The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 237 The Original Believers and the Mother Lotus

In the dimly lit dark room, I couldn't see my fingers.

Only two flickering candles were lit on the cutting board in the corner.

Marie-Joya's uneven shadow is reflected on the dim wall, and the slightly undulating curves give people a different kind of temptation.

However, Matthew felt calm at this moment.

The moment the other party closes the door.

He could feel that a realm called secret was slowly expanding.


That force tightly embraced the room like amniotic fluid wrapping a baby.

Matthew took a deep breath.

This is the "House of Secrets"——

A secret ritual passed down from the Dark Ages. As long as you stay in this room, nothing said will be detected by prophecy magic.

This is a corner that even God cannot touch.

Of course.

The gods also have their own secret houses.

They even throw extremely avant-garde parties in their secret rooms.

The mages criticized this tradition and then formally promoted it.

So for a long time.

The House of Secrets is equivalent to the "Silver Den".

So seeing Mary Joa's serious look, Matthew silently began to mobilize negative energy again.


Ready for a makeover.

"Do you believe Ucruz?"

Mary Joa's faint voice came from the darkness, and Matthew could only see half of her face.

I have to admit that her appearance is extremely beautiful, and it is easy to make people's hearts flutter in this claustrophobic environment.

Too bad Matthew is a necromancer.

If necessary.

He can even fill his heart with negative energy, making him as heavy as lead and as heartless as stone.

"Do you want to hear the truth?"

Matthew actually gave his own answer.

Mary Joa smiled:

"I want to hear lies."

Matthew replied without thinking:

"I want to believe it."

Mary Joa laughed out loud, but she didn't laugh for long, and then said to Matthew seriously:

"I also want to believe it, and it's true."

"Because I have seen Him. His body is incomparably majestic and unprecedentedly huge. He is not a monster imagined by secular people, but a black sun suspended in the void world. He can swallow all things and create the world."

"He is the true master of the void, but his form of existence and thinking logic are not understood by ordinary people."

"You don't want to believe Him because you don't have the opportunity like me, so I don't blame you."

"For ordinary people, the Lord of the Void is indeed too ethereal, and for those who have seen part of his power, he is too powerful and even a bit scary."

Matthew was silent.

He couldn't accept this.

Mary Joa said to herself:

"The void world is a very scary world, where nothingness is the meaning of everything. Only behemoths can survive. Have you heard of the prophecy of behemoths? They were once exiled, and now the king is about to return. , return to this land."

Matthew tried:

"But the version I heard is that the giant beasts are a new species that is about to be born, and they will emerge from the womb of the universe..."

Marigio shook her head:

"Yes, they're new, but they're also old."

"Since you have heard of the cosmic womb, you should also know that the cosmic womb is the corridor between the void world and the real world. Only by going through the test of that corridor can the giant beasts obtain physical bodies and truly descend into the real world. "

"In the past many years, the oldest behemoths have been wandering in the void world. They are waiting for an opportunity to return to the real world, and this opportunity is the odd day change."

Matthew nodded pretending to understand.

But I was secretly wary.

No matter what, there is a certain discrepancy between Mary Joa and the Traveler God. Maybe neither of them is telling the whole truth.

You have to compare and verify it yourself.

"You mean, the reason why the giant beasts have always existed but cannot affect reality is that they are trapped in the void world?"

Matthew asked.

Mary Joa nodded:

"Many lives have been born in the world of the void. Most of their existences are worthy of the title of giant beasts in our world. They are indeed unable to affect reality, but there are two exceptions."

"One is the Void Whale Fenrir, and the other is the Void Lord Ukruth."

Matthew took the opportunity to ask:

"I have heard of the legend of the Void Whale. He is often seen in the Helen Mountains. It turns out this is true."

"So, there is a connection between the two of them?"

Mary Joa said:

"The Void Whale and the Void Lord are the two most powerful beings in the void world. They are both extremely transcendent beings, but they have fundamental differences on how to treat the real world."

"Perhaps you think that Ukruth's attempt to completely destroy all things is evil, and the Void Whale stops Ukruth's actions by imparting the power from the void to humans. She should naturally be the righteous party."

"But this is so wrong!"

Mary Joa's voice suddenly rose an octave.

