The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 261 How can a necromancer not rob tombs?

The Skull of Augustus actually succeeded in synchronizing at this time?

Matthew was a little surprised.

This exclusive weapon of the Necromancer was very stubborn in his mind.

He spent time synchronizing it every day, but the synchronization process was not ideal.

According to Matthew’s previous estimate.

It will take at least another month for him to officially activate this weapon.

But I didn't expect that under the stimulation of the breath of this magic talisman, the synchronization progress bar actually increased a lot!

Matthew sensed the glowing head of Augustus in his luggage.

An extremely eager emotion poured into Matthew's heart.

It seemed to be calling to Matthew.

Matthew was not in a hurry. He did not even touch the head of Augustus immediately, but carefully examined the amulet in his hand.

This is a very ordinary magic amulet, with a uniquely designed magic crest on its surface as a proof of identity.

Hold this amulet.

It should be possible to move freely through certain areas of the so-called Tower of Odin.

However, Matthew immediately discovered something fishy on the back of the amulet.

"Is there a hidden magical code?"

Matthew tried to interpret it -

"Content: Dear Natalie, this is a talisman specially designed for you. I know that you have always wanted to go to the upper level of the Mage Tower, but there is no one to guide you and there is no way.

You and I both know that the rules of Odin's Tower are strict, and even if I have been promoted to a senior assistant, I cannot easily promote you to a senior apprentice.

But I know your love for magic, and I can understand it all from the curiosity in your sapphire eyes.

So I decided to give you a chance.

If you are determined to sacrifice everything for the sake of magic.

Then please go to the darkroom of the 8th floor library tonight.

I'll wait for you there.

Please prepare "bitter melon water" and "pickled cucumber" in advance.

This will help you and me tonight. "

After finishing the translation, Matthew glanced at it and felt a little speechless.

"Is this an assistant of the Master of the Mage Tower trying to hide a low-level female apprentice?"

"Since this amulet was picked up by the black peacock, it means that the female apprentice should have discarded it, but her handling method was too rough and she did not erase the secret text on the amulet."

Matthew shook his head secretly.

Although he still doesn't know who actually made the talisman.

But the two keywords Odin's Tower and Natalie have provided enough clues.

Just in Matthew's mind.

The term "Tower of Odin" is somewhat unfamiliar.

"Is there this mage tower in the south?"

Matthew silently kept an eye on it. What Black Peacock explained obviously went against normal people's cognition.

This Odin's Tower might be the lair of some evil archmage.

However, he did not continue to question Black Peacock.

He just nodded lightly and said thanks:

"Thank you, this thing is very useful to me."

The black peacock was overjoyed and said:

"So, you agree to my living here?"

"Great! Since that mentally retarded couple can have a place here, then the atmosphere here should be quite free and open, right?"

He suddenly changed his arrogant look and looked at Matthew expectantly.

Matthew pondered:

"It should be considered more open and free, right? At least we won't have any bans of this kind or that."

Black Peacock said very excitedly:

"That's great!"

"I want to fall in love with Miss Grouse next door, so no one will discriminate against me, right?"

"To be honest, I think the grouse lady likes my tail opening."

As it spoke, the tail feathers on its back spread out automatically, forming an extremely beautiful picture.

Peacocks and grouse?

Matthew rolled his eyes and couldn't help but feel a little dumbfounded.

These spiritual little animals are worthy of being favored by the will of nature.

The atmosphere is indeed open.

At the moment, Matthew could only give a tactful compliment:

"I like your opening screen too."

Unexpectedly, the black peacock quickly put away its feathers.

He held his buttocks between his legs and ran forward:

"That's not okay!"

"That's too advanced!"

As he said that, he ran away and disappeared.

Matthew thought to himself that these guys really love to use themselves to save others.

But because my conversation with the black peacock made my animal conversation task officially break through the 200 mark.

He was still too lazy to argue with the other party.

on the data column.

"Tip: The progress of your task "Animal Talk" has reached 200/300!

+1 to your natural domain element

You gain abilities from two natural realms—

Animal domestication: You can tame a wild animal into your companion or pet, and let it master some skills or abilities that are only available to animals that live in symbiosis with humans.

Intimate Companions: You can designate up to three animals to be your intimate companions.

