Matthew was a little unhappy when he entered the field for the second time and had no harvesting ability. He wanted to pick up the hawk-faced man and beat him up.

But the return to limited-time form has lifted his spirits.

He has already verified the power of the strengthening method with A Bing.

Now give Matthew another chance.

He is confident that he can grow a more powerful zombie!

"It seems a bit strange to say that, while doing work in the natural realm, it is the undead who benefit greatly?"

"When I plant trees on a large scale next time, won't the tauren field be able to grow rapidly again?"

Matthew thought wildly for a while.

Start formulating a new round of tree planting plans.

With the last experience, Matthew's thinking is clearer now.

He now has an army of zombies as coolies, and the most difficult task of digging holes and filling them with soil is not a problem at all.

At present, the only three links that can limit the productivity of the tree planting industry are seeds, saplings and growth.

In terms of seeds, Matthew plans a two-pronged approach——

On the one hand, he was going to ask Samantha if there were any purchasing channels.

On the other hand, he planned to find Zeller to purchase oak seeds through the official channels of Rolling Stone Town.

After all, I am already a well-established person in the lord's mansion. It is not too much to use public channels to purchase things, right?

You can still leave the saplings to Ella.

With the powerful germination ability shown by this owl lady, as long as there are enough seeds, the saplings will definitely not be a problem.

There was also a long-term cooperation agreement between Matthew and Ella.

It’s just that Ella has been busy with something in the Moonglade recently.

Matthew didn't even see her much.

As for the most important part of oak growth.

Matthew plans to go to the "Crucible House" early tomorrow morning to take a look. As long as the magic props are produced on the east coast and inland areas, you can always buy them at the Crucible House.

The only drawback to the stuff there is that it's expensive.

But Matthew's net worth is also rising, and he is willing to pay for it as long as it is too expensive.

"Speaking of which, can I increase efficiency by increasing the level of the "Rapid Growth" spell? "

Matthew stood firm under the tree.

The thought that just flashed through his mind made his eyes light up.

He currently has no way to improve his Druid spells through normal means.

But he has "spell reconciliation"!

"I can definitely try to use "rapid growth" as the main body and coordinate it with other spells to see if I can break through the limit of rapid growth itself! "

Just do what comes to mind.

Matthew pinched on the spot.

"Tip: You used spell blending, and the blending targets are "Rapid Growth" and "Garcia's Armor";

After the reconciliation is completed, "Rapid Growth" is strengthened into "Rapid Growth (Green Armor)".

The strengthening effect of this spell is as follows:

The number of times available per day is increased to 11 times;

This spell can not only make plants grow rapidly, but also add a green armor spell to them (armor +3/lasts for 30 minutes).

When multiple plants in the same area have the green armor spell, a green tree wall will appear between these green armor plants, which is enough to withstand the impact of some external enemies."

Green armor plant? Green tree wall?

Although it seemed useless, Matthew went back to the house and carefully recorded the results of the spell blending.

"If we can add green armor to dozens of plants at the same time, it may have certain strategic significance."

Matthew thought for a while and continued to create the second spell.

"Tip: You used spell blending, and the blending targets are "Rapid Growth" and "Vampire Touch";

After the blending is completed, "rapid growth" is strengthened into "bloodthirsty growth".

The strengthening effect of this spell is as follows:

The number of times available per day is increased to 15 times;

Before each use, 3 points of health of the caster will be deducted;

This spell has twice the plant growth rate of the original spell, but plants grown through bloodthirsty growth will have a certain probability of mutating into man-eating plants, and have a very low chance of obtaining elite/lord templates. "

"This is not bad."

Matthew also recorded the results. Spell blending can only be used twice a day, and he has hundreds of combinations of spells. Only by recording the results of various blends can they be used at critical moments.

Compared with the green armor technique, the strengthening effect of bloodthirsty growth is more obvious.

Although it is troublesome to bleed every time.

But for the purpose of protecting the forest, it is also a feasible solution to cultivate a man-eating plant in the forest in an area.

This trip to the rainforest made Matthew realize that nature does not mean absolute peace.

A life-and-death ecology like the rainforest may be too cruel.

But an atmosphere that pursues tranquility and tranquility like the Oak Domain is also a bit too monotonous.

He felt that the oak tree needed to be given a little stimulation.


All of the above are just Matthew’s imagination.

His current goal is to find the best harmonious solution for "rapid growth" as soon as possible.

From the current point of view, the green armor spell is more stable and controllable. If you use it more than once a day, you will get more strengthening experience. You can also strengthen it twice more in a month.

Think so.