She looked into Matthew's eyes:

"Looking at the real world from the perspective of the void is a completely different feeling. In that almost static time and space, you will find that the real world is decaying and withering at a speed that is almost visible to the naked eye, and will eventually reach the end of destruction."

"All things suffer in disasters and sink in destruction. The pain of creatures in the real world is transmitted to the void world. Both Uclus and Fenrir feel this, and they also make different decisions——

Fenrir, the Void Whale, pursues non-interventionism.

She believes that the real world has its own destination, and suffering from destruction and decay is an inherent curse of living beings.

She felt that as a being in the void, she should watch the destruction of the material universe. This process would instead provide a large amount of energy to the void world.

And for the development and growth of the void world.

She enjoys seeing the pain brewing in sentient beings in the real world day after day.

Lord Ucruz's thoughts were completely different.

He believes that living beings in the real world should also have the right to enjoy the beauty of the void world.

Therefore, He plans to swallow all the creatures in the real world into his belly, and then sublimate them into noble void beings, and then live forever in the void world.

Doing so will actually weaken the overall energy of the void world.

Therefore Fenrir, the Void Whale, strongly opposed this.

After several conflicts.

The two sides became mortal enemies.

Our Calamity Order was born to believe in Lord Ucruz, and is the agent of the Lord of the Void on this land;

And Fenrir, the Void Whale, continues to support some mortals to fight against our power.

The conflict between the two sides is misunderstood by worldly eyes.


The Calamity Cult became the evil party.

And the people supported by Fenrir became heroes of mankind.

This is actually a very funny thing. "

Marigio's narrative is so sincere that if you ignore the underlying logic, it sounds like the same thing.

But Matthew couldn’t help but grit his teeth as he listened——

Who believes in the logic that swallowing all living things into your stomach is the only way to save them?

What if the Lord of the Void burps after eating and says I'm sorry that there is no place for you in the Void World?

He had thought that Mary Joa would have some profound insights when she confided in him.

I didn't expect this.

Matthew developed a tinge of disdain for the propaganda power of these cults.

He didn't wait to think too much.

Mary Joa looked at Matthew with twinkling eyes and said:

"Actually, I know what you think. All mortals are greedy for life and afraid of death. You can't understand the greatness of the Lord of the Void, just like a mouse can't understand the wizard's arbitrary door."

“With this in mind, we often wonder, is there a gentler way for people to accept the fate of entering the void?”

"Or, can we use the power from Euclus to create a new way to enter the void?"

"Being able to become a more transcendent void life without going through a ritual that mortals cannot understand is being swallowed. This is the true wish of the top leaders of the Calamity Religion."

“And in order to do that, we serve Euclus devoutly, but at the same time, we’re careful to carry out His orders—often, we only do them half way, you know what I mean? ?”

Her eyes sparkled even more.

Matthew was startled for a moment, then reacted immediately:

"You mean... you are not actually serious about carrying out Ukruth's will?"

Mary Joa nodded:

“I have said before, the will of Euclus is so shocking to mortals that they cannot understand it at all;

And Ucruz himself doesn't care about this, so there is no possibility of reconciliation between the two parties.

As mediators, we believe there should be a way for both parties to reach an agreement.

And that path can only be explored by us.

During this process.

You will find that the Calamity Cult will always fall behind at critical junctures, our members will do some things wrong, and things that are about to be completed will always fail suddenly——

Fenrir, the Void Whale, and those who call themselves partners of justice must think that they are all responsible for this.

This is not the case.

If we hadn't deliberately let the situation slip, many tragedies would have occurred.

It is we who have prevented this world from being truly destroyed and destroyed time and time again.

At the same time, we are also exploring how to make humans better accept the fate of entering the void.

We are the real guardians of this world! "

Matthew was stunned when he heard these words.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that there are indeed traces to follow.

"The sorcerer who impregnated the Wood Elf Queen was also a member of the Scourge Order. If he hadn't warned him in advance, the descendants of Ukruth who were born would have completely overturned the land, instead of just leaving traces of the dead. Simple."

"The warlock used a ritual to drain away the void power from the Mark of the Dead, leaving only endless ashes. It is precisely because of this that the scope of influence of the Mark of the Dead is limited."

