The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 333 The Secret of Naga and the Shadow of the Far East

Looking at the large pile of documents.

Matthew showed a hint of surprise:

"so much?"

Yu Lian suddenly took them back as if he had woken up from a dream, then took out three pages and handed them to Matthew.

He explained as he smoked:

"Most of it is false information. I was a little too nervous just now and forgot about it, haha..."

"We will give different intelligence to different people, and there are many people investigating Queen Naga recently."

"But only these three pages are the most real!"

Matthew lowered his head and glanced. The content on those three pages was very sparse and the handwriting was quite sloppy. They only briefly described some events that Naga Queen Xina had experienced in her life.

"so little?"

Matthew asked again.

Yu Lian smiled awkwardly:

"Naga is an extremely xenophobic race. Queen Xina's appearances are few and far between. It is indeed difficult to collect real information about her."

"The current Naga Kingdom is mostly managed by General Arenas. Queen Xina is behind the scenes and seems to have become a symbol of power."

"I know some inside information about General Arenas. Not only does he have legendary strength, he also has a Kraken, a sea monster that can run rampant in the Arunan Sea."

"It was precisely because of the support of General Arenas that Queen Xina was able to tear apart all the opponents in the fierce civil war, and finally became the queen of the Naga clan."

When Matthew heard this, his heart moved:

"Tell me about the Naga civil war."

Yu Lian said quickly:

"There were originally two factions in the Naga tribe, which were hostile to each other."

“One of the factions I named the Doers.

The Nagas of this group believe that they are a part of the ocean. They do not care about their origin and origin, but care more about the current situation of themselves and their tribe.

They believe that now that the Nagas have successfully settled in the depths of the sea, they should not delve too deeply into their own history.

For the practical Naga.

All their demands are to maintain the status quo or even go further.

Nothing is more important than maintaining Naga hegemony in the Arun Inner Sea and offshore the Great Sea.

Therefore, there is a certain tacit understanding between the naga of the practical group and the mages of your Seven Saints Alliance.

in offshore areas.

When they saw ships flying the flag of the Alliance of Seven Saints, they usually took a detour.

However, this once caused dissatisfaction among many Nagas.

Because after discovering this pattern, many ordinary businessmen also began to fly the flag of the Seven Saints Alliance on their ships in order to avoid Naga robberies.

But the advocate of practical action is to avoid it resolutely.

for a long time.

Although the Naga pirates are very dissatisfied with this proposition, they can be regarded as keeping in harmony with the alliance.

Before the Civil War.

You can find supplies provided by Nagas in Cordo City or in many cities on the north coast of the Gold Coast.

There are also a few Nagas who come ashore to do business with us.

These Nagas belong to the do-it-yourselfers who were previously in power. "

Yu Yan paused.

He made himself a cup of tea, took a sip and continued:

"In the era when the doers were in power, crossing the Arun Inland Sea naturally had certain risks, but it was far less murderous than it is now."

"The reason lies in the rapid rise of the "Primarch Sect" within Naga in recent years! "

"As the name suggests, they are different from ordinary Nagas who have indifferent original bloodlines. The Nagas of the Primarch Sect have the pure bloodline of the original Naga creations, and also inherited their darkness and madness."

"I don't even know where these original Nagas came from. They seemed to appear out of thin air in the Arun Inland Sea——

I suspect they come from somewhere deep in the Great Ocean or the Free Islands.

In short, these original Nagas broke into the living home of the practical Nagas and claimed that they had brought the gospel of the Creator God.

If you know something about the origin of Naga.

You should know that Naga was created by a terrifying creature of the dusk..."

Matthew nodded:

"The twin snakes of destruction, Bruchy."

A light flashed in Yu Yan's eyes:

"It's Him!"

"According to my analysis, the situation is roughly as follows -

It turns out that the practical Nagas of Arunnehai have broken away from Bruchi's belief and control, and they want to live their own good lives.

But Brutsch clearly disagreed.

Through some method, he transformed a new batch of primordial Nagas.

