"Will, I can see that your hunting skills are good? Or if you still haven't returned to country F at the end of the month, go to Ruoshui Villa. There is a hunting ground over there. Let's compare it..."

By the time Zong Jize recovered his mood and returned to the private room, Ji Jinge and Will had already talked about hunting, which was of interest to men.

"By the way, Yining, why don't you go too?" Lu Dingning was thinking about why the words "Ruoshui Villa" sounded familiar, but Ji Jinge had already sent her an invitation.

"Okay!" Facing the enthusiastic Ji Jinge and the interested Will, of course Lu Dingning could only agree.

"what's the topic?"

When Zong Jize took his seat, he casually got involved in the topic.

"Talk about hunting. Will said he hunted foxes! I was just about to have a fight with him..."

Zong Jize only left for a while, and Ji Jinge called Will Smith from "Mr. Smith" to "Will".

This is enough to show how powerful his mouth is.

"Fox hunting? Looks good!"

Zong Jize said, but looked at Lu Dingning who was fighting with a crystal shrimp dumpling with a fork: "Can you do it?"

For men, this is definitely a provocative statement.

Although Lu Dingning was a woman at heart, she could smell the strong provocation in Zong Jize's words right now.

But before Lu Dingning could respond, Will spoke first: "How could it be impossible for Dylan? She rides..."

Before Will could finish his sentence, however, his voice changed. Because someone is stepping on his feet under the table!

"What is she riding?" Ji Jinge asked.

"..." Although Zong Jize didn't ask any further questions, his black eyes were slightly narrowed, as sharp as a knife trying to cut Lu Dingning open.

"No...it's nothing! I just want to say that I can still ride a hunter!" Will quietly moved back his almost trampled foot, and winked at Lu Dingning.

"Wow? That's even more fun! Ruoshui Villa happens to have a few good horses, and then we can play to our heart's content." A cynical young man like Ji Jinge is very good at all kinds of fun.

"Okay..." Will replied with a smile. It's just that compared to the handsome and bright smile just now, Will's smile is a little stiff at the moment. Because the one who is really good at riding and hunting is not him!

Next, Ji Jinge chatted with Will on the topic of riding and hunting. It can be said that the personalities of the two are really similar in some aspects, so that they have a lot of common topics.

Overall, the dinner was quite enjoyable.

Just after dinner, Will said, "Dylan, where are we going to play this afternoon?"

"I'm going to visit the ancient buildings in the Imperial City in the afternoon. I studied the strategy..." Lu Dingning answered Will while picking up his coat.

Zong Jize, who was packing up his cell phone and car keys, froze when he heard this conversation...

On Ji Jinge's side, hearing the conversation between the two was like discovering a new continent.

"Where are you going to play in the afternoon? Take me one take me one!"

For Ji Jinge, he just likes to stay with his pretty little brother Lu Dingning. Besides, Will is also a friend he can talk to.

Playing with these two for an afternoon is much more interesting than spending time with the old men in the company.

"Are you alright this afternoon?" Lu Dingning raised his pretty eyebrows, looking at Ji Jinge who followed automatically.

"I think it's okay if it's okay!" Ji Jinge, who was idyllic, looked at her incomparably delicate and beautiful even with raised eyebrows, and Lu Dingning, who won his heart, almost whistled.

"Okay then, Will you don't mind?" Lu Dingning, unable to directly reject Ji Jinge, could only hand over the decision to Will.

"I don't mind!" Will shrugged, indicating that he didn't mind at all.

As a result, the tour of the ancient buildings in the imperial city in the afternoon changed from a two-person trip to a three-person trip!

Ji Jinge cheerfully greeted Lu Dingning and Will to get into the car, intending to personally drive his cool trot and take the two rare good friends on a short trip that should be unforgettable in his opinion.

As for Zong Jize, his eyes kept falling on Ji Jinge's cool trot.

Zong Jize didn't take his eyes back for a long time until the figure of the cool trot disappeared at the end of the street...


For one afternoon, Lu Dingning accompanied Will and Ji Jinge around the major ancient architectural attractions in the Imperial City.

During the visit to the scenic spots, Will took out his newly purchased SLR camera from time to time to take pictures of the ancient buildings of country Z that he thought were novel, and kept saying to Lu Dingning: "This time, the ancient buildings of country Z really brought me a lot of attention. Come to different inspirations. I think I can design different clothes after returning to China this time!"

While Will was taking pictures with the SLR camera, Ji Jinge suddenly moved up to Lu Dingning and looked at her with a half-smile.

"What's the matter, little brother?" Lu Dingning, who also had a smile on the corner of his mouth, smiled more elegantly and calmly than Ji Jinge, who was full of dignity with his gestures.

But this kind of Lu Dingning, only she knows, in fact, she is still uneasy in her heart.

It was also because of her uneasiness that she called out what she liked to make Ji Jinge happy, but she called herself a bit disgusting.

"I found out that your F accent is quite authentic! Where did you learn it?" Ji Jinge smiled. Between the flamboyant eyebrows and eyes, there was a trace of inquiry.

In fact, this is not the first time Lu Dingning has been asked this question today.

As early as when she got into Ji Jinge's car and accompanied Will to the scenic spot, she received Zong Jize's WeChat.

Ji Ze: 【If your Mandarin is as pure as your F accent, then there is absolutely no such problem of not being able to graduate from Imperial City University! 】

Although Zong Jize didn't question him in his message, Lu Dingning could still sense Zong Jize's suspicion.

But what can she do?

She has been in country F since she was five years old, and everyone around her speaks the language of country F, so she naturally has a pure F accent.

But obviously, lying in front of people like Ji Jinge and Zong Jize, not only can't get away with it, but it is very likely that they will want to investigate her thoroughly...

Facing Ji Jinge who was still waiting for her answer, Lu Dingning hesitated.

Fortunately, Will ran over after taking the photo.

"Hey, what are you talking about? Come here quickly, let's go to the pavilion over there!"

With Will's urging, Ji Jinge could only give up temporarily. The two walked towards the gazebo that Will mentioned one after the other...

It's just that Lu Dingning, who escaped the catastrophe for a while, knows that this doesn't mean it's done once and for all. She must try her best to avoid speaking F in front of Zong Jize and Ji Jinge in the future.

After this day's itinerary, Lu Dingning felt more tired than after working and studying all day! As soon as she got home, she collapsed directly on the bed...

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