"We have obtained a lot of research results through that part of the power of the void, but this is not the key. The key is that in this incident, we grasped the proportion just right. The Lord of the Void was barely satisfied, and the creatures in the material world were not harmed. After too much trouble, we got what we wanted, and it also slowed down the speed of the void master's invasion of the real world."

"This is a very typical win-win case. To be honest, I don't expect a simple-minded person to understand our situation and aspirations, but I hope you are an exception."

Mary Joa looked at Matthew seriously.

Matthew realized the man wasn't joking.

This group of Scourge Cultists seems to be really taking risks. On the one hand, they are carrying out Ucruz's orders, and on the other hand, they are indeed holding Ucrus back.

It’s just that Matthew is not sure whether this result is their micro-manipulation or because they are really bad.

This thing is so hard to tell!

Therefore, he could only say vaguely:

"Let me think about it, this is a bit too sudden for me..."

"But what is your reason for doing this? I mean, if you just want to obtain the power of the void, you don't necessarily need to become a believer of the Lord of the Void, right?"

Matthew asked a tricky question.

Mary Joa smiled slightly:

"There are many reasons. For practical reasons, if it is not us, then there will be other people who will become supporters of the Lord of the Void. We are not sure that these people will be as gentle as us. They may be completely obedient to Ucrus. He gave orders and became a cultist that everyone shouted to beat.

Instead of doing this, it is better to let our people firmly hold this ecological niche, which can at least ensure that the top leaders of the cultists are relatively normal.

We personally control the Scourge Order precisely because we are afraid that it will get out of control;

We have done a good job, and there is a tacit understanding between us and the Seven Saints Alliance in handling certain incidents.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he has both sides.

In fact.

Before the intervention of Tianlun Palace, the Calamity Cult was not on the list of evil organizations of the Seven Saints Alliance. This is clear evidence of the tacit understanding between the two parties.


This situation changed after the God of Midnight contacted the Lord of the Void.

Our place was taken quite a bit by Tianlun Palace. "

Speaking of which.

Mary Joa's face became very serious.

Matthew nodded slightly, showing an expression of attentiveness.

He knew that he was probably about to get involved in the core secret of the Calamity Order——

Why does a church group that clearly believes in the Lord of the Void, Euclus, become the spokesperson of the God of Midnight and the gods of Tianlun Palace?

It is not difficult to see the subtext of Marie Gioia.

It was the initiative taken by the gods trapped in Tianlun Palace to approach Yucrus!

"The gods are bound to the Tianlun Palace. With the arrival of odd celestial changes, the Tianlun Palace is actually the first to be impacted and affected. If they don't abandon that space as soon as possible, they are very likely to be completely destroyed."

"In order to find a way out, these despicable creatures actually ignored their own identity and honor and were willing to become Ucruz's lackeys!"

"Especially that bastard, the God of Midnight, who poured some ecstasy soup into Ucruz, and he actually became the adopted son of the Lord of the Void!"

"He told Euclus that as long as the gods return to Irondor, He will be able to sacrifice all living beings to the Lord of the Void - this is obviously a lie, but Euclus believed it."

"So part of our power and power was transferred to the God of Midnight.

At the beginning, He only placed warlocks in the Calamity Religion as the great evil demon Trier.

Soon, He requested that the doctrine be revised to include the names of the God of Midnight and other Tianlun Palace members.

Later, He even asked for the establishment of a pantheon to share the faith of the Lord of the Void.

He and the gods of Tianlun Palace served the Lord of the Void with hypocrisy in exchange for influence in the material world.

How else can I describe this behavior other than despicable?

Forced by desperation.

We can only do things for Tianlun Palace temporarily.

But this is not done willingly.

I can guarantee you that if there are only the last group of people in the world who hope that all the gods of Tianlun Palace will die suddenly on the way to reincarnation.

That group of people can only be us! "

These last two sentences.

Mariejoia almost growled through gritted teeth.

I can tell.

The high-level disaster cultists in the main material world have indeed lost a lot of power and strength given by the Lord of the Void because of the intervention of the God of Midnight.

"So that's it..."

Matthew suddenly understood.

No wonder he always felt that the structure of the Calamity Cult was weird, and it was too lazy to do anything in business.

The facts are similar to what he analyzed before.

