"Hello, Mr. Smith. I'm Ji Jinge, Jize's childhood friend. I've always liked LW's clothes and admired your works. So I heard that Jize invited you to dinner, so I'll follow you to have a look. style!"

Ji Jinge is a man who can't pull back nine cows if he is not serious. But if you speak in a serious manner, you can definitely coax people away.

Lu Dingning had heard Ruan Xiyuan mention this before. It is said that despite the fact that Ji Jinge is only in charge of the entertainment company in the Ji family, as long as he is willing, it will not be a problem to take the entire Ji family into his pocket.

Now it seems that, among other things, Ji Jinge can coax people around with just this mouth, and hand over the Ji family!

"Jing Ge? Nice to meet you!" After Will greeted Ji Jinge with a crappy Z Wenye, he found that both Zong Jize and Ji Jinge were looking at Lu Dingning on his side.

"This is my friend Dylan. Dylan, this is..." Will seemed to be planning to introduce her to his friends.

Unexpectedly, before he made the introduction, Lu Dingning had already said, "Young Master Zong, Young Master Ji! Hello..."

"You guys know each other?" Will was a little surprised when he saw that Lu Dingning had taken the initiative to say hello.

"It's more than acquaintance..." Zong Jize's tone was neither gloomy nor clear, which made people feel a little confused about his emotions.

And Lu Dingning, who was still being watched by him, really didn't understand why he had the sense of being caught and raped in bed!

But fortunately, Ji Jinge, a little expert at mobilizing the atmosphere, was present.

"We are not only acquaintances, but also good brothers!" Ji Jinge said, and planned to go up to Lu Dingning a few times to show the intimacy of buddies.

But he didn't want to, just as he stepped forward to hug Lu Dingning, he was stopped by Will.

"Mr. Smith?" Ji Jinge was stopped, and looked at Will who stopped him with his arm in surprise.

Will was still smiling, and his blond hair and blue eyes were very attractive. But the attitude of preventing Ji Jinge from making physical contact with Lu Dingning did not waver in the slightest.

"Sorry, Dylan doesn't like too much physical contact with other people!"

Will's words made Ji Jinge frown and stare at Lu Dingning, as if I didn't know you had such a ghostly problem.

On Zong Jize's side, the color in his eyes instantly became as deep as the sea at night, making it impossible to see the bottom or touch the edge.

He was still staring at Lu Dingning, as if he wanted to find the answer from Lu Dingning's face.

"Okay, let's stop standing. Today Aze arranged a lot of special dishes from Country Z..."

Ji Jinge probably sensed that something was wrong with Zong Jize's mood, and after being seated first, he said a series of words to brighten the atmosphere, so he almost gave them a duo on the spot!

Thanks to Ji Jinge as a living treasure, the atmosphere of this meal was quite harmonious.

It's just that when the food was half eaten, the things Will picked up frequently fell on the dining table.

"Sorry, I really don't know how to use chopsticks!" Will said awkwardly but politely at the messy table he had messed up by himself.

"Let me ask the waiter to give you a pair of knives and forks!" Ji Jinge said, and rang the service bell.

At this time, Zong Jize also said: "Get her a pair too!"

As soon as Zong Jize said this, Lu Dingning, who was fighting with a sheep and scorpion with chopsticks, froze...

Also, Ji Jinge looked at Lu Dingning in astonishment.

In fact, just now, he also noticed that Lu Dingning used the chopsticks very strangely.

Although the number of times of dropping things is a few times less than Will, but it looks the same rusty...

Lu Dingning, who became the focus of attention for a while, simply put down the pair of chopsticks that he could not control at all.

As for the perfect handsome face that couldn't see a single pore under the illumination of the crystal lamp above his head, his smile remained undiminished.

"Thank you, Young Master Ji!"

It was probably because someone's smile was so indulgent and captivating that some of the things that Ji Jinge wanted to ask were left unanswered.

Taking advantage of the time when the waiter hadn't delivered the knife and fork, Lu Dingning made an excuse to go to the bathroom...


Lu Dingning took the hand, and splashed cold water on his handsome face at the sink.

After autumn, the water hits the face very cold.

No, just a splash of water turned Lu Dingning's nose reddish from the cold.

But there is no way, Zong Jize will have a hard time going through that test if he doesn't work hard.

If the clues are seen, Lu Dingning is worried that RM's cooperation will not be able to be negotiated.

But just when Lu Dingning was about to pour a handful of cold water on his face again, a figure suddenly appeared in the mirror of the sink.

This person is Zong Jize.

"Young Master Zong?" Looking at Zong Jize standing behind him, looking at him through the mirror, Zong Jize's uniquely handsome face was strained, Lu Dingning wiped his face when he came back to his senses. drops of water, and then the corners of the lips outlined a sinister arc.

"I'm fine, let's go back first!"

For no reason, Lu Dingning sensed danger from Zong Jize who was so expressionless, and just wanted to back down and avoid it.

But Lu Dingning didn't expect that just as she turned to leave, Zong Jize suddenly reached out and grabbed her wrist...

"Master Zong, you..." What are you going to do?

When Lu Dingning was about to ask him, Zong Jize suddenly grabbed her wrist and walked towards the private room in the bathroom.

After taking the person inside, Zong Jize locked the door of the single room in one breath.

In this way, only Lu Dingning was left to confront him in the small private room...

"Master Zong, what do you mean?" At this moment, the curvature of Lu Dingning's lips gradually cooled down.

Zong Jize, who could sense this, asked without answering, "When did you know Will?"

In fact, even Zong Jize didn't know why his heart felt so uncomfortable when he saw Lu Dingning walking into the private room with Will Smith.

Besides, that's why Will knew she didn't like physical contact with other people...

Why did Will know what Zong Jize didn't know?

Because of this, Zong Jize's mind was in chaos after the meal.

Especially seeing the intimacy when Will talked to her... Zong Jize could smell the sour smell all over his body!

So, seeing her get up and go to the bathroom, Zong Jize followed suit. The reason is to ask about everything about her and Will...

"It's been a while!" I can't say the exact time, otherwise according to Zong Jize's personality, he will definitely be able to find out the truth!

"Then you said that the friend who came to play with you these days is Will? You picked him up at the airport?"

Staring at Lu Dingning's face that is so smooth that people can't help but want to reach out and touch it, what happened in the past few days, and the photos of the airport pick-up that Ji Jinge showed him yesterday, are also happening at this moment in Zong Jize's eyes. Connect your minds together!

"Hmm. Is Young Master Zong okay?" The retort at this moment may arouse Zong Jize's suspicion even more.

As for Zong Jize, in fact, he still had a lot to ask.

Like what is the relationship between her and Will, and why Will's eyes are always so gentle when he talks to her...

But staring at Lu Dingning's indifferent and almost cruel perfect profile, Zong Jize's full of questions were stuck in his throat.

On Lu Dingning's side, after seeing his long silence, he said, "If it's okay, I'll go out first! It's weird for two men to stay in the same bathroom!"

After saying this, she walked out of the bathroom without looking back.

As for Zong Jize, who was left alone, Lu Dingning's words "It's weird for two men to stay in the same bathroom" echoed in his mind from time to time, and then he leaned against the door of the bathroom in a state of embarrassment...

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