The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 283 What a Necromancer should do!

"Could this thing be a semi-divine weapon?"

Matthew looked at the shovel in his hand with suspicion.

Despite being blessed by the power of nature, the appearance of this shovel does not seem to have changed much.

Even the gap created by the collision with the rock when shoveling the soil was clearly visible.

Except for the appearance, there is a layer of mysterious green light that seems to be nothing.

It looks like an ordinary shovel!

Matthew stroked it up and down for a while, then decided to go straight to test its intensity.

Bang bang bang!

He waved his shovel towards the wasteland in front of him.


The digging feeling is very silky.

Just like cutting butter with a knife, it seems to be a kind of enjoyment.

The digging rate has indeed increased significantly.

Matthew only felt that his movements were getting faster and faster, faster and faster!

He couldn't help but fall in love with the feeling of digging a hole!

Driven by instinct.

Until my wrist started to feel sore and limp.

Matthew suddenly stopped digging the hole.

next moment.

He looked up.

I found that there were piles of soil dug out by myself all around.

And this pit is surprisingly seven or eight meters deep!

"How long have I been digging?"

He turned back to ask the coolie mother who had been following him.

The mother of coolies thought for a while:

"It's been a while."

"Almost three minutes."

Matthew gently rubbed his wrist. His physical condition was not very high, so the job of digging holes had always been quite challenging for him.

This was also within the first three years.

A major factor restricting his tree planting efficiency.

But since the introduction of zombies, this situation has changed, and he almost doesn't dig holes by himself anymore.

"I haven't dug a hole for a long time, so my techniques are a bit rusty..."

Matthew secretly blamed himself.

But he was quite satisfied with the strength of the shovel.

Perhaps the biggest drawback of this thing is that no matter what you scoop out, it feels like scooping out butter.

Digging and digging.

I have no energy.

Matthew estimated that in order to maximize the effect of this semi-artifact, both strength and physique must be at least 22 points!

Of course it's enough for now.

But it feels like a waste of resources.

"It seems that I need to strengthen my body in the future. I wonder if the alliance has any medicine to improve this quality."

Matthew thought to himself.

At this moment, he saw half of a hard diamond exposed in the pit he dug.

He grabbed the shovel tightly, held his breath, and went over with a whoosh of the shovel!

A hissing sound.

The diamond was cut into two pieces!

Matthew went over and touched the cross section. It was slightly warm, but still quite silky.

"This is really like cutting iron into clay!"

Matthew was ecstatic.

He discovered a hidden attribute of this semi-artifact that was not reflected in the data!

That is sharpness!

In addition to having an extremely high texture, the tree planting shovel is also incredibly sharp.

If it were so simple to cut a stone.

It must be even more relaxing to use it to cut your head!

Matthew subconsciously grabbed the shovel in his hand.

This thing looks really ordinary.

But the practicality is too strong.

Not only can it be used to plant trees and dig graves, but it can also be used to break mountains and rocks in the dungeon!

And in the case of close combat.

This is also a very confusing self-defense weapon.

If the enemy underestimates the texture and sharpness of this weapon, he will most likely pay the price with his life!

He studied it.

In addition to its simple and crude attributes, the tree-planting mage's shovel also has growth potential.

This thing can resonate with specific fields.

Matthew was exploring some areas.

The soon-to-be-acquired domain abilities can be converted into domain power and poured into it.

In exchange for the growth of semi-artifacts.

This is actually very profitable.

Most powerful semi-artifacts can condense their own divinity.

Matthew's semi-artifact was just born, so it only showed signs of condensing divinity.

Want to be formed naturally.

That would take a long time.

And for Matthew.

Exploring areas is as easy and enjoyable as eating and drinking.

When the time comes, brush up the exploration level a few more times.

In this way, the quality of the weapon is continuously strengthened. If a trace of divinity is really condensed, it will be a bloody profit!

And beyond that.

Matthew discovered that the tree-planting shovel is essentially a main-hand weapon.

In other words, when using it, you need at least one dominant hand, or even both hands, to exert its power.

To other mages.

This requirement means that the shovel can only be used as a backup weapon.

After all, most staffs, magic books or crystal balls are also main-hand weapons.

All need to be grasped by hand.