Order them to come to the Arunne Sea to control and rule the ordinary Naga residents and restore their faith in themselves.

During this process.

A series of conflicts occurred between the Primarchs and the Pragmatists.

But both sides were relatively restrained.

The Primarchs only took away part of the management rights of the Naga tribe.

But belief in the Twilight Creation spreads.

What they did was not ideal.

Because the ancient bloodline in many Nagas is very weak, and they are very satisfied with their current lives, they are hesitant to believe in the twin snakes of destruction again.

The two sides began to compete secretly.

This competitive situation has actually lasted for some years.

It is precisely because of the internal game of Naga.

Only some races on land can open channels for trading with the Naga tribe.

I originally thought this situation could continue for a while.

But because of an accidental thing.

A war suddenly broke out between the two sides.

This civil war among the Nagas lasted for more than two months before it ended.

Although the number of primal Nagas is rare.

But there is blood pressure on ordinary Nagas.

Ordinary Naga will enter a weak state when facing the original Naga.

Therefore, the original body faction easily won the early victory.

in the subsequent battle.

The original body faction also had the upper hand.

The Pragmatists were retreating steadily, and quite a few of them were brutally killed by the original Naga, while some chose to surrender.

But there are currently three Naga armies unwilling to accept Bruchi's faith.

Relying on their knowledge of the Aru Inland Sea, they started a guerrilla war with the Primarchs.

This is a protracted war.

The result of the war was that the Arun Inland Sea was turned into a river of blood.

To know.

There are no civilians among the Nagas.

All Nagas are born warriors, and everyone must participate in this kind of war involving the entire clan.

It is not just the Nagas who have been affected by this civil war.

The creatures on all the islands in the Arun Inland Sea were greatly affected.

Let me tell you.

The current prosperity of Cordo City is partly due to the Nagas..."

Speaking of the back.

Yu Lian couldn't help but show a complacent expression.

Matthew looked curious:

"So what's the reason why they broke out in the war?"

"It can't be because of a certain bard, right?"

Yu Lian took another sip of tea, and then spat the tea leaves on the ground vulgarly:

"I'd rather answer that."

"But that's just hearsay that people with no brains would believe."

"The real reason is because of a special "Sea Gate". "

"You know about the Sea Gate, right?"

"It is said that it is a mysterious sea gate that can be used to travel freely between the seas."

"That special sea gate is related to the fate of the Naga family, because it contains part of the seal of the world-destroying twin snakes Bruchi!"

"Originally, the Sea Gate has always been under the control of the Practical Sect. As I said before, the Practical Nagas don't want to have anything to do with Bruchy anymore, so their attitude towards the Sea Gate has always been very... cautious."

"The coordinates of the Sea Gate are also regarded as top secrets within the Practical Nagas. This secret has been kept for many years, and even Bruch has not learned of its specific existence."

"However, one day more than half a year ago, a Primarch Naga named Xina accidentally found the coordinates of the Gate of the Sea. The Pragmatic Naga planned to capture her, but Xina escaped very quickly. Eventually she escaped, and the other Primarch Nagas also learned of the existence of the Sea Gate."

"For that sea gate, they brazenly launched a full-scale civil war."

"The result is as you can see now. The Primarchs won a great victory. They took the Sea Gate, and Xena, who discovered the Sea Gate and successfully escaped and reported the news, became the queen of Naga."

"It is said that she received a huge favor from Bruch and was promoted from a relatively weak Primarch Naga to a legendary creature."

"And Arenas, the original leader of the Primarch Naga, became the general of the Naga Kingdom."

"The majority of the other important positions are occupied by Primarch Nagas, and ordinary Nagas have become enslaved."

"This is the current structure of the Naga Kingdom."

“Because many people died in the civil war, the original Naga has been conducting human trafficking with the outside world.

They captured many people and mixed them with snakes, and performed an ancient evil ritual.

And through this ceremony.

They can gain many companions.

These are the original Nagas with pure blood.

But this kind of ceremony costs a lot of money.

