The Museum of Beasts (Museum of Deadly Beasts)

Chapter 679: Sky Patching Spider

Lin Jin had a lot of magic weapons in his hand. In addition to the Qingfeng Yaojian, there were also the Sihai Zizi Gourd and the Immortal Binding Rope. However, the spirits on these two magic weapons were either as stable as mountains, and would not fluctuate when the sky collapsed, or It is ignorant and ignorant, even if there is danger, it is difficult to sense.

The former is too advanced, and the latter is undeveloped.

Originally, Lin Jin was used to it, but at this time, the free gourd was still as unmoving as a mountain. It was the kind of posture where if you want to use me, you will help, and if you don't need it, you will fall down.

This calmed Lin Jin's heart a lot.

What's more, the giant black shadow below obviously hides the gods and doesn't know why, otherwise his people just now wouldn't die.

"Protect yourself first, then observe the situation, and take action at the right time." Lin Jin and Monk Huoyuan looked at each other, and they understood it, and the other party obviously thought the same.

Lin Jin and Monk Huoyuan can still be calm here, but they can't be on the side of Shishenjun. After all, it is the people on his side who died.

No matter what, there must be a response.

"Where is your honor, why did you suddenly kill?"

Chou Shenjun is obviously very afraid of the other party. Just now, when he used the big vacuum hand, he was actually counterattacked by a sharp object, and he even injured his finger. You must know that he is a master of true immortals, and his immortal body is as strong as iron, and he can easily hurt his things, which is definitely an idle generation.

Chou Shenjun could hold back, but the other immortals he brought couldn't help it, especially the one who died just now was a fellow apprentice of one of the immortals.

"Dare to kill my junior brother, I will kill you." An old immortal in gray robe was furious at the moment, but he took out a scroll and threw it out.

"The sun and the moon are full of stars, and the swords are gathered!" The old immortal roared and pinched a magic formula. In an instant, the scroll suddenly opened and continued to expand. It turned into countless stars, and the sun and the moon were hanging in the air.

In an instant, the huge cave below was illuminated.

In addition, there were countless bright flying swords gathered around the sun, moon, and stars. Just looking at the number made one's scalp tingle.

Needless to say, this technique is absolutely no trivial matter.

But soon, everyone's attention was attracted by what was below, and the magic of the old immortal in gray robe just now illuminated the bottom, so the shadow could be seen clearly.

Seeing this, Lin Jin, including Shenjun Shi, all took a deep breath.

The first thing that caught my eye was a huge spider. The size of this spider was beyond imagination. Anyway, Lin Jin would never think that there would be such a huge spider in this world.

Just a spider leg is more than 100 meters long, and it is the shortest one. The size of the entire spider was obviously bigger than Lin Jin had expected.

This is not to mention, below, there are dense cobwebs, the number of which is hard to count, and the cobwebs look like a sharp metal luster.

Lin Jin understood that what had cut the finger of the Lord of the Gods.

The cobwebs below were layered upon layers and intertwined in a complex way, which had already blocked all their descending routes. The giant spider was between the cobwebs. At this moment, the rows of eyes on his back flashed at the same time, looking at Lin Jin and the others.

Every immortal it saw felt a chill down its spine and fear arose in their hearts.

Lin Jin moved extremely quickly, pinching out a silver needle without anyone noticing, and then gently dropped it. The silver needle fell freely and landed on the giant spider.

Even the spider didn't notice it, after all, with its size, a silver needle is comparable to dust. Let me ask you, would you notice when a piece of dust falls on you on weekdays?

But such a small action gave Lin Jin a head start. At least he immediately identified this giant spider that made the true immortals fear through the Feast Museum.

"Sky Mending Spider, eighth-order beast, all five elements!"

"In ancient times, the sky was broken, and the sages of the heavens ordered them to raise sky-making spiders, and use five-element stones to refine the five-element spider silk to repair the sky."

"There is one way to advance, for..."

"At present, there are three injuries in the body, namely..."

Lin Jin looked at it and saw that just the word "eighth-order beast" was enough to shock Lin Jin.

The eighth-order beasts, this is Lin Jin's other than the ninth-order swallowing beasts, he has seen the highest-rank beasts, which is equivalent to the existence of Xiaoyaoxian level, no wonder it is so terrifying.

However, this situation is currently only under the control of Lin Jin. Others do not have the ability to detect beasts like Lin Jin, so naturally they don't know anything about it.

And whether mortals or immortals, in the case of ignorance, often make mistakes.

Just like the old immortal in gray robe at this moment, eager to avenge his junior brother, he didn't take the Sky-Mending Spider in his eyes at all, not only shouted loudly, but also acted directly.

No one else can stop it.

The countless flying swords that he had condensed before burst out at this moment, and they were simply dazzling. Over there, the god-monarch wanted to stop him, but it was too late.


Thousands of swords came out.

Dao Dao Jianguang flew out, like a torrent of steel, going straight to the Sky Mending Spider.

At this time, Lin Jin hurriedly reached out and tugged at the corner of Monk Huoyuan's clothes, pulling him back.

Monk Huoyuan was puzzled at first, but when he saw Lin Jin's serious face, he didn't say much. He followed suit. No one paid attention to this scene because Shenjun Shi and others were paying attention to the old fairy in gray robe and the huge spider below. arrive.

The torrent of the sword has extraordinary momentum. This is an all-out blow from the immortal who has reached the peak level of the virtual immortal, and it is a powerful magic weapon to use, and its power is even higher.

In the eyes of the gray-robed old fairy, his move was enough to kill the big spider.

Although this big spider is big, it is not too big in the eyes of immortals. After all, there are many giant creatures in many places outside the realm, including some monsters and immortal beasts. As an immortal who has seen the world, How could you be intimidated by the size of this big spider.

But the next moment, the old immortal in gray robe, who was full of confidence, changed wildly.

Because his Myriad Sword Torrent didn't hit the big spider, he was blocked by countless beads halfway through. Compared with sharpness and tenacity, his flying sword is actually not as good as those seemingly slender spider silks. Seeing the flames splashing around, the sound was brittle, and because the distance was too close and the power was too great, the broken flying swords also splashed in all directions. The immortals in front were accidentally injured by the fragments. Out of a cold sweat, he hurried back.

"What a formidable beast!" Chou Shenjun also had a solemn expression on his face. At this moment, the big spider over there moved, and hundreds of spider silks flew out like sharp swords. in front of the fairy.

The speed is so fast that people can't react.

The gray-robed old immortal was also shocked, but he subconsciously hit him with a long stick in his hand. As a result, his long stick was disturbed by the spider silk, and it was actually broken. The gray-robed old man's hand was a little slower, and one arm was disturbed. Broken, screaming in pain for a moment.

But those spider silks obviously hadn't planned to let him go, and they had already started to wrap around, which reminded people of the unfortunate immortal who was torn off abruptly just now.

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