The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 260 The Mystery of the Harpy Giant and the Centaur

"Tip: After a small-scale battle, you and your men wiped out all the invading enemies!

A total of 148 cavemen and 69 harpies were killed in this battle.

Your cemetery's dungeon legendarity +0.5! "

Half an hour later.

In the side corridor on the second underground floor of the cemetery, corpses were lying on the ground.

Looking at the tragic death of the cavemen and harpies in front of him, Matthew couldn't help but wonder who gave them the confidence to attack their own cemetery?

Matthew didn't even take part in this battle himself.

Peggy, Black Warrior Argus, and Death Knight 47, with some small soldiers, took turns to charge and kill several times before establishing the victory of the battle.

at this time.

This mixed force actually wanted to retreat.

However, Matthew's cemetery is not their back garden. They have come here, so it would be inappropriate not to stay and continue working.


Under Matthew's command, all the invading enemies were killed, and he even ordered his subordinates to try to keep their bodies intact.

In this way, the combat power of the undead will be stronger in the future.

The battlefield was quickly cleaned.

Neither cavemen nor harpies are particularly wealthy monsters, so the loot Matthew can harvest is really limited.

Harpy aspect.

Matthew pulled out part of the Heat and Moist Feather from their corpses.

Each harpy has approximately 1 to 3 moist heat feathers depending on its age or maturity.

This feather is a natural aphrodisiac.

Grinding it into powder or soaking it into a plaster has corresponding effects.


Matthew also found a broken spell book on a harpy.

The style of the spell book was exactly the same as the page he found in "Love Story of the Deep City".

After his test.

The spell book that found this page also comes from the Red Pink Chapter.

So Matthew inserted it into the Warding Psalm and gained a new spell.

"Impregnable: When you use this spell on yourself or a certain unit, within the next hour, no matter how skilled your opponent is and is proficient in all kinds of martial arts, it will be difficult for you to surrender.

But accordingly.

In the process, the pleasure you can gain is greatly reduced. "


The chapters recorded in the Red Pink Chapter are all unorthodox spells.

If Confusion and Confusion can barely be used as a control spell, then being impregnable is of little significance to Matthew now.

As for whether use scenarios can be developed in the future.

Matthew is cautiously open.

So he still kept this page of spells carefully.

The main trophy left behind by the cavemen's troops was a small stone commonly known as "power stone".

This stone was occasionally used by cavemen as a substitute for food in their daily lives.

As far as Matthew knows.

If this stone is ground into powder, it can have a powerful antidiarrheal effect after being taken.

And if a large amount of powder is refined into a higher-level magic potion, it can significantly enhance a person's power.

The average strength of cavemen far beyond their size is related to the long-term consumption of this stone.

Actually about this group of cavemen.

Matthew had already learned about it from Ghost Ali’s intelligence.

But in line with the attitude that I will not offend others unless they offend me, he has never cleaned up these monsters.

Unexpectedly, the other party came to the door instead.

"These monsters have been in peace with me for so long, but they were bewitched by the Holy Grail of Sin and came to die. No wonder Rhaegar was almost seduced by the Holy Grail and fell. I'm afraid there are not a few monsters who came to die in the future. It's good to save me. We looked for them one by one."

"We'll search the caveman's lair later. Maybe we can find more powerful stones."

Matthew felt at ease.

He is very confident in the strength of the cemetery, and he also knows very well that a truly powerful monster cannot be easily bewitched by the Holy Grail of Sin.

At best, they will have desire and hatred for the cemetery, but actually putting it into action is another matter.

Only weak monsters will keep coming to die.

But instead they will become part of the cemetery.

And so on.

As time goes by, the monsters may even think that the Holy Grail of Sin and Matthew are the same!

And among the items dropped by this mixed army.

What Matthew values ​​most is a ring called "Frost Witch's Order".

This ring is enchanted with a "command spell" that can be effective on multiple groups at the same time.

The one holding the ring is the leader of the caveman army.

This ring was obviously not made by cavemen, and they couldn't afford such a magic item, so it could only have been picked up, snatched, or given as a gift.

Based on what Matthew has recently learned about the Underdark.

In the famous frozen city.

There is a powerful banshee called "Frost Witch".

She is the chief counselor of the little black dragon lord of Freeze City.

Compared to the wily old Black Dragon of Black Dragon City.

