The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 169 Are you on your honeymoon?

"Warning: You are in Huang Yulong's "Decay Domain", and your body will age at three times the normal rate!

You use Necromorph - Dwarven Skeleton to become immune to decay effects.

Warning: You encountered the high power of the ancient dragon!

You cannot maintain Necromorph status.

You have returned to human form and will continue to be troubled by the Decayed Realm..."

At the entrance of the cave.

Matthew's figure became unstable and changed into his original appearance.

He took a slight step back, and then he withstood the dragon power that the ancient dragon inadvertently released - the dragon-slaying domain gave him a good resistance to dragon power, and he was more than enough to be immune to ordinary dragon power.

But the ancient dragon's dragon power judgment is more domineering.

Even Matthew can barely manage to carry out physical activities without being affected.

"What a rich element of decay. With this level of domain control, as long as this yellow jade dragon wants to, he can make them turn yellow in an instant while flying over a forest!"

Matthew calmed down and was about to activate the Oak Domain to fight against it.

But at this moment, Margaret jumped out of the tent in a hurry. She didn't even wear any shoes, so she walked out barefoot.

Margaret blessed Matthew with a "Shelter Spell" to offset the effects of the declining field, and then said:

"Don't open the field, don't try to fight him."

As she said that, she and Matthew stood side by side, looking at the black spot that was disappearing on the sky.

"It's Huang Yulong. It's such a big body. This is the first time I've seen such a huge dragon. Even the ancient dragon is a bit too big."

"We must not provoke him!"

Margaret's eyes were very serious.

Matthew asked curiously:

"I thought Ms. Suriel's students would naturally lack awe of dragons."

Margaret shook her head and said:

"Topaz dragon is a type of gem dragon. My teacher is close friends with an ancient jade dragon. She has never done anything to a gem dragon."

"The yellow jade dragon that just passed by is a legendary creature. There should be information about him within the alliance. I have to search it carefully."

As she said this, she would close her eyes and meditate.

Matthew asked:

"I don't know much about gem dragons. Do you have any information you can share?"

Margaret's index finger glowed with a white light:

"Open your mouth."


Matthew didn't know why, but he hesitated and opened his mouth obediently.

Margaret flicked her index finger.

The light entered Matthew's mouth, and as soon as it touched the cavity at the back of his throat, the light ball disappeared completely.

Immediately afterwards.

A lot of information came to his mind.

"Hint: Margaret used the trick "Knowledge Sharing-Topaz Dragon" on you!

Your Knowledge-Gem Dragon +10"

"Knowledge (Huang Yulong)——

1. Brief description:

Huang Yulong is a giant dragon whose body is filled with necrotic energy.

Their nature is closely associated with elements such as decay, decay, and despair.

Huang Yulong believes that everything in the world is destined to die, and decay, decay, and eventually turning into dust are irreversible processes.

They are willing to witness and defend these links that are extremely terrifying in the eyes of mortals.

Therefore, their behavior and character also appear withdrawn and surly.

2. Appearance:

Adult topaz dragons have scales that resemble translucent polyhedrons, ranging in color from bright yellow to rich amber.

Their bodies are broad at the hips and taper into a wedge shape toward the head, and their wings are shaped to allow Topaz to move freely through the air and water.

The topaz dragon's back has spines suspended like topaz. The state of the spines usually represents a topaz dragon's mood at the moment.

3. Habits:

Topaz dragons are a kind of dragon with vulgar behavior. They have many minor flaws and many self-contradictions.

For example, they like to nest on seaside cliffs, but hate the humidity at the seaside.

Topaz dragons hate any place with water.

But they are better at swimming and catching sea creatures than other gem dragons.

The most common thing Huang Yulong does is to complain about the salty and humid sea water while diving under the sea for several hours just to catch his favorite food——

Giant squid.

4. Concepts and preferences:

The contradiction in personality is reflected in the field, forming Huang Yulong's characteristics of being a messenger of withering, decay and other fields, but loving to create life.

They believe destruction is necessary to clear the way for new life.

Just like a forest fire that burns away the dead trees, enriches the soil, and allows the forest to come back healthier than before.

To achieve this goal, Topaz Dragon will use its own power to break down collapsed buildings or diseased plants into dust, opening the way for new life and buildings.

