The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 284 The like-minded third party and the miserable Lorraine

Chapter 284 "Like-minded third party" and the miserable Lorraine

The official post house of Rolling Stone Town.

In suite three.

After the four-hour long conversation ended, Matthew left the room satisfied.

During the chat.

He and Carmela reached a high degree of consensus on "what a necromancer should do" and "looking for the ancient breath".

It was only after in-depth understanding that Matthew discovered it.

Carmela knows far more about the tomb than she does.

Even though Matthew has entered the realm of tombs and mastered a lot of knowledge about tombs.

But it still pales in comparison to Carmela.

If the ability of "fellow smell" hadn't taken effect automatically, Matthew would have even suspected that she was also a necromancer, an archaeologist, or simply a tomb robber!

all in all.

This beloved of the God of the First Moon has reached the pinnacle of understanding of the field of tomb robbing.

But his intuition told Matthew.

This understanding of Carmela is purely theoretical.

This shows that this knowledge was most likely directly instilled into her by the God of the First Moon.

"So the God of the First Moon was the real king of tomb robbers?"

Matthew speculated without malicious intent.

This conjecture is not unreasonable. In some countries full of history, many rising stars among gods have studied tomb robbing.

After all, this is a shortcut to quickly increase wealth or strength.

Just in this pleasant atmosphere of conversation.

The two initially formed an underground alliance.

Just when Matthew was excitedly planning to formulate a practical plan.

Carmela told him that they needed to recruit at least one partner.

On the one hand, it is because there is a rule about archeology that has been passed down from the Ether Covenant era——

"Of all the people who entered the ground, only three of them made it."

The meaning of this motto is simple and clear, that is, there can be many people going to the archaeological site, but the number of people who actually arrive inside the tomb and act together is best at three.

Carmela explained further.

In fact, multiples of three are also acceptable, but in that case, more people will be involved and things will become more troublesome.

So three people are the most suitable.

The number of people here does not include summons, so Matthew's plan to recruit a few younger brothers to make up the number was shelved.

Although it is somewhat absurd to apply the rules of the First Moon Kingdom in archaeological operations on the continent of Irondor.

But Carmela insisted.

Matthew agreed.

On the other hand, although both of them have rich theoretical knowledge, they are very lacking in practical experience.

The underworld of Irondor is not as simple as it seems.

They needed the cooperation of an expert with actual archaeological experience.

The best profession for this expert is thief.

After all, in the tomb.

Traps abound, and trap removal is an indispensable part of the archaeological process.

Of course Matthew can use cannon fodder skeletons to fill it.

But things like the tomb mechanism can sometimes affect the whole body. If it can be dismantled, it is better to dismantle it manually as much as possible and not to destroy it wantonly.

Carmela said.

As long as the last member joins, the underground alliance's archaeological operations can officially begin.

And about the first action location.

Matthew originally wanted to settle in the big tomb in the Helen Mountains.

But Carmela suggested that they could find a smaller tomb to practice their skills first, and by the way, improve the tacit understanding of the three members of the gang.

It is also in this process.

Carmela revealed her true purpose of hiding in Watcher's Heights——

To the east of Watcher's Heights is the Garden of Leaves.

It was the old royal capital of the wood elves.

According to her description.

Deep in the Garden of Fallen Leaves, there is a tomb with a strong ancient atmosphere.

Carmela has basically explored the entrance to the tomb.

The tomb itself is not very dangerous.

The reason for the delay in taking action is because the tomb is close to the lair of an ancient green dragon!

The good news is.

The ancient green dragon had long since disappeared.

The bad news is.

There is an adult green dragon that is suspected to be a direct bloodline of the ancient green dragon and is still active nearby.

That was the green dragon Fatina that Matthew had heard of many times before.

She fought fiercely with the wood elves.

The cunning former has been using guerrilla warfare to pull the elves' direction, causing Jade Cangting to suffer miserably.