Matthew is the only exception.

His current spell-casting medium, the Skull of Augustus, happens to be a magical weapon that can cast spells automatically without using hands at all!

This way.

As long as Matthew concentrates enough, he can dual-wield the skull and shovel!

Picture that.

A skull like a sweeping comet rotated rapidly around Matthew, while he himself was holding an ordinary shovel like an old farmer.



It can all be taken into account.

"He belongs to the legendary dual cultivator of magic and martial arts!"

Matthew played with the shovel excitedly.

After playing for more than an hour, I reluctantly let go.

This thing is a little too long.

The semi-artifact itself cannot be contained by ordinary storage devices.

Matthew had to find a magic rope from the magic bag and tie it to his back.

It makes his image look somewhat weird.

But Matthew himself didn't care.

As for the origin story of these weapons, Matthew naturally plans to outsource them.

Considering that there were not many reliable bards, Matthew happened to know another one with the strongest business ability.

Then this task will naturally fall on Luo Lan's head.

He immediately wrote a letter to Lorraine.

The letter described in detail the information about the tree planting shovel and the birth process.

Then he entrusted the other party to compile a touching story for his semi-artifact.

As for the tendency of artistic processing.

Matthew originally wanted to tell the other person to stop writing him off as a scumbag.

But when I think of Isabel's words.

In the end, he could only tell Luo Lan implicitly in the letter:

"Try not to be too scumbag..."

As for whether the latter can be heard.

Then it all depends on God's will.

After doing all this, Matthew gave himself a small vacation.

He hid in the cemetery and slept for fourteen hours.

Wake up.

Feel refreshed.

The cemetery is still peaceful.

But there seemed to be lively shouting and shouting coming from the oak forest.

Matthew went up the stone stairs.

When passing by the mushroom garden, I said hello to Hassman, who also had a curious look and half of his head peeked out from behind the fence.

When he came to the woods.

He clearly listened to the calls of the little animals:

"It's snowing, it's snowing!"

"Come to Bogarde, there is a warm tree house there!" "This winter, we can live with the centaurs, and we shouldn't continue to suffer from the cold!"

Matthew blocked out the chatter in his ears.

The woods suddenly fell silent.

Only pieces of soft, feathery snowflakes slowly fell on the branches of the oak tree.

As usual.

The oak forest may already be showing signs of large-scale defoliation at this time.

But because of the sanctuary of life.

The cold resistance of the oak forest has been greatly improved. Looking around, it is still lush and green, but there is a touch of white on many tree crowns.

Matthew quietly felt the changes in the seasons and changes in the element field.

A north wind blew on his face.

Cool as a knife.

that moment.

He had a realization.

"Hint: You feel winter is coming!

You are reminded by the will of nature "Wrath of the Cold"

The Wrath of the Cold: For the next three months, Rolling Stone will be entering a period of freezing temperatures.

During this period, the act of planting trees at will may cause the disgust of the natural will! "

Winter has arrived.

It's like this every winter.

Although Matthew is deeply favored by the will of nature, he cannot violate the laws of nature.

Except for the land that is like spring all year round.

No crops are allowed to be grown anywhere else.

And that land.

Matthew is intended to be used for growing crops.

"No wonder I suddenly went crazy and planted a wave of trees yesterday..."

Matthew smiled:

"Is it my subconscious reaction that the severe cold period is coming, so I reacted instinctively!?"

No matter how.

That’s it for this year’s tree planting.

Matthew now has an oak forest with more than 3,000 oak trees, and a pine forest that is about two-thirds the size of the former.

Let's say it was three years ago.

He couldn't even think about it!

"Winter is the season of accumulation. If you can't plant trees, you can use the extra time to study spells and make immortal creatures."

"I remember that the coldest days seemed to be able to summon a special kind of undead."

"I haven't tried it in previous years due to lack of materials, lack of mana, and lack of energy. I might give it a try this year."

Matthew quietly admired the snow for a while.

It's just that the snow was very small, it only fell for a short while and then disappeared, and the white on the tree crowns gradually faded.

Except for the growing chill.

The snow left no other traces.

He went to the land where spring was like all year round, asked Miaosaki to speed up the progress, and then secretly took a look at the lonely zombie again, and then returned to the cemetery.