They are keen on destruction, and they also like rebirth, but they don't like the form between the two.

5. Hobbies:

Huang Yulong is keen on collecting all kinds of undead creatures.

6. When you encounter a powerful yellow jade dragon in the wild, remember the following principles of pleasing:


Pretending that I also like the undead -

Pretending that I also agree with Huang Yulong’s views on decline and rebirth


Pretend that you want to have a particularly large number of children. If you are a pair of opposite sexes encountering a Huang Yulong in the wild, you'd better pretend to be a newlywed couple.

In this way, not only will he not harm you, but he will also bless you.

——Data summary: An unknown dragon researcher, Hodien."

As Matthew read the information carefully, he marveled at the richness of the information in Margaret's mind.

But why is Huang Yulong's philosophy so similar to his own?

And that's when Matthew took in the basics.

Margaret also completed the search for deep knowledge. She opened her eyes:

"It turned out to be him, the Dragon of Decline and Creation, Krait Tischi, one of the five legendary dragons known to the inner plane."

"He does like to haunt the negative energy plane, probably to find novel undead as collections."

Bone Pigeon suddenly let out a sigh of relief:

"Fortunately, we don't have any new undead here."

Margaret looked at him silently.

Bone Pigeon shrank his head subconsciously.

"He should be gone."

Matthew strained his eyes to look into the distance.

The shadows on the side of the giant mountain can no longer even be seen as black spots, and the field of decay has also disappeared without a trace.

The crisis is temporarily over.

He was very curious about the knowledge Margaret shared:

"Where did you get all the knowledge about dragons in your mind?"

Margaret replied:

"Where else? The Alliance Library."

Matthew suddenly showed an expression of admiration:

"It's hard to memorize so much classified knowledge, isn't it?"

Margaret thought deeply:

"It's really hard work. It cost me more than 600,000 yuan!"

Matthew was stunned for a moment and then reacted:

"Can knowledge also be solidified?"

Margaret explained:

“Knowledge cannot be solidified, but it can be instilled.

The Alliance Great Library provides a knowledge infusion service, which can infuse almost 100,000 words in one hour. The standard price for each word is one gold coin.

My best friend is the person in charge of this business. If you are interested, you can go to her to buy the knowledge you want.

I asked her to give you a discount. "

Matthew sighed:

"Is this why you owe money to your best friend besides Ms. Suriel?"

"It turns out that I underestimated your debt. It was not 2 million, but 2.6 million."

"You are so brave."

Margaret said disapprovingly:

"My best friend dares to lend me money, what should I be afraid of?"

Matthew thought about it too.

As the saying goes, no matter how much debt you have, if Margaret is in debt, as long as she can get over the mental hurdle and eat and drink as she should every day, the creditor is probably the last thing that will happen to her.

He was also interested in the knowledge infusion business of the Great Library, so he inquired:

"Wouldn't the knowledge gained through infusion be discounted?"

Margaret shook her head:

"Of course not. It's called infusion, but it's actually a dream learning method.

During the infusion process, you are equivalent to entering a spiritual world where time flows very slowly.

You will read a lot of books tirelessly here to gain knowledge.

Most people feel tired or in pain when reading.

But the dream learning method does not.

He will make you addicted to reading and memory will become an instinct.

Whenever you understand a difficult knowledge point.

Uncontrollable joy will well up deep in your heart.

This feeling keeps looping so much that you forget about the passage of time.

This process is so wonderful that for a while, many mages were obsessed with my best friend's craftsmanship and often came to harass her every day.

They just want to spend 10 gold coins or 50 gold coins to start the knowledge infusion service. "

Hearing this, Matthew couldn't help but asked strangely:

"Even if it's fifty gold coins, you can only remember fifty words. Wouldn't the dream world be very boring after that?"

Margaret snorted coldly:

"Of course those stinky men thought of this, so they secretly brought their own study materials and planned to enjoy them slowly after entering the dreamland."

Although Margaret did not explain what learning materials meant.

But Matthew could still understand instantly through her tone and tone.

"If I can bring my own materials, can I also observe the images in the dream study?"

Matthew tried to draw parallels.

Margaret nodded:

"As long as you can convince my best friend to cooperate with you, then you can see whatever you want in your dream.

