The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 168 Spirit Touch Hall and Huang Yulong

In the endless darkness, Matthew seemed to have turned into a flying insect.

The world is made of black and white.

The mottled colors gradually solidified. He instinctively moved forward, encountering forked roads one after another.

It seems like a maze here.

Matthew tried to look up, but could only see a small section of the scenery.

He couldn't even control his body and could only follow the weak air flow.

After a while.

He stopped at a stone wall.

There is a huge locust tree in the maze not far away.

On the branches of the locust tree.

Sitting there were two guys wearing black cloaks and white masks, their lower bodies almost invisible.

Matthew couldn't see any more details.

But I can hear the conversation between them clearly.

One of them said:

"The bloodline of the Thousand Changers is resurrecting, and the troll empire and barbarian tribes in the north are also rising again. Although evil dragons are difficult to achieve, the nutrients dumped from the ruins on the cloud are enough to breed more evil. The upcoming situation , I’m afraid the Seven Saints Alliance cannot control it.”

The other person's voice is more childish:

"What about the giant beasts? Isn't it said that they are also fast?"

The older one said:

"I heard that the giant beasts are not that fast. They have to change after the odd number of days, but the odd number of days will still take time. The most important thing is to look at Ronan."

Another person asked:

"What's going on with Ronan now?"

Older answer:

"I don't know. No one knew which force was responsible for attacking Ronan before. However, the recent news from the Seven Saints Alliance seems to be Isabel's doing."

The young man was surprised:

"Why would Isabel attack her own students?"

The older people seemed not surprised:

"I told you it was just hearsay. There is no guarantee that the hearsay is false. Even if it is true, it is not unusual. People who have been in high positions in the world for a long time will definitely go crazy if they are unable to break through.

Isabel is probably the same as the original Sun God. She has been a divine mage for too long and has seen the power of the natural disaster mage. Naturally, she is not willing to be lonely.

But no one can tell how to move towards a natural disaster.

The Seven Saints Alliance's dilemma lies in this as well.

Their situation is actually the same as that of the poor people in Tianlun Palace. The difference is that before the mages have had time to grow to the top of the world, they are going completely crazy one after another. "

The young man clicked his tongue and said:

"It seems that in the face of changes in the next era, our Spirit Touch Synagogue has a good chance."

The elder said proudly:

"Of course, the Spirit Touch Hall is the most powerful force in the Ravenloft Demon Realm. With Viscount Fan here, we are bound to unify the Demon Realm within a few years of Ain."

"Fan Viscount summoned 10,000 night cloak ghosts, 3,000 vampires, and countless other creatures. He is the most powerful king of the Demon Realm!"

The young man also puffed up his chest:

"It's really an honor to think that we also work under Fan Zijue! Hey, you said..."

He hasn't finished speaking yet.

A roar came from the distance:

"Are you two little ghosts slacking off again? Why don't you hurry up and deliver today's dusk mail?"

"If I delay Fan Zijue's affairs, I will beat you to death!"

The two little ghosts suddenly disappeared from the locust tree.

Soon after.

Matthew saw a headless horseman driving a carriage down from the top of the maze.

He stayed on the locust tree for a while, looking around with vigilant eyes. After a while, he said respectfully in the direction of the carriage:

"Princess, please get out of the car."

The car curtain was opened by a white hand.

Before Matthew could see the full picture of the princess, the Headless Horseman suddenly turned towards Matthew’s direction:


"A little bug?"

In an instant.

A powerful force hit Matthew's face.

He only felt a pain in his forehead.

There was a sound of "Huh" in my ears - it was a rather pleasant female voice.

Immediately afterwards.

His consciousness returned to his body.

"Reminder: You have entered the realm of eclipse and overheard information about the "Spirit Touch Hall".

In return for getting involved in the field, you will gain two of the following three abilities -

1. Necrotic Fire: Designate one of your fingers as the launch point of the Necrotic Fire. Afterwards, you can release a flame with necrotic energy from the tip of that finger without chanting.

This flame can cause a large amount of magic damage instantly, and within the next ten minutes, cause 2~3 points of necrosis damage to the enemy per minute.

Note: There is no daily casting limit for Eclipse Fire, but when you cast it too many times, your finger may become black and hard.

2. Intoxicating whisper: You can whisper to a target through the necrotic field. If the target fails the save, he will enter a drunken state.

The drunken state will last for thirty minutes.

3. Spell offset: You can spend the same amount of mana to simultaneously offset a spell being cast by the target.

Note: The level of this spell must not exceed one step above your own level.