"It's so warm in the cemetery!"

This was Matthew's first reaction after coming down.

In fact, the Sanctuary of Life also has the ability to regulate temperature.

But I don’t know why.

The characteristics of the cemetery that are warm in winter and cool in summer are even more obvious.

Maybe it's because it's built underground.

Maybe it was because Matthew saw all the skeletons shirtless that he felt less cold?

In the studio.

Matthew opens the field again.

In his previous accumulation, he still had an area of ​​abstinence that he had yet to explore.

This was the reward for his abstinence from resisting natural childbirth.

Now Matthew concentrated.

Slowly open up this extremely unique realm.


A slight dizziness appeared in front of his eyes.

Immediately afterwards.

Three shining golden roads appeared in Matthew's field of vision.

There is a road marker at the beginning of each road.

It says respectively——

the path of asceticism;

the path of moderation;

The path of greed.

The three roads represent the three branches of the realm of temperance.

Matthew read this.

Next, you have to make a choice within the field, and this choice must be very careful.

Because once he chooses a path that is inconsistent with his own practice, his exploration in the field may not advance but retreat!

First rule out the path of asceticism.

The path is obvious, which is to abandon everything for the sake of moderation.

Matthew is obviously not such a person.

He considered whether to take the middle road.

After all, the word moderation is somewhat similar to balance in some contexts.

But in the end Matthew gave it up.

He chose the path of greed!

"Because I knew from the beginning to the end that my moderation was for greater greed!"

"I am neither a person who practices moderation for the sake of moderation nor a person who practices moderation for the sake of balance. I choose the field of moderation for no other reason than because it can bring me benefits."

"This is the true reflection of my heart!"

After so many explorations in the field, Matthew actually already has some experience in his mind.

Face what you feel and think truthfully, no matter whether he seems to be less than upright or even a little dirty, you must do this!

The next second.

The other two roads disappeared.

And the road of greed becomes extremely broad in front of Matthew!

The surrounding scenery seemed to fly backwards.

Matthew understands.

That’s because I’m making rapid progress!

"Hint: You've delved deeply into the realm of moderation.

You have obtained a micro-power "Control (Oath)".

Temperance (oath): You can use this authority to make oaths to others or yourself to obtain rewards for certain attributes. "

Micro authority?

Matthew felt a little regretful.

He thought he could obtain complete authority!

The so-called micro authority.

In fact, it is part of the puzzle of complete authority.

The power and function of this thing are much worse than complete authority.

Don't look at other people's loving fathers as twisted.

But the effect and scope of use of authority are much stronger than this control (oath)!

For Matthew.

This miniature authority is somewhat useless.

He does not take oaths easily.

Because he knows very well that small oaths are of little use, while big oaths can easily cause trouble.

"Forget it, just play with it, at least it's better than nothing."

"And in the contract field, there is also a cross-functional effect..."

Matthew just thought so.

Something in his luggage suddenly became highlighted!


"Tip: Stimulated by the power of control (oath), your magical object "Four Elephant Cards" become active!

Do you want to use this authority to activate the Four Elephants card? "

Four elephant cards.

This thing is also one of the stolen items from the Earth Society.

Want to activate the Four Elephants card.

You must hold the authority of the earth realm.

Matthew's previous attempts to activate it using Fatherly Authority failed.

Maybe it's because that authority has become distorted.

He originally thought that he would not be able to open this treasure in the short term. Who would have thought that the micro-authority he inadvertently obtained from the control field would become the key to unlocking the Four Elephants Card.

"Is it because the realm of temperance resonates with the vows of the monks?"

Think so.

Matthew immediately chose to activate!

In an instant.

Four cards were suspended in front of him.

On it are painted the four spirits of earth, fire, air and water.

The four cards shine in turn.

Matthew quickly learned that he could only open one of them because he didn't have enough authority.

That is, choose one of four.

For Matthew, the four elephant spirits had no special meaning, so he randomly selected one!


There was a crisp sound.

Matthew held one of the cards between his hands, and the other three cards flew back into his bag.

He took a closer look.

The air spirit "Canglong Dufeng" on the card was smiling and winking at him.

next moment.

A white light flashed on the card, and a portal appeared in front of Matthew.