Animals that become close companions will not only have emotions beyond friendship with you, but also gain additional attribute bonuses.

Compared to ordinary animals.

The animals that are your closest companions will be stronger, faster, sharper, and smarter.

at the same time.

Each close companion can bear the cost of a failed Will save for you during a specified period. "


The task of talking with animals has also reached 2/3 of the process.

Matthew can clearly feel his difficult exploration in the realm of nature.

Compared to oak fields.

The natural field is really a bit too difficult to enter. Even though Matthew has mastered some abilities in the natural field, he feels very clearly that there is still quite a long way to go before officially entering this field.


Undead, the upper realm of the undead realm, is also difficult to enter.

Matthew guessed that he might need to accumulate enough lower fields in the big field to be able to break through in one fell swoop.

And this is something that takes a long time to settle even for him as a field harvester.

Between thoughts.

He turned his attention to two abilities.

Animal Taming is quite satisfactory, this is the signature ability that most druids possess;

The same goes for close partners.

But in terms of effect, Matthew's close companion seems to be better than the ordinary druid's close companion.

Not to mention the additional attribute bonuses of animal companions.

"Can the cost of a failed Will save be transferred once per specific period?"

"If I have three close partners and can transfer three times? Wouldn't that make me invincible?"

Because Matthew hasn't signed a specific intimate partner yet, he doesn't yet know how long this particular cycle refers to.

but no matter.

This ability can give Matthew three insurances in one go.

His will resistance is not low to begin with.

Just sign three more animals.

It's almost foolproof.

The only question now is, which animal should I tame and sign it as a partner?

Matthew's eyes looked beyond and beyond the oak forest.

"Currently, it seems that there are more poultry residents. Although each one has its own personality, none of them seem to be particularly outstanding."

Matthew thought for a while:

"I think you can ask the Druid about the topic of animal companions. I'll ask you next time when I go to Watcher's Heights or see Eli again..."

Immediately, his eyes focused on the data column again.

"If you talk about 100 more animals, you can get a lich. I don't know what the strength and character of this lich are?"

Matthew thought secretly in his heart.

But if you think about it carefully, you will see that there are already many strange undead people around you.

This upcoming lich will surely not make me too novel!

"It just so happens that there are many small animals from the dreamland of the hills in the holy oak seeds. Most of these lucky ones who have been blessed by the spirit of the earth are very spiritual. They can be used as objects to increase the number of animal conversations. In the future, when nourishing the demiplane every day, I’d also like to chat with them by the way!”

"Chat with 5 of them every day for up to 20 days, and you will get the lich! But these little animals are quite timid and shy. I hope they can take the initiative and contribute to my lich career!"

Just think of this.

Matthew opened the holly oak seed bag directly.

One lucky person is picked at random.

I started to ask questions unexpectedly.

Half a day later.

The northwest part of the underground cave complex in Gold Digger Basin.

In an abandoned factory.

Matthew stood among a pile of broken copper and iron. He was directing the coolie zombies to pull the abandoned iron tools to the square.

The other side of the square had been cleared.

There are some targets and equipment for refining ore placed crookedly on it.

Gold Prospector Basin once ushered in a mining boom.

But after the minerals in Rolling Stone disappeared overnight.

A lot of equipment and factories were abandoned here.

As Matthew continues to develop the underground cemetery.

These factories also became one of his targets for land acquisition.

Anyway, this territory has been given to Matthew by Rhaegar. He has property rights above ground, so it should be the same underground.

For example, he transformed a previously abandoned factory into a sulfur ore processing plant.

And this one in front of me.

Matthew plans to transform it into a testing ground for his own spells!

In the alliance.

If you are a magic apprentice, you can go to the academy or the mage tower of the major legendary mage to find a spell testing venue.

But this comes at a hefty cost.

Therefore, most mages will have their own spell testing place after becoming independent.

This makes it easier for them to explore the mysteries of spells and grasp the strength of spells.

Relatively speaking, the Necromancer is an exception.

This is not only because Necromancers are poor, but also because the testing effects of most Necromancer spells are not that intuitive.

Therefore, necromancers who have no bottom line will choose living creatures as the objects of spell testing.

Of course Matthew couldn't do this.

