The Mythical Races I Created

Vol 2 Chapter 97: Kun Gu refuses to liberate pigmen slaves

Pericles said: "It seems that everyone has no objection to the government structure I designed."

"The lifespan of the elves is too long. In such a long period of time, even the noble elves will make mistakes. The accumulation of errors will lead to the consequences of King Augustus."

"King Augustus is not unwise, but time has corrupted him."

"After the historical lessons this time, we know that elves are not suitable for Wang Zheng. Our long lifespan makes it impossible for us to always be led by an elves."

"Our council gathers the opinions of all of us, and because of this, everyone's mistakes may be corrected by the elves' thoughts, and we will not fall into the situation where Augustus was in the past."

"Moreover, the number of our elves is still so scarce."

"So, even if we ask each elves for their opinions and make decisions, it will not take too much time. Our government still maintains a strong efficiency. On the contrary, it can inspire all the elves to love the kingdom. "

The senior elves nodded and said yes.

Diana said, "Berry Creek, your idea is very good, but this is just your own idea."

"Can the political system you design really run for ten thousand years or one hundred thousand years?"

"So, the system is not static." Pericles explained: "Add or delete institutions, you can put forward opinions in the citizens' assembly."

"Okay, let's discuss the issue of orcs and pigs again."

"I think we should also give seats to parliament and elders, which still belong to our orcs and pigs."

After saying this, all the elves in the house were silent.

Some elves showed incomprehension in their eyes, some with resistance in their eyes, and some with expectations in their eyes.

An elven general said: "Why leave the seat of the veteran to the rude orcs and inferior pigs?"

General Severu retorted: "The Pigman's engineering team helped us build our city. The Orcs contributed a lot in this battle. You can't insult them like that."

Kun Gu banged on the table, extremely angry. "Never mind the orc, we can accept less, but you don't have to think about the pig."

His words caused some elven generals to second.

But there are not many people who support him, because Pericles met their needs in the front, so everyone is waiting for Pericles to speak.

Pericles picked up his teacup and took a sip. "not much."

"It still belongs to our lowland coast pigman city-states. There are currently 37 cities with a total population of over one million, but I only plan to grant four city-states on the lowland coast that are eligible to establish city-state councils."

"There are 23 city-states of the elves, and the royal capital provides ten veteran qualifications. We give the orcs and pigmen four veteran seats and four council establishment qualifications. I don't think... there is no problem."

Kun Gu sneered. "My Kungu will never be listed in the same institution as the lower races. Do you want those orcs and pigs to enter the Senate? Then do you want me to go?"

"How are you going?" Pericles put down the tea cup and said lightly: "But, I sincerely hope you stay. Your compatriots need your ability, General Kungu. As your friend, I also hope you can become A member of our new government."

Kun Gu and his confidants' expressions were a little slow.

"The orcs are also the creation of God the Father, and you should know that too." Pericles said.

Kun Gu's tone eased down. "Then let an orc enter the Senate."

Pericles sighed, "It is profitable to win over the orcs and pigmen, and it is even more economical to liberate the pigmen slaves."

"The current slavery system has hindered the production of pigs. Pig slaves are slack and numb. Once they become orcs, they will immediately resist and destroy our infrastructure."

"Our agricultural and handicraft output today is only one-seventh of what it used to be."

"If reforms are not carried out, the lowland economy will collapse on its own."

"After liberating the pigmen slaves, the pigmen must survive in order to feed their families. They will work **** their own to get enough food for their lives. This is more effective than a hundred whips of the overseer."

"On the contrary, the current pigmen slaves seem to be arbitrarily disposed of. In fact, every pigman killed is damaging our own property, so the pigmen slaves dare to slack off and rape."

"And once the pigmen and orcs are free, in order to prevent them from being dissatisfied with us, we must give up some of the rights to them and win them over."

The current senior elves all showed thoughtful expressions, this is to turn slave farming into freed people farming.

Under Pericles’ reasoning, almost all elves admit that raising the status of pigmen and orcs in the kingdom is good for the elves themselves.

Severus commented: “The slavery economy itself means continuous expansion, otherwise it will collapse on its own. Sooner or later, our reform will happen. It’s just a matter of time.”

"In a slavery economy, we still need to be responsible for the personal safety and lives of slaves, but in a free economy, they need to be responsible for their own safety. Of course, the kingdom has the obligation to protect its people, but this is already two different things. Affection."

After Diana thought, her eyes lit up: "The orcs are also the creation of God the Father. If we can unite them with a kingdom, our power will be infinite."

Most senior elves have already acquiesced in this decision.

It’s just that everyone is a little uncomfortable about it. Pig people have entered the ruling class of elves?

This is too strange.

Kun Gu's face was waiting for everyone to speak, against Berwick.

At this time, unexpectedly, Pericles looked at the other senior elves. "In order to maintain a high level of efficiency for the veterans, maintain a certain concentration of power, and quickly handle major affairs, so as not to disperse our opinions. In addition to the chief elder who has ten votes, the head of state will also select four high-level elders. The veterans have the right to vote with two votes."

"The number of senior veterans cannot be elected. Only the chief veteran can directly appoint a veteran to this position."

"Of course, this person must also be a senior veteran to be qualified to serve as a senior veteran."

As soon as this remark came out, all the senior elves were willing to move.

He was still hesitating to support Kun Gu's elves, and suddenly had a plan in his heart.

Everyone wants to get the title of that senior veteran, even if everyone knows that there are only four elves in the end.

The elves said, "I agree with Lord Pericles."

"I don't have any opinions on this side."

"I think it is just the qualifications for the establishment of the four councils, which will not cause any impact, and can also appease the pigmen and the orcs."

Severu said: "A wise move. Our remaining lowland territory is an important granary and an important fortress that guards the only entrance from the lowland to the plateau."

"Very important."

"If it's only this level, it can be caught, and still belong to our orcs and pigs. I think it's very appropriate."

With everyone's unanimous approval, Kun Gu's face went dark.

He found himself completely helpless.

Here, he either agrees with Berlicky's ideas or as an outlier, he is fidgeting here.

He looked at Pericles, even a little bit of fear in his eyes.

The scholar in front of you who seems to be very talkative, in fact, you can't get a trace of what you want from him. Instead, you will be led by the nose by him, as if you are stuck in a quagmire.

He looked at the statue of God the Father behind Pericles, very angry.

Father, look at the elf who usurped the throne in front of you. He rebelled against you and is transforming our society according to his own ideas.

He gave you the order of Augustus, how can you still take it in your eyes?

Kun Gu looked around and was alone. He said to his few confidants: "We are leaving here, just like King Augustus is leaving here. Sooner or later, this place will be destroyed by God the Father."

"This place has fallen."

"We want to imitate King Augustus and travel overseas!"

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