There was chaos in Cross City.

The balls of flesh ejected from the Broodmother Lotus bounced twice before growing limbs and heads one after another, turning into withered cultists with sallow skin and resembling beasts.

These blight cultists attack people on sight.

Their attack methods are also quite primitive, using only their claws and teeth to tear apart everything in sight.

Some Blight cultists can't even tell the difference between living people and dead things. After landing, there are also many people who hold a huge door panel and gnaw wildly.

This scene was witnessed by people and caused extreme panic.

No one knows if they will be harmed by the Blight Cultists.

Every household hurriedly closed their doors and used various crude props to strengthen their doors and windows.

Those who have no time to return home or are simply homeless are in dire straits.

They ran helplessly in the streets or open spaces, miserably avoiding the attacks of the Blight Cultists.

Blight Cultists are not fast runners.

But there were just too many of them.

At first, the Rangers could easily get rid of these beast-like cultists with their agility and speed.

But as time goes by.

More and more Blight cultists are gathering on the road.

A single oversight on the part of an escaped wanderer could lead to his death.

These man-eating beasts will not let go of any delicious living body.

The Cross City has become a purgatory on earth.

A tragic picture is unfolding rapidly.

"I don't know what spurred their impromptu actions, but these lunatics are not as crazy as they seem, and every step they take actually has a deep meaning."

Outside Cross City.

Marigio quickly said to Matthew:

"You should have figured out that the Mother Lotus just now was actually an illusion, right?"

"Its true form is hidden deep in the ground, providing domain support for the actions of the Wither Cult. If the real Breeding Mother Lotus is not solved, the Wither Cult's actions will not stop."

"You have to contact those two legendary mages as soon as possible. Our time is severely compressed."

"By the way, be careful of those Blight Cultists, they may be poisonous."

Having said this.

She ordered most of the Scourge cultists to retreat to their underground strongholds.

After that, he took a group of elites to the buildings of the Natural Disaster Religion in the city.

Matthew quietly parted ways with her.

This was a tacit understanding between him and Marie Gioia.

at this point.

It is impossible for him to continue to stay in the Calamity Cult as an undercover agent, otherwise Zangula's existence may be exposed.

Although there is a high probability that Marie Joa also knew about the infiltration of this human hero.

Her previous crazy mention of the Void Whale when talking to Matthew was a potential evidence.

But I can’t think about that much right now.

Matthew realized he had to take action immediately.

Otherwise, Cross City will definitely become a rotten land!

He soared into the sky on a magic carpet, frowning at the miserable sight of the city below.

The destructive power of the Blight Cultists is not very strong.

But the advantage is that they are numerous and look like wild beasts.

The disaster caused by this gang of people coming together is a bit like the zombie wave in the previous life.

the difference is.

There is magic in this world!

"We can only kill all these Blight Cultists as much as possible..."

Matthew flew around in the sky.

I didn't think of a good solution.

But just when he was about to take action, a loud magic alarm suddenly sounded in the northeast corner of Cross City.

Fireworks carrying the logo of the Alliance of Seven Saints soared into the sky, and then turned into sparks and fell.

"Disaster warning?"

"There are also alliance observers in Cross City?"

Matthew was slightly startled.

He reluctantly recalled this early warning measure from the alliance manual - this is a system established by the Seven Saints Alliance to prevent major disasters from occurring in various places but not being dealt with in time.

It is actually very simple to say it is a system.

It means placing a relatively small and transparent observer in various high-risk areas.

Observers usually live a low-key life as ordinary people.

As long as there is no disaster in the area.

That observer might not even be known to be a member of the Seven Saints Alliance his whole life.

And once disaster occurs.

After the observer's assessment, emergency help can be requested from the alliance, and disaster warning warnings of varying degrees will be issued according to the level of the disaster.

What Matthew just saw was an A-level warning.

Generally speaking.

If there is an A-level warning, a legendary mage will come to deal with it.

But the alliance is too busy right now.

Matthew is not optimistic about whether the legendary mage can escape.

"All Alliance mages who see the disaster warning must rush to the scene as soon as possible to assemble."

This is the regulation written into the Alliance Handbook.

Matthew had to comply.

Therefore, he lowered the height of the magic carpet, quickly killed several Blight cultists who were chasing innocent people, and then flew towards the northeast corner of Cross City at extremely fast speeds!

Eastern Tower.

The highest point.

