The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 457: Golden Ship and Divine Weapon

"Under my nose, I won't allow anyone to become a god!"

Isabel's voice was decisive.

Her eyes that seemed to contain fire looked directly into Matthew's eyes, as if they had penetrated his heart at that moment!

Matthew's breath hitched.

But his brain was running rapidly.


Cause and effect...

The reason why the divine mages dare to enter the disappearing historical world without worrying about someone taking the opportunity to become a god is that they quietly reached an agreement with Stuluk Industries!

There was a bitter taste in Matthew's mouth.

Unfortunately, he was initially worried that someone becoming a god would be detrimental to the alliance.

It's just that I'm not qualified to know this level of information.


Matthew didn't have too many complaints, and it was reasonable for Isabel to leave such a backup.

in a sense.

Matthew also gave up the decision to become the God King at the last moment.

This is probably the important reason why Isabel is still willing to meet her after half a year——

Matthew's mind was clear.

If he is really completely thrown into the cold palace, or even exiled.

It was impossible for this arrogant divine mage to take the time to talk to him.

To Matthew.

As long as Isabel can be seen, no matter whether the other party scolds her or directly slaps her with a whip, the result will be good!

There was a hint of joy in his heart.

But think about it for a moment.

Matthew did not express this joy, but showed a slight look of dissatisfaction.

He quickly lowered his head, as if trying to hide the change in his expression.

"Are you still a little dissatisfied?"

Isabel sneered.

Matthew shook his head expressionlessly:

"I am willing to obey all arrangements of the alliance."

Isabel snorted coldly.

The next second.

She suddenly appeared in front of Matthew.

She raised Matthew's chin with one hand, and her gray eyes shone like the deep starry sky:

"You are angry and unwilling."


"You even want to defeat me?"

Matthew said nothing.

Isabel's tone became more severe:


"Have you ever had that thought in your mind just now?"

Matthew pursed his lips.

Finally he said with chattering teeth:

"I can't say I've never had that thought..."

This may seem euphemistic.

It's actually straightforward enough.

Isabel pulled away her hand, a cold look flashed in her eyes:

"very good."

"I like your ambition."

"But if you want to realize your ambitions, you can't just talk about it. You must have absolute actions and strength!"

The words fell.

Matthew suddenly felt a pain in his ribs!

Immediately afterwards.

More pain flooded into his mind.

He looked down and found a wound on his waist and abdomen. The wound was healing at an extremely fast speed, but something inside was missing!

Matthew looked up in shock.

But Isabel had returned to her original place, holding a bloody rib in her hand and playing with it repeatedly.

"This rib and the ban over the past six months are a small punishment for your ambition."

"I said, I like your ambition, but your strength must match it."

"Keep this rib with me. When you can really defeat me one day, you can take it back..."

Isabel's face was filled with a mocking smile.

Matthew subconsciously covered his abdomen.

There was a well-placed anger in his eyes.


He just lowered his head silently and said nothing.

But deep down, he spoke highly of his acting skills.

"Just losing a rib is a pitiful punishment."

"The atmosphere is almost the same."

"It's time to give benefits..."

Matthew thought to himself.

as expected.

The next second.

Isabel put away her ribs and then said calmly:

"The past is in the past. I will not mention it again, and no one in the alliance will mention it again. You are still the most promising young mage in the south."

"Starting today, all of your resources and rights in the Alliance will be restored."

"The Silver Council has submitted the Scar of the Dead project settlement list to me. You have done a good job."

"In addition to the established bonus, you can also choose a heritage weapon, or a legendary spell book from the Feast Hostel. You can negotiate with the Silver Council for the specific content. I have already said hello, and they can cash it in at any time. These rewards.”

Matthew quickly bowed his head in thanks.

Isabel continued without pausing:

"Second, your previously submitted application for entering the Arcane Castle has also been approved."

"It is valid for three months. During this period, you can enter it at any time to improve the quality of your spells, make up for your spell deficiencies, or try to develop new signature spells."

