The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 458 Coin Issuance Plan and Eastern Immortal Ape


Matthew read Sif's letter calmly.

The main content of the letter is actually a letter of commitment to voluntarily give up the throne of the Rolling Stone Kingdom.

She stated in the letter.

She had no interest in becoming the queen of the Rolling Stone Kingdom and was willing to give up the right to inherit the throne for life.

She hoped that the recipients of the letter -

Zeller, Brad, Patton and Matthew would witness this letter of commitment together.

And it would be announced nationwide at a specific time.

Along with the letter of commitment came a small letter.

Sif stated in the letter.

She had found a new path.

She hoped to continue to explore the meaning of life on this path, rather than getting caught up in the tedious trivialities of the Rolling Stone Kingdom.

In addition.

She briefly reported that she was safe and roughly mentioned her next destination.

It is worth mentioning that.

She did not mention Matthew in this small letter.

No wonder Patton hesitated.

"I've finished reading it."

Matthew silently put the letter of commitment and the small letter back into the envelope.

Patton patted his shoulder:

"Just because she didn't mention you doesn't mean she doesn't have you in her heart."

"Just like she didn't mention Rega in the letter, but we all know why she left."

Matthew smiled.

He said he didn't care.

"When did you receive this letter?"

"Who sent it?"

Matthew asked.

Little Patton spread his hands:

"About yesterday, a little devil suddenly found Zeller and handed him this letter."

"According to Zeller, the little devil is most likely Sif's companion devil, and now she has trained her as a messenger."

"She seems to have the ability to travel between planes... In short, it's very complicated."

Matthew nodded gently.

"Fortunately, this letter was received by Zeller. If it was handed directly to me, it would be a pain in the ass!"

Patton smiled bitterly:

"Look at what Sif said in the letter?"

"The letter of commitment is fine. She said that she has been in the Blood Flag Kingdom for more than a year and is about to go to a chaotic area to compete for a ticket to the Infernal Cave..."

"Isn't it only been more than half a year since she left?"

"But even if this letter is forged, this abnormal time is too obvious, isn't it?"

Matthew's index finger tapped the table lightly.

He thought:

"Not necessarily."

"This letter should be true. I can identify Sif's handwriting and whether this is a trick of the devil."

"As for the problem of time... The entire Aindo is being torn apart and then reassembled. Special folded spaces like Purgatory may face more severe time fluctuations."

"For us in the material world, perhaps only half a year has passed, but for the Blood Flag Kingdom, the time that has passed may be several times that of ours. It is also okay to say that more than a year has passed."

In fact.

In the past six months.

The connection between the main material world and Purgatory became very difficult, but it became closer to the Abyss.

A large number of demons poured into the Aindor continent from the Abyss.

But the demons seemed to disappear.

Matthew tried many times.

Even the portal left by Rega could not connect to Escana where the Blood Flag Kingdom was located.

It can be seen in this great tear.

How far away is the distance between Purgatory and the material plane.

"Is she about to leave for the Infinite Cave?"

Matthew thought quietly.

That is the third layer of Purgatory, the territory of the Devil Queen Gracia, and the place where Rega's soul is most likely to be restrained.

Matthew believes that Sif will not act impulsively.

She is also watched by the legendary demon Lutishia, so she should not go to the Devil Queen to bargain without preparation.

But even so.

Matthew is still a little worried.

He doesn't know what Sif has experienced in the Blood Flag Kingdom.

His intuition tells him.

Maybe when he sees Sif again.

She is no longer the innocent and lovely girl she once was...

"Next time I see that little devil, try to find out from her how to contact Sif stably."

Matthew said.

Patton nodded:

"I told Zeller the same thing, and Zeller certainly understands this, but Sif seems to be hiding from us on purpose, and that little devil is also quite cunning, even Zeller's prophecy can't find her trace."

Matthew sighed.

Sif's personality is actually quite similar to Rhaegar's.

She is usually very soft.

When something happens, she becomes extremely stubborn and has her own opinions.

"I will continue to seek ways to enter Purgatory through the alliance's channels."

"For the rest...just do your best."

Matthew concluded.

Patton nodded, with a hint of hesitation on his face:

"By the way, let's not make this letter of commitment public for the time being."

Matthew glanced at him:

"We should respect Sif's wishes."

"We are willing to believe you."