He felt it.

It was discovered that this portal leads to a folding space.

That's not even a demiplane.

"So there is a cave inside the Four Elephants cards, and there is a folding space inside each card?"

Matthew has always been cautious.

He sent several skeleton soldiers to explore the path, and after confirming that they were safe and sound, he put on the star-weaver robe and other equipment and walked in slowly.

Go through the portal.

A huge monastery appeared in front of Matthew.

Not far away is the outer wall of the monastery.

The wall is painted with bright yellow paint, but under the ravages of time, the color blocks on the wall have become mottled. Yellow, red, and black colors are randomly splashed on the wall, like a palette that has been knocked over. Like an oil painting, it has a messy yet penetrating beauty.

Matthew walked around outside the monastery.

Then he found the gate.

On the porches on both sides, there are engraved images of the powerful and domineering Canglong, the spirit of Qi, crossing the wind.

It was particularly impressive.

Passing through the gate, the architecture in the monastery has a strong Far Eastern style.

This style is said to have been influenced by the Sioux.

The temple near the gate has collapsed.

Matthew had to go around.

There is a winding bridge ahead.

Above the curved bridge is a square.

In the center of the square stands huge stones of different shapes.

On both sides are murals carved one after another.

Matthew patiently looked at the stone carvings, and soon he extracted some information from the murals and a small amount of text.

All the murals tell the story of the arduous battle between the monks of the Four Elephants Sect and a powerful demon lord and his men.

The name of that demon lord is "Baimon".

It is said that he is one of the ten lords of the Abyss and had a decisive influence on the Abyss during the era when the story takes place.

in the mural.

Baimon is a ball of flesh that cannot be killed and seems to be able to turn other people into balls of flesh as well.

Its image is ferocious and terrifying, like a tumor.

In order to fight against this demon lord.

The monks of the Four Symbols Sect sacrificed a lot, and many members of the monastery died.

Eventually, they succeeded.

at the end of the mural.

The Four Symbols Sect sealed the demon Baimeng, but the overall vitality was severely damaged.

"Yes, we lost a lot of people, but for the sake of the world, for the sake of peace, it was all worth it."

This sentence appears in the last mural.

It seemed to be written by a highly respected warrior monk.

The mural ends here.

Matthew couldn't help but frowned.

If the Four Elephants Sect defeated Baimon as described in the mural, then why was this monastery included in the card world?

When Matthew came in, the place was empty and deserted, obviously abandoned for a long time.

But when he looked at the daily utensils in the monastery, he found that many of them had not been sorted out.

The original owners all left as if in a hurry.

Where did those monks go?

"In my impression, at least there is no inheritance of the Four Symbols Sect in the south of the continent of Irondor..."

In fact, not only the Four Symbols Sect, but also all monk schools have a very obvious decline in the continent of Irondor.

The reason.

Or because the birthplace of the monks, the Far East has suffered a serious invasion from alien gods and demons.

It has become a carnival place for evil monks, and it is also the back garden of Dusk Creature Gai Lan and Evil Queen Babasha.

Under the interference of outer beings, a large number of inheritances have been cut off for hundreds of years, and the monks have evaporated out of thin air one by one. People can't help but wonder where they went?

Is it related to the fall of the Soviet Union?

Matthew thought a lot.

There was a large group of buildings behind the square, but when Matthew approached it, he felt an obvious resistance.

He realized quickly.

The folded space in front of you is composed of four cards.

He only activated the spirit of Qi.

Naturally, only a quarter of the space can be explored.

Now he refocused his attention on the boulders in the square.

"These stones are very problematic!"

Matthew didn't dare go near the stones.

Because once he gets a little closer, his thinking will start to get confused!

This is an extremely dangerous sign!

So he walked around the edge of the square several times.

Never walked in.

Even if he saw some sparkling treasures among the boulders.

"This place is weird enough. There is no need to explore, so we should retreat first..."

Matthew has always been decisive.

So he raised his feet and walked towards the portal.

But at this time.

A ray of breeze blew across his cheek.

Immediately afterwards.

An extremely mini Canglong appeared in front of him:

"Your caution is amazing, but you are right. If you rush into Stonehenge because of greed, the heart-stealing demon lord sealed here will make you irreversible!"