Therefore, the original body sent Naga to conquer and expropriate the kingdom, which caused relatively large public anger.

The spread of the faith about Brutsch also did not go smoothly.

But I guess He actually doesn't care about this either.

His true purpose should be to cultivate the Primarch Naga who naturally worships himself.

As for those descendants of Naga whose bloodline is already very thin.

Just believe in him.

Those who do not believe will fall victim to Bruch's tyrannical rule.

Back to business.

If you want to take action against the Naga Queen.

It is equivalent to declaring war on the twin snakes of destruction, Bruchi.

I'm not qualified to comment on this kind of thing.

But objectively speaking, this is indeed a very dangerous thing. "

Yu Lian's tone was very sincere.

But Matthew keenly captured an important point:

"How do you know that the Primarch Naga is engaging in human trafficking?"

Yu Liangan laughed:

"Do you believe me when I say I heard it?"

Matthew was noncommittal.

Yu Lian shrugged:

"I am a businessman. Whether it is the original Naga or the practical Naga, as long as they are willing to do business with me, of course I am very welcome."

"But you can rest assured that at least those sold to them by my hands are the scum of scum. Transforming them into Nagas is also a good destination for them."

Matthew narrowed his eyes.

His aura seemed to be a little dangerous:

"You are willing to give me the information about Queen Naga now, and you won't hand over my information to Queen Naga in the blink of an eye, right?"

"After all, you are partners."

Yu Lian pointed to the sky:

"I have eyes. I know what you are doing in heaven."

"Don't worry, my greatest advantage is that I am self-aware. Since I choose to live in your territory, I will definitely abide by your rules."

"If the Seven Saints Alliance prohibits us from doing business with Naga, then I will definitely completely sever ties with them openly."

Matthew couldn't help but laugh.

What Yu Lian said is very interesting.

Belong is both rogue and sincere, making it difficult to find fault.

Speaking of which, Yu Lian is indeed a wonderful person.

That he was able to gain a foothold in Cordo City as a down-and-out Sioux and successfully raise an armed force was a testament to his ability.

Matthew's eyes swept over the guards who exuded the aura of purgatory.

no doubt.

There must be some shadow of a big devil behind Yu Lian's rise.

Cordo City is located on the northern shore of the Gold Coast.

It plays an important role in the northern port of the Arun Inland Sea.

According to Matthew’s previous inquiries.

Not only did Yu Lian successfully become the city lord of Kordo City, he even extended his influence to other port cities on the north coast.

I can tell.

This guy is ambitious and capable.

It would not be a surprise to Matthew that one day Yu Lian would establish a brand new kingdom on the Gold Coast.

This is an area outside the radiation range of the alliance's forces.

Located on the edge of traditional Irondor human civilization.

It is an unexpected product after the natural disaster mage smashed the moon, and it is an emerging force.

Both Ronan and Chen looked down upon this place.

It is normal for the devil to take advantage of this territory.

Think of this.

Matthew suddenly changed the subject and said to Sickle quite directly:

"What if there is really a mage in the Seven Saints Alliance who wants to be your sponsor?"

"Would the forces behind you agree?"

It doesn't mean that the sickle has opened his mouth.

Suddenly a crisp voice came from the side:

"Don't you think your appetite is a bit too big, tree-planting mage?"

"I have heard about your deeds, and I also know how powerful you are, but what you just said, at least only a legendary mage is qualified to say that."

Matthew turned his head.

The one who spoke was the three-headed dog who had been lying lazily on the ground before.


Yu Lian called her name, seeming a little apprehensive.

Matthew didn't look at the three-headed dog.

He just looked at Yu Lian:

"Your dog seems a little uneducated."

Yu Yan sweated a lot, then smiled bitterly and said:

"You don't know, I am her dog..."

Dolores's tone became even more displeased:

"Don't you want to know who the devil is behind Yu Lian?"

"I can tell you directly!"

"He is the lord of one of the Nine Hells - the True Mother of All Dharmas!"