Patton shook his head:

"This is not a matter of belief or not."

"Matthew, you are a wizard, you can be detached from the world, but I am different."

"When it comes to power, even the purest things will become complicated and dirty."

"I know that Sif wrote this letter out of good intentions. She hopes that the Kingdom of Rolling Stone can be stabilized as soon as possible, and that everyone can continue to live with their original beliefs around me, the new king."

"But unfortunately, that's not possible."

He looked into Matthew's eyes. The bags under his eyes were extremely swollen and his eyeballs were bloodshot.

He is much younger than the bearded Brad, but now he looks almost as good as Rhaegar!

"Rega is Rega, I am me. Rega and I are people with completely different ideas, concepts, and especially abilities."

Patton said seriously:

"He could afford to support a small town out of his own pocket and give his dream a foothold in reality, but I didn't."

"The kingdom of Rhaegar's dream is destined to not be realized under my rule, even with Zeller and your help - Zeller knows this very well, and I believe you can understand it too."

"There is no way I can be the replacement for Rhaegar that you, Sif, or other residents imagine. I can't."

Matthew nodded slightly:

"I see."

"As long as it's not too outrageous in general, I support you doing what you want."

Patton smiled bitterly and said:

"Even if I can do what I want, what if Rhaegar suddenly comes back one day, or Sif suddenly changes her mind?"

"That's when things will get troublesome again."

"It's fine between us, but what about the people around us? How many people in the entire kingdom will have their minds changed because of this?"

"I know that transcendent mages don't need to consider these issues. You don't need to consider their thoughts, just like you don't consider the joys and sorrows of the zombies in the cemetery, but I am different."

"When I work according to my own ideas, I will unconsciously bind as many people and interest groups as possible."

"They will all become opponents of Sif or Rhaegar."

"I don't think these people's demands are legitimate - if it's not for profit, who would want to be tied to others?"

"I don't want too many people to bleed and get hurt because of the unstable regime in the Stone Kingdom."

"So it's better to keep this letter of commitment for now."

"Always keeping my name as acting king is the best solution."

"At least for the next few years, this is the best thing to do."

Matthew looked at him amusedly:

"Is being a king so painful for you?"

Patton answered without hesitation:

"On pins and needles, Matthew, on pins and needles."

"If I hadn't known that Brad would be the king, Rolling Stone City probably wouldn't have lasted for half a year, and I would have left long ago."

"Of course, it is actually the most suitable for you to be the king, but you have rejected me several times..."

Matthew shook his head gently:

"I'm a mage."

Patton looked like a hapless child:

"I envy you for staying out of it."

"Rhaegar's successor is really not suitable for anyone."

"Back in the days of Rolling Stone, this guy raised tens of thousands of pampered men in the city. They hardly had to do any work to live a very comfortable life. Now, guess what?"

"They scold me behind my back every day!"

"Patton is a king of subjugation!"

"Not as good as Rhaegar's hair!"

"I personally heard two old men scolding me like this across the carriage that day..."

His mood became more and more agitated:

"According to your previous prediction, more and more disasters will befall this land."

"For those who are displaced, Rolling Stone City is already the most perfect haven in the world!"

“Everyone who is chartered into the city during this period will be grateful for it.”

“But what about those people who live in the city to begin with?”

"They will only verbally praise Rhaegar and your great achievements, and then continue to scold the unfortunate Patton!"

"I've had enough, Matthew!"

"I went through all the books last night. The annual budget submitted by the city hall and last year's fiscal deficit were shocking."

"According to the current situation of spending money to support people, in three months, we will not be able to pay the city construction interest to the Southern Magistrate Corps!"

"Matthew, do you think we can default on our debt?"

He stared hard at Matthew.

Hear this.

Matthew suddenly realized what he was going to say next.

as expected.

Patton blinked:

"If we can't default on our debts and need to maintain the current situation, we need money, and we need large, stable, and legal financial sources!"

Matthew smiled:

"Tolls on the bridge?"

Patton said confidently:

"This is just one piece of my new policy."

"What's more important is the food issue. The food you asked the druids and zombies to grow can no longer be distributed for free!"

"I have modified Rhaegar's previously formulated independent coinage plan."

"You can take a look at it. Generally speaking, it is a more radical currency issuance based on the original."

Matthew glanced at the plan handed over by the other party:

"You want to hand out banknotes?"

