The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 262: Afternoon in Rapids City (Please subscribe and vote)

Silver School is located in the northwest of the Seigneur District, separated from the Seigneur's Mansion and the official post house by only two streets.

If you stand on the tallest tower of the school and overlook the surroundings.

You can even clearly see the comings and goings of the people in the Lord's Guard barracks.

This is the only school in Rolling Stone Town.

It was built by Sif's grandfather and Rhaegar's father, Sif.

In fact, we can get a clue of this from Rhaegar's naming of Sif.

Sif and Sif are themselves the same word that distinguishes male and female names in a common language context.

This was obviously done deliberately by Rhaegar in memory of his father.

Said it was a public school.

In fact, the entire school has three buildings, a teaching building, a teachers' dormitory and a comprehensive building.

Comparable to the number of students studying here.

All three buildings seemed a little empty.

Based on the economic structure and cultural development of Rolling Stone Town, only a few dozen families can afford to send their children to school without work.

Although after Rhaegar became the lord, the school was opened to more children of Rolling Stone residents, and considerable tuition subsidies were provided.

But the number of students in the school is still very few.

In Matthew's memory.

When he was a history teacher, he taught up to 30 students at the same time.

That was already the most lively teaching scene he had ever seen.

But more than half a year has passed.

This school seems to have undergone subtle changes.

Matthew stood at the end of the corridor on the second floor of the teaching building, looking down through the gap in the spiral staircase at the people coming and going below.

"The number of students seems to be much more than before?"

When Matthew first came in, he passed by several boys and girls who looked like students.

He accidentally discovered that the accents of these people did not seem to be locals from Rolling Stone.

"That should come from the High Leaf Collar or the Golden Fertile Field."

Matthew judged shrewdly.

This subtle change is also in line with Rolling Stone's growing regional influence.

Rolling Stone Town itself does not have that many aristocratic children or children of wealthy businessmen who can come to school in their free time.

But Gao Ye had it.

There are also golden fertile fields occupied by Rolling Stone Town that occupy more than half of the territory.

There is certainly no shortage of smart people in these territories. The rise of Rolling Stone is already a certainty. If you don't choose to leave, then the only thing left is to cater.

Under the current circumstances, it seems a bit too late to directly cater to Rhaegar or Zeller.

Therefore, sending one's children to Silver School for further education became a curveball choice to save the country.

Matthew had just seen two unfamiliar faces in the girls' classroom. They were sitting farthest away from Sif, but they seemed to be trying to get closer.

Matthew didn't think much of it at the time.

Now that I think about it, those two girls must have something to do with the aristocratic power of Gao Ye Ling.

"No wonder Zeller is so busy all day long. The rise of Rolling Stone is bound to bring a lot of people to the door. These people may not have bad intentions, but it is really troublesome to handle it properly, or at least it is extremely labor-intensive. thing."

Matthew was walking down the hallway and had a random thought.

A notice also fell on the floor of the corridor ahead.

Matthew picked it up and glanced at it, and found that it was a statement from Silver Public School recruiting teachers.

It seems that Rhaegar is very happy for more people to join this school, and he is also expanding the school's curriculum.

Based on Matthew’s understanding of school.

If enough people can be recruited according to the plan on the notice, then the students here will receive education in a series of courses such as etiquette, riding, arithmetic, geography, history, language, humanities, and art.

In addition, girls also do handicrafts.

Boys have separate hunting classes.

This will greatly enrich the students' original study life, but it will probably also make most of them complain.

Matthew also discovered that in this notice, the school’s salary for teachers had increased by about 20% compared to before.

This is a very generous treatment.

But accordingly.

Silver's review of teachers' identities is as strict as ever.

The origin is unclear.

It is absolutely impossible to get hired.

Looking at these entries, Matthew couldn't help but recall the time three years ago.

At that time, he repeatedly encountered obstacles in applying for a job in Rolling Stone.

He originally thought that he was a mage, and considering the rarity of mages, it shouldn't be difficult to find a job.

However, he did not anticipate the importance of identification.

This is true not only in Rolling Stone, but in other areas as well.

Even if he is a mage, unless the lord happens to ask for something, in a relatively stable area, it will be difficult for a person of unknown origin to integrate into the local life circle.

Think about it this way.

Master Ronan’s recommendation and guarantee are even more precious.