"Even Suriel has to speak calmly in front of Him."

"I know that the Prime Material Realm is the territory of your Seven Saints Alliance, but this is the edge of civilization. I thought there should be some tacit understanding between the two of us."

"If you want to pry into other corners, that's fine, but we spent a lot of effort on this damn fat guy. Do you understand what I mean?"

"If you want to cooperate, then show sincerity!"

"As long as your sincerity is impressive enough, we can even help you fuck the Naga Queen!"

"But if not, please don't try to be our spokesperson. We haven't gone too far, so I hope you won't cross the line. Even if you are a mage from the Seven Saints Alliance, you have to abide by some established rules, right?"

What Dolores said seemed reasonable and well-founded, neither humble nor arrogant.

But Yu Lian beside him was already sweating profusely.

He cautiously said to Matthew:

“Dolores is the daughter of the True Mother of All Dharmas—and the favorite one. "

"She is responsible for monitoring here, no, she is assisting me... She may not be very good at talking..."

The bell clangs.

The friction between the chains and the floor made a crisp sound.

Deloris stood up from the ground.

Six pairs of huge scarlet eyes stared at Matthew, as if trying to suppress him from his aura.

However, Matthew just smiled softly:

"A character as powerful as the True Mother of All Laws would probably have many daughters, right?"

As soon as this statement came out.

The atmosphere in the entire hall became tense.

"What do you mean?"

The three-headed dog let out a low growl:

"Are you threatening me?"

Matthew didn't look at her, just waved on the spot:

"Peggy, take her for a ride."

The next second.

A bright moonlight flashed in the hall.

A plump and beautiful woman wearing a grass ring appeared out of thin air.

She rushed under the three-headed dog in an instant, and then grabbed the neck of the middle head.

In an instant.

The terrifying moonlight swept everything.

The iron chain was cut off at some point, and the Valkyrie of the Moon flew to the sky with the three-headed dog in her arms!


The ceiling of the magnificent City Lord's Mansion was blown off.

A large amount of wood chips and small stones fell down.

The devil guards tried to outflank Matthew while avoiding him.

But this move was stopped by Yu Lian with a stern voice:

"Get out of here, everyone!"

"I mean, if you don't want to die!"

The guards were slightly startled.

At this time, they subconsciously looked above their heads.

Through the huge hole in the ceiling.

They saw a bizarre and shocking scene in mid-air——

The three-headed dog of purgatory is being pinched by the neck and beaten wildly by the Valkyrie of the Moon!

Paige's moves are quite simple and crude.

Just choke, hit on the head, punch and kick!

However, in the storm created by the crazy tilting energy of the two, she was able to take an absolute advantage and beat the three-headed dog violently!

Beat Dolores until she screams!

This is the power of legend!

The guards retreated silently.

Only one of them said a harsh word to Matthew angrily before leaving the hall:

"The True Mother of All Dharmas will not let you go!"

Matthew was a little empty at him.

A claw exuding negative energy appeared in front of the guard.

The guards didn't have time to escape.

He was firmly bound by the touch of death.

After just struggling for a few seconds.

His eyes quickly became distracted, and a large amount of pure white gas emitted from his seven orifices and merged into the touch of death.

In an instant.

A handful of gold coins fell from mid-air.

With the sound of ding dong ding dong.

The other guards immediately fled in fright!

Matthew turned slowly.

Yu Lian was furiously wiping sweat behind his back:

"This has nothing to do with me."

"I really can't control those demons."

Matthew said calmly:

"That's good."

"I was worried that you would mind if I killed you a devil."

Yu Lian shook his head violently:

"It's up to you, it's up to you."

"Even if you kill all the devils in Cordo City, I won't say another word of nonsense."

Matthew smiled.

He did not delve further into this topic, after all, he was not a murderer.

At that moment, he first opened a soundproof barrier, and then quickly opened the oak field, enveloping Yu Lian.

"Isn't the Twin Snakes of Destruction Bruchy related to the curse of the Sioux?"

Matthew asked.