Although he is a necromancer, the field of necromancy actually overlaps with subdivided spell fields such as extreme cold and force field.

To facilitate future testing.

He decided to build his own spell testing ground from scratch.

Of course, he currently plans to only make a prototype.

After all, the equipment in the spell testing field is quite expensive.

Matthew planned to make do with scrap metal left over from the mining factory, and when it became more developed in the future, he would buy a puppet golem specifically for testing.


The negative energy missile accurately hit the surface of a barrel covered with verdigris.

The powerful negative energy directly corroded a pit into the barrel.

The plastic impact of the missile also allowed it to break through the obstruction of the water in the barrel and successfully penetrated the wall of the barrel on the other side.


A lot of water flowed out of it.

"Negative energy missiles are okay..."

"Try the undead fire again!"

30 seconds later.

A green flame flew past.


A piece of hard stone was directly burned into burnt black particles, and eventually scattered on the ground.

Matthew looked at the mini skull floating in his palm with satisfaction——

The latter is only the size of a baby's fist, surrounded by green light. The light is so bright that outsiders can't even see clearly that the center of the light is actually a Q version of a skull.

Its appearance looks more like a smart, sweeping comet!

This is the Head of Augustus.

Every 30 seconds, it can automatically launch a negative energy missile or undead fire.

The damage of these two spells is not low. According to Matthew's tests, their intensity is approximately between the second-level and third-level evocation spells.

More importantly, it was a completely costless act for Matthew himself.

That alone.

This weapon is the treasure that many necromancers dream of.

However, the self-contained spells with no consumption and short cooldown are only the first feature of the Skull of Augustus.

The properties of this thing are too powerful.

It was so powerful that as soon as it was activated, Matthew used it to replace the Guarding Psalm and became his first spell-casting medium.

The effect of necromancy spells is improved;

100% increase in spell casting and chanting speed;

There is a 50% chance of double casting when casting a spell from the necromantic realm;

Although it has been downgraded, the legendary spell is extremely powerful and covers a thousand miles of ice.

These are enough to prove the value of the head of Augustus.

After several rounds of testing.

Matthew observed that the spell intensity of the Skull of Augustus increased between 30% and 150%——

Especially necromancy.

Randomly hitting a double cast is an exponential improvement.

The bonus of this thing to the immediate death judgment is obvious.

After all, the immediate death judgment is still a bit too extreme.

You can handle it once.

Can you survive the second time?

Even if you can.

Most of them were sweating profusely.


Matthew's signature spell is especially blessed by the Skull of Augustus.

This is because each of the three cuts of Deadly Scissors is calculated as a separate spell.

Therefore, each hit may trigger an additional double casting decision.

The enemy's luck is even worse.

Maybe 4 pairs of scissors appear every time!

This is another qualitative improvement for battlefield coverage and strikes.

So Matthew just played with it for a while and couldn't put it down.

And about the remnant soul of the Lich Augustus sealed in this skull.

Matthew was also full of curiosity.

According to the instructions for this weapon, he can ask three questions to the remnant soul of Augustus every week.

So Matthew activated the residual soul.

The next second.

A wisp of green smoke slowly rose from the ball of light.

The green smoke forms the shape of a human face, giving people an eerie feeling.

"My ignorant and stupid junior, what do you want to know?"

The voice of the remnant soul of the lich seemed very thick.

The accent he spoke was a bit un-human. Based on the shape of the mini-skull, Matthew speculated that Augustus should be from a certain demi-human race.

At that moment, Matthew took out the amulet and asked:

"What is your relationship with this talisman? Or do you know the owner of Odin's Tower?"

Unexpectedly, Augustus immediately replied:

"Why don't you ask your dick this question?"

Matthew was slightly startled.

He knew that the remnant soul of the lich might not answer his question directly, but he did not expect that the angle of the answer would be so negative.

Is it because this problem actually has nothing to do with Augustus himself or weapons?

Matthew thought for a while and continued to test:

"I have observed that this weapon has lost its original power due to time. If I want to upgrade it to the strength of a legendary weapon again, what should I do?"

However, Augustus continued to mock:

"So, do the juniors now like open-book exams?"

"Are you all imbeciles?"

"How to increase the power of weapons, can't you use your own brain!?"