"I hope everything goes well for him in the star realm."

Matthew secretly repeated this prayer in his heart.

The school seemed particularly solemn in the winter afternoon.

He leaned against the railing of the spiral staircase in boredom and looked out the side window.

A few white doves flew by.

The sound of flapping wings was clearly audible.

Although they quickly flew out of Matthew's field of vision, he could still determine the whereabouts of the white doves based on his memory alone——

That's the pigeon coop high up in the school tower.

Every afternoon is feeding time, and the white pigeons that are relaxing outside will return to the tower on time to be fed by Mr. Spencer.

The latter was a very learned man, at least among mortals.

He was a geography teacher at Seaver School and occasionally gave riding and hunting lessons.

Matthew loved Mr. Spencer and his wife, Ms. Kinley.

In his impression, the two of them were very affectionate.

Although Mr. Spencer is as thin as a bamboo pole, Ms. Jinli's figure is much more graceful.

The huge contrast between the two walking arm in arm on the street often attracts a lot of attention.

This is one of the reasons why Matthew is so impressed with them.

And the other part of the reason.

Ms. Jinli often brings Matthew her homemade cookies.

Mr. Spencer is also willing to share the customs and customs of Rolling Stone with Matthew.

Even though he didn't spend much time with them.

This memory seems very precious to Matthew now.

Perhaps it was due to Rhaegar's influence.

Everyone at Seaver seems to be friendly.

At least that's how Matthew remembers it.

At that time, in the eyes of others, he might have been a somewhat lonely and aloof young teacher. Some people even knew that Matthew was a mage, but they also thought that he was the most down-and-out and least talented.

But leave this school with him.

It must be time for his amazing deeds to reach the ears of these people.

I wonder how they feel when they chat in the lounge and talk about themselves?

Think of this.

A smile couldn't help but form on Matthew's lips.

He actually wanted to go back to the teachers' lounge.

But he didn't do it in the end.

Growth certainly means becoming stronger.

But it also means that a lot of things can't go back.

If not for the bond of that layer of memory.

Now there seems to be only a deep gap between Matthew and this school.

He narrowed his eyes.

He changed his position and continued to lean on the railing.

"Wait! Where is Sif?"

"She didn't see me, right? That's not the case. Wasn't the gesture I just made not obvious enough?"

The wait seems to be getting longer and longer.

Matthew had such doubts in his heart.

Fortunately it didn't take long.

The sound of Tata's soft leather heels on the marble floor could be heard from the other end of the corridor.

The bright and beautiful girl came riding on the faint fragrance.

She stopped in front of Matthew generously and said hello:

"Good afternoon, Matthew."

The first time Matthew saw Sif again, he knew why he had to wait so long.

She went to secretly touch up her makeup!

Today's Sif seems to give Matthew a different feeling than before.

She wears a light brown knitted sweater on her upper body, and a lady's long skirt on her lower body. The belt around her waist is braided with some beautiful little white flowers. On her feet are round and cute little leather shoes, and the shadow of cake socks can be vaguely seen.

Matthew glanced at it several times before realizing that the difference he felt came from the change in the other person's hairstyle.

I don’t know if it’s because of winter.

Sif tied up her long hair, and her temperament became obviously more mature.

This can also be seen in the changes in makeup.

She no longer looked like the little girl she remembered.

It seems like he has grown up a lot overnight.


"Are you here to find me?"

Sif asked openly.

Matthew wanted to answer.

Sif suddenly raised a finger and put it on her fresh lips:

"Let's go out and talk."

"Go outside the school."

With that said, she took the initiative and walked downstairs.

Matthew was stunned for a moment, but soon became acutely aware of Sif's intentions——

She seemed to be well prepared for today's conversation.

When they met, they tried to erase the marks they left on this school.

Matthew smiled and followed, and asked casually:

"where do you want to go?"

Sif suddenly stopped and turned around to look at Matthew with her big eyes that seemed to be able to speak:

"Can I go wherever I want?"

Matthew also nodded readily:

"As long as it's within my ability."

A look of longing suddenly appeared on Sif's face:

"I want to go somewhere where no one knows me, preferably in a lively city."

"May I?"

Matthew thought for a moment and had the answer.

"You come with me."

As he spoke, he opened a random door and took Sif out of the school.

Then the two found a secluded corner.