Yu Lian's face turned serious:

"So this is what you really want to talk to me about."

Matthew smiled and waved the three pages of information in his hand:

"If I want to deal with Queen Naga, of course I won't just use information about your family."

"I just wanted to confirm each other."

"Fortunately, the information you gave and what you said is generally consistent with the information I obtained from other channels."

Chen had previously mentioned the emergence of the "Dark Primarch Holy Cult" among the Nagas.

This is obviously the same meaning as the original body sect in Yu Kamakou.

Yu Lian wiped his sweat again:

"How dare I lie to you..."

Matthew waved his hand:

"You don't have to act so cowardly in front of me."

"I can sense a powerful force within you."

"The reason why I sent Dolores and those devils away is that in addition to the question just now, I also want to know your own thoughts."

"I want to know what your ambitions are?"

He stared at Yu Lian intently.

The latter was silent for a long time before replying:

"Why do you want to know my ambitions?"

Matthew said with great interest:

"I think you're a very interesting guy with a lot of potential."

"I guess you are working with the devil just to use their power to achieve a certain goal, but it seems that your progress is not going well at the moment, is it?"

"Although you are very smart and cunning, and can deceive Blinken, but the devils are not easy to deal with. They may not be the smartest, but they must be the most astute."

"You may not get what you want from the True Mother of All Dharmas."

"But I'm different."

"If your answer satisfies me, I don't mind placing some bets on you."

Yu Lian fell into deep thought.

Matthew did not continue to persecute him, but just shouted to the sky:

"Paige, stop playing!"

After a few seconds.

There was a loud snap.

A bloody dog's head smashed down from the hole in the center of the roof.

It hit the floor in front of Yu Lian accurately!

The eyes on the dog's head looked straight at Yu Lian.

Dolores' pitiful howling sounded in the air.

Yu Lian's eyelids twitched.

He hesitated:

"Can I ask a question?"

Matthew nodded.

Yu Jian asked:

"Are you already a legendary mage? I observed that your partner is a legendary warrior..."

Matthew shook his head:

"I'm not a legend yet."

"But legend is just a thought to me."

When he said this.

Exuding strong confidence.

This is the confidence that the sufficient XP brought by planting trees gives Matthew!

Yu Lian was still struggling a little.

See this.

Matthew simply shouted to the sky again:

"Paige, be quiet!"

"It's late at night, don't disturb the sleep of the residents in the city!"


Another dog head hit the ground.

This time, the dog's tongue stuck out, and the saliva dripping along the way corroded the granite floor into rust.

Dolores's wailing sound came from mid-air again.

But this time.

Her howl was loud enough to wake up the entire city of Kordo!

Blood all over the sky mixed with acid rain fell on the eaves and floor of the city lord's mansion.

What came at the same time was a beautiful moonlight.

this moment.

Yu Lian finally spoke:

"I don't have that much ambition."

"My only dream is actually to return to my hometown."

native land?

This word seems a bit inconsistent coming from Yu Qiankou.

After all, this guy seems to have forgotten that he has Sioux blood flowing through his actions.

But Matthew was willing to trust that to a certain extent.

Bearing humiliation and suffering is never the prerogative of heroes.

Yu Lian is a ruthless person at first glance. If his goal is to return to his homeland, then it does make sense to cooperate with the devil.

After all, the devil's greatest enemy is the abyss.

The Su Kingdom was destroyed by the abyss invasion.

"Your ancestors were messengers of balance who came across the ocean. You were born and raised here. Is your so-called homeland really that important to you?"

Matthew asked lightly:

"What's more, crossing the endless ocean is not an easy task. Many legendary mages may not dare to try this."

Yu Yan shook his head:

"The hometown I talk about is not the Eastern Continent."

"It's the Far East in dreams."

"Since I had my memory, I have often come to that land cursed by nightmares and shadows in my dreams."

“I saw people being tortured and whipped, I saw them really emaciated and like ghosts, I saw those poor souls chained to the earth with no way to escape.”