And the tomb Carmela mentioned.

Its entrance is located near the main battlefield of the green dragon Fatina and the elf Windseeker.

Therefore, there is a theoretical risk of being affected.

Matthew is quite optimistic about this.

In a light vehicle with only three people dispatched, it is very easy to cover up the aura with one's own abilities.

What he was even more curious about was the identity of the owner of that tomb!

The tomb is located in the Garden of Fallen Leaves, which shows that its identity is related to the wood elves.

But the elves do not have funeral rituals.

After the death of all wood elves, regardless of their status, they are all sent into the pool of light.

Within three days, the corpse will turn into a point of light and enter the sea of ​​trees, and will eventually be reincarnated into a light demon or other elf life after a period of time.

But if the deceased is an elf who committed a crime that offended nature during his lifetime and was severely rejected by the sea of ​​trees in the world.

Then Huaguangchi will not be able to send away his body.

His soul will be forced into the underworld like humans.

despite this.

The deceased's friends will also burn the body, leaving no monumental structure such as a tomb.

As a qualified history teacher.

Matthew was certain that the wood elves had never built a single tomb for their own people in history.

Therefore, the owner of that tomb could only be a foreigner.

Their relationship must be very close to the wood elves.

He searched in his mind for a long time, but couldn't find a clue.

He asked Carmela for details.

The latter just smiled slightly:

"As long as you find the third partner, I will share the identity of the tomb owner with you."

"This is not to prevent you, but also for some kind of ritual to find the ancient breath——

Before the official action, I must keep the secret in my heart and not share it with anyone, otherwise the news may leak out and attract the attention of the underworld and even evil entities hidden deeper. "

At first Matthew thought she was just perfunctory.

But soon.

Matthew remembered the 300-meter principle of the Seven Saints Alliance when digging underground space.

I remembered all the incredible legends about the Underdark.

Perhaps deep within the lands of Irondor.

There are indeed some unexplainable but extremely terrifying evil beings hidden there.

Their threat index is no lower than the creatures in the outer plane.

Carmela's concerns may be valid.

Just when he left the gate of the post house and hurriedly walked towards the cemetery.

Matthew couldn't help but feel worried:

"So where to recruit a third like-minded partner?"

He thought about it carefully.

There seems to be no other thieves in Rolling Stone Town, right?


Matthew successfully brought Lumiere and his two men back to the cemetery.

This debt collection trip went smoothly.

They only encountered a little turmoil when they first entered Deep Blue Port, but everything was settled quickly.

Lumière found Barton, the golden lion.

The latter also abided by the mercenary contract and paid a high pension.

He even offered to help Lumiere repair his arm.

But Lumière decisively refused.

After returning to the cemetery.

Lumiere looked at the heavy sum of cash and sighed:

"I had a hunch at the time that if Peggy and your new partner hadn't been traveling together, Barton might not have been so easy to talk to."

Matthew smiled.

Tell him not to think so much.

After that, Lumiere decided to return to the rainforest with the bodies of his tribesmen and settle their families.

This time Matthew asked Laila to accompany him on the trip.

The previous Laila was promoted to a Shadow Walker with the help of Isabel, completely getting rid of Galan's control.

Matthew felt more at ease with her.

On this trip back to the rainforest, in addition to accompanying Lumiere, she will return to her old business and continue to run business.

Although the profit from running a business is insignificant to Matthew now.

But no matter how thin the mosquito legs are, they are still meat.

Matthew never denies having too many gold coins.

After sending away Leila and Lumiere.

Matthew immediately wrote a letter to Bobo, asking the latter about the robotic arm.

If there is no way for Bobo.

Then he would have to ask Suriel for help in the end.


The northwest corner of the basement level of the cemetery.

Wanderer's Courtyard.

This is a complex complex of more than a dozen stone houses.

The building is surrounded by low or low walls.

Bystanders may be able to pay a little attention when passing by, but they can only see a scaled claw, and it is difficult to get a full picture.