Hibbert looked solemnly at the chaotic situation below, with deep worry in his eyes.

This was the first time since Matthew got to know him that this genius mage's face wasn't full of confusion.

There was an old man wearing red sleeves and two mages, a man and a woman, beside him.

as expected.

There was no legend among the group of mages who gathered quickly.

"Looks like it's you four."

The old man's skin is very dry, and the wrinkles on his face are squeezed together:

"I sent a warning to the Silver Council a month ago. At that time, they just sent two mages to pretend to investigate for a while and then ended it. The Blighters at that time were not as crazy as they are now, and they were far from catastrophic. To a certain extent... But now, as you can see, this city has simply fallen into doomsday!"

No observer introduction is needed.

The sight before them touched the four mages quite a bit.

The four of them quickly introduced themselves.

In addition to Matthew and Hibbert, the remaining two people are Master Hood and Winter Moon Ai Lan from Rapids City and Jade Cangting respectively.

Matthew glanced at the half-elf mage with some surprise, who had a beautiful face and vaguely resembled the moonlight goddess Asima.

The latter smiled politely at him.

As for the other mage Hood.

He looked to be only about 40 years old, with a bare head, but the deathly air on his body made Matthew realize that this man might be approaching his end.

No wonder he had been hiding at home studying the art of immortality.

"But this time he came here. Could it be that he has some clues about the art of immortality?"

Matthew couldn't help but glance at Hood.

The bald mage's face was expressionless.

"Our enemy is not only the Breeding Lotus, but also the King of Blight behind the Order of Blight. As far as I know, he is the reincarnation of the weak god "Ikanos the Destroyed" of Tianlun Palace;

In addition, there is the Mother of Corruption, who also comes from Tianlun Palace. In her previous life, the Mother of Corruption was a rare god promoted from the soul of nature. She holds many subdivisions of authority in the earth realm. She was once revered as the "Tower of the Weaver of All Things". Rand". "

Hood spoke clearly and quickly:

"Although I don't want to waste time on these things, my intelligence network has never stopped working."

"As far as the current situation is concerned, I suggest that everyone work together to eliminate the Broodmother, and then join forces to deal with the King of Blight and the Mother of Corruption."

Matthew nodded.

He approved of Hood's line of thinking.

However, Hibbert raised his hand at this time:

"I have a friend, her name is Feliwen, and she went to find the King of Blight alone."

Hood frowned and said:

"Are you sure she can find the true location of the Blight King?"

Hibbert nodded vigorously:

"I am very sure!"

Hood sneered:

"But I'm not sure."

"It's hard for me to believe that academic mages like you can find the enemy's lair so efficiently."

"Unless you can give me a reason I can't refute."

Hibbert said seriously:

"She just sent me a message asking for help. She seems to have been captured by the King of Blight..."

The others fell silent.

Hood's facial muscles twitched slightly:

"Okay, I really can't refute this reason - so our mission now becomes to save people?"

"Haha, you, the proud men of the academy, are really good at summoning people."

Hibbert scratched his head:

"How about you stay here to solve the problem, and I can go rescue Feliwen myself."

Hood immediately stretched out a hand to stop him:

"No, I'll go with you."

The old man said blankly:

"So you don't care about what's going on in the city?"

Winter Moon muttered:

"Let me handle what happens in the city, but I still need an assistant to control this disaster within an acceptable range."

Hood asked simply:

"Have you mastered the "Space Sealing Technique"? "

Ai Lan nodded.

Hood said decisively:

"Then there will be no problem. Silly boy and I will go find his girlfriend, and you and handsome boy will stay here to deal with the Broodmother Lotus."

"But in the process of carrying out our mission, everyone must be careful. There are two masters behind the Order of Blight who were once righteous gods. Ikanos the Destroyed masters the power of destruction and withering. His combat ability is very powerful. , no less than the legendary mage. If you meet him, it is best to avoid his sharp edges and use tricks to win;

Taland the Weaver of All Things is the daughter of the earth. She has an army that can travel quickly underground, and she herself can appear anywhere on this continent at will. "

"I guess that the Broodmother Lotus in the center of Cross City was also placed by Taland, the Mother of Corruption. When you are looking for its true location, pay attention to the tombs in Cross City. I remember that Taland owns the domain of the tomb. She It is most likely that the Broodmother Lotus appeared in a certain tomb in an instant and was then planted."

