Come to think of it, the immortal was also entangled in spider silk, and after being pulled down, he died under the dense spider web. Where is the spider silk, it is simply a sharp blade.

If this is torn down, there is no need to think about what will happen.

At this time, Mie Shenjun finally made his move. He also knew the horror of the spider silk, so he didn't plan to touch it directly, but took out a cyan crystal. When he saw Mie Shenjun chanting a spell, he threw his hand, and the cyan crystal was actually In an instant, it turned into hundreds of small pieces of crystal armor. At this moment, it was like a moth to a fire, swept over quickly, and attached to the gray-robed old immortal.

Obviously, this is a special protective magic weapon used by the cover god, trying to save the life of the gray-robed old immortal.

After all, it is his helper, and the opponent's power is second only to the existence of the true immortal. If you can keep it, it must be guaranteed. At this time, the cover god is still very generous.

The cyan crystal armor immediately protected the gray-robed old immortal, as if the whole person was wearing a set of crystal armor. It could be seen that this thing had an amazing defense, and the spider silk then wrapped around the crystal armor. I couldn't cut it open, but I could hear that harsh sound, clack clack, as if a crystal piece couldn't resist it and began to break.

The gray-robed old immortal was lucky to have his life, and he was pale, but he dared not fight against the big spider, but it was difficult for him to walk, and a few threads of spider silk wrapped around his feet at some point in time. Dragging down, the former's frightened lips began to tremble, and he hurriedly resisted.

"Shenjun, save me!" The gray-robed old immortal begged at the moment to cover Shenjun, who just wanted to move, but suddenly stopped, his face stiff.

Not only covering the gods, but also other immortals, their minds are unstable, but at this moment they are scared to take a step back.

The old immortal in the robe was stunned for a moment, and then reacted.

There is something behind him.

Turning his head and looking, the big spider didn't know when it had climbed up from below. At this moment, several rows of dense eyes were watching behind him, as if two light strips stretched dozens of feet long. The immortal had never seen this scene before, the gray-robed old immortal only felt a cold air rising from the soles of his feet.

Just as he was about to move, the big spider moved faster, and he opened his mouth and swallowed, and the gray-robed old immortal disappeared.

This scene happened too fast, so fast that even the true immortal Shishenjun didn't have time to do anything.


Lin Jin saw this situation from behind and made a judgment immediately.

must run.

In fact, Lin Jin wanted to run since just now, but he was afraid that he would be regarded as the first target of the sky-boosting spider, so he was waiting for the opportunity. , the few immortals on the side of the cover god were also in chaos, and Lin Jin knew that the opportunity was coming.

In fact, Lin Jin shouted to Huang Yingnu when he ran all his life.

But she didn't know if she could understand Lin Jin, and Lin Jin couldn't care so much right now. The situation is very simple. There are eighth-order beasts here, and they are not something they can deal with at all. The Lord of Cover is also not an opponent, so why don't you run and wait?

In addition, if you only think that the sky-boosting spider is an eighth-order beast, and plan to bypass the other party and continue to explore the following, this is definitely an unwise choice.

Because others couldn't see the origin of the Sky-Mending Spider, Lin did his best.

It is clearly written in the Beast Museum that this sky-boosting spider is a fairy beast raised by the order of the human saint when the sky was broken in ancient times. dome.

How magical is this?

To put it simply, this sky-bending spider is a meritorious minister and has made great contributions to the world. This is only one of them. Second, who brought this sky-bending spider here?

You must know that there is infinite thunder slurry on it. With the strength of the sky patching spider, it can pass through the thunder slurry and hide here, spinning silk and weaving webs?

Or, someone brought it here and let it guard here.

Who is that?

The answer is about to come out, it is the "human saint" mentioned in the Beast Museum. Lin Jin is very clear that those who can be called saints in ancient times are definitely giants, and they must not be provoked at present.

It can be assumed that the sage asked the Heaven-Mending Spider to guard this place, just because he did not want people to go down and peep at the things below.

Maybe even below, is the hiding place of the saint.

Either way, Lin Jin should consciously step back, leave here, and stop making the following decisions.

This is the wisest choice.

As for the other people, even though Lin couldn't live there, he didn't need to care. It was obvious that Lin Jin had chosen a very good timing. The Sky-Mending Spider had swallowed the gray-robed old immortal, and at the moment when Shishenjun and the others were in a panic, Lin Jin and Monk Huoyuan immediately retreated. The timing was quite good, and Huang Yingnu was obviously He also understood what Lin Jin said, and also seized the opportunity and started flying towards this side.

Soon the three of them left the battle group, and Lin Jin continued to move up without hesitation.

Monk Huoyuan was obviously a little hesitant, and he probably wanted to figure out what was underneath. It was worth covering up the plans of the gods for hundreds of years, but seeing Lin Jin's decisiveness, Monk Huoyuan smiled when he thought about it.

"Why can't I get rid of my stinky problems, why should I be too obsessed with some things, Buddha said let go, but I can't do this, but Mr. Lin, you have the potential to become a Buddha, otherwise, you will be free. Time to learn Buddhism from me?"

The monk Huoyuan said while retreating.

Lin Jin shook his head, expressing no interest.

He has been paying attention to the situation below. Obviously, Shishenjun and others have no plans to withdraw. Lin Jin and Monk Huoyuan can let go, but Shishenjun can't.

After all, the other party has been planning for hundreds of years for the things here, and if it is himself, he may not be able to let it go. It is estimated that the cover god is now trying to sneak in, but no matter what, Lin Jin doesn't want to get involved anymore.

The appearance of the Sky-Mending Spider just now was an opportunity, because at other times, if Lin Jin was going to retreat, he would definitely arouse suspicion from the gods, and maybe the other party would make a bad move.

Now that the Heaven-Mending Spider is here, that is the best opportunity. Of course, Lin Jin wants to seize this opportunity and withdraw from this dispute.

Huang Yingnu instinctively had a kind of trust in Lin, and the three of them had already soared rapidly to the ground.

"It's a pity, this time, there is no chance to destroy the God of Chi. This guy will be punished. Sooner or later, it will be a scourge." Monk Huoyuan obviously still resents the matter that the God of Chi had plotted against him before, but what he said Lin Jin is quite agreeable, indeed , it is indeed a scourge to keep such immortals as covering the gods.

The main reason is that the opponent's cultivation base is extremely high, and the true immortals are also the kind of outstanding existence. If they come to retaliate in the future, it will indeed be a trouble.

At this time, Lin Jin's heart moved, but he opened his mouth and said, "It's simple, we'll just stay here, the cover god will either die in it, or he will be defeated sooner or later, and then we will wait for it to work, and when it appears, we will directly shoot and kill, destroy it. This danger can be solved.”

"It's easy to say, it's easier said than done!" Monk Huoyuan looked helpless: "Let's not talk about other immortals, there is only one remaining monk, you and me, plus that demon cultivator, I'm afraid that it is also not a rival."

"What if there is a helper?" Lin Jin smiled, and the monk Huoyuan just wanted to speak, but when Lin Jin raised his hand and opened his palm, he saw a mass of blood globules pouring out of his palm. , a mass of ink emerges in the blood cell, and then spreads rapidly, forming a waterfall formed by ink.

The next moment, a figure walked out of the ink waterfall. After the monk Huoyuan saw it clearly, he almost fell to the ground in shock.

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