Available twice daily. "

"Spirit Touch Hall?"

"It sounds like an organization from the Demonic Realm of Ravenloft. Is their leader a Viscount named Fan? Is there a title in the social system of the Demonic Realm of Ravenloft, or is he a vampire?"

"In addition, the materializations of the Eclipse Realm and the Tomb Realm are located in the Demonic Realm of Ravenloft..."

Matthew silently wrote down what he just heard.

Then he looked at the data column.

Today's luck is simply overwhelming.

Not only did he enter the field in one fell swoop, but he also seemed to go deeper and gain two abilities.

Matthew pondered for a moment and chose one and three.

"Anecrotic Fire" is a very cost-effective offensive spell ability. Compared to the direct damage it can cause, Matthew values ​​​​more the continuous life deduction caused by necrotic damage.

Although not much, it can enrich his offensive strategy.

Needless to say, "Spell Offset" is a bit worse than counterattack and rebound, but it is also a very good back-up method. There is no reason not to win it.

As for "Intoxicating Whispers".

This ability is actually a bit interesting. Matthew learned from it that the field of necrosis seems to include elements such as "drunkness", "alcohol", and "drowsiness".

This field is relatively unpopular.

Correspondingly, when using abilities in unpopular fields, you can also gain more unexpected effects.

Additionally, exploring the Eclipse Realm grants Matthew a permanent status.

"Anecrosis Resistance: Your body's resistance to necrosis damage +10;

Drunk resistance +5;

Sleep resistance +5"

Matthew looked at the necrotic orb in his hand.

The negative energy glow on it has dimmed by about one-third.

After tasting the sweetness, he changed his mind and planned to play with it often in the future.

Matthew not only went for the domain ability, he was more concerned that his consciousness could enter the Ravenloft Demonic Realm more safely when exploring the domain.

This time it is attached to a small insect. If it is attached to a creature with stronger mobility next time, there may be more gains.

When Matthew came to his senses.

Margaret was standing in front of him eating melon seeds, with melon seed shells scattered on the ground:

"Does this mean you have understood a field?"

Matthew nodded.

"I'm really impressed by geniuses like you."

Margaret did not hide her envy:

“At first I thought I was a genius and wanted to rely on my own strength to understand the field and abilities, but later I realized that I was overthinking.

Some people can enter the realm casually, no different than visiting a brothel;

But I worked so hard but could only get halfway in, and I had to find someone else to help me push.

If not, I wouldn't choose to start with a debt of two million. "

Matthew coughed slightly:

"Just good luck today."

"Just today?"

Margaret cracked a few melon seeds hard, as if she was biting Matthew:

"Forget it, I'm not envious. If you don't have some talent, how could you be favored by Ms. Isabel?

Let’s jump right into the review.

First of all, I need to point out that at the stage when you are fighting with the Old Bone Dragon, any door is an unnecessary link.

What did you gain from any door?


Instead you wasted a shoe and a sock.

This provocation seems to me to be completely unnecessary.

You could just kill him. "

Matthew nodded humbly:

"That's right. But I have never used any door in actual combat, so I want to use it to practice my skills."

Margaret rolled her eyes:

“It’s understandable if that’s the case, but I can’t fault it in other aspects.

But I can recommend some spells to you. If you can master and use these spells skillfully, you will be more able to deal with the skull dragon just now.

The first one is "Flying". There is no doubt about the importance of flying. Low-level flying can be learned at the second level, but the effect is very poor.

The requirement for intermediate flying skills is level three, and the effect is equally average.

If your level will be improved soon, then I suggest you learn "Isabel Flying Technique" directly after level 4.

It's an experience you'll never forget once you try it.

The second one is a fourth-level spell called "Bone-Breaking Howl". As long as you master the necromancy-related fields, you should be able to learn it in advance.

This spell is specifically used to fight against skeleton-type undead creatures.

If a fifth-level mage casts the full-effect Bone-Crushing Howl, it can directly blow the bone dragon into pieces.

On the other hand, as a necromancer, if you rely on the combat effectiveness of your skeleton undead creatures, then you have to find a way to enhance their resistance in this regard——

Mainly the resistance to sound waves.

The third one is not a spell, but an ability called "Natural Casting".

I see you're mastering Aeolus' wild form, which is great.

But when you use Death Shock Wave, you must turn into a human form and get close to the opponent. There is actually a safety hazard here.