"And for the Mother Lotus to have such a great influence, it must require more than one area to provide nutrients. I guess its true form must be next to a certain grave!"

Hood's thinking is very clear.

I can tell.

He has experienced the world, and his reactions and decisions are quite stable.

After listening, Matthew nodded secretly.

After listening to this, Ai Lan added:

"I can use space sealing to isolate the general area affected by the Broodmother Lotus, but the residents in these areas will probably be hunted down more fiercely by the Blight Cultists."

Hibbert immediately said:

"Then the two of us will stay and help move all the residents out."

Hood looked at him in surprise:

"Aren't you worried about your girlfriend?"

Hibbert said:

"Feliwen was just captured. She has enough ability to protect herself. The King of Blight should also know what the Palace Mage means."

"She'll be fine in the short term."

Hood nodded slowly:

"That's okay. I have mastered "Group Disapparation" and can take some people with me. What about you? "

Hibbert lowered his head and searched for a while, then took out a spell book with "Group Disapparation" clearly written on the cover.

"Wait a minute, I'll learn now."

he said seriously.

Hood couldn't help but open his mouth.

after awhile.

He couldn't help but turned around and asked Matthew:

"Is there anything you'd like to add?"

Matthew shook his head and said:

"It's up to you to decide. I'm a necromancer and I don't have much experience in disaster relief."

Hood took one look and said "Okay!".

Everyone immediately took action.

Winter Moon took the lead in flying away from the tower and reached the highest point of the Broodmother Lotus illusion.

Her green eyes scanned downwards, and she quickly determined a rough location.

Immediately afterwards.

She chants spells from high in the sky.

Visions of greenery erupted around her.

Matthew recognized this vision, the covenant between the descendants of the demigods and the realm of nature.

This means that Ai Lan can be blessed by the natural realm when using every spell.

Accompanied by Ai Lan's loud singing.

High walls rise from all directions——

These high walls are translucent and give people a gelatinous feel when gently touched.

But if you want to forcefully break through this high wall.

You will withstand extremely violent rebounding force fields!

This is the fifth level evocation spell——

"Space Sealing Technique"!

Hoo ho ho!

The wind howled in mid-air.

Ai Lan's robe was blown loudly.

The terrifying magical aura fell like a torrential rain.

Her face was slightly pale.

Seeing that this spell was about to be completed, but at this moment, a low laughter came from nowhere:

"No closing here!"

In an instant.

Among the transparent city walls rising from the ground in the center of Cross City, one suddenly disappeared without a trace.

The remaining three force field walls quickly curved, forming a closure high in the sky.

But the last scene is a door wide open!

"Someone offset my spell, but fortunately it only offset part of it!"

Ai Lan's eyes glowed with a faint green light.

Matthew could feel that she was not feeling well at this time, and maintaining the space sealing technique consumed too much of her concentration.

The fact that she can still speak proves that she is strong enough.

Hood frowned:

"It's indeed "spell cancellation". I didn't expect there to be a mage in the Order of Blight! "

"We can't determine his location for a while, damn it! If it can't be completely sealed, then the meaning of the space sealing technique is almost non-existent."

At this time Hibbert put down the book:

"I learned."

"Go transport people now?"

Hood was about to say something, but Matthew said in time:

"Let me block the last side."

Hood was slightly startled:

"Why are you blocking it?"

The next second.

But Matthew quickly arrived on the street where the fourth wall was originally located.

This was originally the junction of the Eagle District and the Wolverine District.

The streets at this time were crowded.

Matthew walked forward quickly, chanting a spell loudly as he walked.

Many people rushed towards Matthew in a panic.

Some Blight cultists rushed over from the crowd.

But these people did not affect Matthew.

But saw a flash of white light.

The number of people on the street quickly disappeared.

Group apparation!

Master Hood sent away a large number of people around Matthew.

Hibbert follows suit.

The two cast spells quickly and immediately cleared the street.

After a while.

A huge negative energy crack appeared over the street.

The immortal king Philoleus appeared out of nowhere with a huge tombstone in his mouth!


The ghost bone dragon and the tombstone fell to the ground, accidentally knocking down a bunch of wooden buildings. Fortunately, no one was involved.

The tombstone successfully landed.

Immediately afterwards.

A series of 6 small portals appeared next to the tombstone!

After the portal is stable.