The little black dragon, which has risen rapidly in recent years, has a higher reputation and intimidation among the forces and biological populations in the Underdark.

If all this is not a coincidence.

It is very likely that the little black dragon gradually expanded its sphere of influence to the surface.

This frost witch's command ring is the token obtained by the caveman tribe after they took refuge in the freezing city.

Start from this perspective.

Matthew felt that he still couldn't be careless. If the little black dragon really came to fight one day, he must have war reserves that he could win resolutely!

"Don't worry, things like reserves are accumulated little by little. I just killed several dragons, and the little black dragon may not have the courage to confront me head-on."

Matthew composed himself.

After counting the main loot, the rest of the battlefield cleaning work is left to the coolie zombies led by the Coolie Mother.

Matthew told her to drag all the corpses intact to the northeastern part of the second underground floor for centralized processing.

Because here.

Matthew took the time to build a "Dead Soul Transformation Pool"!

Undead transformation pool.

As the name suggests, as long as you put all kinds of corpses into it, it will transform into all kinds of undead after a while.

This is actually an extremely mini ceremonial ground, with essentially no technical content, as long as it can communicate with the negative energy plane and continuously absorb elements from the negative energy plane.

Usually there is only one factor that prevents the Necromancer from building a Necromantic Transformation Pool——

That is poverty!

Establishing a large-scale undead transformation pool requires investing in a large amount of high-quality world heart stones.

This is an expense that the necromancers, who have always been poor, cannot afford.

But Matthew is different.

He was not tight on money now, so he didn't save any of the buildings that should be in the cemetery.

The transformation pool has actually been built for some time.

But it never opened.

It can only be said that cavemen and harpies will be the lucky ones to be the first customers of the transformation pool.

"With the transformation pool, I no longer need to handle all the corpses personally. I only need to be responsible for processing some high-quality corpses, and the rest will be thrown into the transformation pool."

Watching the coolie zombies move corpses one by one into the transformation pool.

Matthew felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

The cemetery is getting bigger and bigger, and the atmosphere of this thriving development is fascinating.

Although the quality of the undead units spawned by the undead transformation pool is relatively ordinary.

But its advantage is that it is more versatile.

Matthew actually only mastered the general method of summoning the undead, and optimized and improved it for zombies and skeleton ghosts. He has not yet fully mastered the other methods of summoning the undead——

This is not Matthew being lazy.

But there are simply too many species in the world.

Different species have different techniques for summoning the undead.

It was impossible for Matthew to devote all his energy to such a thing.

When he summoned the bone horse before, he was like a blind cat meeting a dead mouse, purely a matter of luck.

But now there is a necromancy transformation pool.

All units can be transformed on their own, even if it is difficult to produce elite units through assembly line spawning.

But Matthew didn't care about that.

He has Negative Energy Beacon and Deadly Scissors, and there will only be more elite units in the cemetery in the future.

The Necromancer.

Explosive troops are the first feature.

If Matthew was still following the small but refined route before.

Then after having the undead transformation pool.

His undead army will gradually embark on a rough and heroic route!

As long as there is a constant stream of corpses.

His undead army will gather like a sea and eventually shock the entire multiverse!

Two days later.

A stumbling figure climbed out of the transformation pool.

And behind it.

It is a shadow that is constantly expanding.

Matthew stood by the transformation pool and examined the newly born undead.

The thing that crawled out is called the "Caveman Bone Soldier."


It's the caveman version of skeleton soldiers.

Compared with ordinary skeleton soldiers, caveman bone soldiers have better bone quality.

The bones of its upper limbs were particularly strong, which made Peggy jealous and said to Matthew on the spot:

"These shorty arms are perfect for sharpening into bone blades!"

"Can you give me a few?"

Matthew rolled his eyes and rejected Peggy's excessive request.

At least in his opinion.

These new Bone Soldiers are part of the cemetery. Although their overall combat effectiveness is average, it is more cost-effective to remove their upper limbs and polish them into bone blades and equip them with other undead units.

But Matthew wouldn't do that.

At least he wouldn't do such a thing while these skeleton soldiers were alive.

"Let's go!"

"Report to A Bing's place!"

Matthew ordered the dumb skeleton soldier.

At present, all the skeleton units are in charge of A Bing. Although this guy is obviously not a talented general, there are really no other high-level skeletons under Matthew.