If you can use some of your spells while in Aeolian form, this problem will be solved.

The natural casting ability allows you to cast spells while in wild form.

But this ability is very rare, even my teacher can't buy it.

You have to find a senior archdruid.

In fact, there are many similar ideas. You can expand your thinking after class. I only provide a few suggestions here. "

As soon as Matthew listened to the class, he felt something was wrong:

"Is the practical class over now?"

"The effects of the medicine haven't worn off on my body yet!"

Margaret nibbled the last melon seed, and then said leisurely:

"You watch me kill an undead creature, I watch you kill an undead creature, and then review it. The above is the entire content of this practical class."

"If you feel that it is difficult to come to the negative energy plane and want to practice for a while, you can add time."

Matthew asked tentatively:

"Coins or points?"

Margaret asked:

"Do you have any gold coins?"

Matthew was silent.

"One point, three monsters, a review, and an escort. The price is favorable. If you can add a few more minutes at a time, I can even give you a discount."

Margaret said with a smile:

"You haven't worn off the medicine yet. As long as you get five points, I can even go to battle and give it to you myself!"

Matthew looked at her malicious smile and quickly refused.

He is definitely not Margaret's opponent now, but even if the two sides fight to the death, it will probably be a draw.

After all, he has Isabel's patron saint, and Margaret also has Suriel's patron saint ninety-nine percent of the time.

We are all students of the Divine Mage, so let’s just be teammates!

At the moment, Matthew expressed his willingness to increase the clock.

Knowledge points were not that precious to him. In comparison, Margaret's company and guidance were more important.

Matthew felt it when he was fighting the old bone dragon, as if a wonderful power was awakening in his body.

I don’t know if it’s due to the effect of the medicine or just chance.

In short, today, he must not let Margaret go!

"Very good, I like motivated students like you!"

"Come on, work hard, try to catch up with me as soon as possible, and then support me!"

Margaret smiled slightly:

"It's just a pity that there don't seem to be particularly powerful monsters around here that you can train with. Those four guys are all immortal kings registered in the alliance. If they remain cowardly, it will be inconvenient for us to attack them."

"I have to go a little further and find you some comparable opponents."

Matthew shook his head and said:

"Don't worry, let's go see the old bone dragon's territory first, and then I have to help my pet be promoted to king."

"After that, we'll set out again."

Margaret looked at Matthew in surprise:

"Didn't you say you can't hold it any longer?"

Matthew said honestly:

"It's true that I can't hold it in any longer. I've always wanted to find someone to fight with, but when I think about the fact that there may be treasures in the old bone dragon's territory, this impulse is not so strong."

"It's more important to collect the spoils. The fight can be postponed for a while!"

Under the leadership of Bone Pigeon, they soon arrived at Old Bone Dragon's territory, which was a leeward basin at the foot of King Mountain.

Unfortunately, everything here disappointed Matthew.

Looking around, there is nothing in the basin except for some of the lowest level undead creatures.

Even in the old bone dragon's residence, a hill filled with glass shards and ashes, Matthew didn't find anything valuable.

Except for a soft dragon scale.

This piece of dragon scale was thrown aside casually, covered with a thick layer of dust. If Matthew hadn't been sharp-eyed, he would have almost missed it.

This is obviously a piece of dragon scale that has gone through a long time, and may come from the corpse of the old bone dragon.

Although the dragon scale had deteriorated, Matthew still put it away and planned to study the related properties in detail in the future.

While Matthew and his team were cleaning the trophies of the old bone dragon.

Xiao Fei also rushed over.

He lowered his proud head and looked at Matthew expectantly.

Matthew followed suit and fulfilled his promise.

He took out the bottle containing the remnants of the Old Bone Dragon Soul Fire, opened it and let Xiao Boi drink it.

But Xiao Fei is also very sensible.

When only half of it was left, he stopped.

Immediately afterwards.

A series of changes began on his body.

The color of the virtual dragon scales that was originally close to the bottom of the ribs became darker.

The green light spreads out like water waves and grows rapidly like moss.

Soon, the virtual dragon scales completely wrapped Xiao Bo's lower body.

At the same time, long feathers also grew on Xiao Fei's back. These feathers were yellow-white, a bit like duck down but felt much rougher than duck down.

Matthew stood on Xiao Fei's back, observing other changes on the bone dragon——

The bones became tighter, a thin blood film appeared on the chest, and feathers similar to duck down also grew on the outside of the blood film.