"Idiot, I hate idiots!"

Matthew frowned at being scolded.

But he vaguely understood what Augustus meant.

on the data column.

"Perception: You realize that questions that are too simple and straightforward will be met with ruthless ridicule by Augustus.

Especially if you haven’t done any feeding that day. "

"So, does it have anything to do with feeding?"

Matthew thought about it and turned on the feeding function. He threw a mushroom into the skull.

"Tip: You fed a mushroom to the Skull of Augustus, and the automatic protection mode activated by the Skull of Augustus——

It will resist most long-range damage for you, including arrows, crossbows, evocation spells below level three, etc.


You gain a spellcasting buff: illusions are more effective!

Duration: 5 minutes!

Feeding successful!

The Remaining Soul of Augustus slightly increases your satisfaction. "

After feeding.

Matthew clearly saw that the skull that was originally suspended in his palm began to rotate rapidly around him.

It's like a stream of light.

Incredibly fast.

Provides Matthew with powerful defensive capabilities.

Although it only lasted 5 minutes, all it cost was a mushroom. Matthew was quite satisfied with the result.

5 minutes later.

Matthew summoned the remnant soul of Augustus again and asked:

"If I want to improve my concentration or magic power, do you have any suggestions?"

This is one of the two difficulties Matthew is currently facing.

Both of these things are not easy to improve.

The mana is not bad. The last time I saw Isabel's portrait, Matthew gained 1/5 of the mana increase.

But concentrating gave him a headache.

The most serious way to improve this thing is meditation, and there is no shortcut to meditation. Matthew asked himself that he was diligent, but he didn't have enough time and it was still difficult to concentrate quickly.

He was already prepared to be ridiculed again.

Who knows this time.

The Skull of Augustus actually replied seriously:

"Concentration is a compulsory course for mages. Not only mages, but also gods also have headaches because they cannot respond to the prayers of too many believers at the same time. This involves the issue of concentration.

If you want to improve concentration, I have two ideas here.

The first idea is to continuously improve the limits of the human brain——

This is what traditional meditation does.

But meditation is not a quick fix after all. If you want to take a shortcut, you can try to find the sea elf meditation method.

I'm not sure if Sea Elf meditation is still practiced in your time.

But if you can find the full copy.

Be sure to start practicing from Part 2!

The second idea is to use plug-in tools to improve concentration.

This idea corresponds to the gods, and the specific application tool is the godhead.

Godhead is not only a certificate of divine personality, but also possesses powerful computing power.

Gods with powerful godheads respond uniformly to the vast majority of believers. This is actually because the godhead bears part of the focus pressure on the god's brain.

In view of this.

The great necromancer Byrne proposed the theory of a virtual godhead.

This theory mainly talks about the method of creating a virtual godhead belonging to the mage by feeding the gods and plundering the godhead.

I remember that in my time.

Several legendary mages have made great progress in their research on the virtual godhead project.

I don’t know how many years have passed now.

You can try digging their graves. The difference between them is——

Lord of Hades Mountain, Bowen;

Sandro the Bone King;

Ghost, the death giant;

Monica the Spirit Controller;


While talking.

He named a dozen necromancers and the general location of their tombs in one breath.

The more Matthew listened, the more frightened he became:

"How do you know the tombs of so many necromancers?"

Augustus said impatiently:

"These are things that I planned to dig before I died but haven't had time to do it yet."

"What? Do you have any objections?"

"If you haven't reached Legend yet, just shut up and listen to my senior's advice - how can a necromancer not rob tombs?"

Finish this sentence.

The remnants of Augustus quickly dispersed.

Matthew quickly wrote down the names on the list and the address of the tomb.

In addition to being secretly happy, he also felt a little wary.

"These were necromancers in life, so they must know their peers quite well. Their tombs must be extremely dangerous. Doesn't this guy encourage me to rob the tomb because he wants me to die?"

Matthew did not let Augustus's change of attitude get to his head.

Even if it's just the remnant soul of the lich.

Matthew was also wary of it.

"Things like tomb robbing can indeed be scheduled, but don't rush it yet. Find some simple exercises to practice, or improve the tomb field first."

Between thoughts.

Matthew fed other food into the skull of Augustus.