"My suggestion is that before officially entering the castle, you'd better find someone to take a lesson and complete the weak spells——

If you think this is too time consuming.

You can also go to Suriel.

But the premise is that you have enough money. "

Matthew nodded repeatedly.


He expressed his sincere gratitude.

Isabel shook her head:

"No need."

"This is what you deserve."

"The premise is to be a mage."

Matthew smiled in surprise.

Isabel is really a mage supremacist.

Matthew could feel it.

She is probably the most dedicated divine mage to maintain the order of the existing alliance.

I don’t know if this tendency is related to the influence of the Scourge Mage.

So far.

The big stone in Matthew's heart has completely fallen to the ground.

This time I came to see Isabel. I just paid a rib to unlock the identity of the alliance, redeem the reward of the Mark of the Dead, and received the good news that the Arcane Castle had been approved.

to him.

All this is surprising enough.

However, after saying this, Isabel seemed to have no intention of issuing an eviction order.

This surprised Matthew.

He thought about it in his mind.

According to Isabel's style of explaining things, the most important thing is often said at the end.

What else does she have to explain?

Matthew waited quietly.

His intuition told him.

What Isabel is going to say next may have something to do with their experiences in the lost historical world.

But this time the waiting time was obviously longer than expected.

A full five minutes later.

Isabel remained silent.

Matthew found that her eyes were dull and she looked like she was in a trance.

So he coughed slightly.


"Why haven't you left yet?"

Isabel's blank eyes regained some focus.

Matthew was speechless.

However, he still behaved respectfully:

"Then I leave now?"


Isabel suddenly stopped him:

"never mind."

"I still have to give you this opportunity."

"If you can hand over one million gold coins, or the equivalent value of materials and magic media - especially fine wood - within the next year, then you will be eligible to become the first batch of the Golden Ship Project participants.”

"But I can't reveal any more information to you until you obtain formal qualifications."

"I can only tell you that the golden ship will set sail in three years. As for the destination... haha, you can guess for yourself or ask around."

Matthew's eyes were full of surprise.

Not because of the number one million, but because Isabel actually became a Riddler in a rare way!

To know.

Most of the time, she speaks directly and seldom hides anything!

Even she can't speak openly about the incident...

How deep is the water in here?

What surprised Matthew even more was the golden ship plan!

Could it be that the rumors that have been circulating in the past six months are actually true?

Matthew had always thought that was nonsense...

"I am willing to pay one million gold coins."

Matthew immediately expressed his stance.

Then he boldly asked:

" it really going to be completely broken?"

Isabel replied:

"That's not necessarily true."

"The degree of harm caused by the first round of natural disasters caused by odd-numbered weather events is less severe than we expected."

"The fall of Tianlun Palace indeed caused a serious tear. In the past six months, void turbulence and astral matter took advantage of the void, causing many disasters and turmoil."

“But starting from the last month, we have observed that more and more secondary planes are actively integrating into those torn gaps——

For the secondary planes, this is the perfect time for advancement.

For the main material world, this is also the only way to repair itself.

This is a self-rescue measure for the world of Irondor.

From a macro perspective, the disaster of the Great Rip has been effectively controlled. It has only recurred in some areas, but it is also under our control..."

"The bigger crisis is actually the unprecedented chaotic storm caused by tearing, fusion and invasion."

Chaos storm?

Matthew read the word again.

Isabel nodded:


"The lifeblood of the development of the multiverse originally depends on the game of order and chaos."

"Frequent chaotic storms in various places will intensify the breakdown of order, causing the next round of disasters to become more serious on odd days."

Matthew quickly asked:

"How many rounds of disasters will there be in the odd number of days?"

“Which ones are the first round and which ones are the second round?”

Isabel said calmly:

"In fact, there is no unified and clear definition that explains your problem."

"Odd-numbered celestial changes are essentially the inevitable result of the infinite expansion of the multiverse. The fall of Tianlun Palace and the return of the five-clawed celestial dragon are just the triggers."

"It's a collection of disasters."

