The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 332 I’m not here to cause trouble

"Fuck the wood elf!"

About this news.

Matthew only found it incredible.

But it is unlikely that Biana would lie to him, and then think of Jade Cangting's previously secretive and abnormal attitude——

Everything seems to be explained.

"Isn't it enough to be fooled once?"

"Do you have to be deceived again?"

"Do wood elves have a gullible constitution? No, they may also have a constitution that makes them prone to pregnancy..."

Matthew complained crazily in his heart.

When studying the Mark of the Dead incident, Matthew had an in-depth understanding of the history of the wood elves.

This race does have a rich history of being cheated on.

Especially the elf queens of the past dynasties, almost every face has a look of innocence and deception.

Not to mention the troll period.

In history, at least three elf queens were tricked into becoming pregnant by warlocks, demons and high devils.

But the trouble caused by the other two was not as big as the Mark of the Dead.


The three liars initially chose to disguise themselves as bards when approaching the Elf Queens.

This also led to the murder of the bard among the elves.

Jade Cangting once ordered to expel all bards near the royal capital, probably to prevent their queen from being deceived again.

Matthew felt.

If there was a love brain field in this world, then the elf queens of all ages would have become gods long ago.

Besides being gullible.

Wood elves seem to have two other characteristics. One is that they insist on their own opinions and are extremely stubborn.

The second is that they do not reflect on themselves afterwards and only blame others.

Matthew observed.

Historically, the entire wood elf race has a great gambling habit. Even if they find some wrong clues, even if their allies kindly remind them, in most cases they will still choose to stick to their own opinions.


Most of the paths they followed turned out to be wrong.

There are also senior mages in the alliance who have conducted in-depth analysis of the wood elves as a race.

The final conclusion is.

The reason why this race has these strange characteristics is mainly due to the following two reasons——

First, the status of the wood elves in the elves is very embarrassing. According to the original hierarchy of the ancient elves, they are on the same level as the sea elves and one level below the night elves and cloud elves.

But it is different from the isolated sea elves.

Wood elves have extensive contact with major civilized forces on the continent. On the one hand, they do not look down upon weak humans, but on the other hand, they want to get close to night elves and flatter trolls.

This is a race that will die without spiritual idols.

They possess great servility.

It is precisely because of this that they can easily be coerced or go astray themselves.

Second, compared to other elves, the elements in the wood elves are more single.

This is quite similar to goblins.

The senior mage's research found that the more single elements in the body of a species, the more likely it is to become dependent on other powerful species, and therefore it is easier to be enslaved.

But for historical reasons.

Even after the rise of mankind, it is estimated that the wood elves still maintain the mentality of "I am more generous than my ancestors" towards mankind.

for this.

The conclusion given by the senior mage was——

"The wood elves will easily succumb to any powerful race that has massacred them in history.

The reason why they still maintain their arrogance towards human beings.

Simply because humans have not launched a massacre against the wood elves.

The mage also pointed out.

Other elves have more or less similar situations.

It's just that because wood elves have the most extensive contact with humans, these characteristics are also reflected most vividly.

Therefore, if the Alliance wants to completely control the power of the elves, it is best to find an opportunity to carry out a round of massacre against a certain type of elves. "

This passage struck Matthew as too radical.

At that time, he felt that this senior mage was too extreme.

And now.

Only then did Matthew understand the source of the other party's radicalization.

"These elves are not human beings at all!"

Matthew gradually calmed down.

He opened a second letter.

This letter comes from Winter Moon Ailan, and the style of painting in the letter is completely different from that of Beanna.

Ai Lan told Matthew happily.

The Presbyterian Church's attitude towards Matthew has changed, and they are considering accepting Matthew to intervene in the Mark of the Dead incident.

But at the specific implementation level.

The Presbyterians still insisted on their program.

Ai Lan also vaguely pointed out that the change in the attitude of the Presbyterian Church was mostly related to the Blood Moon attack.