Matthew activated the teleportation technique, and then he gently squeezed Sif's little hand, and the two figures disappeared from the place in an instant.

The next second.

The whistling wind blew on their faces.

After feeling the hard pavement under his feet, Matthew decisively let go.

Not far away, two guards wanted to come over.

After Matthew showed them a token, the two guards quickly left with awe in their eyes.

"Where is this?"

Sif asked in surprise.

"This is on top of the city wall of Rapid City. Below is the commercial district of Rapid City. Outside is the suburbs. Oh, can you still see the Jade Cangting from here?"

Matthew introduced while looking at the scenery in the distance.

Northeast direction.

The lush forest sea is like a giant dragon crawling on the earth.

The natural magical radiance of the wood elves flashes over the forest from time to time like a beacon.

Two roads extending outside the city bisected into two as far as the eye could see.

One of the roads leads north, which is the road to Watcher's Heights;

The other road went directly east and soon entered the territory of the forest.

"What a beauty."

Sif came to Matthew's side and murmured softly.

"But won't it be okay if we suddenly appear here?"

she asked worriedly.

Matthew smiled:

"The registered mage of Grand Rapids has just been a guest in my woods for a while. We will not face any trouble here."

Sif immediately showed admiration.

But she quickly averted her gaze and looked at the Jade Cang Garden:

"Is that where Beanna learned to dance?"

"I envy her so much!"

“What a luxury it is for me to go out and see the outside world!”

"Ever since I can remember, my father has not allowed me to leave his sight too far, and I have always obeyed his orders. The only time I secretly went to the countryside to play, I was kidnapped by a magician. It was you who saved me that time. Since then I have never dared to cause trouble again.”

"But this kind of life is really boring!"

while talking.

She put her hands on her chest, her forearms pressed against the city wall, and her head rested on her forearms very relaxedly.

at this moment.

She seemed to have turned back into a child longing for freedom.

Her eyes looking towards the Jade Cangting were full of longing.

See this scene.

Matthew was silent.

Sif is really smart. She probably guessed the purpose of Matthew's trip as soon as she saw him——

That is, the lobbyist invited by Rhaegar.

As soon as these words were spoken.

Most of Matthew's originally prepared remarks were blocked.

So he could only adapt to circumstances:

"Is this why you want to go to the Far North Floating City?"

Sif turned her head to the other side:

"Part of it is."

"The other part of the reason is that I originally wanted to learn spells."

Matthew reminded you:

"Your body contains power that is no less powerful than magic."

However, Sif said bluntly:

"But I hate it!"

"I hate Nini, I hate any part of myself that is devilish - just like I hate Melinda."

"Matthew, can you understand this feeling?

I don’t know when I started to feel nauseous.

At first I didn't understand the source of the nausea.

But then I figured it out.

But I feel even more desperate.

Because it comes from my father and my mother. "

Sif's tone was calm.

But what he said contained an extremely angry emotional tension.

Matthew could feel her struggling to control her anger:

"Maybe you don't know, I not only hate Melinda's selfishness, I also hate the devil blood that Rhaegar gave me.

I actually feel angry from the bottom of my heart at the shortcomings both my parents left me in blood and spirit.

This thought also made me feel ashamed.

I often wonder if such rebellious thoughts are also due to inheriting the devil's bloodline or Melinda's selfishness?

I have no idea.

I used to be able to suppress these ridiculous thoughts.

But since awakening.

I became more sensitive.

I was no longer the little girl who could act innocent and act as if nothing happened.

I don't want to hurt my father.

But what he taught me from a young age was to tell me that everything about the devil has original sin.

Now he is telling me not to hate the devilish blood in me?

How is this possible?

I have always wanted to be a sensible girl, and that is what I have always done.

But this time I really couldn't control my impulse.

I could feel my own existence being severely distorted.

Sometimes I don’t even understand what the meaning of my existence is?

If that's more extreme.

Then it was a mistake for me to be born.

Fortunately I'm not that extreme.

So I'm just a little sad and a little sick.

From my father's point of view, all I had to do was coax me.

I think so myself.

But things are not that simple after all.

I want to find a path to self-reconciliation.

Leaving Rolling Stone Town, heading to the Far North Floating City, and stepping into the world of mages was such an attempt for me.

Can you understand how I feel? "

Sif raised her head and reached out to straighten her wind-blown hair.