"Generally speaking, whichever disaster occurs first is the first batch, and the disaster that occurs later is the second batch..."

"Currently, the negative impact of the fall of Tianlun Palace is being gradually eliminated, but the second round of disasters is brewing at an extremely fast speed. According to my judgment, the next disaster that will affect the world should be caused by the flooding of ether. Mana expansion."

Mana expansion?

Matthew looked confused.

After being blocked for more than half a year, he found that he couldn't keep up with the latest progress of the alliance!

Isabel was surprisingly patient today and actually explained to him in detail:

"The aether itself is one of the most chaotic elements in the multiverse."

"The chaotic era and the flooding of ether almost appeared simultaneously."

"During this period, because the ether in the external environment will expand dramatically, it will become much easier for almost everyone to sense the ether, and those who can use magic will become more powerful."

"To put it intuitively, there will be ten or even a hundred times the original population who can perform tricks in the era of ether flooding and become the most basic magic apprentices."

"It is very likely that the magic power of only level 5 will suddenly soar to level 8 or even level 9 after the flooding of ether."

"Everyone's magic power is expanding. In comparison, the expansion coefficient of mages above legendary is not as exaggerated as that of ordinary people. This may in disguise narrow the strength gap within the mage group."

"But the relevant The key point is not here. "

"Humans, or intelligent life, have never been the best receptors for ether. "

"The monsters in the abyss purgatory and the star beasts in the astral world are the best places for the overflowing ether. "

"At that time, more and more monsters will appear in this world. "

"They will create more chaos to attract more overflowing ether. "

"Ether and chaos enter an infinite expansion cycle, which will eventually trigger the cleaning mechanism in the multiverse, and more powerful creatures will be born from the womb of the universe. "

"By then, it will be the time when the giant beast will really come. "

"You asked me before, will Aindo be broken? "

"My answer is that it will never happen before the giant beast comes; after the coming, it is a necessity. "

Speaking of this.

She suddenly looked at Matthew deeply.

"And the only way to prevent or delay the arrival of that day is to establish order and reduce chaos. "

She said.

Matthew pondered:

"Do you mean to stop the killing?"

Isabel shook her head, with a strange light in her eyes:


"I mean to kill faster than they are born."

"Kill all the monsters and enemies that will create chaos in a very short time."

"This is the best way to establish order!"


Long after leaving the Crucible House.

Matthew was still thinking about the deep meaning of Isabel's words just now.

If it is just to stop the chaos by killing.

Then why doesn't she do it herself?

Even if it is not convenient for her, Ronan, Ekmond, Su Ruier, Lind...

Which of these high-level leaders of the alliance is not a killing god with countless dead souls in his hands?

Isabel's words.

It seems to be encouraging Matthew to do so.

This makes him think too much.

"The teacher mentioned before that the integration of the secondary plane into the main material world is the self-salvation of the universe, so establishing order should also be a tendency in line with the will of the universe."

"Following this direction, as long as the means are sharp and straightforward, it seems that there is really no big harm, but it requires sufficient strength and courage..."

Walking on the path between the cemeteries.

Matthew thought quietly.

In general.

This meeting with Isabel has made Matthew gain a lot.

The most important thing is.

"She should not have discovered the existence of Paradise Lost."

"It is worthy of the gift of the Scourge Mage. Even the top few God Mage have concealed it."

Matthew's heart is full of gratitude and awe.

Now it seems.

The Scourge Mage is very likely to have foreseen that shot, so he gave the five of them a little gift in advance-

That is the fire of life preserved in Paradise Lost.

Even if Paradise Lost is destroyed.

It can be revived in the mysterious area of ​​high-energy and high-dimensional space.

In other words.

Even if Matthew did not leave Paradise Lost at the last moment.

The five of them will also be resurrected in Paradise Lost one after another, and truly become the ancient gods who control the power of the law.

But if Matthew were allowed to choose again.

He would leave without hesitation.

After all, it must be unpleasant to be blown to pieces by a cannon.

"The news should still be kept confidential."