In fact, this spell was originally used for pleasure.

As long as you pay enough, my best friend will be happy to arrange a group of female teachers for you in your dream that suit your fetishes. "

Matthew quickly corrected:

"My hobby is not female teachers!"

Margaret's eyes were smiling:

"What about female teachers who wear specific uniforms?"

Matthew was about to deny it.

A deep voice came from outside the cave:

"Sorry to bother you, are you on your honeymoon?"

It was an old man who suddenly appeared. He was wearing gray robes and holding a cane with a rotten head in his hand.

His eyes were extremely cloudy, and only by looking closely could one see the vertical pupils covered by the cloudiness.

The moment I saw him.

Both of them were shocked.

Margaret reacted very quickly, and she took Matthew's arm intimately:

"Yes, we just got married last month."

The old man said happily:

"That's great. When do you plan to have a baby?"

Margaret choked immediately.

Fortunately, Matthew also responded. He gently held Margaret's hand:

"We plan to let nature take its course, but Mary and I both love children. If God can give us a few more babies, it will be a very happy thing for us."

The old man looked extremely satisfied:

"Okay, okay!"

"We should have more children. The world needs more newborns."

As he spoke, he turned his head and said to Matthew:

"But I must remind you that your wife may have secretly solidified the "menstrual occlusion technique" without telling you.

This spell does not affect fertility, but it does affect the body's natural metabolism, which is not good news for pregnancy preparations in the long run. "

What the hell is occlusive surgery?

Matthew looked at Margaret confused.

Like a husband who has just learned his wife's secret.

Margaret smiled very reluctantly:

"But I am a battle mage, and I don't want my period to affect my spell-casting state."

The old man said understandingly:

"Pregnancy can have the same effect as occlusive surgery."

This time the "husband and wife" were both silenced.

It's a good attitude to meet the other person.

Matthew tried to turn the tables:

"I am Matthew, she is Mary, we are both mages of the Seven Saints Alliance, who are you?"

The old man introduced himself:

"Don't be nervous, I'm just a traveler.

I am a believer in the Traveler God. Everyone knows that believers in the Traveler God are the most amiable.

Look, here's my badge. "

As he spoke, he perfunctorily showed a pitted copper ornament to Matthew and the others.

It was round, with some patterns on the back, but nothing on the front.

Margaret couldn't help but ask:

"Where is the emblem of the Traveler God?"

The old man looked down and said, "Oh," and explained:

"It's like this. I used to be a believer in the God of Travelers, but he was so useless that he was imprisoned. Now he stays at home in Tianlun Palace every day and cannot provide me with the convenience of traveling and all kinds of things. Divine support.

I cut out his profile picture.

Why do you still believe in a useless god? "

Both Matthew and Matthew couldn't answer this.

The old man who was obviously transformed from Huang Yulong said enthusiastically:

"I see you two are having a great time chatting. Where do you plan to go next?"

Matthew said cautiously:

"We heard that there is a coast near here, and we were planning to go there to have a look. Unexpectedly, we encountered a strong wind, so we took shelter here temporarily."

As he spoke, he also showed the tent in the cave to the old man.

The old man took a look and said happily:

"It's so good that you share such a small tent!

Unlike many human mages I met before, they were all superficial couples!

After being slightly frightened by me, each one of them flew away when disaster struck. "

Matthew forced a smile.

Isn’t it too unnatural for this guy to pretend to be a human?

Almost every sentence revealed information about his extraordinary identity.

Is it intentional or just out of mind?

Matthew didn't know.

He just felt a strong pressure, which was invisible.

It is precisely because of this that it appears even more terrifying.

"Can I join you?"

The old man said enthusiastically:

"Don't be nervous, I'm just curious about humans, especially the reproduction process of humans.

The ones I caught before... no, the couples I met were not brave at all. I always regret that I couldn't observe the birth of human life up close.

Oh, don't be afraid, I won't force you to do this.

Just do your thing.

When I don't exist. "

Matthew and Margaret looked at each other.

At the moment, I can only bite the bullet and agree.

After the old man appeared.

The strong wind outside the cave stopped.

The group of people walked out of the cave and headed towards the coastline.

Along the way.