The building was built at Richard's own expense after seeking Matthew's permission.

It has only one goal.

That is to provide a good training place for Qiuka, the Thousand Transformer who is unwilling to leave the cemetery.

Because the underground floor has become the place where Matthew buried his body.

Therefore, no one is disturbed here usually.

It is a very suitable place for pure practice.

Matthew slowly walked into it, and after a while, he found Richard and Qiuka who were training.

Matthew didn't bother.

Instead, he watched quietly from the sidelines.

after awhile.

He saw some clues——

Richard is teaching Qiuka the rogue's advanced skill "Wind Step".

This is a combat skill with extremely strong explosive power and escape ability in actual combat.

This ability requires learners to have extremely strong balance, explosive power and flexibility.

Many low-level rogues spend their entire lives failing to get the hang of it.

Qiuka also looks clumsy.

No matter how patiently Richard taught by words and deeds.

She just doesn't seem to learn.

If Richard acted a little anxious, she would look like she wanted to cry.

This made Richard quite helpless.

I had to start over again and again, taking the trouble to teach the essence.


In the process, Matthew discovered that Qiuka had actually learned the Wind Step!

She was just pretending to be stupid to tease Richard.

Immediately afterwards.

Matthew also discovered that Richard had actually realized this a long time ago.

He knew his students learned.

But as long as she continued to pretend that she didn't know how to do it, he would continue to teach her seriously.

This scene lasted for a long, long time.

Matthew looked at it in amazement.

The many details revealed are worth pondering.

Let’s start with Richard’s perspective.

Under normal circumstances, students who like to act stupid or make fun of others would have been abandoned by him long ago.

But Chouka is different.

She is not only the student that Richard worked so hard to win over, she is also a transformer!

Matthew guessed that this was because Richard saw a lot of shadows of Setrunk in Qiuka.

Setrunk was sent to the wood elf village by Richard, and eventually became the creator of the tragedy in Poplar Village, the disciple of Seir and the leader of the Silver Frost Brotherhood;

No coincidence.

Qiuka, also a Thousand Changer, was also taken in by night elves when he was young.

It's just that she was driven out by the night elves early, and later went astray and joined the Blighters.

Until he was taken in by Matthew.

The two people have highly similar childhood experiences and identical blood inheritance.

This causes Richard to always be full of compensatory psychology when facing Qiuka.

He may have regretted it countless times.

If he had not sent Setrunk to that small village, but had chosen to raise him with his own hands, the son of an old friend would definitely not be what he is now.

However, time cannot be turned back.

Richard could only use this compensation thought on Qiuka.

That's why he showed so much patience.

And from Chouka's perspective.

Matthew guessed that she was extremely lacking in love in her heart.

As an orphan who was abandoned at an early age.

Qiuka can only rely on the talent of the Thousand Transformers to wander among dangerous people.

The precarious life has developed her relatively strong character.

But that doesn't mean she doesn't have a desire for beautiful things.

She should really enjoy the feeling of being pampered.

On the surface, Qiuka's naughtiness or teasing was a deliberate attempt to annoy Richard, but in essence, it was just a repeated test of his position in the other's heart.

This is not a matter of confidence.

It is precisely a manifestation of extreme lack of security.

"That's Richard. He has been able to maintain such a good demeanor for so long. If it had been anyone else, he would have turned around and left long ago."

Matthew sighed secretly in his heart.

Although this pair of master and apprentice still don't get along well on the surface, they have actually accepted each other.

This unique way of getting along may also be the most suitable way for them.

Matthew could sense it clearly.

Qiuka's Wind Step is many times better than that of an ordinary rogue.

I believe it won't be long.

She will grow into an extremely good rogue.

But for now.

The two continued to argue with each other over the details of using Wind Step.

After a while.

Probably Qiuka got bored.

She suddenly transformed into Richard's appearance, and then imitated the other person's movements and used several extremely exquisite Wind Steps.