The half-elf mage hopes that Matthew can go to Jade Cangting——

Even if you can't directly take over the processing of the Mark of the Dead.

At least we can get some opportunities to intervene.

As for the one million Matthew mentioned earlier.

Ai Lan reluctantly said that this was unacceptable to the Presbyterian Church.

And she also doubted whether there were enough gold coins in Jade Cangting's treasury to pay Matthew's appearance fee.

But if Matthew is willing to come.

Ai Lan himself expressed his willingness to pay Matthew a certain amount of compensation out of his own pocket.

The tone of the entire letter is quite upbeat.

She didn't mention the warlock Lance at all!

This made Matthew a little confused.

Ai Lan is a registered mage of Jade Cangting and a member of the Elf clan.

How could she know nothing about the Presbyterian Church's plans?

Matthew thought about it.

The probability of Ai Lan being mentally controlled by a magician or being instigated by the Presbyterian Council is still relatively low.

Most likely, the Presbyterian Church did a good job of keeping it secret.

So why does Beanna know?

This may have something to do with the Terrani general beside her.

Matthew once learned about the dirty things of the Presbyterian Church from Setrunk. He also learned that there was an anti-Presbyterian force within the wood elves.

The General Wind Chaser seems to be one of them.

Maybe she wanted to remind herself and the Alliance through Biana's channel?

Maybe this is a signal for help?

Matthew didn't think about it any further.

Regardless of whether Terrani was seeking help from the Alliance, her worries were certainly unfounded.

Since the blood moon incident.

Matthew then realized the alliance's ambition and execution capabilities.

The legendary mages headed by the Seven Saints are slowly sorting out the various problems in this land.

Among them, the unstable factor Tianlun Palace will definitely be completely eradicated before the odd celestial change comes.

As of now -

The second-generation God of War seemed to have fallen, but in fact he became his own lackey;

The Lord of Storms and Oceans has fallen, and the gods headed by him have also buried their divine kingdoms, and will form an astral storm in the star realm near Tianlun Palace that will last for several years;

The God of Light and Knowledge's attempt to descend on Cross City through sea elf reincarnation was also foiled.

It is said that He himself was seriously injured in that action.

At present, there are only a few people left in Tianlun Palace who can be regarded as on the stage.

One of them is the God of Midnight who is hooking up with the Scourge Cult.

Matthew had already learned about the dirty things within the Calamity Order from the Patriarch of the Calamity Order, Mary Joa.

The God of Midnight wants to make a fuss again.

The only opportunity is the Mark of the Dead!

This coincided with the time when the wood elves suddenly started acting like monsters.

Matthew doesn't think any of this is a coincidence.

Even I can think of this.

Then it is impossible for Isabel and others to not think of it.

If the blood moon strike is a major external shock.

Then solving the Mark of the Dead is a key step for the alliance to further consolidate its dominance internally and completely resolve the hidden dangers of Tianlun Palace!

"Perhaps the teacher and Ronan are silently watching the Presbyterian Church commit suicide somewhere..."

I thought of this level.

Matthew's heart suddenly became enlightened.

He was no longer bothered by the wood elves' stupid behavior.

Instead, I started to think about how much profit and water I could get from this incident?

After all, the S-class project of Trace of the Dead had been assigned to Matthew by Isabel a long time ago.

It is different from this blood moon incident.

He's more than capable of playing a bigger role in it!

"If the Alliance really wants to take advantage of the Mark of the Dead to eat Jade Cangting, then there will definitely be a lot of people involved. Even if I add Rolling Stone Town, I won't be able to pull off much."

"We need to recruit more people. Most of the partners who fought side by side in the past can be called on."

"And Hood and his Rapids."

"This is most likely a carnival..."

"But many people will definitely die..."

Matthew completed the preliminary deduction in his mind, and then he calmed down, and first wrote replies to Ai Lan and Beanna respectively.

In his letter to Ai Lan, Matthew only asked for help and talked about professional issues in magic.