"I don't know why, that land has a fatal attraction for me. I can hear the pulse and call of the earth. This is also the reason why I can be exempted from the curse of the Sioux people in the sea."

"To be honest, at first I just wanted to escape. Every night I used alcohol, drugs and women to numb myself, but as long as I fell asleep, I would come to that land."

"You know the Far East, right?"

"In the extreme eastern land of Irondor, after crossing the natural chasm, the two continents of the east and west meet on the endless ice field. There is a bridge in the sky hanging alone over the strait. Beyond the bridge is the legendary The Far East, where the monks originated."

“I have never been to that land, but because of many years of dreams, I am extremely familiar with that land, whether it is every plant or tree, or those secret buildings and evil altars——

The power of Barbassa and Galan made the devastated land even more gloomy.

But they are not to blame.

The abyss mother body buried under that land and the super demon she controlled were the source of the destruction of that land.

I know there is nothing I can do to fundamentally change this situation.

But I can at least get some people out of it.

For example, the millions of resentful souls trapped on the flaming sand dunes.

They are all Sioux people who died innocently and tragically thousands of years ago.

My gut tells me.

It was they who called me.

If they can be successfully rescued.

Maybe I can find relief too.

I have to be strong for this.

As you can see, my qualifications are very average, I am just an ordinary person, and I am not like you who can easily master the power of the Balance Messenger.

So I had to turn to outside help.

So one day, I met Delores, and then slowly walked to where I am today.


Please spare her life. "

Yu Lian's tone was very sincere.

When reminiscing about the Far East, the emotions shown by this greasy fat man cannot be faked.

Matthew stared at him for half a minute.

The latter's eyes were calm.

So he nodded slightly:


"If one day you plan to go to the Far East to rescue those trapped resentful souls, you can come to me."

"You will be assisted by a powerful army of necromancers, and if you are lucky, there will also be a legendary necromancer."

The next second.

In Yu Lian's stunned eyes.

Matthew closed the field.

"Wait a minute, don't you want to know the relationship between the twin snakes of destruction and the curse of the Sioux people?"

Yu Lian couldn't help but ask.

Matthew smiled:

"I'm somewhat interested. If you want to say something, of course I'm willing to listen."

Yu Lian sighed:

"It's King Mingtan."

"He and Bruch signed an agreement - the Sioux people can cross the ocean safely, but the price is that their souls will return to the bottom of the sea after death."

This is exactly what Matthew once guessed.

It can only be said that King Mingtan had no choice but to act in that position at that time.

And Matthew obviously hasn't grown up enough to directly go to Bruchy for trouble.

So he did not go any further on this topic and instead asked:

"How much money do you need next?"

"No need to pretend in front of me, I know you want to unify the Gold Coast."

Yu Lian thought for a while:

"I'm not short of money, I'm very good at making money."

Matthew said calmly:

“No matter how good people are at making money, sometimes they are short of money.”

Yu Lian immediately smiled bitterly and said:

"Ten thousand gold coins?"

"I will give you 15% of the income from several city-states on the Gold Coast in the future."

Matthew said a little embarrassedly:

"Is ten thousand gold coins too little?"

"It makes it seem as if I, the sponsor, are particularly stingy."

Yu Lian smiled uglier than crying:

"No, no, no, ten thousand gold coins is actually a bit too much. I just thought about it again, one thousand gold coins is about the same."

"make a deal!"

Matthew shook hands with Yu Lian readily.

Then he erected a teleportation tombstone in the side hall of the city lord's palace.

"Don't worry, I won't take advantage of you in vain."

"In addition to promising to help you when you go to the Far East, you can ask me for help at any time."

"The first time can be free."

Matthew blinked.

Yu Lian breathed a sigh of relief:

"So, I am now considered to be recruited by the Seven Saints Alliance?"

Matthew smiled:

"Delores is right about one thing. I cannot represent the Seven Saints Alliance."

"But this may not be a bad thing for you. You will understand later."

"Okay, I have to go."

