The Museum of Beasts (Museum of Deadly Beasts)

Chapter 509: The Murderer Wasn't Yang Ming

Lin Jin also knew what happened in the academy from the mouth of Shuxiaolou. His attack was noticed by the six-eared and six-eyed beast of the academy, so he reported it to Mr. Zhong. He heard that Mr. Zhong brought a group of teachers from the academy to rescue him. Lin Jin also smiled slightly, feeling warm in his heart.

Also, Lin Jin also heard about Yang Ming.

Shuxiaolou was filled with righteous indignation and threatened to deal with Yang Ming, but Lin Jin stopped him. He returned to the academy to inquire and found out that Yang Ming was missing.

This time when Lin Jin came back, many teachers from the academy came to offer condolences together.

Lin Jin guessed that it was true for these teachers to condolences to himself, and it was true for them to come to curry favor with Shuxiaolou.

Mr. Zhong was the last to come. He asked a lot of details, and Lin Jin also answered them one by one. Of course, how to repel the sneak attack, Lin Jin did not tell the truth, only that it was Senior Shu who helped.

Later, I asked about the conflict between myself and Yang Ming.

It can be seen that now everyone in the academy is beginning to suspect Yang Ming. After all, this is a matter on the bright side. No matter who looks at it, Yang Ming's suspicion is the biggest.

No matter how high Yang Ming's status was before, this violated the rules of the academy and murdered the teachers of the academy, it was a big taboo.

When everyone left, Shuxiaolou saw that Lin Jin was silent, as if he was thinking, and thought he was worried, and immediately said: "Don't be afraid, I will live in your Peach Blossom Residence these few days, Yang Ming Ming can't do anything against you no matter how skilled he is, if he dares to come, I will tell him that he won't be able to leave."

As a result, Lin Jin shook his head: "The person who harmed me was not the appraiser Yang Ming!"

Shuxiaolou was taken aback.

Now all kinds of evidence have pointed to Yang Ming, the other party has motives, ability, and most importantly, he disappeared suddenly after the attack failed, and no one knows where he went.

This is already quite obvious.

But who would have thought that at this critical moment, Lin Jin would say with certainty that Yang Ming was not harming him.

"I really want to hear what you think." Shuxiaolou's hundreds of years of accumulation made her not lose her composure even if she was surprised. Her reaction was to directly move a small bench and sit there, dragging her cheeks. , with a look like you say I listen.

Lin Jin explained: "It's very simple. First, I did have a conflict with Yang Ming's appraiser, but this conflict will not rise to the level of fighting and killing. Second, Yang Ming's appraiser has never been to my Peach Blossom House. is the most important."

Having said that, Shuxiaolou also reacted.

She thought of the slap-sized jar.

It is now certain that someone put part of the blood of the ghost-blood beast in the jar and hid it in the Peach Blossom Residence. This jar is the key, because Lin Jin was kidnapped by the blood that came out of this jar. Below, it will be directly transferred to a certain enchantment.

The opponent's methods are extremely clever and difficult to detect.

So the question is, if Yang Ming is the black hand, he will come to the Peach Blossom House and secretly hide the jar in some kind of place, but Yang Ming has never been there from the beginning to the end.

Of course, it could be someone else, but Lin Jin knew very well that since he moved to Peach Blossom Residence, no one else has visited except a few good teachers.

And it is impossible to sneak into this place. After living here, Moyu Laolong has been arranged here, and he has never been out. With Moyu Laolong's perception ability, it can definitely detect who is in and who is out.

There are exceptions, like Shuxiaolou, Mo Yu Laolong can't find it, but Lin Jin will not doubt Shuxiaolou, if she wants to harm herself, it won't be so troublesome at all.

In other words, after he moved in, people who had been to Peach Blossom Residence would be suspect, but Yang Ming didn't come, so based on Lin Jing's knowledge of Yang Ming, the other party would not be the murderer who harmed him.

From a certain point of view, this attack plan was extremely well thought out. Maybe the mastermind behind the scenes did not think it would fail, but the result was a failure. If it was Yang Ming, it seemed reasonable for him to abscond in fear of crime, but Lin Jin always felt that it was wrong. It was Yang Ming who did all this, and it was impossible for the other party to ignore the situation after the attack failed.

He just escaped, and the loss was quite large.

If the other party is a member of the Evil Dao Appraisal Society, or even the mysterious and powerful 'black envoy' in the mouth of Chu Gong, it is even more impossible.

If it is a black envoy, the other party has planned for many years and entered the Tianxuan Academy. He must have bigger plans and plans. How can he abolish more than ten years or even decades of efforts for himself?

This is not reasonable.

Therefore, after considering these considerations, Lin Jin made his judgment that the mastermind behind the plan to attack him this time is definitely not Yang Ming's appraiser.

The mastermind behind the scenes is extremely cautious. The jar may have been brought in by the other party, or it may have been brought in by someone else. No matter who it is, it is a person who has been to the Peach Blossom House, and even the other party may come here in a fair and open manner. One of the people who visited himself.

Thinking of this, Lin Jin couldn't help but feel a chill.

He couldn't help but start to recall who had visited him.

Shuxiaolou will not be mentioned. Mr. Zhong has been here once, as have Yan Jianshi and Ouyang Jianshi, as well as Wang Xin Jianshi. Besides, it is his own disciples.

Li Xinqi, Li Yuanqing, Yue Yun, Wang Ping, Shen Chiyue, Yu Daiwei, and the nerd Fan Yuan.

Will it be one of them?

Lin Jin also needs to remain skeptical of his own students. Maybe, some of them have ulterior motives. Among so many people, there are only two people who can be excluded by Lin Jin.

One is Shuxiaolou and the other is Mr. Zhong.

Others, whether they are teachers or students, are suspicious, and even, if you think about it carefully, it is possible that the evil Taoist appraisers will deliberately approach them and place them.

Nothing in this world is impossible, and the behind-the-scenes mastermind has a very careful plan. It is no exaggeration to say that any Four Ring Appraiser who encounters such an attack will surely die.

Because it is impossible for them to have the Beast Museum to back them up, it is impossible for them to open the living room and reverse the situation in the event of death, and it is even more impossible for a master at the level of Shuxiaolou to come to the rescue.

From this point of view, Lin Jin admires this man behind the scenes very much. The other party is really scheming.

However, Lin Jin is not stubborn. When he came back this time, he deliberately pretended to be very weak, as if he was injured. This was to hide his strength and show his enemies as weak.

Maybe among the students who came to visit his teacher before, or came to visit him after dawn, there was the black hand or the opponent's subordinate.

Have to guard against.

Showing weakness is to confuse the opponent, but also to lead the enemy to take action.

If he had planned this assassination plan, which he was sure about, but it failed, he would definitely be very angry and find that the target was injured. There is no doubt that this is an opportunity.

Can't wait for the other party's injury to heal before starting?

Of course, Lin Jin couldn't be sure whether the other party would be led to make a move, in case the family was more scheming than he thought.

But no matter what, it's always right to try. If you don't know who the enemy is, stay vigilant, and it's definitely not wrong to loosen the outside and tighten the inside.

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