It should have been left to Paige to lead the team.

But after two days of being a skull, this guy said that this duty was too tedious and she stopped playing.

In the end, she became the cook obediently.

The caveman Bone Soldier was stunned for a moment, then slowly walked around Matthew and headed towards the entrance to the underground floor.

Matthew's eyes immediately focused on the expanding shadow.

This was a necromantic unit he had never seen before!

"This is inevitable..."

"Is it too big?"

Seeing the monster transformed from the harpy walking out of the transformation pool step by step, Matthew couldn't help but sigh.

on the data column.

"Tip: Your cemetery has gained a new undead unit "Harpy Troll"!

Harpy Giant (exclusive unit of Death Horror Cemetery): The body of the dead harpy becomes extremely swollen under the infusion of negative energy swamp gas. Her size is 3 to 6 times that of her lifetime, and she has extremely terrifying abilities. Visual shock effect!

The Harpy Troll has the following four qualities or abilities—

1. Advantage of crushing (with its huge size, the harpy giant can crush most small and medium-sized units)

2. Charm of Giants (Harpies retain part of their charm abilities during their lifetime, and some giant lovers may be more easily attracted by the appearance of giants and fall under their beauty)

3. Ghost bloodline (harpy monsters are ghost-type units, they can suck the energy, physical strength and concentration of enemy units)

4. Self-explosion (when the harpy monsters are defeated, their bodies will self-destruct. When they self-destruct, a large amount of negative energy biogas will flow out of them, causing explosion damage and imposing instant death judgment on enemy units) "

"The random transformation of the transformation pool actually produced such a good thing?"

Matthew rubbed his head.

I haven’t put on the “lucky hat” given by Sylvia yet!

Have to admit.

The appearance of the giant harpy in front of me is very intimidating. Placing it at the fork in the dungeon would probably scare away most of the soldiers.

But in fact, their combat effectiveness is quite limited.

So self-destruction is probably quite powerful.

Matthew looked at the harpy monster in front of him, and he made a decision at that moment:

"Once all the harpies and monsters have been transformed, some of them will be placed at various entrances or key points in the cemetery leading to the Underdark to form levels."

"This can not only intimidate potential enemies, but also serve as an alarm. After all, the sound of explosions can travel far and wide underground, so I should be able to sense it in advance."


Matthew motioned for the harpy giant to come forward and let him touch it.

In Paige's suspicious eyes.

Matthew calmly touched the troll's body.

As a professional mage, he is judging whether the monster's skin has sufficient toughness, as well as observing other parameters.


It feels really good in hand.

It was also the time when the undead transformation pool was under construction day and night.

Matthew once again divided the functions and adjusted the work of the cemetery unit.

This major adjustment basically clarified the management positions and development direction of the cemetery in the future.

First of all, in terms of city defense, the leader is the patrol captain Argus, and his deputy is the new Death Knight 47 who joined the cemetery.

The fighting power of these two people is very strong.

Even among the fifth level, it is still at the top level.

The addition of Death Knight 47 makes up for Argus's inability to go out.

Matthew split the patrol in two.

Argus is responsible for inspecting the situation in and around the cemetery.

And 47 will be responsible for exploring the underground world and expedition to other forces when necessary.

Next is domestic affairs.

This piece of Matthew was still handed over to Ghost Ali.

It's mainly Peggy, Bing, Renesmee and others who embarrass Da Ren.

on the contrary.

The high-level ghost Ali who defected showed great interest and talent in this regard.

For example, this time the undead transformation pool and the development of the second underground floor.

Matthew basically made the plans.

It was completed under Ali's supervision.

As a ghost, he has a good relationship with skeletons, zombies and even the Dark Knight.

He is indeed an internal affairs talent.

Considering that the cemetery is full of undead people and their needs are relatively simple, there is not much to do in this area.

Matthew finally completely handed over this power to outsider Ali.

The latter was ecstatic after receiving Matthew's authorization and vowed to make the cemetery perfect in Matthew's mind.

This point still makes Matthew quite satisfied.

As for logistics.

The coolie mother who performed very well was undoubtedly the leader.

Not only is she good at training zombies, she also has some talents in storing materials, making tools, and transporting supplies.

There are currently the largest number of zombies in the cemetery.

The status of the mother of coolies has naturally increased.