But in addition to the tacit deal between the God of Midnight and Ucruz, there is also a group of original believers in the Scourge Order who consider themselves the guardians of the world?

As for whether the true purpose of this group of primitive believers is as high-level as Mary Joa said.

Matthew was skeptical.

These days, he has learned to discount the credibility of anything anyone says -

30% off is still the most basic.

Whether or not you want to continue discounting in the future depends on the other party’s credit performance!

Even a relatively decent character.

What he said may not necessarily be all correct or true.

People's hearts are complex.

You must think a little more.

"I probably understand."

Matthew pondered:

"So Corin Tobacco is just a way for you to control the gods?"

Mary Joa nodded:

"Colin's tobacco leaves are only effective on angels. Even gods with weak divine power have the most basic immunity after completing their reincarnation."

"Don't look at how happy that drug addict is now. In fact, she also knows very well that as long as her mistress, the God of Midnight, is successfully reincarnated, she will gain the ability to be immune to addiction."

"That's why she, as the first batch of people to come down, is so willing to fall."

Matthew nodded.

But he quickly asked doubtfully:

"So, why are you telling me this?"

Marigio looked at him with a smile:

"I hope you can help us control the gods after reincarnation!"

Matthew looked embarrassed:

"But I am just a necromancer who has become a monk on the way. I have indeed mastered the cloning technique, but my magic is probably not worth mentioning in front of the gods."

Mary Joa suddenly came closer.

She looked at Matthew with ambiguous eyes, the tip of her nose almost touching Matthew's lips:

"Stop being so modest, mentor."

She pronounced the word mentor very hard.

The next second.

Marie Joa said in his ear with a voice as soft as gauze:

"Send my regards to Mr. Ekmund."

Matthew's heart skipped a beat.

"His Snake Mountain Society has had several tacit cooperation operations with our Natural Disaster Cult before, and we have cooperated very happily."

"As for you, there is no need to be so surprised. The tree-planting mage is also a well-known character in the south. It is impossible for us not to be wary."

"Your own concealment is of course just right, but the former Sun God Battle Angel cannot hide his own temperament."

Marigio smiled and said:

"The only thing that makes me a little dissatisfied is that your control of negative energy is so superb. It didn't feel very good to the touch that night."

Matthew took half a step back, smiled and shook his head.

He looked embarrassed on the surface, but actually he was wary inside.

He did not let down his guard because of Mariejoia's relatively friendly attitude. He was in a den of thieves, no matter how beautiful Mariejoia described the vision of the original Christians.

Matthew won't relax his senses either.

"I had disguised the minotaur skeleton as a barbarian skeleton, but I didn't expect it to be discovered."

He shrugged pretending not to care:

“I will remember to ask her to stay home the next time I join your organization.”

Marie Joa smiled gently:

"Our organization is always open to you, and so is your Excellency Battle Angel."

"As long as this cooperation can be achieved, we are willing to pay unimaginable chips for you and Lord Battle Angel."

"More importantly, if you and I cooperate, we can bury those moths in Tianlun Palace with our own hands. Isn't this a very satisfying thing?"

Matthew shook his head:

"I don't know anything about reincarnation, and I've only scratched the surface of basic cloning. I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to help."

Mary Joa said without changing her expression:

"But either Ms. Isabel or Ms. Suriel will do."

Matthew thought:

"I have to talk to them."

Marie Joa said calmly:

"We have a lot of time left for you to exchange opinions with the two divine mages, and we can even be more sincere."

"No one knows the root cause of the chaos in Watcher's Heights better than we do, and we have everything you need to know."

"Cooperating with us will bring no harm to the alliance. We all hope that the reincarnation of the gods will fail. At this juncture, the Seven Saints Alliance also needs a victory to boost morale. What do you think?"

Matthew nodded slightly:

"I will pass your comments on to them."

No matter what, agree first and then talk.

As for whether to cooperate with the Calamity Cult, Matthew himself is definitely inclined to deny it——

Who knows how much truth these cultists say!

But this does not prevent him from doing superficial things.

"Since you are willing to show sincerity, then I want to know the purpose of your three evil organizations attacking the holy land of the Druid Order?"

Matthew took the opportunity to make conditions.

Marie Joa was quite generous.