Matthew looked at the Qi spirit calmly.

The four elements all have spirits, and the blue dragon is just an external image of the spirit of air.

In fact.

For different cultural backgrounds, elemental spirits will take on different appearances to cater to the needs of specific regions.

Essentially, the elemental spirits are lower earth gods.

Matthew has long known that activating the card can summon the elemental spirit. If the opponent does not appear, there must be something fishy.

Therefore, he was not surprised by the sudden appearance of the Qi Spirit:

"Peeping on guests is not the behavior of a good host."

Mini Canglong hugs the chest with two claws:

"This is a test for you. If you can't pass this..."

Matthew smiled slightly and walked away.

"Wait a minute, don't you want to get the inheritance of the Four Symbols Sect?"

The spirit of air shouted.

Matthew pointed to the shovel behind him:

"I'm just a tree planter, I have no interest in anything else."

With that said, he walked to the door.

The spirit of Qi flew over quickly.

He tried to block the gap in the portal with his petite body, and his tone and posture became humble:

"Sir, I was joking with you just now. The Four Symbols Sect urgently needs a successor, and I think you are a perfect fit!"

Matthew shook his head:

"But I'm not kidding you, I'm telling the truth."

The spirit of Qi was dumbfounded and stuttered a little:

"But, but, but... can't you help me find a monk who can inherit the unique skills of the Four Symbols Sect?"

"I am willing to be your summon, and I am even willing to blend with you!"

The shadow of the Four Elephants card flashed in Matthew’s hand:

"You are already my summon."

Qi Spirit said aggrievedly:

"Then I am your summon, can't you help me?"

"If the Four Symbols Sect can't find a successor, I will really be doomed!"

Matthew smiled.

Wouldn't it be enough to speak with this attitude earlier?

He pointed to the stones in the center of the square and asked:

"Are these stones used to seal the heart-tearing demon lord Baimeng?"

Qi Spirit nodded quickly and said:

"Yes, that mind-stealing demon lord is very scary. He can not only interfere with other people's thinking, but also change other people's bodies."

"It took the monks of Canglong Monastery nearly thirty years to seal him. You must not cause trouble. It would be a disaster if the lord was released!"

Matthew asked again:

"So where did the people from the Four Elephant Sect go?"

Qi Spirit shook his head:

"I am just a projection of the real Canglong Dufeng, used to leave the legacy of the Four Elephant Sect. My memory is only a small part, but I have a strong premonition that as long as I can find the successor of the Four Elephant Sect, I can remember a lot of things..."

Matthew couldn't help but laugh.

Would you say this little guy is cunning or innocent?

This form of detour is too easy for people to see through, right?

Matthew was too lazy to dwell on this.

What he was more curious about were the huge rocks in the square.

"This is the Heartless Stone, produced in a half-plane of the abyss. It was discovered by a senior monk from the Four Symbols Sect. This stone can very well restrain the demons that threaten the heart.

In fact, not only mind-stealing demons, but most demons hate mindless stones.

Because this stone can calm them down and stop them from becoming so violent.

And we all know that the power of demons comes precisely from the violent factor in their blood.

There are many more stones like this behind the monastery. If you are interested, you can move some of them.

Of course, don't touch this part of the square. "

Qi Zhizhi explained everything in detail and endlessly.

Matthew nodded calmly after listening.

Secretly, he began to ponder:

If the Heartless Stones are really as useful as Qi Ling said, then you can indeed consider taking a batch of them away.

Whether it was the Wolf Mountain battlefield or Hood's Rapid City, cracks from the abyss appeared.

This means that dealing with demons will probably become a common occurrence in the next period of time.

This thing has the potential to be a surprise weapon.

"I want to take away some of the heartless stones for research."

Matthew spoke.


The spirit of Qi is happy:

"So the inheritance of the Four Symbols Sect?"

Matthew said calmly:

"I will try my best to help you find suitable candidates, but you must also understand that there are not many people willing to become monks these days, not to mention that the Four Symbols Sect seems to be ranked last among the many schools of monks."

Qi Spirit blushed.

But he couldn't refute it.

Because what Matthew said was true, the Four Symbols Sect was originally at the bottom of the martial monk sect.