However, Matthew had no intention of letting the coolie mother's family dominate.

He still placed Renesmee next to the Coolie Mother, responsible for managing another group of zombies.

Although Miss Zombie looked blank.

But she was very hostile to the coolie mother.

Matthew speculates that this is because the Mother of Coolies transforms all zombies into coolies or farmers.

This creates a lot of anxiety for Renesmee.

However, both parties showed restraint in front of Matthew.

Recently, Matthew even discovered that some of the zombies Renesmee brought had mastered archery-related skills!

This made Matthew quite happy.

If under healthy competition, you can get a group of zombie archers in your hands, it will be a real gain.

You must know that zombies are extremely powerful, and they really meet one of the requirements for a sharpshooter.

As for aiming.

Matthew could only pray that Renesmee's unique aiming skills could be taught to other zombies.

In addition, there are some special elite units.

Matthew also assigned responsibilities to them.

For example, last week, an ooze leader was attracted by a negative energy beacon.

Matthew assigned him the position of cemetery city appearance improvement officer.

In fact, she is a cleaner.

The leader of the ooze monster has a unique talent in this regard. It devours garbage with astonishing efficiency, even dust.

With his joining.

Matthew could clearly feel that the environment in the cemetery had improved in the past two days.

The only drawback is.

This guy is actually a bit greedy and often eats one or two skeletons or zombies without anyone noticing.

Matthew gave him a stern warning, and also told other middle-level people in the cemetery that if they discovered that the leader of the ooze monster was devouring the name of the cemetery, they must report to him as soon as possible.

Matthew attaches great importance to the stability within the cemetery.

If this guy dares to do it again.

Matthew couldn't keep him.

It is worth mentioning that.

Among the various job appointments in this round, there is also a living person who has become the props department official of Death Fear Cemetery.


That's right.

He was once one of the middle-level members of the Silver Frost Brotherhood, and was called "Boss Dean" by other arsonists.

Due to his excellent performance and positive attitude in making hot glue.

Matthew specially promoted him to the head of the prop production department and also under the logistics management.

Of course, Matthew was still not completely relieved about Dean as the only living supervisor.

Although compared to other arsonists, Dean, as a supervisor, has more freedom.

But there will still be 1 or 2 ghosts staring at him.

This is to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid.

all in all.

After this round of planning, the interior of the cemetery has become more organized.

It's in this process.

Matthew suddenly felt that the name Death Fear Cemetery given to him by the Holy Grail of Sin was quite nice.

So he readily accepted this.

From now on.

Matthew's private cemetery will be officially renamed Death Fear Cemetery!

"It's a pity that Xiao Fei can't stay in the main material world for a long time. Otherwise, with his diligence, he will definitely inspire more undead to work hard, thus making the cemetery stronger and more prosperous."

A flash of regret flashed through Matthew's heart.

But he was content.

In just over half a year, the cemetery grew from scratch, to a large one, and even officially had its own legend.

This is actually a great inspiration to Matthew.

He believes it.

One day.

Deathdread Cemetery will become a true legend!

And in order to achieve this goal as soon as possible.

Matthew decided to pick up the shovel and carry the sapling——

"While it's still early, let's plant some more trees!"

He left the cemetery happily.

I ran to the ground and started planting trees every day for several years.

Compared to the prosperity of the cemetery.

The oak forest on the surface is also full of vitality due to the addition of the centaur tribe.

When Matthew was walking in the woods, he found that there were many small animals here, and many of them were discussing the centaurs——

Perhaps this is because the animals in the oak forest are native to Irondor.

The centaur is actually a legendary creature.

Small animals are relatively rare and normal.

But some of the things the little animals talked about made Matthew feel a little shocked.

for example.

When Matthew accidentally passed by the cave entrance of the burrowing owl couple, he heard this conversation——

"The centaurs are really good people! They actually took the initiative to give us berries to eat!" This was the voice of Mrs. Burrowing Owl.

Mr. Burrowing Owl responded:

"Yes, yes, but I'm still curious, where did Mr. Centaur and the girl come from?

I mean, they're half human, half horse..."

Mrs. Burrowing Owl thought:

"It should be a hybrid."

"Just like dragons or orcs - it's amazing. The human species seems to be able to hybridize with many species to create new creatures!"

Mr. Burrowing Owl asked again:

"So is it a human-horse hybrid, or a horse-human hybrid?"

