Lin Jing felt that it was not because he thought too much about it, because the appearance of the Lord Mie Shen is clearly better than the sound. Obviously, Lin Jing could see the 'worry' of the Lord Mie.

Of course, the curator would not take the lead, or even make any moves, because that was Lin Jin's bluff.

At this time, Lord Chou Shen seemed to glance at Lin Jin unintentionally, and it happened to meet Lin Jin's eyes. The moment the two of them met, they naturally looked away.

They were on guard and had plans for each other, but what was the other party thinking, or what would happen next, it was obvious that neither Lin Jin nor Shishenjun could see through each other's thoughts.

All I can say is that they have to keep going.

Jishenjun has no plans to do it now, and neither does Lin Jin, and in fact he can't.

Finally, the full pool of thunder pulp continued to dissipate, and eventually there was nothing left.

Huang Yingnu knew at this time that she could not escape, she could only fall down helplessly, but the atmosphere on the scene was very solemn. Now that the entrance of Lei Chi is open, if you want to turn your face and do it, now is obviously an opportunity.

After all, after going down, you may face treasures, and then there may be another fight.

Of course Lin Jin didn't want to do it now.

If Shishenjun and the others tear their faces, Lin Jin and Monk Huoyuan can only hide and visit the living room, while the other casts Fire to Escape the Heavens, and there is no other way.

Immediately, Lin Jin's heart moved, but he opened his mouth and said, "Huang Yingnu can go down with us. In case there is a ban similar to the Thunder Pond, it is better to break it again and cover the gods. What do you think?"

Over there, Shenjun Xie was also hesitating whether to do it or not. At this moment, when he heard Lin Jin's opening, he thought about it and realized that if there were restrictions under this thunder pond, then it would be meaningless to fight to the death here.

Lin Jin obviously doesn't want to fight, and the other party's thoughts can be guessed even by the gods. If there is still a ban, this time tearing his face, the other party doesn't know the content of the heavenly magic spell, and even what is needed below is not only the heavenly magic spell, maybe There are other things that the other party thinks they know, so this is why they are afraid.


Chou Shenjun suppressed the slightest thought that he wanted to do just now.

No matter how you look at it, it is not appropriate to do it now, the other party can bear it, and you can do it yourself, or the same sentence, if there is no "curator" that Xiaoyao Xian, Lin Jin is a mortal, how can you hide the gods and take a straight look.

"It's so good!" Chou Shenjun said, and looked back, a disciple of the immortals behind him immediately flew down and jumped into the thunder pool without hesitation.

Lin Jin just said that he wanted to go down with Huang Yingnu, but in fact there was no way to do it, mainly because he was afraid of covering up the gods and killing people. Even if he didn't do it, his subordinates might do it.

Taking it with you is also to protect Huang Yingnu.

With herself around, Huang Yingnu is safe for the time being. Of course, she is safe until she breaks her face and fights.

Chou Shenjun arranged for a few immortals to stay outside. He glanced at Lin Jin, but made a gesture of invitation.

Lin Jin and Monk Huoyuan looked at each other. The two must have discussed it before. This time, no matter what choice was made, it was Lin Jin who made the decision, so Lin Jin nodded.

Next, Cover Shenjun followed closely, following the Thunder Pond and entering below.

This place is like a giant karst cave, deep and empty, full of strange rocks like stalactites, densely distributed around, and further down, it is still a deep pit that is difficult to see the bottom. This kind of place is impossible for mortals to set foot on. So there is no more air to breathe here.

Everyone is using methods, or Qigong, or Turtle Breathing Art, but Lin Jin is not an immortal, but there are many similar methods, and even Lin Jin does not need it. With the help of the power of the blood pact, you can hold your breath, even if it goes on for more than ten hours.

Lin Jin could be sure of one thing at this time, no one had ever gone down here.

Therefore, no one knows the following situation, and the same is true for the master of the gods. This is of course a good thing. Lin Jin sensed the ghost and blood beast at this time, but still did not get the sense sent by Beiqi Xiangyun. , this play has to continue,

Lin Jin even hoped that the downward pit could never end, so that there would be enough time.

But the reality is clearly not the case.

The bottom is in the end, you can see that there is a larger cave below, it is dark, but everyone's eyesight is very strong, plus a few talismans for lighting by immortals, so you can roughly see the following scenes.

It was indeed an incomparably huge cave. Anyway, when Lin Jin looked at it, he also felt a shudder from his heart. It was a kind of fear of a huge dark space. Lin Jin was even afraid that the cloud under his feet would suddenly collapse and fall. into the darkness below.

Just at this moment, the eyes of Monk Huoyuan seemed to see a giant shadow moving below.

He immediately grabbed Lin Jin and slammed the color.

Lin Jin noticed Monk Huoyuan's expression, which was also condensing the power of ghosts and blood beasts and strengthening his eyesight. When he looked down, he couldn't help but stand upright, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his body.

There is indeed a huge black object below. Just looking at the size, the length is probably more than 100 zhang.

To be honest, it wasn't particularly huge, but in this kind of place, in this environment, to be honest, Lin Jin was a little scared.

Chou Shenjun obviously found out, but before he had time to speak, a virtual immortal who was exploring the road in front of him suddenly screamed, and then he was quickly dragged down as if he was caught by something.

It was as if an invisible hand grabbed him.

"Bold!" Chou Shenjun was furious. Under his nose, something dared to sneak attack on them, and he also captured the immortals on his side. I have to say that Zhe Shenjun's reaction was extremely fast. He almost simultaneously cast a large vacuum. Handprint, grab down, want to grab the immortal.

It was only for a moment that Ji Shenjun hurriedly retracted his palm as if his hand had been scalded.

Looking at his slender fingers, for some reason, a small hole was cut by some kind of sharp tool.

The voice of the screaming virtual immortal stopped abruptly, and a stream of immortal spirit was quickly extinguished like a fire doused by a basin of cold water, and finally disappeared into silence.

Should be dead.

Lin Jin couldn't believe it, to know that he was not a mortal, but a virtual immortal. In the eyes of mortals, an omnipotent and extremely powerful immortal died like this?

This place is really dangerous. Lin Jin only held the hilt of the Qingfeng Demon Sword. At this time, Lin Jin could also feel the vibration that only he could feel from the Qingfeng Demon Sword.

No need to ask, Qingfeng Yaojian also sensed the danger here, which is a warning to himself.

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