Richard looked approvingly after reading it.

He first highly praised Qiuka's imitation ability.

Then he said seriously:

"You have great talents, especially in the fields of disguise, imitation, and transformation."

"But you must remember that transformation is just a means. Don't let it become your survival dependence, let alone let yourself get lost in it."

Qiuka still pushed Richard's face.

She opened her big eyes and asked:

"What if I'm really lost?"

"I mean, other than being able to shape-shift, I've always felt like there's nothing special about me."

"I'm not as good-looking as Sif, I'm not as good at cooking as Paige, I'm not as good as Matthew at planting trees, I'm not as good at dancing as Bing, and I'm not even as good as those zombies... the graves that some zombies are chewing on are really pretty!"

"I am so mediocre, so lacking in talent, and under the influence of other identities, it is only a matter of time before I get lost, right?"

Richard said nothing after listening.

But his expression turned very serious.

Qiuka shrank her head, but she still insisted on asking:

"I don't mean to be arrogant, I'm really confused about this."

"I actually don't like to be like other people from the bottom of my heart, but once I get used to the convenience brought by this ability, it will be difficult to go back."

"I'm actually quite scared myself, Mr. Richard. If, if one day I really get lost in other identities, what should I do to find myself again?"

After listening.

Richard replied seriously:

"It really makes me happy that you can think about this level. Most of the out-of-control kaleidoscopic people in history have extremely inflated personalities and think that the ability to change is of no harm to them. In fact, as we have discussed, the excellent shape-changing ability of the Thousand Changers is very likely to lead to the loss of self."

"And I don't have a standard answer on how to prevent this."

"There is a common practice originating from druids. In order not to confuse themselves with various beast forms, they usually set one or two things that can only be done in human form, and this kind of thing is very important to them. It is very enjoyable for them. Every time they change back to human form, they can't wait to perform these things.

for example.

I once had a druid friend who was good at transforming into various birds and soaring in the sky for at least half of the year.

And the unique human behavioral hobby he set for himself is fishing.

Whenever he turns back to a human, holds a fishing rod in his hand, and begins to enjoy the wonderful happiness that fishing brings him.

His brain will flood with relevant memories - whether positive or negative, they can strengthen his identity as a human being. "

"Following this line of thinking, you can think about what is your biggest hobby?"

Richard is good at teaching.

Qiuka thought for a long time and shook her head dejectedly:

"I don't seem to have any hobbies..."

Just at this moment, a bell jingled beside the Wanderer's Courtyard.

Hear this sound.

Qiuka suddenly became energetic, and her eyes shone brightly:

"It's time to eat, it's time to eat!"

"Peggy said she would make sweet and sour fried fish bones for me when she comes back, hehehe..."

The words fell.

Her figure quickly disappeared from the spot, and then rushed towards the second underground floor where the kitchen was located at extremely fast speeds!

Watch Qiuka leave.

Matthew came to the thoughtful Richard:

"Excellent Wind Step, isn't it?"

Richard smiled:

"This kid learns quickly, but he doesn't feel safe."

"So I care more about her mind than her talent."

Matthew pointed to the bell next to him:

"At least you don't have to worry about her getting lost."

Richard laughed and said:

"Indeed, Ms. Paige is indeed a great cook."

As he spoke, he looked at Matthew:

"Something happened?"

Matthew asked:

"Are you interested in exploring the ancient atmosphere together?"

Richard was stunned for a moment, then shook his head.

He patted his tuxedo, raised the gentleman's cane in his hand, and said implicitly:

"Rolling Stone Town cannot do without me. Don't forget, I am the backbone of the five-person committee."

Matthew laughed.

There is nothing wrong with what Richard said. As a legendary rogue, he is indeed the one who has done the most practical things among the five-member committee.

In addition to daily government affairs and support for artists.

