The Museum of Beasts (Museum of Deadly Beasts)

Chapter 411: Avenging You For Your Teacher

After seeing clearly that it was the three-ringed animal-patterned sleeve, the King City Lord's heart skipped a beat.

As the lord of a city, how could he not know what the three-ringed animal sleeves represented. There is also a branch of animal appraisers in Weicheng under his jurisdiction, but there is no Sanhuan appraiser.

"It's just nonsense."

At this time, Shen Ruyuan was angry.

If the other party doesn't pay attention to etiquette and doesn't take himself seriously, that's fine. Anyway, Shen Ruyuan has a very high level of support.

But the man jumped off suddenly, and that's not going to work.

For the situation here, he was fully responsible under the order of the general. Although it was roughly certain that the monster shot down by the Daluo Temple monk should surely die, there were also accidents.

He was originally ordered to come here, mobilize manpower, and plan to fill the hole, but he actually encountered a stupefied young man and jumped down.

Although Shen Ruyuan doesn't care about the life of the other party, whether it is life or death, the question is, doesn't it mean that he has no control over this matter?

How does Shangguan see him?

At the moment, Shen Ruyuan also jumped down, intending to catch the other party out.

"Rude, I will see you later." Shen Ruyuan is also a member of the Zhenguo Division, and is one of the few existences in the Yulong Kingdom who has a fourth-order beast pet.

Naturally, he is also excellent in means and full of self-confidence.

Ten feet in depth, Shen Ruyuan just borrowed strength and fell below.

The boulders below are twisted, and the soil and rocks are broken, but there are also many huge gaps that stretch down, and I don't know what's underneath.

But this further shows that the kid who suddenly disappeared before must have burrowed into a crack.

There are cracks that are four or five feet wide, and it is definitely not a problem for a person to go down.

Shen Ruyuan looked at the place where the kid disappeared before, and sure enough, there was a downward gap in front of him. Shen Ruyuan scolded and jumped down.

If he wants to arrest people, he must go down.

However, after going down, I found that there is actually a cave below. There is actually a huge cavity, and it seems that it was formed naturally. It should be after the collapse of the place before, and then the underground cavity below was revealed. Only some gaps can come down.

However, this hole is not tortuous. Below is a space of several meters square. At this moment, the kid who jumped down before is holding something and is standing there.

Shen Ru's source anger didn't come out of nowhere.

"Stinky boy, how can you come here in such a heavy place, get out of here quickly." While speaking, he stretched out his claws.

He used the grip of animal power.

He saw that there was a beast shadow surging on Shen Ruyuan's body. This was his beast pet, sealed in the body with the power of the second volume of the Beast King. In this way, Shen Ruyuan's power was ten times stronger than ordinary people.

But this time, without grabbing it, he was knocked away by an invisible force.

Shen Ruyuan took a few steps back before stabilizing his body.

At the same time, his heart was already filled with horror.

"Who are you, kid?"

Shen Ruyuan didn't dare to be careless at this moment. In normal situations, using the Beastmaster Volume II is enough, but in this situation, he can only release beast pets.

"Golden Armored Bear, come out for me!"

Shen Ruyuan didn't say a word, pinched a magic formula, the shadow of the beast on his body immediately turned into a virtual reality, and then a huge golden-armored bear beast was about to come out.

But the beast had just exposed half of its body, when Lin Jin gently stretched out his hand and pressed it in the air.

"Go back to me!"

With just these four words of lightness and air, plus a press in the air, the ferocious golden-armored bear beast was actually real, and was pressed back into Shen Ruyuan's body by an invisible force.

The Beastmaster Volume II, which was to be broken, was also stabilized again, and it was also reinforced a lot.

This time, Shen Ruyuan was immediately stunned.

He widened his eyes, looked at the scene in disbelief, and stammered: "You, this, this, me, me..."

After saying a few words, I was stunned that I couldn't say a complete sentence. I really don't blame him. This is the first time Shen Ruyuan has encountered this scene, and there are still people who can press the beast pet he is about to break out of. go back.