"The gods selected at the beginning did not enter Paradise Lost in their real bodies. They entered only a projection with a spiritual imprint. With the destruction of Paradise Lost, the contact between the gods and the main god disappeared."

"These guys who once had the hope of becoming gods in one step have become the evidence of the fall of Paradise Lost."

"But they are probably also very glad that they escaped a disaster..."

Matthew has verified it with Roland.

Most of the gods have the same view as others, believing that Paradise Lost has completely fallen.

Only a very small number of people stubbornly believe that their main gods are not dead.

But these people hid themselves very well after the incident.

Especially after the mages came.

They became even more invisible.

Therefore, after the entire Paradise Lost incident, Matthew became one of the few witnesses.

What he announced to the public was that Paradise Lost had been completely destroyed.

Due to his act of jumping out of the car at the last moment.

Everyone believed what he said.

Not long ago.

There was even such news spread -

"The reason why Matthew left Paradise Lost at the most critical moment was because he foresaw the upcoming disaster;

And the reason why the singularity cannon could accurately hit Paradise Lost was also thanks to Matthew.

He is the insider planted by the Seven Saints Alliance and Stuluk Industries in the God-making Team!"

After hearing that news.

Matthew couldn't wait to find the person who spread the rumor and give him a cash reward!

"Now that I have officially returned to the league, I can once again confirm the authenticity of this rumor."

"In this way, the nature of the Paradise Lost incident should have been completely determined."

"Except for those very few fanatics, no one will pay attention to my hometown anymore..."

Between thoughts.

Matthew came to the small dark room he was most familiar with.

He pushed open the door and entered.

Activate the secret barrier.

After checking again and again.

Then I thought silently in my heart——

"Return, Paradise Lost!"

"Tip: You have returned to the artifact "Lost Paradise (Soul Binding)".

Existing substances -


Sourceless water (several);

Cosmic Bedrock*180;

Oak trees*59;


Tip: Paradise Lost is going through the initial stage of "creation of the world", which is expected to last 400 to 500 years.

During this period.

Your God-King authority is solidified into “Origator Authority.”

Founder's Authority: You can consume your own energy or Paradise Lost's energy to create matter out of thin air.

After the Lost Paradise fully matures and is promoted to the new heaven, the founder's authority will be restored to the "god-king authority."

Current founding energy: 296 points. "

The scene in front of me changed.

Matthew then came to a lost paradise filled with infinite warm sunlight and suspended pieces of cosmic bedrock.

The bedrock of the universe is the most basic material basis for the creative work in Paradise Lost.

Each piece of cosmic bedrock has a complete plane of 3 meters by 3 meters, with an irregular cone or sphere underneath.

The sixty pieces of bedrock in front of him were accumulated bit by bit by Matthew who spent a lot of mental energy.

With his relatively abundant mental strength.

Only one bedrock can be created in one day, which shows how hard it is to create the world.

But compared to this.

Even more difficult is growing trees on bedrock.

The hardness of these bedrocks is so exaggerated that even if Matthew holds a tree-planting artifact, just digging holes every day will tire him out.

Plant a tree in three days.

It is already the result of Matthew's extreme efforts.

Emperor Tian pays off his conscientious people.

Thanks to Matthew's efforts day after day, Paradise Lost now not only has a proud vitality.

Matthew also accumulated a small amount of "founding energy" through actions such as digging up bedrock and planting oak trees.

This energy and the founder's authority work together to create any substance, including life, in Paradise Lost!

Matthew attaches great importance to founding energy and never wastes any of it.

Because his goal is clear.

We must find a way to resurrect those few sparks of life that exist in the lost paradise!

Especially Terraste!

Putting aside emotional factors, one of the important reasons why Matthew wanted to resurrect Lao Tai was to get him to work for him...

no way.

It was too hard to create the world.

Matthew had a hard time doing it alone.

According to the current progress.

It will take at least several hundred years for Lost Paradise to grow into a new heaven.

Once it really takes shape.

Matthew will also have a brand new authority as God’s King.

He will become the King of the Old Gods.