He said nothing about the Mark of the Dead.

And Beanna is different again.

Matthew warned her to pay attention to safety and to evacuate immediately if something went wrong.

He also sent the other party a set of escape spell scrolls and an amulet he made.

after that.

Matthew reported the news that the warlock Lance was suspected of cooperating with the Wood Elf Elders Council to the Silver Council and Isabel respectively.

They probably knew it was a thing.

It's another thing to report the information you get in a timely manner.

It is worth mentioning that.

After the Blood Moon attack, Matthew was directly promoted to a second-level member of the Silver Parliament.

His power within the Seven Saints Alliance increased further.

Including the right to make suggestions on the daily administrative affairs of the alliance, the right to supervise registered mages in various places, etc.

It can't be seen in the town of Rolling Stone.

But if he goes to other cities under the jurisdiction of the alliance, he will receive superior treatment that is in sharp contrast to before.


For Matthew.

The biggest benefit that his status as a second-level member currently brings to him is that he can use the alliance's public teleportation array for free!

Even using long-distance teleportation spells yourself is very expensive.

accumulated over a long period of time.

This is quite an expense!

Matthew was quite satisfied with this.

After writing the letter.

He visited the fourth level of the underground cemetery as planned.

Overall the progress is pretty good.

Although there was a slight landslide during the initial excavation stage, with the intervention of magic and the adjustment of the direction, the fourth floor has been largely completed.

More exaggerated.

The area of ​​the fourth floor is larger than the previous three floors combined.

The ambition of Skeleton Prince Li Rick is evident.

When Matthew went down, he was already training.

A large number of skeletons repeated simple actions one after another under Li Rick's command.

At this time, they still looked no different from the idle skeletons before.

But Matthew sensed unusual determination and temperament from Rick Li.

There must be a story behind this guy.

Adding your own cemetery is probably a big deal.

Matthew wasn't worried.

It's a good thing that his subordinates are ambitious. He even accepted Vasnov, but he still cares about a skeleton prince?

Therefore, he just got a closer look at the characteristics of the Skeleton Axeman and left.

As per Matthew’s observation.

Skeleton sword and axemen generally practice two combat skills at the same time.

One is sword skills;

The second is ax technique;

Knife skills are for melee combat, while axes are for mid-range throwing.

Rick Li himself is proficient in both techniques.

Matthew realized it too.

The combination of the two can greatly make up for the shortcomings of the skeleton soldiers' weak combat power.

Then cooperate with some group tactics.

Li Rick's skeleton soldiers may really give him a surprise!

Infernos, skeleton axemen, coolie zombies and peasant zombies... Not only the number of elite undead in the Death Horror Cemetery continues to increase, but the ordinary undead are also evolving towards the regular army.

Matthew believed it wouldn't be long.

His cemetery will become the most powerful force in the Rolling Stone Kingdom and even the entire South!

In order to further consolidate the foundation of the cemetery.

Matthew decided to plant some trees when he went to the moon tonight!


Matthew, who is obsessed with planting trees and training the undead, received a letter from Bobo.

Bobo mentioned in the letter.

Lumière's robotic arm has been successfully built and will undergo adaptation surgery soon.

A month at most.

He will be able to turn back into that energetic young man, and his strength will even be greatly improved.

at the same time.

She also mentioned another secret message in the letter.

It is said that it was because they were besieged by the God of Hunting during the last exercise, and neither Cloud City nor the aerospace ship provided support.

The special cloud elf army of World War is planning to break away from Cloud City and Cyber ​​Dragon.

Bobo didn’t know exactly where he was going to move.

She seemed confused in the letter.

It can be seen that she quite likes Cloud City. After all, the wisdom palace that supports her to become a powerful weapon master comes from the cloud elves.

But compared to this.

She still valued Holkins' kindness to her more. Wherever the Huo sisters would go, Bobo would go.

For Bobo.

It might just be a matter of sharing your troubles with a friend.

