive to the city lord, and the prince will live his life in a few days. , Lord City Lord intends to use this as a congratulatory gift, but it can't be sent just like this, if there is a book, it will be precious."

I directly pointed out the importance of this matter, and said it very clearly. I knew it was difficult, so I came to you. Who made you the president of the Hongye City Beast Appraiser Association.

Wang Ji laughed, his heart hastily.

But he still stood up and went to check it. He felt that maybe he could see some clues. Naturally, he also used the beast talisman, opened his spiritual eyes, and even took out a special magic weapon for exploring beast pets.

After tinkering for a long time, Wang Ji saw sweat on his head.

When Zuo Wentang saw it, he knew that this matter was indeed not that easy, but he still had business to do, so it was impossible to accompany Wang Ji for appraisal all the time.

"President Wang, these eleven Primordial Primordial Beast Eggs will be left here first. I will come to pick them up tomorrow morning. By then, I will get a result no matter what, please." Ji's curse words in his heart doubled.

There was no way to send Zuo Wentang away, and Wang Ji suspends the diagnosis and examination of the beast. After all, this matter is obviously more important.

But he found that his knowledge was simply not enough to accomplish this.

After wiping his sweat, Wang Ji asked Gao Jiang to be called immediately. He thought very simply, even if he was to blame, he couldn't be alone.

So, Gao Jiang was called over in a hurry.

After figuring out what was going on, Gao Jiang scolded an old bastard in his heart.

This is simply a hot potato. Who doesn't know that Primordial Primordial Beast Eggs are the most difficult to identify, and the time is still so tight. I'll come and pick them up tomorrow. Isn't this a joke?

But there is no way, Wang Ji dragged him in, he definitely couldn't shirk, after all, he was the official beast appraiser of the association.

"Go, get the manifest spiritual water!"

"Bring the soul mirror too, be careful."

Wang Ji and Gao Jiang did not dare to neglect, the two of them summed up, it is extremely difficult to complete the beast identification this time, and they can only do their best and do their best.

They have some very precious animal identification materials and instruments in their hands.

Let’s just say that manifest spiritual water, this material is a thousand pieces of gold, and Gao Jiang has a tiny bit in his hand. This time, he had to use it. The soul mirror is Wang Ji's most precious instrument.

This thing is worth nothing.

It was a magic tool that his mentor gave him many years ago, a small mirror that can reflect the essence, and is very useful in the aspect of beast detection.

Everything was taken, and the two discussed and identified.

But they didn't identify two of the eleven eggs until it was dark.

So, already tired enough, sweating profusely.

Undoubtedly, even if the two of them didn't eat or drink, it was impossible to identify the remaining nine Primordial Beast Eggs before dawn tomorrow.

This thing must be messed up.

Although the city lord's mansion will not do anything because of this incident, it will definitely make the city lord unhappy, and the city lord of Hongye City can talk to the general meeting, so Wang Ji is in a mood at this time. very bad.

"President, there is no way to force this matter. As long as it's a beast appraiser, who doesn't know that Primordial Primordial Beast Eggs are difficult to identify. It takes time and experience. It is very difficult for us to identify two, at least not without Hand in blank." Gao Jiang comforted him at this time.

Anyway, even if this matter is broken, it will be your President Wang's cauldron.

Wang Ji wiped the sweat from his forehead, and his face was not good-looking: "Although I said that, the matter is not done after all, even if you are more firm, it will look good on the face. By the way, I will take this two shares. On the book of beast identification, sign my name and your name."

Gao Jiang scolded secretly, if this was a mistake, he would have to bear the blame.

But in the same way, if the identification is correct, then he can also enjoy this honor.

But Rongguang or something is impossible now. After all, out of eleven Primordial Primordial Beast Eggs, only two were identified. It would be a bit embarrassing anyway.

"In short, don't ask for merit, but ask for no fault." Gao Jiang said, and then he looked at the remaining unidentified Primordial Beast Egg and said: "Then what should I do with these? If there is no appraisal book, some are unreasonable. "

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