Her eyes were still bright, but not as carefree as when they first met.

Matthew was silenced again.

He found that what he had thought before coming was really too simple.

If Sif hadn't taken the initiative to speak.

He had no idea that the girl in front of him had so many thoughts hidden in her heart.

"After awakening?"

"I don't know if it's because of the stimulation of the Holy Grail of Sin, or because of Melinda's day?"

Matthew thought carefully.

For a girl whose mother has not been around since she was a child, such a reaction is normal.

He slightly lowered his head to Sif:

"Sorry, I thought it was too simple."

Sif smiled and shook her head and said:

"That's all right."

"But it's not that you think it's simple, it's that you have never cared about me."

"Me and Beanna, you always treat us as little girls, but in fact, I am really not little anymore!"

As she spoke, she puffed out her chest.

Matthew felt the bulging curves and quickly looked away.

For a race like devil, does awakening mean secondary development?

He was secretly surprised.

However, Sif did not intend to let Matthew go.

She took a step closer, and the girl's fragrance stimulated Matthew's nerves.

She asked loudly:

"Matthew, do you dislike women?"

"Or maybe you don't like humans at all?"

Hear this.

Matthew smiled instead:

"You don't need to provoke me like this, because my goal is clear from beginning to end."

Sif forced her to ask:

"What goal?

Powerful magic?

Or to become the most powerful mage?

Is this fascinating stuff?

If you chase these things, can’t you like women?

Are these things something that cannot be taken into consideration at the same time?

Or are you actually a coward who doesn't know what you want and is just trying to avoid it? "

Each of her questions became more acute than the last.

Matthew's mentality was unprecedentedly relaxed and calm.

He replied calmly:

"Yes, it's impossible to have both."

"There may be some mages who can still maintain enough desire to study and work hard after having a significant other, but I don't think I am such a person."

"My focus and energy are quite limited and I just want to put them on the most important things."

"At least at this stage, there is no doubt about that."

Matthew actually put it quite tactfully.

In fact, most successful mages will not distract themselves prematurely.

The difference between them and Matthew is.

The mages of this world make a clear distinction between desire and emotion.

This means that they can have a chaotic private life while making amazing progress in the field of magic.

There are few legendary mages who have their own emotional sustenance before the legend.

They are just venting their desires.

But Matthew couldn't do that.

He doesn't have any emotional mysophobia, nor is he a moral role model, he just simply can't do this.

"As you said, chasing mana and power is a fascinating thing.

In my heart, the feelings between people are also a fascinating thing, especially love.

Everything fascinating in this world is mutually exclusive.

I've never been against starting a relationship.

But that was also what happened after my legendary path entered a relatively stable stage.

I still have a lot to do.

I still have a long way to go.

It’s not just that it’s a fascinating thing.

But also because this is a matter of life and death.

I'm talking about life and death.

It may not just be my life or death. "

Matthew added.

Sif's face showed a confused look:

"I don't understand."

"I do not understand."

"Why it came out like this?"

Matthew did not answer directly, but said calmly:

"My mentor is Ms. Isabel, a well-known divine mage in the alliance."

"She has immense strength, but her mental state is not stable. She goes crazy all day long. I don't understand many of the things she does, and I don't understand either."

"You look at me now as I look at her now."

"We are solitary mages, crazy and arrogant loners. Being misunderstood is our fate, but it is also a blessing given to us by God."

When Matthew said this.

Not only was Isabel's face in my mind, but Margaret's back as she walked proudly towards Purgatory also flashed across her mind.

Before saying this.

In fact, he himself couldn't explain why he was so repelled or even afraid of feelings.

But after he finished speaking, he suddenly woke up.

Rejection is not due to fear.

But because of greed.

He is so greedy and hungry!

So eager to open up a new world on the path of legend.

So he didn't dare to be negligent or distracted.

Above desire.

Only higher desires.

Matthew said none of these words.

Because he didn't expect Sif, a mortal, to understand him.

However, Sif was just silent for a while after listening.

Then he said very gently:

"I still don't understand."

"But I believe you, and I believe your reasons must be defensible."

"Magic must be a particularly fascinating thing, and your current efforts and concentration must have special meaning in the future."

"I believe this, so I'm sorry, I was a little too rash just now."