But Matthew soon realized where the World's Sorrow was going.


How could a cooperative force mixed between Cloud City and Cyber ​​Dragon leave so easily even if it suffered some losses during the exercise?

Under normal circumstances, being able to disband smoothly is already a sign of mercy from the cloud elves.

Now that Holkins can think of finding another place.

Then there is only one person who can successfully take over this army.

That is the Alliance of Seven Saints!

"I asked why the Southern Magistrate Corps built so many floating fortresses on the moon. Those buildings are obviously in the style of Cyber ​​Dragon and Cloud City!"

Matthew suddenly understood.

as expected.

Not long after, he discovered such a piece of news in a very inconspicuous section of the Alliance Weekly that he got from Rhaegar——

World Sorrow, the army that originally belonged to Cloud City, was reorganized. All the reorganized personnel joined the Southern Magic Corps and received a new unit number "Moon Face Sorrow".

that's all.

Qin Wuyue spent almost no extra money and got a super force that controlled a large number of cloud elves and cyber dragon black technology.

It would definitely not be that easy in normal times.

But the lingering power of the Blood Moon's blow is still there.

The members of World War really want to leave Cloud City.

Yunduan City had to swallow this bitter pill.

And this incident was just the beginning of the Southern Magic Legion’s frenzied display throughout February.

next week.

Alliance Weekly published an important piece of news——

The Southern Wizard Legion signed a recruitment and garrison agreement with the night elves in Eversong Forest.

Some night elf hunters volunteered to join the Southern Wizard Legion.

They will follow Qin Wuyue's command.


The "Snail Valley Prison" that the night elves had guarded for thousands of years was also handed over to the Southern Wizard Legion.

To know.

The real big shots are all imprisoned and sealed in this prison!

The most famous among them is the lord and ancestor of the Thousand Changes, Jia Si Liwen!

Able to take control of Snail Valley Prison.

This means that the Southern Magistrate Corps will have a legitimate garrison in Yongsong Forest.

It also shows the alliance’s indirect control over Yongge Forest.


Another piece of news on the same page is about the city-building agreement signed by Rhaegar, the lord of the Rolling Stone Kingdom, and the Southern Wizard Legion.

Matthew reviewed this fortification agreement carefully.

The content is nothing more than that Rhaegar exchanged a small amount of the future revenue rights of the Rolling Stone Kingdom for the powerful construction support of the Southern Wizard Legion.

According to specific agreement.

The Southern Legion will complete the entire expansion of Rolling Stone City before the end of this summer.

This Rolling Stone City is already ten times larger than the previous plan.

The expansion even includes a large circle of super walls surrounding the core territory of Rolling Stone Town.

It was the giant shelter that Suriel had mentioned to Matthew.

Matthew had seen the design drawings.

This kind of super city wall only needs certain modifications and camouflage to effectively resist the invasion of giant beasts about two hundred meters away.

As for whether it can be made taller and bigger.

It all depends on the civil engineering capabilities of the Southern Magistrate Corps.

But Matthew had seen what they were capable of on the moon.

Completing the agreement must not be a big problem.

It is worth mentioning that.

in this agreement.

The Southern Division Legion did not obtain the right to garrison troops in the Rolling Stone Kingdom.

Zeller told Matthew.

The negotiators of the Southern Division Division made no such request at all.

Considering Rolling Stone is Ronan's hometown.

Qin Wuyue and Ronan also owned an entire mage district's land and houses in the original area of ​​Rolling Stone Town.

This is actually very abnormal.

The only explanation is.

Taking into account Matthew's existence and future growth, they transferred this power directly to Matthew.

This is quite common in high-level games in the league.

But for Matthew's underachievers.

Ronan really gave too much...

He even really doubted whether he was Ronan's illegitimate son!

But Matthew soon gave up the idea.

Although both of them are quite good-looking.

The facial features and veins are obviously not the same.

And if she was really an illegitimate child, Qin Wuyue would definitely not look good on her.