Automatically possesses power comparable to that of a divine mage!

After discovering this.

Matthew once had the idea to just do nothing, find a place to hide, and survive until five hundred years later!

Anyway, as long as it's in Paradise Lost.

His lifespan is infinite.

The Lost Paradise is now private and safe enough.

But then I thought about it.

Five hundred years.

How will the world of Irondor change drastically?

What will be the fate of his cherished companions and the earth?

Can you really sit back and relax by hiding in Paradise Lost?

Is the way of the ancient gods that I gave up really as beautiful as I imagined?

After figuring out the joints.

Matthew felt that he should honestly become a mage first!

God king or something.

Just work part-time depending on the situation!

At best, it's a backup option.

Bang, bang, bang!

The shovel scraped against the bedrock, causing sparks to fly.

Matthew was busy panting for a long time.

Only then was a hole large enough to plant saplings was dug.

During this process.

He can slowly gain founding energy.

In fact, he can gain this energy by doing anything in Paradise Lost.

But planting trees is the most skillful thing for him.

The amount of mental energy required to create an oak sapling out of thin air is a fraction of other things.

That's why he chose to pursue his old profession in Paradise Lost.

Break out the bedrock.

Dig holes and plant trees.

Through this cycle, Matthew was able to accumulate the current 296 points of founding energy.

According to his estimate.

Just accumulate to 300 points.

You can resurrect Terraste's fire!

By then, Matthew will have his first worker in Paradise Lost!

Resurrecting Tyrast is the easiest.

Not only because his life fire is the most powerful, but also because the faith condensed in him is the most intense and pious.

On this occasion.

The wood elf's stubbornness turned out to be his advantage.

Even though it has become everyone's consensus that Paradise Lost was blown to pieces.

Jade Cangting still insists that the resurrection of the Elf God is an unstoppable trend.

Among them, Beanna's contribution to the thread.

But it is more due to the stubborn nature of the elves.

In comparison.

The faith of the two leaders of the Forsaken, the Faded Dragon and the God-Eater Queen, is much darker.

It seems that the intelligent life in the ancient land is relatively more rational.

But they are not the worst.

Worst of all is Morzon, the traveler god.

He has the least amount of faith condensed in him, and the least amount of laws that may be integrated into him.

Matthew made an estimate.

To resurrect Mo Song, you need at least 1,000 points of founding energy.


Matthew thought for a moment.

Let’s meet again in five hundred years, brother.

But I think of Mo Song.

Matthew still had a good impression of him in his heart.

Nothing else.

Before entering the Blood Drinking Mountain, the other party reminded Matthew to carry as many treasures as possible.

This was confirmed after becoming a god.

Matthew found that many of the weapons he carried had turned into divine weapons!

This is equivalent to an all-round strengthening of his weapons.

The blessing of divinity means stronger saving throws, better attribute support, stronger destructive power, and potential room for growth in divine magic.

Matthew found out.

All he had to do was put these divine weapons aside in Paradise Lost.

They can grow on their own.

This process is very slow.

But the effect is real.

in the past six months.

The tree-planting shovel that was first put into Lost Paradise has received exclusive enhancements from two divine weapons!

"Holy Word: When holding a shovel, you can recite a customized "Holy Word" (limited to the minimum number of verses), which will cause the shovel's normal attack to have an additional 100% magical damage.

The current custom Holy Word is——

"Just let me hit you!"

"Hair Removal: Activate this magical technique to remove all hair and natural armor on a single enemy!"

Both of these magic spells are quite practical.

The former can provide more types of damage;

The latter is the nemesis of monsters with high natural armor.

the most important is.

They are divine magic.

It's as if the mages didn't know that divine fire can ignite the tentacles of Euclus.

Because the gods have disappeared from the material world for too long.

Many people don't know how to fight magic!

Therefore, it is very suitable for stealing a hand at critical moments.

Finished today's bedrock excavation.

Matthew regained his energy in Lost Paradise and said hello to Dark Peggy who turned into a little black cat and slept soundly under an oak tree.