Matthew canceled the results of spell blending. Before finding a better blending plan, he would leave the second daily spell blending opportunity to Green Armor.

After finishing the reconciliation.

Matthew walked among the oak trees again.

Walking in the woods planted by yourself is such a wonderful and soothing feeling.

The breeze blowing through the forest caressed Matthew's face.

The fatigue on his body disappeared instantly, and the annoyance accumulated from the long journey a while ago was also relieved a lot.

Matthew's body and mind were greatly relaxed.


He suddenly realized that his forest was actually very big.

It spread from the east of the town to the private land formerly owned by Rhaegar to the north.

And further north.

Already many neatly arranged potholes have appeared.

That's all the result of hard-working zombie workers working all night long.

Matthew was very pleased with this.

But next, he does not plan to plant according to these potholes exactly.

Because the previous Matthew only roughly estimated the bearing capacity of the earth.

And after returning from this trip south.

Matthew has the ability to feel the pulse of the earth more intuitively.

"Balanced Perception"!

In an instant.

The world changed color in front of Matthew.

Elemental field.

Etheric field.

element field.

material realm.

The structure of the plane was undressed in front of him, as if it were being peeled off.

He can clearly see every abnormal energy flow!

"Huh? In the past three and a half days, I planted 100 trees, and I almost drained the "life elements" from the forest? "

"No, it's not just this reason. It should be that the oak forest is expanding too fast. This land is almost being drained."

Matthew looked solemn.

Before, he only vaguely knew that he should not plant trees too quickly, otherwise he might cause permanent damage to the earth.

But this is the first time that we have such an intuitive insight into the flow of elements in the earth.

He saw that there was not much life left in the element field of the earth under the oak forest. The most populated elements were "earth", "stone" and "gravel" derived from the earth elemental layer.

The oak forest greedily absorbs the life elements of the earth, causing it to show signs of exhaustion.

Although the oak forest will feed back to the earth, it expands too fast and feeds back too slowly, which has resulted in the current imbalance of factors.

"Fortunately, there is still a chance to make amends."

“It should be possible to fill the missing elements of life through measures such as fertilization.”

Matthew was a little scared.

At the same time, he also noticed that near the cemetery located under the earth, due to the large number of activities of the undead, a small amount of death elements were integrated into the soil.

The element of "death" takes the place of the element of "life" in the earth.

If this continues.

Maybe in a few years, the oak forest will draw pure negative energy from the earth!

What will the oak forest look like then.

Matthew couldn't imagine it.

"Fortunately, I have balanced perception, so everything is in time. I can plant trees further north first. Fortunately, the land area given by Lei Jia is large enough."

"And in addition to fertilizing, I remember that the druids of the Earth Society have a "Sanctuary of Life" ritual that can ensure the vitality of the earth. I will ask Eli when he comes back. "

Think so.

Matthew glanced northeast.

You don’t know if you don’t see it.

One look at him almost made his eyes pop out——

But there was a huge fault in the energy field in the northeast.

That scene was like a ruthless machete cutting into a huge piece of cheese!

The marks left by the machete could not heal for a long time and were even expanding outward.

In a trance.

Matthew also saw an extremely strange monster in the traces.

The monster had three human faces and a body like a zombie. Debris mixed with ashes and sparks fell from it every moment.

It has countless hands, and the most eye-catching hand holds a sickle that stands tall on the sky and on the ground!

The monster glanced at Matthew from the side.

Matthew felt a pain in his temple and instantly exited the state of balanced perception.


Matthew held the oak tree and gently rubbed his temples to calm the pain just now.

"Warning: You have spied the secret of the Mark of the Dead, the Ash Lord active in the elemental layer!"

The Ash Lord has noticed your gaze and is about to send his generals and troops to destroy you!

It is estimated that there are still 720 hours until the arrival of the first wave of troops. "

An Ash Lord active on the elemental layer.

Is this the reason why the Mark of the Dead has been expanding?

Matthew frowned.

He knew that he would never be able to circumvent the difficulty of the Mark of the Dead. When he came back this time, he was also prepared to deal with the westward expansion of the Mark of the Dead.

But I didn't expect that the other party would strike first.

The reason was just because I took one more look at the monster.

But Matthew was not worried. He had seen similar cases in the Seven Saints Alliance's information.

Theoretically, the impact of the Trace of the Dead on the material world is limited to the devouring of the land and the killing of living creatures around the trace.

The further away it is, the less influence it has.

As long as this thing doesn't mutate, the troops it sends shouldn't be too powerful.

Having said that.

Matthew returned home to the town as soon as possible.

Come to your familiar desk.