"I'm afraid I have to trouble you to enlighten those devils, especially Delores. You'd better remind her——

How many daughters does the True Mother of Wanfa have?

How many good sisters does she have?

I believe she is a reasonable girl.

Would also make a great dog.

What do you think? "

After saying this, Matthew signaled to Paige to show mercy, and the two left grandly through the gate of the City Lord's Mansion.

Only the beaten half-dead Cerberus was left lying in the courtyard shaking.

Yellow-brown juice and blood mixed together and spread in all directions.

A strong stench lingered in the courtyard.

Yu Lian walked over and gently touched her trembling forehead.

The two looked at each other.

They all fell into a long silence.

A long while.

A guard came over to probe:

"Lady Dolores?"

"Do you want to report to the True Mother of All Dharmas?"

There was a click.

The guard's upper body was swallowed by Dolores's remaining head!

On the streets of Cordo City.

Peggy, who took off her grass ring and put on her cloak, asked Matthew curiously:

"Why do I think you are not here to inquire about Naga's information today?"

Matthew smiled:

"I have asked Carmela for information about Naga."

"In this regard, the magician is certainly more credible than the intelligence dealer."

Paige suddenly realized:

"So you've actually been eyeing that damn fat guy for a long time?"

Matthew didn’t hide it:

"Yu Lian is a talent that can be made."

"The Gold Coast is also an undeveloped virgin land. It may not be as useless as the alliance's senior officials imagined. I am now a senior mage. In addition to the Rolling Stone Kingdom, we can definitely look further."

Peggy said with some emotion:

"I can understand what you mean."

"But your radical attitude and behavior just now really surprised me. If it were a year ago, you would definitely not threaten that fat man like this."

"I would never dare to offend a certain force in Purgatory."

Matthew thought for a while:

"People always grow."

Paige nodded heavily:

"You're growing up fast."

"But in fact, I have also grown up. I wonder if you have noticed that even if I don't wear a grass ring, my level is always one level higher than yours!"

"So I think it would be appropriate for my salary to increase a bit, what do you think?"

Matthew's eyes suddenly became dull.

Peggy poked him in the chest with her elbow:


"Pretend to be a zombie?"

Matthew said as if waking up from a dream:

"Oh, I was just thinking about how to blend in with the naga."

"After all, the Naga Kingdom is located under the sea. It would be quite conspicuous for the two of us to sneak in."

Peggy was indeed fooled:

"That's true of you."

"Then have you thought of any solution?"

Matthew nodded slightly:

"We have to find someone to help us."

While talking.

He stopped.

In front of them was a shop that originally sold magic potions.

However, it is easy to tell from the closed door and tilted plaque that the store has been closed for a long time.

Matthew went over and knocked on the door.

After a long time, an old female hobgoblin carefully opened the door.

"We don't do business here anymore."

The hobgoblin wearing pince-nez replied.

Matthew skillfully threw a soundproof barrier, and then said confidently:

"Tell your boss that someone is willing to help them out."

The hobgoblin seemed to have forgotten Matthew, whom he had met half a year ago.

She looked wary and wanted to close the door:

"I do not understand what you are saying."

"You don't need to understand, you just need to find the people from the "Eternal Night Tribe" and give them the name on this note. "

Matthew quickly handed over a piece of paper, his movements gentle and polite.

"I will come here again tomorrow night, hoping to meet important people in the Yongye tribe."

Say it.

He turned around and left with Paige.

The momentum actually succeeded in frightening the old hobgoblin woman.

After walking out for a while.

Peggy couldn't help but ask:

"Are you that well known on the Gold Coast?"

Matthew shook his head:

"Hard to say."

"I only have a little bit of visibility here."

Peggy said in surprise:

"Then you are still so confident?"

Matthew blinked:

"Who said what I wrote on the note was my own name?"

"I have a friend."

"He is a household name on the Gold Coast..."

at the same time.

Inside the magic potion shop.

By the dim candlelight, the old hobgoblin woman held up the note tremblingly and read the name on it clearly——

Li Weiqi.

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