Mrs. Burrowing Owl was silent.

Mr. Burrowing Owl continued to ask tirelessly:

"And I have another question, if the centaur lady is pregnant, where is the baby hidden?"

"Is it hidden in the human half, or the horse half?"

"How curious!"

There was something wrong with Mrs. Burrowing Owl's tone:

"So you were thinking about this as you stared at the Centaur lady that day?"

Mr. Burrowing Owl quickly explained:

"No, I just think it's easier for us to just lay an egg!"

Mrs. Burrowing Owl suddenly roared:

"Easy and convenient?"

"You try to lay an egg for me?!!"


There was a roaring sound in the cave.

Matthew smiled dumbly.

At this moment.

A somewhat unfamiliar black peacock passed by Matthew with graceful steps.

He apparently also heard the conversation inside the burrowing owl's cave.

The proud black peacock raised its head.

He said to Matthew:

"That burrowing owl couple are both retarded, aren't they?"

"But such a weak creature can survive, which just shows that this is a good place."

Matthew had not spoken to the black peacock before.

It was rare for the other party to take the initiative to speak, and he still had to do the task of talking to animals.

Then Matthew asked:

"Oh, what do you think of the centaur's pregnancy?"

Black Peacock said seriously:

"Takami can't talk about it, but I think centaurs are oviparous animals. They are the same as burrowing owls and us. All they need to do is lay an egg."

Matthew became interested:

"But no one in this world has ever seen a centaur's egg."

The black peacock said proudly:

"No one has ever seen a centaur's egg. It doesn't mean that centaur can't lay eggs. Do you understand?"

"And I have better evidence that centaurs are oviparous."

Matthew nodded:

"you say."

Black Peacock said:

"I have talked with centaurs and found them to be very intelligent and powerful. In my experience, the most powerful and intelligent species in the world are egg-laying animals."

"Let's say a dragon."

"Let's say humans."

"So there is no doubt that the powerful and intelligent centaurs must also be oviparous."

Hear the previous paragraph.

Matthew just thought it was ridiculous.

But then he frowned:


"You said humans are also oviparous animals?"

The black peacock fluttered the feathers on its tail gracefully:

"if not?"

"Don't tell me that you are a viviparous animal, that would be so funny, hahahahaha... You don't even know how you got here, do you?"

"I have witnessed many of my human women lay eggs!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, they laid eggs very fast, but the scene was too scary..."

Human women lay eggs?

Matthew's face became serious:

"Your Excellency, you have only recently come to Oak Grove. Where did you live before?"

Black Peacock asked with some vigilance:

"Why do you ask?"

"Do you want to steal eggs? That's not possible! The mage tower is quite heavily guarded. Not only are mercenaries and magic apprentices guarding it day and night, but there are also many golems!"

"Speaking of which, I left my original place of residence just because I couldn't stand the sound of those demons walking around day and night."

"This should be a good place. I heard the retarded burrowing owl couple say that there are no predators like leopards here, which is very suitable for us birds to survive. The winter here seems to be a little colder than where I used to live, but it doesn't matter. , our black peacocks are relatively cold-resistant..."

He chattered on.

Matthew was not in a hurry. He listened to Black Peacock’s narration calmly and patiently:

"...But I hate snow. It's hard to find food after it snows. But I heard that the owner of this forest is a relatively friendly mage. He should find us some food, right?"

Hear this.

Matthew simply revealed his identity:

"Formal introduction, I am the owner here, Matthew."

The black peacock was startled.

Immediately he spoke:

"I heard that couple said that if they meet you, they will pay you protection money. Only in this way can they live safely in the forest. But I am just a poor and arrogant black peacock. I can't give you anything."

"But you seem to be very interested in women who can lay eggs. Let's do this. I will give you the things I picked up in the mage tower as protection money."

"My requirements are not high. This winter, just give me some bread crumbs to fill my stomach..."

While talking.

The black peacock shook its left wing.

The next second.

A shiny object fell into the mud.

Matthew bent down to get it.


The skull he put in his luggage lit up with a cold light!

"Hint: You picked up the Apprentice Amulet from Odin's Tower!

Stimulated by the item's aura.

The Skull of Augustus (the exclusive weapon of the Necromancer) has completed the entire synchronization process.

The Skull of Augustus is being activated..."

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