A dense crowd of figures walked out from behind the door:

Zombies, skeletons, ghosts...

With the help of teleporting tombstones.

Matthew successfully summoned the undead that originally lived in the cemetery from a long distance!

This is also a new improvement in his "tombstone making" ability after reaching level 4.

He can now craft a teleporting tombstone that can be used to summon Graveyard units from a very long distance.


Compared to ordinary tombstones.

The cost of teleporting the tombstone is 100 times!

All of a sudden.

More than 2,000 undead people poured into the streets.

Zombies and skeletons lined up in front and back, plus Philoleus and his three-headed dragon.

A city wall made of undead suddenly took shape.

Under Matthew's control.

This city wall worked hard to fit Ai Lan's space sealing technique, temporarily isolating the area with the largest number of Blight cultists!

inside the area.

Large amounts of meatballs continued to fall to the ground.

The blighted cultists formed by these flesh balls desperately attacked the defense line of the undead.

But in fact, their combat effectiveness is quite limited.

Especially when Xiao Fei is personally in charge.

It would be very difficult for any Blight Cultist to get close to the defense line, let alone break through.

See this.

Hood showed an expression of relief and surprise:

“Are all young people today so exaggerated?”

"Either you are learning fifth-level spells now, or you have an immortal king as your younger brother. When did the alliance develop into this?"

Hibbert came to him and asked honestly:

"If I want to apparate separately from Blight cultists and ordinary people, is there any trick to do it?"

It seemed that he was keenly aware of the difference between Hood and himself when they used group apparation just now.

When Hood sends a group of people away, he can often throw the Blight cultists back to the blockade area and send ordinary people to the safe area.

But Hibbert could only teleport everyone away roughly, and could not achieve detailed apparation.

When Hu De heard this, he wanted to refute the other party's high ambitions loudly.

However, Hibbert's expression was too sincere.

So he whispered the technique again.

Hibbert nodded after listening:

"So that's it."

"I'll try."

next moment.

The cross city began to continuously light up with white light symbolizing the group's transformation.

Hood took a look, touched his bald head, and finally couldn't help but murmured to himself:

"Do I still need to continue studying the art of immortality?"

And just at this time.

A very large yellow dragon beast appeared on the street.

The monster was a bit taller than Philoleus. It looked like a giant hedgehog with terrifying spikes all over its body.

Boom boom boom!

As the giant hedgehog walked, leaves dropped from his body.

Wherever it reaches, all plants quickly wither.

"Be careful, that's the "Withered Dragon Beast"! "

Hood couldn't help but remind Matthew loudly.

At this moment.

A strong figure rushed out of the crowd.

But when he saw the tauren holding the bone blade high, he raised the knife and pierced it through the withered dragon beast!

The next second.

The latter's body was split in half like a knife cutting through butter!


A large number of fallen leaves rolled up like a tornado.

The seemingly arrogant withered dragon beast quickly turned into a puddle of mud.


A large amount of yellow gas spreads.


The whole street became filled with yellow mist, making it difficult to open one's eyes.

This yellow mist is obviously extremely corrosive, but fortunately the undead are not afraid of corrosion.

After Matthew initially formed a defense line, he handed over the command to Peggy.

Since awakening the memories of Battle Angel, Matthew and Paige's relationship has become more equal partners.

after this.

Matthew found that Peggy could take some of the pressure off of him.

Almost all of the more than 2,000 undead in his hands can be put under Peggy's command.

This greatly frees up Matthew’s space to focus.

Allowing him to perform more operations.

However, Paige's command ability can only be described as terrible.

This former war angel seems to have little war experience, and his command method only has one word——


If it weren’t for Matthew’s repeated orders.

She is afraid that she has already led all the undead to charge into the quarantine area!

Determining the quarantine zone has begun to bear fruit.

Matthew was then distracted to help the residents of the city.

Although the timely rescue of the four mages compressed the disaster of the Broodmother Lotus within a certain space.

But some Blight cultists still spilled out.

They rampaged through the city.

Chaos is always spreading inside and outside the quarantine zone.

Wolverine Zone.

A middle-aged woman walked out of the house shakily holding a little boy in her arms.

She didn't seem to realize what was happening.

Until several Blight cultists rushed towards him with ferocious faces.

She hugged the child and wanted to run away in panic.

At this moment.

A flash of white light flashed.

She and the child were moved to a relatively safe area, while the Blight Cultists were nowhere to be found.