Good guy.

This is a waste of money!

What Rega wanted to issue before was metal currency containing a lot of gold and copper. When Paton arrived, he started printing banknotes at no cost.

"I am going to start several large-scale projects like digging moats. Salaries will be paid with this new legal tender. This legal tender can be used to buy food and all resources or services provided by the city hall and the lord's mansion."

Patton said:

"Anti-counterfeiting technology is not a problem. I have discussed it with the people of the Southern Master Corps. As long as they are given a part of the profits, they are willing to provide technical support."

"In today's context, the Rolling Stone Kingdom can actually be self-sufficient. Slowly, we can promote the settlement scenarios of the new currency from within the country to abroad. This may take a long time, but now is the best opportunity."

"And in order to make the new legal tender have authoritative endorsement, I plan to print your portrait on these banknotes..."

"The name of the currency still needs to be considered."

"Do you think it is better to call it cemetery currency or Matthew currency?"

"I think Matthew currency is good, abbreviated as Matthew currency."

Matthew looked hesitant.

Patton hurriedly said:

"You really can't refuse this."

"Without your or the cemetery's prestige endorsement, the new currency is just a piece of waste paper in the Rolling Stone Kingdom."

"If you think this plan is not feasible, at least show me another way to solve the debt problem of the Rolling Stone Kingdom..."

Matthew blinked:

"The bridge toll can be tried."

"But the issue of the Malaysian currency, I think it needs to be considered."

"I'm not against your plan, I just think this plan needs to be improved before it can be implemented."

"I know that Rega's policy does support a lot of idle people, but a sudden change to the other extreme may cause greater turmoil."

Patton smiled bitterly:

"Of course I won't over-issue currency and ruin your reputation, you can rest assured about this."

"You need to review the annual coin issuance plan, and I will also transfer part of the profit from the seigniorage to you."

"I have considered all this."

Matthew bit his lip:

"What Zeller said."

Patton said:

"He said he would let you decide."

Matthew sighed. He grabbed the plan again and examined it with a frown.

After dawn.

Matthew got out of the king's office a little tired.

The coin issuance plan was just the appetizer of King Patton's series of reforms.

Last night.

He came up with several more influential, radical and bold financial plans.

Matthew rejected some of them.

But he also approved some of them.

The most important of them were the toll of the bridge, the cessation of free food supply and the issuance plan of the Malaysian coin -

In the end.

Matthew still agreed to the name of the Matthew coin.

There was no way.

Without this name, it would be meaningless whether this thing was issued or not.

The power of reputation was fully demonstrated at this moment.

Since the Battle of Fame and the Lost Paradise incident.

Matthew can be regarded as a household name in the entire Aindo world. His reputation is only second to the Seven Saints of the Alliance and Ekmond and others, and is far ahead of other rising stars in the alliance.

In the south, especially in the Kingdom of Rolling Stone, he is like a patron saint.

The issuance of Malaysian currency can further solidify Matthew's reputation.

Although it is more disadvantageous than beneficial to him.

But he also saw Patton's difficulties. This guy is worthy of being a tax officer. He has a first-class financial sense and eloquence.

Matthew was finally convinced by him.

After leaving the city hall.

The only thought in Matthew's mind was:

"I hope little Patton can take it easy. At least, in a few years, Matthew's currency will not become a pile of toilet paper..."


A few days later.

Southeast of Rolling Stone City.

On the banks of the Blackwater River in the Star Realm.

A series of intricate gray tentacles burst out from the center of the wilderness, instantly engulfing all the remaining demons nearby.


Bursts of white smoke emerged from the surface of the demons, and soon, they died one after another!

Bang bang bang!


The bodies of the demons fell limply, then slowly got up from the ground, turning into lifeless dark servants.

Matthew held the Jaeger Blade in his hand and passed through this group of new dark servants, his eyes seemed a little out of focus.

He was checking the dense records on the data bar.

"Hint: Your mission "Killing, just to protect! "Updated with a new progress!

The cumulative number of invading demons killed exceeds 50,000!

You have obtained a new title "Human Guardian" and a random legendary wilderness form!

Do you want to draw now?

Human Guardian: You will gain the support and respect of a wide range of humans;

When you enter the legend, this title will be sublimated into a domain authority;

On the land you have guarded (Rolling Stone Kingdom), you will gain additional recognition from the will of the plane and a luck +1 effect.

