The Museum of Beasts (Museum of Deadly Beasts)

Chapter 395: The Method of Reshaping Spiritual Roots

Lin Jin hurriedly let Tan Xun come in.

"Lin Jianshi is still in the habit of living?" Tan Xun asked with a smile, Lin Jin nodded, although the guest house of the Appraisal Association is not as good as his house in Hongye City, it is not bad, compared to His previous Xiaopoyuan was much stronger. Besides, it was only a temporary settlement, so Lin Jin didn't pay much attention to it.

He could see that Tan Xun must have something to say.

"Tan Jianshi, why don't we have a drink?" Lin Jin took out the pot of old wine from the food box and asked, but Tan Xun didn't refuse and nodded.

When Tan Xun came this time, something really happened.

In fact, not only him, but also another three-ring appraiser, Chu Chenghe, who also planned to come, but after all, Chu Chenghe and Lin Jin had nothing to do with each other before, so he was embarrassed to come, but he entrusted Tan Xun. Be sure to ask Lin Jin how to 'reshape the spiritual roots' for the three first-order dogs and beasts.

Tan Xun and Chu Chenghe have been discussing this matter all afternoon.

At the celebration, when Lin Jin advanced the five beast pets, ordinary people thought that it was the most difficult to upgrade from the second rank to the third rank, so most people's eyes and attention were on the two beasts who were promoted to the third rank. .

But from the insiders like Tan Xun and Chu Chenghe, the three first-order dogs and beasts were the ones who really shocked everyone this time.

Chu Chenghe and Tan Xun have already discussed, the three first-order dogs and beasts before can be said to be the most common kind of beast pets without any possibility of advancement.

And the attributes are different, either it is messy, there is no prominent main attribute, or the attributes are missing, or the spiritual veins are damaged, and there is no hope for advancement.

These three "superior products", if any one is taken out, they can stun a second-ring appraiser, and a first-ring appraiser, and they can't even find the way.

It's not that Tan Xun and Chu Chenghe are boasting, it's a fact. The basic situation of the three dogs and beasts can be seen by Yihuan Appraisers. Can't even think of a way.

The second ring appraiser may be able to, but it is also laborious, and there is still a distance of 108,000 miles to come up with a method and whether it can be implemented. Of course, in the realm of three-ring appraisers like Tan Xun and Chu Chenghe, even with this kind of 'superior', they can find out how to advance, and it's actually not difficult if they really want to advance.

However, the advanced methods are also divided into high and low. In that case, for fast and safe advancement, you can only choose the most common advanced method, and there may be drawbacks, which is also a helpless thing.

But Lin Jin has achieved what is called the most difficult 'advanced method' in the appraiser circle.

Reshape the root.

This word may not be heard by some Yihuan appraisers, or it is a high-end technique. To put it simply, it is to reshape the animal pet spiritual roots that were originally inferior attributes and aptitudes through some means. For example, if it is a class of attributes and there is no outstanding attribute, it is impossible to advance in this case, then, just Reshape the spiritual root, and recast the messy attributes into a new five-element attribute as if smelting.

To do this, one must reshape the spiritual roots.

This method is easy to say, but if you really sit up, it will be more difficult. Three-ring appraisers like Tan Xun and Chu Chenghe have been exploring the essentials of reshaping the spiritual root technique over the years, but they have no way of doing it. Accidental success is also true It took a long time and medicine pills, the effect is not necessarily good.

But today, Tan Xun was shocked to discover that Lin Jin was actually reshaping the three first-order inferior dogs at the same time.

That shot must contain supreme techniques and means.

As a person who has been immersed in the field of appraisers all his life, is there anything more attractive than this?


Just like prostitutes greedy for sex and thieves greedy for money, Tan Xun and Chu Chenghe are greedy for this technique of reshaping their spiritual roots, especially after they carefully probed the three dogs and beasts that had already reached their realm, and found that the three dogs and beasts were no longer in the realm. Furthermore, the inferior roots, although it is not comparable to those beasts with huge potential and tyrannical bloodlines, but compared to before, it is like reborn.

The difficulty of doing this is much more difficult than the promotion of two Tier 3 beast pets by colleagues.

So here comes Tan Xun.

He came to ask Lin Jin today, at least to find out how Lin Jin did it.

At the same time, outside, Chu Chenghe was walking back and forth, waiting anxiously, looking around from time to time.

In the house, the wine has been poured, and Lin Jin and Tan Xun clink glasses and drink together.

Wangcheng old wine is at least ten years old, and some are twenty years old. The 30-year old altar is unsealed, just like this pot, it is twenty years old.

Good wine can be reflected in the aroma and sweetness after entering the throat.

Although Lin Jin is not greedy for cups, he also understands wine.

Today's meal is probably worth a lot of money, and appraiser Tan Xun must have something to ask for.

"Master Lin Jian, today you can take the five beasts to the advanced level with a single shot. This method is really amazing." Tan Xun first praised, and at the same time brought the topic to this.

Lin Jin smiled: "The trick of carving insects is not worth mentioning."

"Lin Jianshi, you are too modest!" Tan Xun hurriedly said: "It's me, but I can't do it. From what I see, Lin Jianshi's skill level can enter the fourth ring."

Lin Jin was taken aback.

If someone else said this, it would mean more compliments, but Tan Xun was different. Tan Xun said this, it must have been enlightened and sincere.

"Master Lin Jian's skills are highly skilled. Tan Xun sighs that he is not as good. This time I came here to ask for advice. I also ask Master Lin Jian to give me some advice." Tan Xun raised his glass and drank it.

He has an attitude, and Tan Xun has no intention of relying on his qualifications at all, which is commendable.

Lin Jin also drank a cup: "Tan Jianshi, but it's okay to ask, Lin Jin can tell everything he has learned."

Tan Xun was so happy that he asked Lin Jin how to reshape his spiritual roots in one shot. This was the method he cared about most and wanted to explore the most.

At this moment, Lin Jin raised his hand and patted the table, and in an instant, a silver needle fell through the wood and was nailed to the ground.

Tan Xun's eyes widened when he saw it.

"Although it only seemed to be a casual shot at the time, it contained a variety of techniques, one of which was the technique of penetrating the body with silver needles and applying inner needles."

Lin Jin said frankly that Tan Xun had seen Lin Jin perform internal acupuncture, and knew that Lin Jin's acupuncture skills were superb, but he did not expect it to be so high.

At this time, Lin Jin continued: "Inner needle method, pierce its spiritual pivot point, gather the fire spirit energy, refine the fire that has not healed, the fire that has not healed will not hurt the internal organs, only recast the spiritual veins, and will naturally advance after refining. Yes, but it is also because I am the most proficient in using fire, so I forcibly converted those three dogs and beasts into fire."

Tan Xun suddenly realized, even though Lin Jin said something very simple, a few words, but the means contained in it can be described as complex and profound, a little wrong step, the result will be greatly different.

And the skills hidden here are also very important. After all, the method is the same, but because the individual is different, the severity of the technique is completely different, and some may need some unique adjustments. Likewise, if any detail is wrong, it will not succeed.

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