The middle-aged woman looked blankly at Hibbert falling from the sky:

"Who are you?"

"Me, where is my home?"

Hibbert thought about it and told him honestly:

"Your home should be gone."

The woman was stunned and immediately burst into tears.

The child didn't understand and started crying too.

The two cries immediately attracted the attention of many people.

The woman cried and said:

"I want my home, I want to go home!"

Hibbert said "Oh."

There was another flash of white light.

The woman found herself back home alone—

At this time, it had been demolished into ruins by a group of crazy Blight Cultists.

Saw her go and come back.

The Blight Cultists pounced again.

"Mr. Master, help me!"

Such a sound came from the ruins.

But Hibbert didn't hear it.

He was busy rescuing others.

"Death Shock Wave"!

Large swaths of negative energy wash away the withered cultists on the ruins like windshield wipers.

The latter fell to the ground like harvested ears of wheat.

The corpse turned into flesh, and the flesh turned into blood, quickly dissipating.

A Bing quickly walked over to the woman who had been bitten beyond recognition and picked him up from the rubble.

Matthew threw one to her from a distance to treat minor injuries, and then took out a handful of leaves from his bag and used it to treat her minor injuries.

A powerful natural energy poured into her body, and the wounds on the woman's body began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But she was seriously injured.

Whether you can survive or not depends on luck.

"Send her to the safe area outside and to the little boy just now. You should be able to find her."

Matthew ordered quickly.

In his eyes, the soldiers were far away.

He couldn't help but shook his head and muttered in his heart:

"Isn't this guy Hibbert doing it on purpose?"

But he didn't think much about it.

He hurriedly checked for Hibbert's mistakes again.

Thanks to the efforts of three mages.

A large number of civilians were temporarily out of danger.

The rest is up to them.

Not long after.

Hood came over to say hello and told him and Hibbert that after taking a short rest, they would go to the Helen Mountains to rescue Feliwen.

"The situation in Cross City is dominated by control. You must be careful about the mage hiding in secret."

He warned:

"The Silver Council should have received the disaster warning. They will send people over, but it will take a while."

"Remember, don't be brave, it's important to save your life. You are the future of the alliance!"


He patted Matthew on the shoulder, then went to find Hibbert, and the two left Cross City together.

Matthew watched them leave.

His impression of Hood was pretty good, and it seemed that the registered mage of Rapid City was not really a vegetarian.

With his help.

The disaster in Cross City was indeed controlled within a certain range.

"Although there is a bit of chaos outside, as long as the isolation area is well controlled, the overall casualties will definitely decrease significantly."

Think so.

Matthew quickly returned to the Street of the Undead.

At this time, the intensity of the fighting on the street was several times higher than before.

He saw a large number of Blight cultists gathered here.

They tried to form various phalanxes to attack the Wall of the Undead!

The number of enemies is simply too great.

Both Xiao Fei and Peggy were a little overwhelmed.

Seeing this, Matthew quickly took action.

He rode the Red Flame Nightmare and ran all the way along the street, sweeping past with his pale hands like a broom.

In an instant.

The kill numbers started jumping crazily on the data bar!

One trip down.

The number of Blight cultists Matthew killed exceeded 200!

At this current rate.

He believes that the requirements for the new wilderness form can be completed today——

That means killing 1,000 Blight Cultists!

"Next, as long as we kill the King of Blight, we will have a new wilderness form!"

Just think of this.

Matthew couldn't help but feel a little excited.

That's a silver dragon!

However, he didn't wait to think about it.

A low whimpering sound came from deep in the quarantine area.

It seemed like a group of people were sobbing quietly.

Immediately afterwards.

The yellow fog that originally filled the streets suddenly gradually turned green!

Matthew's exposed skin suddenly felt a burning pain.

"Toxin? Plague?"

Matthew felt an evil realm that far exceeded Zeshui City!

"Warning: The Broodmother Lotus has activated its domain power.

The area near Cross City will become an area where poison and plague coexist! "

Feeling the increasingly dense clouds of poisonous gas and plague on the streets.

Matthew opened the plague field with a serious face.

He hesitated.

Finally a choice was made.

"Tip: Do you want to activate the limited-time status "Suffering from All Diseases" from the plague realm?

Suffering from all kinds of diseases: In the next 60 days, you can stimulate your physical growth by contracting diseases, plagues and even toxins."

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