Matthew could only be silently grateful.

all in all.

Throughout the month of February, the fledgling Southern Magistrate Corps had a strong sense of presence.

Except what makes the news.

The series of actions they carried out to eliminate evil forces in Gem Bay are also being spread orally by people.

Everyone clearly felt the difference brought by the return of the Southern Guardian.

The already turbulent situation in the south suddenly stabilized.

This is the power of legend!

And Matthew has seen more things since this series of events——

The Southern Wizard Legion annexed the Cloud Elf forces;

Taking over the night elf prison;

Only there was no substantial contact with the wood elves.

This further confirmed Matthew’s previous prediction.

The big one is coming...

If Matthew was a senior member of Jade Cangting.

He must be panicking now.

Fortunately he is not.

Therefore, he can continue to learn knowledge and spells in the long winter with peace of mind.

At the end of February.

Matthew's constant improvement in basic skills finally paid off.

"Tip: Your knowledge (Iondor spells) has been upgraded to the intermediate level, which is equivalent to the sixth grade level of an ordinary magic academy.

You have a complete understanding of the magic system in this world.

You gain the metamagic power "Spell Echo" that comes from knowledge.

Spell Echo: You can continuously simulate casting a certain spell in your mind, thereby achieving a higher responsiveness and sensitivity of your brain and mana to the spell within a certain period of time.

And at the moment of casting the spell.

Your spells will automatically gain the benefit of all metamagic abilities you possess, as well as additional random metamagic abilities. "

"Spell Echo" is a very powerful metamagic ability.

What this thing means is when you have been simulating casting a spell in your mind recently.

This spell may be all you have left in your mind.

And when you cast this spell.

You will be blessed with a series of super-magical abilities such as instant spell casting, silent spell casting, multi-casting, and spell upgrading.


Exactly how many super-magical ability blessings you can get depends on your own mastery and a certain degree of luck.

This ability is best used in conjunction with the ultimate move.

For example, signature spells.

This ability has extremely high practicality and growth potential.

Because many metamagic abilities actually require extra concentration.

Spell Echo saves you this extra focus.

So as you master more and more metamagic abilities.

The effect of spell echo will also become stronger and stronger.

all in all.

This ability can be said to be the best feedback for Matthew's insistence on supplementing basic skills these days.

The rapid accumulation of knowledge and the continuous accumulation of spells have greatly reduced the hidden dangers caused by Matthew's rapid upgrade.

Take this opportunity.

He spent a practice point and a lot of XP to raise his level to LV17.

At this point, Matthew has officially entered the fifth level!

For Matthew, the changes brought about by LV16 to LV17 are quite intuitive.

The first is that he can finally learn fifth-level spells.

The types and quantities of fifth-level spells are much more complex and onerous than those of fourth-level spells.

This is the final preparation before the legend.

Therefore, Matthew planned to study every suitable fifth-level spell carefully.

Secondly, after entering the fifth level, mages will have the opportunity to upgrade their spells.

"Spell Upgrading" refers to the process of upgrading originally low-level spells to fifth-level power.

The number of available spell upgrades can be increased through spell upgrade training.

The opportunity for spell enhancement training is very valuable.

Among the fifth levels.

There is only one training opportunity for each level.

Matthew is not in a hurry to start the spell upgrade training. He must seize every opportunity perfectly and obtain as many available spell upgrades as possible.

on the other hand.

Many prerequisite spells will receive their advanced spells at the fifth level.

Because I have the foundation before, it is not difficult to practice these advanced spells.

The more solid the foundation, the better.

For example, it took Matthew half a day to master the advanced level of Malicious Transfiguration——

"Group Malicious Transformation Technique"!

Not only that.

In the process of advancement, he also obtained more control targets than ordinary people!

This may be the blessing effect of the transformation field.

A typical malevolent polymorph spell can turn six to eight people into goats or frogs.

But the number of Matthew's group malicious transformations is a full sixteen!