Matthew also gradually realized how much Richard contributed to the security of Rolling Stone Town——

You'd be hard-pressed to find an established thief in Rolling Stone.

Because they were captured by Richard when they first came in.

This resulted in Rolling Stone being perhaps the only city in the entire South that did not experience an outbreak of shoplifting.

Forget about the South.

This kind of public security atmosphere is probably unique in the entire Iron Dor continent.

"I can only open some locks, but I am not good at dismantling traps. Exploring tombs is not my specialty. If you want to find a professional, I can give you a list, but the people on the list are all real dangers. When working with them, you have to be prepared to be betrayed at any time.”

Richard added.

Matthew nodded. Since the other party was unwilling, he couldn't force it.


Richard wrote a list and gave it to Matthew.

There are some names, nicknames and specific contact information written on it.

Matthew frowned after reading it.

"These people are not good people, are they?"

He couldn't help but complain.

Richard put the pen back in his breast pocket and teased with a smile:

"It is difficult to define the moral standards of those who are keen on searching for the aura of ancient times."

"Of course, I definitely believe you did it for academic purposes."

Matthew was speechless.

He smiled and shook his head and put the list away, but had no intention of contacting anyone on the list.

The ones Richard recommended to him were all professional tomb robbers.

This is an advancement for the rogue.

Most of the people on the list are villains who have done bad things, and some of them are even as good as Setrunk.

Matthew wasn't going to cooperate with them.

Therefore, for the third candidate, someone else has to be found.

Matthew was in no hurry about this.

This kind of thing cannot be rushed.

And theoretically he had a whole long winter to spare for underground activities—

The premise is that things at Jade Cangting have not turned around.

"Even if there is a change, the wood elf will still have to look at my face to act."

Matthew had figured it out now.

Since offering to help for free may be misunderstood as having ulterior motives.

Then it is better to turn this project into a paid project.

After all.

The Mark of the Dead was originally a tragedy caused by the wood elves.

Matthew’s biggest regret now is:

"The price of one million seems too cheap..."

Three days later.

Matthew grinned and walked out of the newly renovated Cemetery Restaurant.

As he walked, he complained:

“Who invented sweet and sour fried fish bones?”

"I admit that the thick and thick tomato juice poured over the fried golden and crispy fish bones has a unique flavor."

"But why is this the same dish for three days in a row?"

Peggy spread her hands:

"Because you can never get tired of eating this dish?"

"And recently the zombie girl caught a lot of fish from an underground river. They have to be disposed of, right?"

The zombie girl Paige refers to is Renesmee.

Renesmee's status in the cemetery has become somewhat marginalized since the Coolie Mother gained command of the hordes of zombies.

Now she no longer likes to compete with the undead and slap her. Instead, she runs into the dungeon with the Red Flame Nightmare all day long.

This batch of fish is one of the unexpected harvests.

"So where's the fish? Where's the fish soup?"

Matthew questioned.

"Hey! I'm not taking it too seriously. This is the only fish the zombies bring back every time. It has bones but no meat! If you don't believe it, go see it for yourself!"

Peggy led Matthew to the kitchen.

The remodeled kitchen is more than three times larger than the original one, with more than a dozen water tanks placed in one corner.

Matthew took a closer look.

Good guy.

There are all these white bone fish swimming in the tank!

"Is this the undead?"

Matthew was a little unsure.

Peggy shook her head:

"The bones of the undead cannot be so tender and crispy when fried."

Matthew glanced at her.

This sentence contains too much information...

But he didn't dwell on that.

Instead, continue to observe the bonefish in the tank.

Soon he was sure.

This is indeed a living creature, not the undead.

at the same time.

This fish is not naturally meatless.

There are very strong traces of magic transformation on them!

"Where is the underground river?"

Based on the information provided by Peggy, Matthew compared it with the map of the Underdark that Red Flame Nightmare had retrieved before, and found that the underground river was located in an underground space more than thirty kilometers south of the cemetery.

"They ran really far!"