Who is this to reason with?

Never encountered a similar situation.

Just when Shen Ruyuan was at a loss, and his heart was already very timid, Lin Jin finally said: "This gentleman is polite, Lin Jin just jumped down without saying hello because of the urgent situation, it is indeed a bit reckless. Mr. Ask me who I am, and introduce myself, my name is Lin Jin, and I am the president of the Red Leaf City Appraiser Branch."

"Lin Jin?"

Shen Ruyuan was stunned when he heard the name.

Although his Tie Yu Army was not stationed in Wangcheng, but guarded the south, he also knew a lot of what happened in Wangcheng.

Yesterday's Jade Dragon Festival celebration, the commander-in-chief of the Tie Yu Army went to Wangcheng to participate in the celebration. After returning that night, he said something to Shen Ruyuan.

His Majesty the Emperor personally appointed Lin Jin as the first appraiser of Jade Dragon, and General Tie Yu also witnessed the scene when Lin Jin advanced the five beast pets selected by lottery, and he was shocked.

When he came back and talked to Shen Ruyuan, he also admired that Lin Jianshi.

Could it be that the person in front of him is the first appraiser of Yulong?

Can't go wrong.

Shen Ruyuan instantly confirmed this matter. If it weren't for the first appraiser of Yulong, who could press the beast pet that he was about to break out of?

This time, Shen Ruyuan's attitude made a 180-degree turn.

Seeing him smile, he took a step forward and bowed his hands: "It turned out to be Shi Lin Jian, I am disrespectful, I am Shen Ruyuan, who joined the army under the lead of the Tie Yu Army, and I am lucky to meet Lin Jian today. "

Although Shen Ruyuan was arrogant, it was towards the people below. The person he recognized most was his strength. There was no doubt that Lin Jin was a powerful person.

The other party is not only a popular person in front of His Majesty, but also a member of the Zhenguo Division. This kind of person must not be offended, and he must try his best to befriend him.

Lin Jin nodded at Shen Ruyuan at the moment: "Sir Shen, I need your help with something."

Shen Ruyuan immediately said: "Master Lin Jian is polite, if you have anything to say, Shen will definitely do it."

At this time, Lin Jin looked at the thing he was holding in his arms, and then said, "I'm bothering Lord Shen to help Lin protect the Dharma for a day outside this pit, and don't let anyone step in during this period."

Shen Ruyuan could already see clearly at this moment. Lin Jin was holding the little fox in his arms, but the little fox seemed to be unconscious at the moment, and he didn't know whether it was dead or alive. And the little fox's tail is fluffy, and it looks like there are more than one.

Thinking of the rumors here, Shen Ruyuan had some guesses, but with Lin Jin around, he would not ask for trouble, and immediately said: "This is a small matter, Lin Jianshi, don't worry, Shen is here to protect the law, let alone a day, Even three or five days will be fine.”

Lin Jin nodded in thanks, and only then did Shen Ruyuan leave.

When he got outside, Shen Ruyuan returned to his original arrogance, jumped on the wall of the pit and said to Wang Yuanqiao and others, "City Lord Wang, it's all right, that person was a friend of Shen just now."

Wang Yuanqiao is not a fool, he doesn't believe it, but he certainly can't expose the lies of the other party. In this officialdom, when it's time to be confused, you have to be confused.

"It turned out to be a friend of Lord Shen, then it's fine." Wang Yuanqiao also looked relaxed, and didn't mention the other person's trespassing here.

"City Lord Wang can go back first. I'll stay here and wait for my friends to come out to reminisce, so I won't take up City Lord Wang's time." Shen Ruyuan began to drive people away.

He did not intend to let others share this opportunity to make friends with Lin Jianshi.

Just when City Lord Wang and others left with suspicion and helplessness, under the pothole, Lin Jin touched the head of the fox in his arms and said, "Jian'er, I will avenge you for the teacher."

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