The head is also covered with more virtual dragon scales, and the originally empty eye sockets are covered with a white membrane.

If before, Xiao Bo's soul fire could be seen through his eyes at a glance.

So now, from the same angle, only a faint green light spot can be seen.

And on the data column.

Xiaobo’s changes are more intuitive——

"Hint: Your summon Philoleus won the battle of kings!

He has devoured enough soul fire remnants and is completing the advancement of the King Template...

Philoleus' level has been raised to LV18.

Philoleus's strength +1.

Philoleus gained two new abilities: "Lord of the Six Rings" and "Shadow Realm".

Lord of the Six Rings: Philoleus officially became the king of the Six Rings of the Negative Energy Plane and was eligible to obtain a territory on the King's Mountain.

He received a "Sixth Ring Emblem". When the energy on the emblem reaches full capacity, he will have the opportunity to travel to the Land of the Fiveth Ring.

Shadow Realm: Philolius entered the "Shadow Realm" (the boundary between shadow and negative energy) for the first time, and gained abilities such as "Shadow Stealth", "Shadow Summoning", and "Advanced Phantom"!

Philoleus is very grateful for your contribution in the War of Kings.

His loyalty to you increases to 105, and he shares the ability "Higher Phantom" with you!

Advanced Phantom (weakened version): You can summon a phantom exactly like yourself for 30 minutes.

During this period, you can mentally control his actions.

The phantom cannot cause substantial damage and must remain within 100 meters of you.

If you are attacked while the phantom is in effect, no matter how far away the phantom is, he will instantly appear next to you to resist the attack for you.

Within three seconds after this, part of your body will turn into a shadow and you will gain 30% damage reduction."

Well enough.

Matthew looked at Xiao Fei's genuine high-level phantom and found that his phantom could withstand three damage, and the damage reduction after becoming a shadow was 60%.

After becoming a king, Xiao Fei became even more majestic.

His appearance also took a big step from a bone dragon to a ghost dragon.

This totally goes against common sense.

You know, ghost dragons can usually only be transformed from real dragons. How can a bone dragon advance into a ghost dragon?

But the weird things about Xiao Fei don't stop there.

Matthew noticed that the down on his back resembled the feathers that ancient dinosaur species had at the beginning of their evolution.

Especially the feathers of his Aeolian pterosaur are very similar.

If there is indeed some connection between the two.

So Xiao Fei's improvement in strength and appearance changes are more like an evolution than an upgrade.

Margaret obviously saw this too.

Her eyes were fixed on Philoleus, she subconsciously bit her lip twice, and then asked Matthew:

"Do you want to sell this skull dragon?"

Matthew asked skillfully:

"Do you have money?"

Margaret looked at him with tears in her eyes:

"Don't be like this, this skull dragon is quite unique."

Matthew was unmoved and reminded:

"We're ready to go, and my pets can handle the rest of the business here."

Margaret stamped her feet angrily:

"Don't look down on people!"

"When I pay off the money I owe to my teacher and best friend, I will buy your little chic and big chic!"

"Don't laugh, when I have money, I will buy it for you too!"

Matthew looked weird and tried hard not to laugh.

Bone Pigeon looked at Margaret affectionately:

"Ms. Margaret, I'm just waiting for you to redeem me!"

Xiao Fei immediately looked at him doubtfully after hearing this.

The bone pigeon is not afraid:

"What's wrong, Xiaofei? Why are your eyes full of doubts?"

"Didn't you hear that the master and Ms. Margaret are going to fight other monsters? If you have any good things, please present them as soon as possible. Don't delay their schedule!"

Xiao Fei immediately shook his head like a rattle, indicating that he had nothing good.

Bone Pigeon hated the fact that iron cannot become steel and complained:

"Isn't there a holy spring of immortality in my own territory?

Hurry up and dig them all out and send them over!

You are a king now. With these two people protecting you from now on, are you still afraid that you will be short of the Holy Fountain of Immortality?

Other undead people don’t have the means to send it away like you! "

"Don't stare at me!"

"I'm telling you, as your military advisor, I plan to resign and will only hang out with my master's master from now on."

"Also, don't call me Bone Pigeon from now on, just call me Little Chic!"

With that said, he walked past Philoleus proudly.

Come to Matthew and Margaret.

Bone Pigeon nodded and bowed:

"Two adults, I know what monsters' lairs are nearby, and I can show you the way!"

Margaret rolled her eyes:

"Isn't it said that there is a holy spring of immortality?"