Tip: This task accumulates the druid spells you have obtained (randomly drawn once every 10,000 demons)-

1. Advanced Resurrection

2. Grant of Suspended Death (You can grant this advanced blessing to any living unit, and you can maintain up to 5 Suspended Death blessings at the same time.

During the period when the blessing is effective, the unit will trigger the Suspended Death state when it is close to the dying state, and then have a chance to confuse the enemy's judgment.

Note: During suspended animation, you are immune to 95% of physical and spell damage)

3. Higher Nature Covenant (You have signed a higher covenant with the will of nature. From then on, you will have the power to promote more animals to become the soul of nature.


All natural attacks deal half damage to you)

4. Resonance (You can give the target within the spell range stronger empathy and sympathy, making the target group more reasonable and easier to communicate with.

You can even communicate with inanimate objects using this spell)"

The mission "Battle of Fame" came to an end after Matthew defeated the demon army;

But "killing just to protect" has continued to this day, half a year later.

Matthew guessed that this was because the demon lord Eisner and his remnants were still widely active on the continent of Irondor.

So during this half-year period.

He never gave up on the demon soldiers.

The above four abilities and spells derived from the druid profession are proof of this.

But what Matthew cares more about is the title of human guardian.

And this random legendary wilderness form!

After the Dragon Turtle.

Matthew hasn't gained a new wild form in a long time.

So he chose to draw it immediately.

"Tip: The random legendary wilderness form has been drawn——

You have obtained a new wilderness form "Eastern Immortal Ape"!

Eastern Immortal Ape (LV22/Hero Template/Legendary Template/Eastern Continent Spirit Template): A special spirit from the vicinity of the Fairy Tribe’s territory in the Eastern Continent, a magical creature that is said to have the power to dominate the world.

You have obtained the youth form of the Oriental Immortal Ape in the wild form, which has the following characteristics——

1. Make good use of sticks: The Oriental Immortal Apes are proficient in stick skills, and any stick in their hands can exert a hundred times its original power.

2. The Holy Vajra Body: The Oriental Immortal Monkey possesses the indestructible body of the golden monster. He is immune to all spells below legendary level and has super high natural armor.

3. Fighting Supreme: The Oriental Immortal Monkey has super dominance in close combat, and all its actions have the highest judgment level.

4. Shrink the ground into an inch: The Oriental Immortal Monkey has solidified the ability to shrink into an inch. Every step it takes can greatly shorten the distance between it and the enemy, and can quickly get rid of the pursuers at specific times.

5. Predict good and bad luck: The Oriental Immortal Monkey has a superb sixth sense, and he can easily dodge the attacks of all legendary assassins.

6. Extraterritorial species: The Eastern Immortal Ape cannot fully adapt to the laws of the Iron Dor continent, so this wilderness form can only last for 12 minutes at most.

Others a little..."

Finally, there is a wild form that can carry, fight, and specialize in fighting, and it is also a legendary level!

Matthew's eyes flashed with relief.

This Oriental Immortal Ape is extraordinary at first glance, and it looks like it can fight very well.

Don’t say anything else.

Just the two qualities of predicting good and bad luck and the Holy Vajra Body are enough to give all legendary assassins a headache.

Even a mage would find it difficult to gain benefit from such a warrior with such a strong thrusting ability.

The only pity is that the time is a bit short.

It can only last for 12 minutes.

"But the laws of the continent of Irondor are also changing. Maybe after a while, the Eastern Immortal Ape will last longer?"

Matthew couldn't help but recall the golden ship plan.

He had handed over the money yesterday.

A full million.

Nothing less.

This shows Matthew’s determination.

But Isabel just gave him a simple boat ticket and said nothing else.

He could only wait silently for the follow-up content.

Blackwater Riverside.

Matthew continued to patrol the border with the slaves of darkness.

He heard that many astral goblins and vicious water ghosts appeared nearby.

The existence of these creatures will undoubtedly affect the order of Rolling Stone City.

So Matthew planned to clean them all in one fell swoop.

But he didn't go far.

A familiar face appeared in his field of vision.

That was Fandral, the Alliance mage.

In the past half year or so.

Fandral is one of the few mages who still maintains contact with Matthew.

But the attitude is also much more distant than before.

But this time we meet.

Fandral's face was full of smiles.

