Lin Jin also inadvertently saw that it was mainly because he felt a tyrannical beast aura from the man in white. Obviously, the other party's cultivation of the Beastmaster was not bad.

In addition, Lin Jin saw the three-ringed animal-patterned sleeve on the other's sleeve.


Lin Jin's first reaction was like this, and then, he basically made sure of this.

Obviously, the knowledge of this three-ring appraiser is not comparable to that of an ordinary two-ring appraiser.

This code language uses the incomprehensible cooperation of fingers, palms, wrists and even elbows to convey different messages. If a skilled person uses code language, it is no different from normal conversation.

Obviously, Jiang Fengfeng used this method to cheat.

At this moment, she got enough information, but with a smug look on her face, she glanced at Tan Lin who was thinking hard over there, and started writing with a sneer.

Seeing this, Lin Jin shook his head.

If so, then Tan Lin can't win.

No matter how powerful she is, she can't compare to the combined efforts of the two of them, but she is clearly trying to judge the beast, but the other party is cheating, which is a shameful method, which is really not on the table.

Tan Lin was so focused that she didn't notice it at all.

Lin Jin thought about it for a while and decided to help her. Although Lin Jin couldn't touch the feather hanging in the air now, with Lin Jin's knowledge of animal identification, he could see a lot of things just by visual inspection.

At least it is much stronger than the three-ring appraiser who helped Jiang Fengfeng cheat.

After all, there is a beast museum behind Lin Jin, and his long-term practice has brought Lin Jin's own animal identification skills to a very high level. Lin Jin had already seen the general origin of He Feather just now. Ordinary people would think that feathers and the like belong to birds, but this is not the case. It also depends on the specific conditions of the feathers.

Just like this feather, the stem is thick, long and tough. Although the feather spikes are colorful, the color arrangement is very particular. You must know that the colors on the beasts are not random.

Looking closely, the feathers are hollow, more like some kind of hard and flexible bone, which is very different from ordinary birds and beasts. Although the distance cannot be touched, and the weight is not known at will, Lin Jin speculated that the weight of the feathers is not large. light.

From this point of view, nine times out of ten it is not the feather of a bird.

It happened that in the Lin Jin Museum, there were similar beasts with similar feathers. After a little comparison, Lin Jin came to a conclusion.

Although this conclusion may not be correct, it is definitely the closest. At least Lin Jin is confident that it will be more accurate than that white-robed three-ring appraiser.

The next step is how to pass it on to Tan Lin.

If the other party cheated, Tan Lin could of course.

Lin Jin thought of a technique, which in ancient times was called "transmission of sound into secrets". This was when Lin Jin lived in Daluo Temple for three days and heard what the abbot of Daluo Temple said. Daluo Temple has been inherited for thousands of years, and the There are quite a lot of exercises and martial arts, magic techniques and magical powers, and this sound transmission is one of them.

At that time, Master Abbot talked about the principle, and Lin Jin also occasionally studied it later. To put it bluntly, this is a kind of magic technique.

Coincidentally, it was enough for Lin to do his best.

At this moment, he took a deep breath and saw where Tan Lin was, but opened his mouth gently, but even Li Xinqi, who was closest to him, couldn't hear Lin Jin at all.

But Tan Lin's side is different.

She had almost finished writing and was about to hand it in like this, but at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in her ear.

"Tan Lin, don't move when you hear what I said, I'm Lin Jin!"

Tan Lin was indeed startled, but she was also a person in a very good mood after all. Although she was horrified, at least she was able to suppress her cry or make any unnecessary movements.

She immediately looked up, and soon, in the crowd outside, she saw Lin Jin.

Obviously Tan Lin was extremely happy, and a little bit unbelievable. It is estimated that she did not expect to meet each other here.

Over there, Lin Jin nodded, and then voiced over and told Tan Lin of the current situation.

Hearing that Jiang Fengfeng was cheating, Tan Lin was of course extremely angry.

"She actually did such a thing in order to beat me." Tan Lin's first reaction was to report the other party, but Lin Jin's voice came over at this time.

"Don't think about reporting anything. They use code words. If you can't get the evidence, you may be bitten back by them." Lin Jin's words made Tan Lin calm down again.


Then Jiang Fengfeng dared to cheat in this place, he must have thought of a countermeasure, and it is indeed difficult to catch the current method of secret words. In addition, Jiang Fengfeng himself is not ordinary. Right in Tianxuan City, it is very powerful.

It is said that there must be a lot of people on her side in the crowd watching. If you report it without any seriousness, the possibility of being bitten by the other party is almost inevitable.

This time Tan Lin was a little desperate. She was confident in herself. If she only competed with Jiang Fengfeng, she would have the upper hand, but if Jiang Fengfeng cheated, it would be different.

At this moment, Lin Jin's voice made Tan Lin's heart skip a beat.

"She can cheat, and so can you."


Tan Lin secretly thought in her heart, since this competition is already unfair, there is no need to abide by the so-called rules. Just like what Lin Jin said, Jiang Fengfeng can cheat, why can't she?

But the problem came again, I wasn't prepared, I couldn't do it if I wanted to cheat.

Almost at the same time that Tan Lin was worried, Lin Jin's voice came again.

"Five-colored feathers, look at their stems, hollow and tough as bones, feather roots as long as chopsticks, feather spikes heavy, and feathers of flying birds and fowls. Xinjiang wood-type Xunlong beasts have five-colored crown feathers, and the arrangement changes with the age of the beasts. According to the current order, this feather should be owned by a wood-type Xunlong beast that has reached the age of 70 in the southern state. Now, this is a male, and the female dragon beast is bald and has no hair!"

After Lin Jin's voice finished speaking, Tan Lin was stunned for a moment, and then she reacted.

This is Lin Jin helping her.

help her cheat.

Although Tan Lin doesn't like cheating, but in this situation, she can only do it.

It was the result of Lin Jin's appraisal, which was very different from hers.

What she had written before was to locate the feathers of a special kind of bird, the feathers of a large bird monster that lives in the Mid-States. It is indeed very difficult to determine the source with just one feather. After all, there are too many beasts in the world with feathers, and what she wrote is also the result of careful consideration.

It's just that she chose to trust Lin Jin almost without hesitation.

Just because she knew very well that Lin Jin was much better than her in detecting beasts.

At the moment, Tan Lin was a little nervous about revising the book and rewriting it. She was also cheating for the first time, so she was a little nervous, but when it came to cheating methods, it was obvious that Lin Jin's trick was more secretive.

By the way, how did Lin Jin's voice come from?

Why can't others hear?

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