The Mythical Races I Created

Vol 2 Chapter 96: Elf head system

The senior elves held a meeting.

The generals of Severus, Wendini, Diana, Schopen, Kungu, and the elves, and the elders of the commune, had a meeting around a table in a beautiful wooden house.

As a spokesperson, Pericles said in conclusion: "As I said before, the new government should ensure that the ancient traditions of the communes will not be destroyed. All affairs must be carried out with the consent of all the elves of the commune, so we should set up an institution similar to the commune."

"We need to set up new laws, go to war or seek peace, establish alliances with others, and vote on major public affairs."

The elders of the Elf Commune smiled, which is in their interest.

Pericles said: "This form of organization is to gather all the elves and let the elves vote for or against. Proposals with more votes are passed, and proposals with fewer votes are suspended."

"I call this a citizen meeting."

Severu said: "If it is like what you said, it will cause a problem, and our opinions will not be unified."

"We now have nearly 12,000 elves."

"Our opinions cannot be unified, so who will take the lead and put forward what you call these proposals."

The senior elves set their eyes on Pericles.

Pericles knew what he meant, and smiled. "You are right. There must be professional elves to collect everyone's opinions and put forward professional proposals. Therefore, we also need to select some elves who are supported by everyone on the basis of the citizen meeting as the elders."

"The elders form the Senate, which collects the requirements and information provided by the citizens in the area under their responsibility, organizes them into everyone's opinions, and then provides these opinions to the citizens' assembly, the Senate or other institutions."

The senior elves breathed a sigh of relief. In this way, their status and interests could be preserved.

Pericles went on to say: "According to my assumption, the senators of the Senate cannot be hereditary and need to vote again every 100 years."

"The Senate is an organization that integrates everyone’s opinions and makes decisions. However, the Senate only has the right to decide on general affairs. It has no legislative power, foreign diplomacy, and the right to launch war. Therefore, it must be submitted to the citizens' assembly when it involves major issues. ."

"On major matters, only the approval of the citizens' assembly can the decisions of the Senate become orders and laws."

He paused so that everyone had time to digest and understand.

"However, citizens' assemblies cannot be held frequently. Therefore, in the future, each of our city-states must have their own independent city-state assembly, and the city-state assembly will be responsible for general affairs."

"Such as taxation issues, people's livelihood issues, infrastructure issues."

"If the affairs are escalated, they will be handled by the Senate, such as national education issues, judicial issues, and administrative issues. If it is a major issue, it must be handed over to the citizens' assembly."

"Such as war, legislation, etc..."

"The members of the city council are selected by lottery, once every ten years. In principle, each elf cannot be re-elected. The term of office must be staggered. The lottery can be optimized and improved in the future."

"Members of the city-state councils then elect senators, and the senators enter the Senate in our capital to guide the affairs of the various assemblies and the whole country. The most important thing is that the senators must allocate taxes reasonably and mobilize resources from various places."

"The veterans are re-elected every 100 years."

"The citizens' assembly is held every ten years and deals with very important matters."

"If necessary, a temporary citizen assembly can also be held, but it must be held every ten years."

Pericles tapped on the table top. "Our army is in principle all soldiers, but we can't harass our people in normal times, so we can gather a group of elves who are willing to participate deeply in public life to form our garrison."

"This point allows local councils to convene the elves themselves to form a garrison team."

"The Senate wants to maintain a 500-strong elite force of elves, just like King Augustus's watchmen and upper elves."

Pericles said: "And there will be one in the Senate, the chief senator, who is equally the first."

His fingers kept tapping the desktop, attracting everyone's attention.

"The chief veteran needs to maintain a force of two hundred druids."

"The chief senator is responsible for convening and dissolving the Senate, and has the right to appoint and expel any public office. At the same time, the chief senator should be in charge of the army and taxation. This is a necessary decision to prevent our society from being divided again and threatening everyone's safety."

"If in a resolution, everyone has the same number of votes, the chief veteran vote has the highest priority."

"At the same time, the number of votes of the chief veteran should be ten times the number of votes of the normal veteran, that is, he is an elf and can cast ten votes."

Pericles said: "For the stability of the regime, the chief elder will be re-elected from among all the elves through the citizens' assembly every thousand years."

Everyone looked at each other, the chief veteran was so powerful.

However, the person who can hold this position, at present, can only be Pericles.

An elf general said: "Yes, you should, you are the chief after all."

"Yes, the chief must be different from us, Lord Pericles."

Pericles laughed distressedly. "Masters, only the elves elected by the first citizens' assembly can serve as chief elders."

"I am not yet."

The senior elves smiled tacitly and responded to Pericles.

Now it is equivalent to dividing the power of the king into dozens of divisions and granting them to the chief elder (head of state), the elves and generals of the elves, as well as other elves that are beloved, and the members of the local councils.

The rights of the head of state were restricted, but compared to other elders, the rights were a bit larger, but compared to the rights of the Elf King and others, they were obviously much smaller.

However, everyone clearly realizes that in this structure of the citizens' assembly—the Senate—the city-state assembly, the Senate commands all the city-state assemblies, just like the former king who has become the Senate.

The city-state assembly is an organization that obeys the orders of the Senate, but has a certain degree of autonomy.

This is an innovation that has never been seen before.

In the old days, the reason why the King Augustus had weak control over the lower elves was that there was no city council, which controls the lower elves.

No matter which elves are aware, the government structure designed by Pericles not only compromises the interests of everyone, but is also more stable than the original political structure, allowing every elves to have the right to express opinions on public affairs.

After all, in theory, the elders and council members are the people chosen by these ordinary elves.

If they don't need these elders, they can abandon them after a hundred years.

For very important affairs, it needs to be recognized by all the elves. In general affairs, members of the council are also restricted by ordinary elves because of the ten-year election period.

Without the elves objecting, everyone discussed it all day.

At the beginning of the day, Pericles and the others decided that there should be 23 city-states in the new elven society.

They will also build the new capital of the Elf Kingdom next to the World Tree, 5 kilometers away from the ruins of the Conqueror’s Capital, where the Senate, the most outstanding elves, and an estimated population of 2,000 elven civilians and more than 2,000 Little elf.

They still placed the school in the capital according to the pattern of the Augustus period.

According to this division method, except for the elven capital, the population of the remaining elven city states is generally around 300 people.

They can set up their own parliament locally, and each city-state assembly can choose a senator from the Senate.

The capital of the kingdom comes with ten veteran seats and one veteran So, this means that there will be 23 city-state elders, 10 capital elders, and Bely Creek, a total of 24 people.

An elven elder asked: "I heard that General Severus once imposed spell barriers on the army, so can these spell barriers also be applied to our capital and other cities?"

"We really don't want to see our capital being captured again."

Severus hesitated. "I'm sorry, the technical difficulties can be broken through, but I can't find such a powerful energy source."

Pericles laughed. "Severus, we have such a powerful source of energy, the world tree, our eldest sister Yuk Ciril."

Everyone suddenly realized.

How can I forget her.

If it were the world tree, she would be able to easily support the spell barrier that enveloped the entire city, and besides, they also placed the capital near the world tree.

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