"Don't eat this kind of fish yet. If you encounter such an unknown creature in the future, can you bring it to me for testing first?"

Matthew rubbed his belly worriedly.

Paige waved her hands carelessly:

"Don't worry, I'm here to take care of you. Can you still have diarrhea?"

"Every time I give you new food to try, I taste it myself before giving it to you. It's okay!"

Matthew put one hand on his forehead.

I have to thank you all the time.

After all, it must be his fault if he, a living person, doesn't have the immunity of the Minotaur Skeleton to poisonous food, right?

Now Matthew called a few zombies.

I moved a tank of white bone fish to my workshop and prepared to study it specifically.

One day passed.

Matthew couldn't figure out anything.

On the contrary, the spell he took the time to learn has made new progress!

"Tip: You successfully learned and mastered the new spell "Rejection/Care" (Level 4)

You gain a small amount of the elements of the Enchanting Domain!

Your new spells resonate slightly with your realm of the undead.

When you use a new spell to enchant an undead or yourself, the spell will automatically gain the "spell instant" effect. "

Matthew showed a satisfied expression.

The Dislike and Care spells were originally a pair of extremely practical twin spells, but now they resonated with the realm of the undead, and their effects became even stronger.

Even if you only use it for yourself, it can still have the effect of a life-saving spell!

Take the aversion technique as an example.

Given that Matthew has the ability to upgrade his spells.

This spell is the effect of the fifth level peak.

If you suddenly use this spell on yourself at a critical moment, in the perception of others, you will be equivalent to changing from a disgusting enemy to a piece of disgusting, disintegrating feces with a strong stench——

Or even something more disgusting!

In this situation, most creatures are unable to resist their own instincts.

They will stay away.

Instead of going up to make up for it.

This is just one application scenario of the disgust technique.

This shows the potential of this pair of spells.

"I heard that there is an evil mage who has been single for many years. In order to take revenge on his love rival who took away his lover, he learned the art of disgust."

"And on the wedding day, he secretly used this spell, and the bride suddenly collapsed and she ran away from the wedding scene crying."

"Afterwards, the evil mage found the bride with great satisfaction, confessed his love to her, and forced the bride to make a choice between herself and the groom. Who knew that the bride finally chose the groom despite the effects of the spell... From this It can be seen that magic is not omnipotent.”

Recall an allusion I saw while learning this spell.

Matthew couldn't help but feel filled with emotion.

Of course he is more interested in:

"How ugly is that evil mage?"

"Can't even compare to the groom who has been cast a dislike spell?"

Suddenly a few days passed.

It's mid-December.

There is still no new news from Jade Cangting.

Ai Lan did send a few letters, but there was no substantive content in them.

This Winter Moon mostly complained about the Presbyterian Church and other senior members in his letters.

Ai Lan's identity is actually very sensitive.

She is a member of the Wood Elves, but also a member of the Seven Saints Alliance.

When the relationship between the two major forces is harmonious, she is the perfect bridge.

But the relationship between the alliance and Jade Cangting seems to be a little awkward recently.

Matthew inferred from the quotations in Ai Lan's letter.

The Elder Council of the Wood Elves seem to think they have found a solution to the Mark of the Dead.

They want to solve problems alone.

rather than relying on humans.

In other words, they were not targeting Matthew, but all human beings.

It’s not difficult to understand.

The wood elves were forced to cooperate with humans because of the situation.

As the most friendly elf city to humans, Jade Cangting may be a shame in the eyes of the elves.

Arrogance is something engraved in their bones.

If given a chance, it will reappear solidly.

Matthew didn't even bother to comment.

Anyway, he has already reported it. How to deal with Jade Cangting is a matter for the Silver Council.

Finished handling some miscellaneous chores.

After making a new itinerary plan for the week.

Matthew stretched and felt a little distressed:

"Where can I find a like-minded third party?"

