The Museum of Beasts (Museum of Deadly Beasts)

Chapter 499: The Small Method of Holding Things, Qiankun Ink

It could be seen that Shuxiaolou was interested in Lin Jin's exquisite acupuncture technique, and knew that it was not appropriate to ask for advice directly, so he proposed to use another technique instead.

Lin Jin was also a little moved.

The Pulse-seeking Needle Art is indeed a very remarkable method of imperial acupuncture, but Mr. Shu is a five-ring appraiser, and I believe that the technique he will come up with must be extraordinary.

At present, Lin Jin does not have many techniques, and the aura index is one type, and then there is the blood contract technique, the fire spirit possession, and the magic spell.

In addition, it is the technique of cloud and mist, the trick of blindfolding, the five-element edict, and the self-created technique of dragon fire.

Relatively speaking, in Lin Jin's current four-environment world, the number of techniques he has mastered is not large, but Lin Jin has always followed the fine line.

Mr. Shu is a five-ring appraiser, and Lin Jin is still looking forward to the techniques he can master.

"What spell is the book appraiser going to use in exchange?" Lin Jin immediately looked serious at this time, with a hint of hope in his eyes, the book appraiser over there thought about it, and then said: "I have a small trick to store things. , if Lin Jianshi likes it, you can exchange it."

A small method of accepting things?

Lin Jin's heart skipped a beat.

This technique of holding things is a very rare thing, and speaking of which, Lin Jin really needs it.

After all, he has more and more magical tools and magical treasures. It is quite inconvenient to carry these on his body. Now Lin Jin hides the silver needle in his sleeve, and the immortal binding rope is also wrapped around his wrist, or wrapped around it. Waist, if you want to bring other things, it will not work.

But if there is the art of accepting things, these situations can be solved.

Therefore, Lin Jin was moved.

But Lin Jin couldn't show it. This was considered an alternative business negotiation, and the other party couldn't see that he was in urgent need. Otherwise, there would not be many benefits in his hands.

Now that Mr. Shu took the initiative to ask for an exchange of techniques, it means that the other party is optimistic about the technique of imperial acupuncture, so Lin Jin felt that he could still pull some benefits.

Immediately, Lin Jin said with a smile: "Book appraiser, it's true, my method of imperial acupuncture is both offensive and defensive, and its greatest effect is to heal and repair, pierce acupoints with silver needles. Than."

The implication is that you have to pay more.

When Shuxiaolou heard this, he became more and more interested in Lin Jin's method of using a needle.

Lin Jin shook his head.

It is true that the book appraiser's beast identification skills are indeed superior to him, but he has a beast museum, given time, it is not difficult to surpass the other party.

Therefore, Lin Jin would not agree to this condition.

Shuxiaolou was a little anxious, he thought and thought, and finally a smile flashed in his eyes: "Lin Jianshi, look at this."

Saying that, he raised his hand and took out something.

Lin Jin was stunned when he stared at it.

In the hands of the book appraiser, there is actually a black bead at this moment. The black bead is very small, like an inky black pearl, but it is more rounded and extremely regular.

"What is this?" At first glance, Lin Jin couldn't see why, but since book appraisers are so inspiring, they shouldn't be ordinary things.

At this time, the book appraiser actually showed a look of pain: "This is my Qiankun ink. This ink is of great value, even if it is in my hands."

"What's the use?" When Lin Jin heard this, his curiosity was also hoisted.

"Look at this." The book appraiser reached out and grabbed Lin Jin's wrist. The next moment, there was a black surging under the feet of the two, and they disappeared instantly.

Lin Jin also only felt the changes in the surrounding light and shade. Looking at it again, he was no longer in his Peach Blossom Residence, but in an attic.

"Where is this?" Lin Jin looked familiar. Looking down, he could see the attic structure on the three floors below.

Jian Beast Pavilion.

This is actually the Jian Beast Pavilion.

Lin Jin was shocked.

It must be known that although his Peach Blossom Residence is not far from Jian Beast Pavilion, it is still hundreds of meters away. He can reach here in an instant. This is the first time Lin Jin has seen such magical powers.

"How, are you surprised?" There was a smug look on Shuxiaolou's face: "Qiankun ink is very useful. After you refine it in the future, you can use it to write the seal of storage, which is just a copper coin-sized mark, which can be deposited into a It is very convenient to store things in the house. In addition, you can use paintings to move them, even if you are thousands of miles away, or you can arrive in an instant, I will ask you, is this worth your needle-routing technique?"

Borrowing paintings to move?

Lin Jin reacted at this time, turned his head and found that he and the book appraiser were on the fourth floor of the Jian Beast Pavilion, and there were many paintings hanging here.

So, he and the book appraiser just moved over by borrowing paintings?

At this moment, Lin Jin noticed that a painting hanging on the wall was quite strange. The painting was like a room. There were also several paintings hanging in the house on this painting. One of them was blank and the second one was empty. , but it is clearly painted a green woman.

A little familiar.

At this moment, the book appraiser stretched out his hand and grabbed Lin Jin's wrist. He moved again, and he was already back in the Peach Blossom Residence.

Just as the two of them disappeared, a door was pushed open on the second floor of the Jian Beast Pavilion. Zhong Zifeng raised his head suspiciously and looked at the direction of the fourth floor.

In the end, he didn't see anything, and in the end he could only shake his head and return to the house.

Lin Jin once read in ancient books that cultivators can fly to the sky and escape thousands of miles in a flash. However, in Lin Jin's opinion, these are suspected of exaggerating, but this time I have really experienced it before I know that there may really be such magical powers in this world. means.

Do you want to change it?

of course yes.

The Pulse-Seeking Needle Technique is indeed important, but it is not as good as this movement technique. Strictly speaking, this time, Lin Jin took advantage.

Next is the key point, how to use this Qiankun ink.

"The seal of storage, I have a booklet, you can take a look at it, it's not difficult." Shuxiaolou took out a thin booklet from his sleeve and handed it to Lin Jin.

"As for the technique of moving using Qiankun ink, it's a little troublesome. You need to use Qiankun ink to draw a painting, condense it day and night, and send it to the painting. Only then can you borrow the painting to move." The Qiankun ink in his hand was placed on the table.

Lin Jin thought about it, this book appraiser must have hidden a painting in the Peach Blossom House, so that he could borrow it and move it over. Thinking about it again, there is indeed a painting hanging on the inner wall of the school room over there. Besides, there seems to be a painting in my study.

As for which one has a problem, Lin Jin will not pursue it now, the point is that this transaction is not a loss.

Lin Jin first took a look at the Seal of Containment. The book was only a few pages long, and he could read it quickly. With Lin Jin's understanding, it was not difficult to understand this little trick, but in the time of a cup of tea, Lin Jin had already figured it out. .

He glanced at Qian Kunmo on the table, and a silver needle flew out of his fingers. The silver needle was stained with Qiankun ink, and then he quickly embroidered a seal of acceptance on Lin Jin's sleeve.

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