After more than a day of testing.

Matthew confirmed that you can get 5 minutes of ranged defense just by feeding it, but you can't cast spells with this weapon during this time.

And different foods will trigger different gains.

Some of these buffs are useless, while others are unexpectedly strong.

For example, Matthew once fed a glass of milk.

What you get is [luck +1]!

But what’s more troublesome is.

The next time Matthew feeds milk.

The feedback given by the Skull of Augustus was [slight perspective].

It can be seen that even if the same thing is fed, different gain effects will be obtained at different time periods.

It's full of randomness.

In actual combat, this can only be used to try your luck and serve as a surprise weapon.

one way or another.

The power of the Skull of Augustus is self-evident.

So far.

Matthew finally has an exclusive weapon for the Necromancer.

"From now on, if you go out with a skull every day, you won't be mistaken for a druid, right?"

Two days later.

Master Hood comes to visit.

Matthew knew the purpose of his visit, and after a brief exchange of pleasantries, he went straight to the point.

He took Wizard Hood to the oak forest and summoned Oak Guard Dom in front of him.

The oak guard came to Matthew with slow steps.

He knelt down on one knee and made a slow and heavy voice:


Hood looked at Dom with complicated eyes.

There was a trace of nostalgia and a trace of guilt in his eyes.

However, both parties had already agreed before.

Matthew asked Dom directly:

"Dom, the mage in front of you is an elder with noble character. He has made a lot of efforts to save many creatures in Cross City. Are you willing to sign a symbiosis contract with him?"

Dom tilted his head:

"His life...has come to an end."

"Are you signing a symbiosis contract at this time to take advantage of my lifespan?"

Master Hood suddenly looked embarrassed.

Matthew also didn't expect Dom to be so forthright.

But the next second.

Dom still leaned towards Hood affectionately:

"But since it is the master's mission..."

"Dom is willing to do it."

"And I really like your bald head too!"

Matthew secretly breathed a sigh of relief:

"Thank you, Dom."

The lifespan of the Oak Guard is more than 800 years, and Hood is only 160 years old now.

After the symbiosis contract is signed.

He can live to be at least 400 years old.

This will give him a chance to sprint towards legend.

When it comes to the legendary realm, mages have more ways to extend their lives.

Matthew's move was nothing less than a gift of reinvention.

Hood was naturally grateful.

Faced with many compensation suggestions put forward by Hood, Matthew smiled and chose to reject them.

He believed that if he asked Hood to give up all his belongings, the other party would definitely be willing.

After all, it's just like spending money to buy your life.

But that would be a waste of affection.

Although Hood is not a particularly powerful mage.

But he is experienced and a very good ally.

After signing a symbiosis contract with the Oak Guard.

The power of Hood's life and death actually lies in Matthew's hands.

Although the two people are still equal in identity on the surface.

But in fact, Matthew is already above Hood.

Both are smart people.

Naturally, we know this very well.

Hood euphemistically mentioned that after returning from this trip, he would try his best to promote an alliance between Rapids City and Rolling Stone Town.

This is naturally what Matthew is happy to see.

Hood is a registered mage in Rapids.

He had a greater influence on Grand Rapids than he did on Rolling Stone.

He indirectly controlled Rapid City through a symbiosis contract.

This is certainly a sure-fire deal.

As for the life span brought by the symbiotic contract.

With Matthew's legendary skills and his attainments in the oak field, if you are still worried about lifespan, then you might as well turn yourself into a lich as soon as possible!

Sending off Hu De, who was grateful for so much.

Matthew calmed down again to learn spells and transform the umbrella plan.

Time just whizzed by.

In the blink of an eye, winter has arrived in Rolling Stone Town.

On the afternoon of December 1st.

In a warm classroom with a fireplace at Silver School.

Several noble girls were chatting and learning to weave towels.

They all had faint smiles on their faces.

Sif was the only one sitting by the fireplace. Even if other female companions came to talk to her, she had a glum expression.


A figure flashed outside the classroom window.

Sif stood up in surprise.

She said to the others:

"I'm going to use the bathroom. Well, you don't have to wait for me for a while."

While talking.

She held up her long skirt and stepped on her small round-toed leather shoes, and walked out of the classroom quickly.

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