There was an apologetic look on her cute little face.

Matthew stared at her for a long time.

The latter's eyes were very shining, and he didn't feel depressed at all when he apologized.

He laughed and shook his head.

The other party once again took back the initiative in the topic. At least now, Matthew could no longer persuade Sif not to learn spells.

"You're so cunning."

Matthew said.

Sif's eyes flashed and she said:

"It's just that you didn't put your mind into it."

Her tone became gentle and shy:

"But I won't embarrass you, Matthew."

"You come with me for a walk, in this rapid city, just this afternoon, as long as you are willing to accompany me this time, I promise you not to go to the Far North Floating City."

Matthew raised his eyebrows:


Sif didn't give him an answer.

She stretched out her soft little hand and held Matthew's warm palm, then turned her head away and pulled him towards the steps of the city wall with a blush on her face.

Matthew was embarrassed at first.

But soon.

He heard the "bang bang bang" heartbeat.

So he smiled.

Unexpectedly, this smile actually annoyed Sif, and the girl threw away Matthew's hand in anger:

"what's so funny……"

She wanted to say something else.

in the next moment.

Her hand was held by that warm touch again.

She was stunned for a moment.

"Let's go."

"Let's go see the city."

Matthew said.

On the street near the city gate.

Heads clenched.

Compared to Rolling Stone, which lacks entertainment activities, Rapid City is much more prosperous.

It is said that there is also a permanent theater and circus here!

As an important transportation route from north to south.

Rapid City is the human city most closely related to Jade Cangting.

Therefore, it is also extremely developed commercially.

Matthew held Sif's hand and strolled down the street.

In my ears I could hear the shouts of vendors and the sound of carriages rolling.

Sif was a little shy at first.

But soon the atmosphere of the busy city infected the two of them.

She looked around and saw many small objects that attracted her novel eyes.

The two walked for a while.


A burst of orders came from the direction of the city gate:

"Give one, give one, give one!"

"Wind Chaser is doing something, please cooperate and get out of the way!"

At first, Matthew thought he was a bully.

But as soon as the sound came.

Most of the people on the street moved out of the way automatically.


A column of tall knights in silver armor galloped into the city on horses.

They passed quickly through the middle of the street.

The pointed ears under the helmets and the whispered discussions of the residents on both sides revealed their identities——

This is the Wind Chaser troop from Jade Cangting!

Matthew knows.

Rapid City and Jade Cangting signed an offensive and defensive mutual assistance agreement, and the diplomatic relations between the two parties were the highest level of intimacy.

There is even a separate camp for the Windseeker troops within Strom.

For now.

The reputation of the wood elves in Rapid City is quite high.

Not only did people not complain about giving way, but they were quite cooperative.

At this time, low murmurs also came from the crowd:

"Why is the Wind Chaser so anxious to close the team?"

"I heard a little bit of gossip, it seems to be related to the Silver Frost Brotherhood."

"It shouldn't be a big deal, right? The security in Rapid City has always been very stable."

"Don't worry, I just saw that the leading knight is General Terrani. He leads the team himself, so there will be no gangsters to wipe out!"

"But the knight next to him is a bit unfamiliar..."

Matthew lowered his ears.

Then she gently pulled Sif:

"What are you looking at?"

Sif said "Oh":

"I just thought the back of the Wind Chaser Knight looked familiar."

"Maybe I saw it wrong!"

"Let's go take a look at the square. I heard there might be a performance of tigers jumping through fire rings today!"

While talking.

Their backs gradually disappeared into the sea of ​​people.

at the same time.

In the Windseeker camp.

Beanna nervously took off her helmet and said to Terrani next to her:

"You brought me out privately and asked me to take over the identity of the Wind Chaser Knight. Will everything be okay?"

Terrani said disapprovingly:

"Aren't you bored in Jade Cangting and want to go out for a walk?

They are just a few remnants of the Silver Frost Brotherhood, what can happen to them?

I don’t even need to take action myself, just let Li Wei lead the team to take a look!


You change your clothes and I'll take you to see something fun——

Today is the challenge day for the Jewel King’s Legendary Pentathlon!

If you miss it today, you will have to wait until next month!

Hurry up!

Change clothes, change clothes! "

As she spoke, she looked at Beanna's chest with a lustful look.

Then she was pushed out of the door mercilessly by Beanna.

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