His consciousness returned to the cemetery.

Walk out of the dark room again.

The sky is full of stars outside.

There was a strong wind blowing on the top of the cemetery mountain.

Because of the Great Rip, this past winter wasn't too cold, but the climate became weirder and more variable.

Matthew stood on the top of the mountain overlooking the earth.

Death Fear Cemetery floats slowly in the sky within Rolling Stone City. It will follow the established track from south to north, from east to west, patrolling the entire territory of Rolling Stone City day and night.

On the eastern land.

The oak and pine forests, symbolizing the sanctuary of life, not only survived the Great Rip intact.

Afterwards, it continued to expand a lot under the maintenance of druids and centaurs.

Unfortunately, the easternmost part of the forest has reached the area where the "Star Boundary Black Water" is located.

This means that Sanctuary of Life’s expansion is about to be blocked.

The so-called "astral black water".

It was the astral seawater pouring in from the cracks that Matthew used his guardian authority to fight against.

Although most of the sea water has been melted by the guardian authority.

But there is still a lot of black water on the border of Rolling Stone.

There are about 5 to 6 main roads in these black waters.

The intricate water system formed between them surrounds Rolling Stone City.

Black water is extremely toxic.

Ordinary people can't get close to it, let alone cross it.

It would also be very difficult to build a bridge over the Black Water without the construction capabilities of the Southern Division Division Corps.

It is almost impossible to repair the bridge without any damage in the short term.

Fortunately, Bogard, the world tree, sensed the changes in the world.

It automatically grew a long tree bridge in the east of the woods.

A tree bridge spans over the black water.

It has become the only external access to Rolling Stone City.

The topic that Matthew wanted to discuss with Little Patton earlier was related to this tree bridge.

At the beginning.

Matthew plans to open this tree bridge to all residents for free, including of course the merchants and chambers of commerce in the city.

But Patton Jr. raised objections.

He believes that this will not only increase the burden on the tree bridge, but also create greater hidden dangers.

at the same time.

After Rhaegar left, Rolling Stone City's huge financial hole needed various means to subsidize it.

In little Patton's private words.

There was a lot of mess before him, and he would rather continue studying electric lights and the devil's heart than being an unlucky king.


That's what it says.

Patton Jr. also came up with many ways to generate revenue for the city hall, one of the most important projects being tolls for tree bridges.

He was currently trying to convince Matthew to do just that.

Little Paton's eloquence is actually very good.

Matthew was almost convinced.

Of course.

More importantly, he knew that Patton Jr. was under a lot of pressure.

"If it doesn't work, let's try charging for a while..."


Matthew came to the new city hall in the city.

Even though it was night, there were still some lights on in the deep of the hall.

Matthew walked straight to the deepest part.

This is Patton Jr.'s office.


Now it's time to call him King Patton.

Matthew walked over and knocked on the door.

King Patton's tired voice came from inside:

"Come in..."

Matthew pushed the door open.

At a glance, he saw the new king of the Rolling Stone Kingdom surrounded by a pile of documents.

He pushed away the coffee cup in front of him and stood up from the chair.

Matthew looked at the empty cup and raised his eyebrows:

"Do you need me to call Mrs. Wesley for you?"

Patton shook his head:

"It's too late, I asked her to go to bed first."

"I can make coffee myself. In fact, I'm good at it..."

"I'm versatile, smart, and good at many things, you know."

"But now I'm doing what I'm worst at - being a king!"

"Should I say it or not, damn Rhaegar..."

"It would be great if he could come back to life immediately!"

"God knows how much effort I've had to put in to get rid of those noble ladies and young ladies who are suspected of having an affair with him in the past six months..."

He couldn't help but complain to Matthew.

Matthew smiled and was about to continue talking about the tree bridge.

But at this moment.

Patton suddenly hesitated, and then put a letter in front of Matthew.

"I don't know if I should give it to you."

"But I think you must be very concerned about this..."

Matthew narrowed his eyes.

The handwriting on the envelope looked familiar to him.

That was...

A letter from Sif!


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