The surprise was so great that he could not hide it.

I couldn't hide it...

I couldn't hide my surprise at all!

Zhang Ran's eyes widened like bells, looking at Tang Xinnuo in disbelief.

To be honest, if Tang Xinnuo hadn't just called the thing in his hand "material", he wouldn't have known what it was called.

As for the information that collecting materials could make one a second-level awakener, it was the first time he heard it.

Although he had such a guess in his mind, he had no way to confirm it.

Now, it was confirmed from Tang Xinnuo's mouth.

In fact, he got a crucial piece of information for free, but he was not happy at all, because Tang Xinnuo hit a sore spot of his...

He originally wanted to sneak into the polluted area to study advanced materials, and it would be best if he could gain powerful strength and then return triumphantly.

Then, under the gaze of everyone and the shining lights, he would show his strength far beyond that of ordinary people, and of course, everyone would worship him in the end.

In this way, even if he could not snatch Qin Yushi back from Su Ze, he would definitely make Qin Yushi look at him more highly...

But who could have thought.

Before the ship of dreams set off, Tang Xinnuo mercilessly poked a big hole in it!


I don't know how Tang Xinnuo's 37-degree mouth could hum such a cold laugh.

Seeing Zhang Ran's reaction, she knew she had guessed it right.

Raising her proud little head, she continued to sneer: "Just because you found a material for advancement, you think you can go to heaven? Naive!"

Zhang Ran's expression twitched, and he stood there like an 18-year-old minion, unable to refute...

He is not a fool. Tang Xinnuo can tell him information that he doesn't know, so he must know more than him.

Holding his arms, Tang Xinnuo put away his contemptuous look for the time being and said calmly: "To tell you the truth, if you want to become a second-level awakener, you have to rely on those extraordinary...those materials, as long as you become a second-level awakener, your strength will increase a lot, and the most important thing is..."

"Second-level awakeners still have a chance to get the Word Spirit Art. Do you know what the Word Spirit Art is? Ha, it's a superpower!"

Zhang Ran widened his big copper bell eyes again, his face full of surprise...

On the one hand, he was surprised by the information itself. He didn't expect that after becoming a second-level awakener, there is still a chance to get superpowers!

The other side of the surprise was that Tang Xinnuo was so selfless that she told him such important information...

Actually, Tang Xinnuo was not that selfless.

The information in her hand, of course, came from Qin Yushi.

When she got the information from Qin Yushi, she heard Qin Yushi explain that the information was not top secret and could be spread to the outside relatively limitedly.

There are two reasons why this information does not need to be kept secret.

One is that this information cannot be hidden. Whether it is the official or other wild awakeners, they will gradually find a way to promotion.

Especially the official. With the official intelligence ability, if it is combined with the previous public intelligence practice, the information about the promotion of the second-level awakener can no longer be called a secret.

Another reason...

Just knowing that you need to collect materials is far from enough. Making the correct promotion formula is the most important step, and this step is the more difficult step.

At this moment.

Zhang Ran also realized that he had only glimpsed part of the promotion path.

So he hid the surprise on his face and asked tentatively: "Tang Xinnuo, do you know how to rely on the materials to become a second-level awakener and obtain the Word Spirit Art?"

Tang Xinnuo said "yeah", and a bright smile appeared on her delicate face: "I know something."

Zhang Ran's eyes lit up immediately, and he asked with a pleading tone: "Can you share it with me? I won't take the information for nothing, just ask for anything."

Tang Xinnuo kept smiling brightly: "Get lost!"

Zhang Ran put away his flattery just now, and curled his lips: "Oh, forget it if you don't share, I will explore it myself, and when I get the Word Spirit Art, you will regret it..."

After speaking, Zhang Ran strode out of the school.

After walking a few steps, he stopped again, turned back and said loudly to Tang Xinnuo: "Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west, you wait!"

Tang Xinnuo ignored him, just laughed "humph" in the same place, and his whole body was filled with two words... disdain.

After Zhang Ran walked away, she held her breath and called Qin Yushi in her mind.


Master, I just got some information... Zhang Ran, that sticky guy, seems to have found some material. "

A few days ago, after seeing the comprehensive upgrade of the contaminated area, Tang Xinnuo became more determined to cling to the thigh.

After successfully proposing her position as the assistant minister and writing it on the meeting agenda.

She also got more authority at the same time.

Now there is a one-to-one contact between her and Qin Yushi. Of course, this is Su Ze's power, the ability of global connection talent...


[Day 66 of the Doomsday Year]

On the balcony.

Su Ze wore thin home clothes, looking ahead as if in a daze.

There were scattered snowflakes outside. It fell, but it did not affect his sight at all, and fell on the panel of the simulator.

[On the 66th day of the apocalypse, you got the location information of the containment, and you immediately took Qi Xiaoye to investigate...

In an abandoned factory in the contaminated area, you saw the target containment of this time. This is a containment that you feel very familiar with. Its appearance is a cement statue, which is almost the same as the peanut in your memory...

Statue, this is what Qi Xiaoye calls the containment. You are not surprised by this, and you know that as long as your eyes fall on the statue, the statue will remain still. If you blink, the statue will attack you the moment you blink... …

Because the statue is not a mythical containment, you are not too cautious. You observe the statue carefully and try to attack it. When you attack it, it ignores the line of sight rule and counterattacks you. You therefore think that the containment is the same as the statue you have seen in the simulation before, but Qi Xiaoye tells you that there should be more than one similar statue, which surprises you.

You did not destroy the statue immediately. You chose to take it to the research institute in North City to contain and control it...

After 30 days, you destroyed the statue. 】

[All simulations have been completed...]


[Remaining cooling time of the simulator : 33 seconds]

In his sight, the simulation content of the old version of the simulator was what Su Ze simulated yesterday.

Because no new simulation was started, the simulation content on the panel was still clearly visible.

At this moment.

Su Ze's eyes stayed on the simulator panel, thinking whether the little peanut that appeared in this simulation was the little peanut he had seen through the simulation at the beginning of the apocalypse.

At that time, his ability was not enough to deal with the little peanut, so he gave up the simulation target...

"If it is the same statue, does it prove that some containment objects have always existed somewhere on this planet, but I just haven't found them?"

This question cannot be answered for the time being.

Su Ze's thoughts were quickly interrupted by the simulator prompt.

[The simulator cooling time has ended...]

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