That's twice as much as the average person.

It can be seen that Matthew's efforts in malicious transformation were not in vain.


Rhaegar must have taken the greatest credit for this.

And beyond that.

Matthew at LV17 has the ability to fight head-on with ordinary legends even without using special means.

Some of his ordinary spells can reach pseudo-legendary levels based on the effects of spell upgrading——

A lot more powerful than the ordinary fifth level, but still not as good as the legendary.

And his signature spell.

It can directly threaten the life of Legend!

Especially after having Spell Echo.

Matthew has the ability to cast spells that can compete head-on with Legend.

Come this far.

Matthew's heart was filled with emotion.


It’s time to watch the changes in Jade Cangting and make some preparations in advance.

But not before that.

Matthew plans to find someone to practice with first.

This time he didn't call any friends.

He just took Peggy and Bing with him, opened a portal, and left the cemetery.

Twenty minutes later.

Gold Coast.

The main palace of Cordo City.

Under the gaze of a group of unusually tall and muscular guards.

Matthew walked into the hall with a natural expression.

The fat man who was sitting behind the extra-long nanmu desk immediately stood up.

Immediately, two figures with blond hair on their shoulders left from under the desk in a doggy style.

The fat man grabbed his belt with a smile on his face:

"Mr. Matthew?"

"What a rare visitor..."

Matthew looked at Yu Lian gently:

"Can you ask your guards to retreat first?"

"The body odor from hell on their bodies touches me."

The guards looked unhappy.

But Yu Lian waved his hand and told them to retreat.

Don't wait for the guards to leave.

Matthew glanced at the huge iron chain on the side corridor and couldn't help but ask:

"Who is the devil behind you?"

"There are not many purgatory forces that can make the three-headed dog loyal."

Yu Lian's smile was a little stiff:

"I'm just a businessman, sir."

Matthew smiled:

"A businessman cannot be the lord of Cordo City."

Yu Lian spread his hands:

"Whether you believe it or not, at first I just wanted to run my own casino well, but that naughty city lord made trouble for me every day, so I had to kill him, and then I discovered that after becoming the city lord, I could Better business.”

"So now I can only sit in this position and cannot abdicate in favor of someone else."

"As for the devil, the devil is just one of my financial sponsors. If the Seven Saints Alliance is willing to be my financial sponsor, I can sell those damn devils right now!"

"You think so, Dolores?"

He looked at the three-headed dog chained next to him.

The only thing that greeted him was sulfuric acid rain all over the sky!

"Don't mind. This is Dolores's way of expressing her love."

Yu Lian wiped his face carelessly.

Then he suddenly growled at the three-headed dog:

"But you stained my new rug, bitch!"

The three-headed dog stared at him indifferently with six eyes.

Matthew interrupted everything impatiently:

"Stop acting in front of me."

"I'm not here to cause trouble!"

Yu Lian immediately smiled:

"That's good, that's good."

"As long as you are not here to cause trouble, you are welcome here. I welcome any invitation and cooperation from the tree-planting mage!"

Matthew said calmly:

"I want all the information on Queen Naga."

Yu Lian's face suddenly fell:

"You are really here to cause trouble!"

"Queen Naga, do you also want to move? I know your alliance is very powerful now, but the bottom of the sea is another realm..."

"Do you know the risks I face by betraying her information?"

"you know……"

He hasn't finished speaking yet.

Matthew silently placed a suitcase in front of Yu Lian's desk.

The suitcase opens.

A round metal ball was exposed inside.

The atmosphere suddenly fell silent.

"What's this?"

Yu Lian seemed to be stirred up bad memories.

Matthew said calmly:

"World Peace."

Yu Lian breathed a sigh of relief:

"As long as it's not a bomb."

Matthew shrugged:

"A bit more powerful than ordinary bombs."

Yu Lian's fat body suddenly became tense.

The next second.

He shakily took out a large amount of information from the safe behind him.

Then he carefully handed it into Matthew's hands.

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