Maybe he heard his companion muttering to himself, and another playboy said directly: "It's not bad, he is better than my teacher who has been a teacher."

This is the truth.

Everyone knows that what is taught in general public classes is a bit simple and not profound. Really profound things are generally regarded as treasures and will be taught to their disciples.

Therefore, there are few top students in open classes.

This is already an open secret of the academy.

But today's class has directly subverted this rule. Anyway, these gangsters have long forgotten their previous dissatisfaction and anger at this moment, and now they are more serious than anyone else.

Don't look at this group of people who are lazy on weekdays and seem to be inexperienced, but in fact many of them are top students of the academy, and they are skilled animal appraisers.

After all, the education they have received since childhood is top-notch, and dandy is just a cover-up for them. In essence, they are the elites among the elites.

Therefore, it is easiest for elites to see who is capable and who is not.

Of course, to become a teacher of the academy, everyone has the ability, so the judgment becomes, who has more ability and who has less ability.

There is no doubt that this teacher Lin is very capable.

Elites have always been arrogant and have a sense of superiority that comes from their bones, especially those of noble birth, but also, most elites are very rational, and they believe in the principle of respecting the strong.

In the circle of beast appraisers, whoever has a wide range of knowledge and a high skill can gain respect.

In this class, Lin Jin relied on his real knowledge of beast-watching to completely conquer this group of playboys and dignitaries. They were dissatisfied at the beginning, then shocked, and then listened to the class like fascinated. Worship and reverence below.

There was also a small interlude during this period.

Halfway through the talk, Lin Jin saw another person walk in outside.

This person is a green-clothed girl, because it is very far away, so she can't really see it, but what is certain is that this green-clothed girl is definitely a national beauty.

After she came in, she sat in the back corner and listened quietly.

Lin Jin just glanced at it and stopped paying attention.

After all, there are a lot of students in the academy, and this one should be a late student, but Lin Jin didn't punish him. In the first class, he wasn't too demanding, as long as he could come to the class, it would be fine.

But next time, Lin Jin will have to ask. If he encounters this kind of lateness again, he will definitely not be polite. At least he can't let them come in and sit down to listen to the class. He should just drive out.

Only then can rules be established.

Lin Jin didn't want his classroom to become a vegetable market in the future.

After the girl in green came, she didn't say a word, and listened to the class very seriously, so Lin Jin didn't say much. By the time this class was finished, almost all the students present were still unsure.

"Teacher Lin, can you tell me more? There are still some things I don't understand about the beast identification technique." Li Xinqi took the initiative to speak at this time.

She opened a hole, and the other playboys also hurriedly asked questions.

"Mr. Lin, I also have something that I don't understand."

"And I!"

Although there are not many students below, the classroom atmosphere is quite active at the moment, everyone is eager to try, but Lin Jin waved his hand: "I have talked a lot just now, although it is some basic skills and knowledge, but to fully understand it also needs to go on. Think carefully and practice, I will write down your questions, but I will not answer them in this class. After you go down, you must learn to think and solve problems by yourself. In the next class, you will tell your thoughts and I will judge.”

Obviously, this method is also very novel, and it arouses everyone's desire to express and explore.

After finishing speaking, Lin Jin said directly: "Okay, get out of class is over!"

This time, all the students present immediately looked solemn, stood up and saluted respectfully.

This is the rule.

Obviously those present, including those pretentious playboys before, all bowed respectfully at this moment, and there was no dissatisfaction.

Lin Jin returned the salute, and was about to leave.

It's just that Lin Jin looked up at this time, but unexpectedly found that one of the students below was missing.

The girl in green.

Lin Jin didn't even notice when the other party left.

This made Lin Jin very surprised. After all, his current cultivation and perception ability were already different from those of ordinary people. It was impossible for him not to know that someone came in and out.

Out of curiosity, Lin Jin asked directly, "Wait a second."

The students below immediately stood still and respectfully asked, "Is there something wrong with Teacher Lin?"

"Did you see a female student in green just now? When did she leave?" Lin Jin felt that if he hadn't noticed, then the students below should have noticed.

After all, there are so many people.

But everyone's answer surprised Lin Jin.

No one saw the woman in green, not even more than 20 playboys, neither Tan Lin nor Li Xinqi, nor did the nerd named Fan Yuan.

This is strange.

Lin Jin frowned. Although he knew in his heart that this matter must be unusual, he did not continue to struggle with this matter, and he walked out.

Outside the hall, Wang Xin has been waiting there.

Obviously, according to the rules, there is no need for him to wait all the time, but Wang Xin just did it. There is no doubt that this can bring people a good impression.

Wang Xin was trying to curry favor with Lin Jin. Lin Jin could see this, and Lin Jin, who just arrived for the first time, also needed a helper who was familiar with the rules of the academy.

Wang Xin is undoubtedly a very good candidate. Let's not mention loyalty for the time being. Anyway, as long as the current interests are the same, there is no hatred, cooperation is not a problem at all, let alone making friends.

"Master Lin Jian, what you just said was really good, and even I was immersed in it." Wang Xin said, he meant to compliment him deliberately, but in fact he was sincere.

"Thank you!" After Lin Jin finished speaking, he asked Wang Xin if he had seen a female student in green just come in and out. In Lin Jin's opinion, this question must be answered.

Because the Lecture Hall is just such an entrance and exit, Wang Xin is guarding it here. No matter who comes in or out, he can see it at the first time.

"Girls in green?" Wang Xin was stunned, then shook his head: "No, no one came in or out just now."

"Are you sure?" Lin Jin's brows moved without expression. His first reaction was that Wang Xin was lying. How could he not see it, unless the other party knew how to hide his eyes like himself.


Lin Jin narrowed his eyes, and sure enough, Wang Xin nodded with certainty and said he didn't see it.

Obviously, Wang Xin has no reason to lie to himself. It's not a big deal. Since he said he didn't see it, he probably didn't see it.

Then this is only a guess. The green-clothed woman also knew something similar to blindfolding and deceived Wang Xin's eyes.

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