Matthew picked up the bone pigeon and looked like his hands were itching unbearably:

"Stop talking nonsense and lead the way. I can't hold it in anymore!"

The three of them gradually moved away.

Soon, Xiao Bo's deep sense of gratitude came from the undead contract.

Three days later.

The edge of the Sixth Ring Land.

In a dark cave.

Accompanied by a shrill wail, Matthew's figure appeared at the entrance of the cave not long after.

Margaret followed him, cracking melon seeds and repeating:

"You can be faster and more decisive when using the spell invalidation barrier!"

"I have used it very well in the past few times, but why is it so slow this time when facing the nesting banshee? Could it be that the banshee looks more to your liking, and you can't bear it?"

"Should I say it or not, the banshee's lair is still rather fishy..."

Matthew ignored the invalid message in her words.

Instead, he carefully analyzed the battle just now:

"When I leaned close to her, I did take advantage of the charm from the front of the banshee. I was successfully immune to the charm, but for some reason, my thinking was still lagging at that moment."

"It's definitely not because of the banshee's appearance or figure."

"It seems like something is being generated in my mind. This thing should be related to the battles in the past few days."

Margaret rolled her eyes and showed a clear expression:

"Don't think too much, keep looking for monsters to challenge, and you will find the answer soon."

"Little Chic, who's next in line behind the nesting banshee?"

"Dear Ms. Margaret, in the past few days, the great master has successively killed the skeletal giants in the valley, the rotten earth spirits in the dead woods, the great corpse witch in the rotten lake, and the nesting banshee in the crypt.

All the important enemies in the Six Rings Land were killed by him.

If we want to continue looking for our opponent, the nearest road needs to pass through a long and narrow corridor, which ends at the coastline of the Sixth Ring Land.

There is a place called "between planes". "

Bone Pigeon replied respectfully.

Between planes?

Matthew and Margaret looked at each other, both showing expressions of joy.

The so-called between planes refers to the place where two planes meet, where a unique space is often formed.

The planes are not stable, but they often contain greater opportunities than other places.

The negative energy plane is located in the inner layer, and the interface with it is most likely the elemental plane.

With luck, Matthew will not only be successful in actual combat training this time, but will also have the opportunity to harvest treasures from the elemental plane.

The two immediately asked Bone Pigeon to lead the way.

But it wasn’t long after I walked out of the cave.

Suddenly strong winds blew in the sky.

There was obviously something unusual about this wind.

It hurts when it is scratched on a living person, and the bone pigeon was almost blown away!

Fortunately, Margaret had quick eyesight and quickly stuffed him into her clothes.

This made Bone Pigeon a little confused.

"This wind is very strange. It doesn't look like a normal wind or a shoal wind. Let's move back a little."

Margaret prompted.

The two hid back in the cave.

The tranquility here is in sharp contrast to the hustle and bustle outside.

"This wind won't stop for a while."

Margaret took out a tent from the storage props, quickly set it up with a spell, and then got in, leaving only a pair of shoes outside the tent.

"The longer our bodies stay in the negative energy plane, the more serious the erosion will be. This tent can effectively purify the effects of erosion. Do you want to use it with me?"

Margaret poked her little head out and looked at Matthew expectantly.

Matthew just moved his butt and wanted to go in, but the next second, he stopped at the door of the tent.

He asked alertly:

"Is there any charge?"

Margaret giggled and said:

"Chenghui is 100 gold per time."

"You're not even willing to give me a hundred gold, are you? This tent is narrow, warm and very comfortable inside!"

"If you don't come in, your body will be eroded by negative energy, and you may need to spend more treatment fees in the future!"

Matthew sighed:

"100 gold is a huge amount of money for me now. Thank you for the invitation, but no need."

Margaret changed her face and said:

"Stingy! Let's see how you solve the problem of negative energy erosion."

Matthew shrugged, took a half step back, and used the Necromorph Technique to turn into a bouncing dwarf skeleton.

Margaret was so angry that she threw the bone pigeon out, and then pulled the tent tightly.

Only the bone pigeons and dwarf skeletons were left staring in the cave.

It took about three minutes.

Matthew suddenly heard a change in the wind outside.

He came to the cave entrance to observe the situation.


A heartfelt roar came from the sky.

Immediately afterwards.

A dark cloud covering the sky passed over the cave.

Matthew saw a huge creature!

"Warning: You encountered a Yellow Jade Dragon (Taikoo Dragon/LV22)!

You have entered the realm of Topaz Dragon's Decline! "

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