At that moment, Matthew went around to the back of the square, resisted the resistance, quickly picked up a few stones and left.

Leave the card world.

Matthew found that the little spirit of air also came out.

"Are you going to follow me?"

Matthew asked.

"if not?"

The spirit of Qi put its hands on its hips:

"If I don't follow you, who will protect you?"

"Do you have any other summons?"

Matthew silently scanned the other shadows in the cemetery, not knowing how to explain to them.

Air Spirit still looks and feels fine:

"Aren't you a tree planter? Why is it so dark here?"

"Forget it, forget about it for now, I'll let you taste the feeling of being with me first!"

"This is a perfect experience that other summons, even other elemental spirits, cannot provide!"

The words fell.

The mini Canglong suddenly pounced on Matthew!

The next second.

Matthew felt like he had turned into a feather!

"Reminder: The spirit of Qi "The Projection of Canglong Dufeng" has merged with you!

Your movement speed is tripled under all conditions!

Note: This movement speed bonus has an independent multiplication area and is finally determined.

You can increase your basic movement speed through spells, potions and other means, and get a higher movement speed bonus. "

"Try it quickly!"

"I can't hold on for long!"

The spirit of Qi howled in Matthew's body.

Matthew didn't hesitate. He rubbed the soles of his feet and drank some potion for speed travel.

The next second.

He rushed out of the cemetery like flying.

It turned into a bolt of lightning in the oak forest!

"I'm going, it's really fast..."

Between a few breaths.

Matthew ran hundreds of meters out!

If this was not his own ceremony place, Matthew would have a sense of every oak tree, and he would have to hit the tree!

"Wait a minute, I wonder if this level of movement speed bonus can be used in conjunction with the tree leaping technique?"

Just think of this.

Matthew's figure disappeared in a swish.

The oak trees on both sides dropped a few leaves.

At this time.

A black peacock stepped out from behind a tree.

As he walked, he vowed to the shy grouse behind him:

"Look, I told you a long time ago, humans are also mutating, and they are mutating very fast!"

"If we don't work harder, we will be eliminated from this world!"

"So, will you be my wife, even if I were a peacock and you were a grouse?"

In the end, Matthew was unable to verify whether the tree leaping technique could be superimposed with the excess movement speed provided by the possession of the air spirit.

Because the latter quickly becomes boring.

When the little blue dragon withdrew from Matthew's body, he realized that the possession of the spirit of air consumes a lot of energy.

He needs to absorb the energy of the air elemental plane to restore himself.

This process is quite lengthy.

It will take at least one week.

But even so, the spirit of air also showed its special value as a summoned object.

Matthew began to look forward to what kind of benefits he could bring when possessed by other elemental spirits.

Two days later.

A letter from Jade Cangting was sent to Matthew's cemetery.

The replying party shall be signed by Liuye Agency.

Matthew opened it and looked at it, and then he was happy.

"The Willow Leaf Agency actually refused me entry!?"

"The reason is because I am a necromancer?!"

"Because of White Rock City, the wood elves have always hated the necromancers to the core. Are you letting me in to hurt the public's sentiments?"

Matthew didn't even bother to discern whether the reply reflected arrogance or stupidity.


He received another letter.

This letter was written by Ai Lan.

Winter Moon expressed his apology in a large way in the letter, and said that he was still working hard to communicate with the Presbyterian Council and the Willow Leaf Organization.

She believed she could convince these people to let Matthew deal with the Mark of the Dead problem.

Matthew was unconvinced.

"It seems that the interior of the wood elves is also a mess..."

Matthew pondered for a moment and immediately wrote a decent reply to Ai Lan.

Then he wrote a report on the matter and submitted it to the Silver Council and Isabel respectively.

after that.

Matthew found Rhaegar and Zeller:

"If after some time, someone from Jade Cangting comes to ask about my whereabouts."

"Remember to tell those wood elves to come back to me with one million gold coins ready!"

"I plan to go on a long trip."

Rega's eyes lit up:

"Can I quote 1.1 million gold coins?"

Zeller asked with concern:

"What are you planning to do?"

Matthew shrugged:

"Go do what a necromancer should do!"

"Ms. Carmela lives in the official inn now, right?"

"By the way, what room number are you coming from?"

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