Matthew first wrote a reply to Lorraine, telling him that although he was quite concerned about being cheated, as long as Lorraine could guarantee that there would be no more deliberate fraud in the future, the friendship between the two parties would have a chance to continue. Go down.

He then handed the letter to the albatross who had been standing guard in the garden for the past few days.

Sweet Girl pecked at the letter and flew away without looking back.

As a result, Matthew never had a chance to hand over the porcelain bottle he held in his palm.

"Only next time."

he thought with peace of mind.


Matthew returned to the basement, took out the thick document, and read it carefully.

The Alliance of Seven Saints has done very good research on the Mark of the Dead, which can be seen from the weight of the information bag.

Broadly speaking, these materials can be divided into three parts.

The first part, the historical background and reasons for the formation of the Mark of the Dead.

The second part is that the Alliance of Seven Saints has made many efforts to prevent the spread of the Mark of the Dead, but most of these efforts have failed. The second part is a summary of these failure cases, which is also valuable in Matthew's opinion.

The third part is the feasibility prediction of a series of plans for the Mark of the Dead proposed by the Seven Saints Alliance senior leadership.

This part is also of great reference value.

Matthew started reading from the first part.

But soon he frowned.

Although there is a lot of information in this part, I don’t know if it is a mistake in paperwork or if someone did it deliberately.

The information is quite messy, and many of the statements are contradictory.

It's so outrageous that both the previous paragraph and the next paragraph may be completely wrong!

"Is this information officially recorded by the alliance?"

Matthew was deeply suspicious.

But when he thought of Blinken's incident, he suppressed this suspicion.

In fact, he had not had much contact with the Seven Saints Alliance, and all the impressions in his mind came from what he heard from Ronan.

After the promotion of Tianlun Palace, the Alliance of Seven Saints became the most powerful organization and authority in the world. It seems that it is not uncommon for some internal corruption to occur.


He suppressed his nausea and tried to extract useful information from this chaotic pile of written materials.

A few hours later.

Matthew put down a thick parchment bag a little tiredly.

At this time, he was extremely convinced.

This information has been contaminated.

Not only did Matthew get this, but after a certain point in time, the information everyone else received from the alliance officials was contaminated.

The intention may be to obscure the historical origin of the Mark of the Dead.

But as a messenger of balance, Matthew has a natural ability to capture unbalanced elements.

He easily spotted many contradictions in the information.

Gradually, some relatively useful information was extracted for him.

Matthew pieced this information together in an effort to restore the historical truth.

"So, the origin of the Mark of the Dead is actually in Jade Cangting? The surrounding areas were just affected."

From the information Matthew pieced together, the story goes something like this:

Since the promotion of Tianlun Palace.

Terestina, the main elf god believed by the wood elves living in the Jade Cangting, was also exiled by the Scourge Mage.

Since then, the entire Wood Elf community has been in panic.

It seems that for a group like elves, having no faith is a very scary thing.

They will instinctively seek some powerful existence as their spiritual support.

a certain year.

A legendary warlock named Lance discovered this.

So through careful disguises and strategies, he successfully convinced the wood elves that although Terestina had been exiled, she had prepared the body of a saint in the human world in advance, so as to continue to guide the elves. spiritual world.

Lance claims to be Terestina's incarnation on earth.

It's very paradoxical.

The wood elves actually believed such an outrageous lie!

After that, the legendary magician successfully took over the Jade Cangting, and even became a partner with the then Wood Elf Queen, giving birth to two children, a boy and a girl.

The day the Queen gave birth.

Jade Cangting was still immersed in joy.

But very quickly.

The Wood Elf Queen was the first to realize something was wrong.

Because she was horrified to find that the two children she had just given birth to were neither elves nor humans.

They look like a humanoid with an octopus face!

At this time, no matter how obsessed the Elf Queen was, she still knew something bad was going on.

She wanted to question Lance.

But the latter left after the queen gave birth successfully.

The rest of the night.

It was the most painful night in the history of Jade Cangting.

No one knows what happened in the Elven Palace.

The elves living in the outer city only saw two tentacles rising from the ground.

One of the tentacles pierced the crown of Maia, the World Tree.

The other tentacle attacks all nearby creatures indiscriminately.

Matthew found only these fragments of description of this terrible disaster.

What he was sure of was this.

After that night.

The elf queen in her prime fell.

Many wood elf commoners were sacrificed alive in a mysterious evil ritual before the queen gave birth to an heir.

And more wood elves died in the subsequent disasters.

As for the boy and girl the queen gave birth to.

They turned into two tentacles respectively.

One of the tentacles was killed by the Queen using the artifact suppressed in the World Tree.