She immediately said:

"The mission of the Calamity Order is to occupy the underground temple, snatch the soul of nature sealed inside, and use it as a container for the gods to use the reincarnation technique of sea elves."

"Some magicians who believe in the gods will fight tooth and nail for this, but we original believers are not very interested in this. We are even willing to hold them back. It would be best if we can make the reincarnation of the gods fail."

“The purpose of the Blight Order is more simple and crude.

They want to completely destroy the Druid Order and obtain changes to the legendary way of the natural realm!

This is a conflict of collective destiny.

It's a natural conflict between Blighters and Druids.

The leader of the Blighters is a guy called the King of Blight. I don’t know much about him, but this guy must have legendary strength!

And behind the King of Blight there is a very mysterious Mother of Corruption.

All Blighters call her Mother.

The Mother of Corruption is suspected to be the avatar of a certain Heavenly God, just like the great evil Trier our sect believes in.

the difference is.

The Mother of Corruption must have used a very extreme method to reincarnate in advance.

The reason why he did not appear in the public eye was because he wanted to gain more development time.

If you want to attack the Blighter.

Then the King of Blight and the Mother of Corruption will be two very difficult enemies. "

Speaking of which.

Mary Joa paused and said in a dry voice:

"I'm a little thirsty. The milk you gave me that night was pretty good. Can I have another glass?"

Matthew took out a glass of milk and handed it over.

Marie Joa moistened her throat with eyes bent:

"As for the last one, the Whale Hunter Organization, they have not actually reached real cooperation with us, and the three parties only act in tacit agreement."

"The Whale Hunters are a rather mysterious group. Their top leaders are cursed people from the star realm, who control mysterious and powerful psychic powers.

One of the Whale Hunters' goals is to destroy the Void Whale.

And their queen, Ms. House, believes that there is a warship buried under the Druid Order that can allow them to return to their homeland.

They take action because of it.

However, the number of whale hunters is small, and their methods are cruel and fierce. Our people have not had much contact with whale hunters.

But according to my observation.

The members of the Druid Order suffered heavy casualties at the hands of whale hunters, probably because they did not understand enough about psychic powers. "

The Cursed from the Astral Plane?


And it's not the Necron troops of the Antu Empire?

"People from Giza."

The name of this proud race came to Matthew's mind.

Then he had some doubts.

If we say that the Blight Order and the Natural Disaster Order are acting together under the instruction of the gods of Tianlun Palace.

So is it really just a coincidence that the Whale Hunters got involved?

He always felt that Mary Joa was hiding something from him.

And those things are the fundamental factors that caused Watcher's Heights to fall into the current situation!

Matthew was just about to continue asking questions.

But at this moment, there was some movement outside the house.

Mary Joa's expression changed.

She made a secrecy gesture to Matthew.

Then he unbuttoned a few buttons of his clothes, twisted his body and walked out quickly.

outside the house.

There was a strong pungent smell.

In the clouds and mist.

Eternal Night Angel Fleener sneered at Mary Joa's disheveled appearance.

She cursed:


"Carry my body back!"


She stumbled and fell.

Matthew leaned over and took a look.

Fleener was suddenly unconscious.

With an expressionless expression, Mary Joa let Fleener's body be lifted back into the weird water balloon.

After a while.

A bubble is automatically generated in the water ball to wrap it tightly.

Afterwards they sealed it with boards made of oak.

The matter finally came to an end.

Marie Joa was very busy next time.

While she ordered people to repair the tunnels created by the worms, she also ordered everyone to continue performing their tasks.

Matthew passed by Zangula and gave him a look that revealed himself.

Just when the latter was stunned.

A hurried voice came over:


"The lotus appeared early!"

Matthew winked.

The speaker seemed to be a scout.

"What is a lotus?"

he asks.

Marie Joa's voice came from behind:

""A sign of withering and decay of all things." "

"This is also the time agreed upon by the Blight Religion and us to launch a general attack."

"These bastards, haha, they actually acted on their own initiative in advance. Let's go up and take a look!"

The group of people hurriedly left the underground.

Just after arriving on the ground from the exit.

Matthew saw a huge yellow lotus flower appearing in the center of Cross City not far away!

That lotus flower covers the sky and the sun, and is constantly spitting out balls of yellow meat!

"Warning: You have encountered the Broodmother Lotus!"

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