It seemed that the old fox was already aware of the change in the direction of the wind.

Matthew smiled and greeted him.

The two met and chatted quite animatedly, as if the indifference period in the past half year had never existed.

After the pleasantries.

Fandal revealed the reason for his trip:

"The results of the investigation you entrusted me to investigate have basically come out."

"The so-called legendary sniper, this identity, or this group, is itself a cover for making friends out of thin air."

"Someone used a large-scale deception spell and hired a group of bards to try to cause cognitive or memory confusion."

"in other words."

"There is no legendary sniper profession in Irondor."

"They're just here for you."

"I'm afraid the reason why I put on this layer of skin is just to make it more confusing!"

"Most of the people who have appeared in various places pretending to be you are necromancers, and there are traces of demonic activities around them."

"But whether they are necromancers or demons, they are not good at deceptive illusions."

"So according to my judgment, it's not just one person who is targeting you, but a group of people with various professions."

Fandal's analysis is quite accurate.

Matthew had a similar reaction after learning this information.

"Sure enough."

"You can't just believe the information given in the data column with your eyes closed."

"This information is automatically generated based on my perception and my sixth sense, and does not represent absolute truth."

Thinking like this.

Matthew glanced at the data column.

He found that the information about the legendary sniper on it had indeed changed.

He smiled.

Then he thanked Fandal for his intelligence resources.

After that, he tried to find out the news about the Golden Ship from the mage.


Even Fandal said that he knew no more than Matthew.

It is said that the Golden Ship project has a very high confidentiality priority in the Seven Saints Alliance.

Not to mention the middle-level mages like them.

Even the people of the Silver Council don't know much inside information.

Almost all mages are trying to find out about the Golden Ship plan like Matthew.

It's a pity that the upper legends are very tight-lipped.

The news is only circulated in the upper level.

Perhaps only the Seven Saints and Ekmond and others can see the full picture of the plan.

"The only news I can get is that the Golden Ship Plan is very likely related to something that the divine wizards found in the lost historical world."

"It is said that for that thing, Isabel and Surel fought each other..."

"But no one knows what that thing is."

"So the matter has become a closed loop here."

Fandral explained with a wry smile.

Matthew smiled helplessly.

After chatting with Fandral for a while and sending him away.

Matthew was thinking quickly while cleaning up the monsters on the Blackwater River.

He also had a rough guess about the group of "Legendary Snipers" in his mind -

Demon Lord Eisner;

Thousand Change Lord Gasliwen;

Those necromancers who pretended to be him may come from Baiyan City or other peer organizations.

That's about it.

He is usually kind to others and doesn't make many enemies, so it is relatively easy to lock in the range of people who are looking for trouble with him.

"It's not a costless thing to stop me from becoming a legend."

"If these flies don't jump out to fight me, I'm too lazy to take the initiative to trouble them."

"But as long as they stand in my way to becoming a legend, I will definitely clean them up!"

The oak and the undead;

Life and death;

Matthew has already reached a balance.

The only thing left.

Only nature and immortality.

What is nature?

Whatever is done in accordance with the will of the plane is nature!

And what does the will of the plane desire most now?

It is to end the chaos!

It is a brand new order!

The words that Isabel said before suddenly appeared in Matthew's mind.

In this age full of chaos.

Only killing.

Can order be established in the shortest time!


Matthew chopped off the head of a vicious water ghost with a shovel.

At that moment.

He felt a whim in his heart!


"Hint: Your practice of the Legendary Way has broken through the "Wind and Frost Period" and entered the "Nectar Period"!

You have obtained the legendary blessing "Excellent Wisdom" belonging to the Nectar Period in advance

Excellent Wisdom: Your speed of learning spells has increased to ten times the original speed!

Legendary Way (Nectar)——

Keywords: Nature \u0026 Immortality \u0026 Balance

Nature: In order to fit the natural way of the new era, you decided to devote yourself to the way of killing.

Your Legendary Way has opened up a new branch path!

After this.

You will be able to gain more Legendary Practice Points from starting killing and ending chaos.

You will have the ability to sense the place where the "Chaos Storm" occurs!

In the perception of the Chaos Storm——

You perceive.

In the Order City of Canning in the North.

An unprecedented chaos storm is about to break out.

End it.

You will gain unprecedented practice points of the Legendary Way!"


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