The other tentacle also received a fatal blow from the Queen, but was not completely dead.

It fell to the earth and merged with the earth's veins, forming a shallow trace eighty kilometers south of Jade Cangting City.

At that time, the elves were immersed in sorrow and did not notice the abnormality of the traces.

And when this trace grew vigorously, the elves were surprised to find that they could no longer curb the growth of this trace.

The Trace of the Dead was born.

After experiencing this miserable night.

The population of the originally prosperous wood elf tribe dropped sharply, and they lost their ability to monopolize the forest.

Eventually, they had to maintain their local dominance by moving their capitals and bringing in outside forces.

Before that.

Matthew felt the same way about Wood Elves and Night Elves, two of humanity's neighbors.

He also felt that the night elves were too arrogant and indifferent. Not to mention their royal court, even the Eversong Forest where the night elves lived did not allow ordinary humans to enter.

In comparison, the wood elves appear to be much more reasonable. Not only can they enter Jade Cangting at will, but even their capital city, the Royal City, ordinary humans can also have the opportunity to enter and have a look.

Now it seems.

It turned out that the wood elves had committed suicide and suffered a big loss, so they had to introduce human power to restrain their fellow elves who were ready to make moves next to them.

"Sure enough, there are no exceptions in this world for no reason. No wonder even the daughter of a small town businessman like Beanna has the opportunity to go to Jade Cangting to learn dance. The wood elves are also in decline."

Matthew stretched.

He picked up a pen again and wrote down the background he had sorted out——

"Afterwards, when the Seven Saints Alliance studied the beheaded tentacle, they discovered that it belonged to a void creature that they had never heard of. The latter's name was Ukruth, who was a warlock of the Calamity Cult. The Lord of the Void that we believe in.

We have reason to believe that the legendary warlock is also a member of the Scourge Order. "

Finish writing these.

Matthew stopped writing.

It is too tiring to extract the correct information from a bunch of mixed information.

He must rest.

We can't use up all our mental energy tonight.

One day is to make an appointment for class with Sif.

I've been missing him for a month.

Matthew was somewhat embarrassed.

He decided to prepare for tonight's history class and try to leave the best impression on Sif.

"I have to plant trees, organize information, and find time to learn spells. It seems that I really don't have time to go to the office of the Lord's Mansion."

"Well, let's work for two or three days first, and then find a chance to ask for leave from Rega."

Think so.

Matthew gladly grabbed a history lesson plan and scanned it happily.


In Matthew's living room, the sound of lectures was loud.

Matthew worked particularly hard tonight.

But soon.

He noticed that something was wrong with Sif's state.

Except she seemed happy when we first met.

After class starts.

She just looked distracted.

This is rare for Sif.

So Matthew stopped talking and asked with concern:

"What's wrong, Sif? What happened?"

Xifu was stunned for a moment, then smiled reluctantly:


Matthew said seriously:

"You can't lie to the teacher in class."

Xifu blushed and sighed:

"This afternoon, I heard from my father that he also participated in your adventure to the south."

"After I found out about this, I felt a little uncomfortable."

Matthew was stunned for a moment, then apologized immediately and said:

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gotten your father into that kind of danger."

Although Matthew didn't expect that the person coming would be Rhaegar, saying this was like an excuse, so he didn't say it.

Who knew that Sif immediately shook her head and said:

"That's not what I care about. I also heard him say that you are now the spell consultant of the Lord's Mansion."

Matthew was surprised and said:

"Is there anything wrong?"

Sif held her little face and looked at Matthew seriously:

"So, now you spend more time with my father than you do with me?"

What the hell kind of problem is this?

You don't want to be jealous of your father, right?

Matthew was shocked by the girl's bizarre comparison.

To avoid Sif misunderstanding, Matthew explained:

"Don't worry, Rega and I don't have a good relationship. Except for official correspondence, we almost don't talk in private."

Sif looked at him suspiciously:


Matthew smiled and said:

"Of course, I can guarantee that."

Sif suddenly breathed a sigh of relief:

"Sorry, your relationship with my father has improved. This is something I would like to see, but I am afraid that you will get too close... Oh, let's not talk about this."

"Anyway, as long as things are not what I imagined, let's continue the class?"

Matthew nodded.

He picked up the lesson plan and was about to continue.

But at this time.

A loud and excited voice suddenly came from outside the main door:

"Open the door quickly, Matthew!"

"I came up with a brilliant idea. We can sell my sword oil to the south. We can definitely make a lot of money!"

"Open the door! Matthew!"

that moment.

The smile on Matthew's face completely froze.

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