The old man was actively looking for topics.

At first he was very reserved, letting Matthew and Margaret walk in front holding hands while he walked behind and chatted.

But soon, when he learned that Matthew was a necromancer, he suddenly intervened between the two of them and pestered Matthew to talk enthusiastically.

Unknowingly, Margaret was squeezed to the back and could only watch silently as the two men in front chatted happily.

"I love the undead so much!"

“Skeletons, zombies, vampires, ghosts, and the cutest mummy!

God, is there a cuter creature in this world than a mummy?

I have a mummy in my collection who falls over every three steps he takes - he's so stupid that he always trips over his own bandages.


Can you picture that? "

The old man gushed:

"In addition, I have been thinking about a question, that is, after my death, should I become a dracolich, or should I turn into a shadow dragon?

Bone dragons are actually okay, but they are generally too weak, aren't they?

As a necromancer, can you give me some advice on this? "

Matthew touched his forehead with some shame:

"Are you a dragon?"

He pretended he hadn't discovered this until now.

The old man suddenly showed a look of surprise:

"Am I exposed?"

Immediately he said in relief:

"Then I don't have to keep pretending to be human!"

"Yes, I am a topaz dragon scholar. You can call me Krayt, but I prefer the nickname given to me by the druids - the Dragon of Decay and Creation!"

"I am an expert in demography. I know how to destroy the world. I am also proficient in reproductive knowledge. I have always wanted to become friends with a newlywed human couple. Do you want to visit my home?"

Looking at the eager expectation in Crete's eyes.

How dare the two Matthews say no?

As for the effectiveness of the potion, it disappeared as early as the moment Huang Yulong appeared!

However, under the stimulation of Huang Yulong's invisible threat.

Matthew felt like the thing in his head was growing faster.

After getting the consent of both Matthews.

Crater put his thumb and index finger into his mouth and made a sharp whistle.

"You didn't expect it, right? I can do this! This is an ability I learned from a human hunter."

He proudly displayed his rare skills.

Margaret and Matthew were naturally flattering.

The "husband and wife" worked together to make the Krait ecstasy.

Two minutes later.

A huge dark cloud appeared in their field of vision. Not long after, the dark cloud quickly sank and came to the three of them.

Krayt stepped onto the dark cloud first and invited the two to come up.

"This is the "Teng Yun" from the elemental plane of wind. They are very friendly magical beings and are very suitable as flying mounts.

Unfortunately, Teng Yun signed a contract with the Great Wall mages thousands of years ago. Since then, Teng Yun has usually only served the mages from the East.

After that disaster, the number of this kind of magical life dropped sharply to the point of being on the verge of extinction.

The one in my hand may be the oldest among the existing Teng Yun, but this does not prevent him from being as fast as lightning at all.

Are you right, old man? "

Tengyun made a whining sound, like a wild beast roaring in the clouds.

The three of them set foot on Tengyun one after another.

The latter slowly rose into the air, and then flew towards the distance at a dizzying speed.

The strong wind from the sky blew people to and fro.

Krayt thoughtfully released a force field spell to block the strong wind.

He still pestered Matthew to talk about the characteristics of the undead.

But we didn’t chat for long.

Teng Yun's speed began to slow down.

Immediately afterwards.

The altitude also began to decrease.

Matthew looked around, and the first thing that caught his eye was an island close to the coastline.

On the sea cliff on one side of the island, there is a giant tree growing crookedly.

There are many tree houses under the giant tree, and there are many little people busy among the tree houses.

"My home is ahead."

"You two, welcome to the Eternal Island."

Crete said enthusiastically:

"Please treat this place as your own home and do whatever you want!"

"Hint: You have arrived between planes (the junction of the negative energy plane and the air elemental plane)

You discovered the Timeless Isle.

Eternal Island: The lair of the Dragon of Decay and Creation, the origin of the Spore Society!

Spore Society: A druid society that worships fungi, decay and withering, its members are mainly "twilight elves"..."

At this time, a dusk elf on the island covered with moss and mushrooms came over.

He saluted Crete, then picked two mushrooms from his shoulders and handed them to Matthew and Margaret enthusiastically:

"Welcome to the Timeless Isle."

"Hello, do you want to eat mushrooms?"

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