"There are no thieves in the Rolling Stones suppression, so we can't just send out an announcement to recruit them, right?"

"You also have to ask other people if there are any thieves you know well that you can cooperate with."

between thoughts.

Matthew suddenly raised his pen, and a bright light flashed in his eyes.


He planned to write another letter to Lorraine.

It just so happened that I had not had time to send the letter about the origin story of the weapon before I finished writing it.

Let’s send it out together this time!

The northern waters of Deep Blue Harbor.

"Light on the Sea" Mage Tower.

In a magnificent office with a "Department of Information" sign hanging on the door.

A blond man wearing pajamas, with his chest open to reveal a lot of chest hair, was lying on his desk writing hard.

His hair was messy and hanging on his shoulders.

Veins popped out on the back of the hand holding the quill, as if it had been overexerted.

His eyeballs were even bloodshot, as if he hadn't slept for days and nights.

And in front of the desk.

Standing was a black-haired woman in a well-dressed uniform, with an unusually hot figure, but her eyes and expression were like an iceberg.

The woman watched intently as the blond man worked.

Occasionally I would look up at the gold watch on my wrist.

"nailed it!"

The blond man suddenly screamed strangely.

He slapped the table with his hand, and a large number of scrap manuscripts suddenly flew in the air:

"Two whole weeks, no, three weeks!"

"Finally finished!"

The dark-haired woman glanced at Lorraine's desk.

Among the neat copies coded on the far right, there are many titles like this——

"Shock! Twelve things you must say about Matthew and the Evil Queen》

"Behind the Meteor: A Conspiracy from Beyond"

"Shouldn't be reincarnated!" What the God of War said to me while he was drunk and crying"

"The Painful Girl: I'm Not a Slave of Desire"

"Thanks for your hard work."

The woman in black bowed slightly:

"In less than twenty days, I personally handled the entire press release of the two major events in Cross City and Rapids City. I wrote a total of thirteen versions of the story, analyzing these events from different angles. After establishing the Alliance Mage At the same time, the image also successfully dispelled people's fear of gods and evil gods. Minister, you have done a very good job!"

Luo Lan's face was thin and his eyes were red:

"So can the Information Department hire a few more people?"

"You can't just let the minister do everything, right?"

The woman nodded slightly:


"But it's really hard to find a good bard like you. You have to understand the slow progress of recruitment."

Lorraine showed an incredulous expression.

He rubbed his withered blond hair with both hands and complained:

"So this is the reason why you locked me up in a dark room and made me code all the time?"

"I can't take it anymore!"

"I want beautiful women, I want fine wine, and I want a dark party!"

He roared hysterically.

The woman in black's eyes and expression were still cold, and her tone was businesslike:

"Lady Isabel has told me that as long as you can complete the work as scheduled, you can do whatever you want."

Luo Lan stared at the woman in front of him:

"I want to do..."


The frosty woman began to take off her clothes without hesitation:


But just as she was unbuttoning the first button of her uniform.

Suddenly an owl hooted from overhead in the office.

"Please wait."

The woman stopped moving and quickly left the office.

After a while.

She came in clutching two letters.

"Can you continue?"

Lorraine asked.

The woman shook her head:

"Sorry, you have a new job."

"Master Matthew is writing, hoping that you can write a wonderful origin story about the semi-artifact he just acquired."

Loren's eyes widened:

"It won't take more than an hour and a half, right?"

"Even if you let Matthew do it by himself, he won't force me to continue working overtime?"

The woman in black gently slapped one of the letters on the desk.

"Sir Isabel has told me that all matters related to Lord Matthew are the first priority."

"As before, the entire office will be disconnected from the outside world so that you can concentrate on your creation."

"I'm going to prepare coffee and potions for you to enhance your energy and inspiration."

"Please work hard."


In Lorraine's desperate eyes.

The woman in black walked out of the office vigorously.


The office door was locked.

Only a faint cry of despair can be heard from it——


Change first and then change, modified

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