The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 55 You can’t see the next scene!

In the hut, Li Weiqi drank a glass of water and talked eloquently:

"During the years when I was following the traces of Panlong, I dealt with many Sioux people. Some of them had advanced professions that were very different from those in Irondor. A Sioux elder told me that in the new era, In ancient times, there once appeared in the Eastern Continent an elite profession with the ability to transcend life and death. Its name was "Taoist Priest."

It is a pity that the group of Sioux people who came on the building boat did not master all the Taoist heritage. Some of them relied on relevant professional skills and integrated the power of the indigenous shamans of the Manya Peninsula to recreate a Tao that balances life and death. way.

That advanced path is called "Balance Envoy" among the Sioux people, and only professionals above level 8 can advance.

However, there are not many Balance Messengers. I have only heard of similar inheritance on a remote island in the Arun Sea.

The Sioux people on that island were very lonely and lived an isolated life. I helped them kill a sea monster and was lucky enough to gain their recognition, but I still had no chance to come into contact with the real Messenger of Balance.

Perhaps this is just a legend among the Sioux people. Controlling life and death at the same time is contrary to common sense in the professional system of the Iron Dor continent. "

Taoist priests and shamans.

Fusion into the Messenger of Balance?

Matthew suddenly became very interested in this inheritance.

He had studied the information about the Soviet Union that Samantha had given him, but unfortunately most of it was just mythical legends or road maps on how to get to the Soviet Union.

There was very little information about the captain's son and the secret cache she mentioned.

Under this situation, Matthew originally planned to take a safe path, that is, to advance to "Advanced Necromancer".

After all, whether it is the Pale Lord or other undead advancements, they will more or less gradually gravitate towards the evil camp.

Only the advancement of the Necromancer himself can maintain a delicate balance.

The ritual to advance to the advanced level of Necromancer is not difficult.

Matthew just needs to find a few strange undead people in the wilderness and talk to them all night long.

Before dawn, if you gain the recognition of these strange undead by any means, you can complete the "Night of the Dead" ritual and obtain the title of senior necromancer.

But relatively speaking, this kind of advancement method is relatively mediocre, with almost no additional power improvement.

It was Matthew's last resort.

But things are different now.

He unexpectedly learned about the inheritance of the Balance Messenger from Li Weiqi.

Whether it is a shaman or a Taoist priest, they should take the route of a spell caster. If a necromancer tries to advance, he should not be unable to meet the prerequisites.

Of course, all this is just Matthew's imagination at the moment. According to Li Weiqi, it is extremely difficult to obtain the inheritance of the Balance Messenger.

Matthew was just going to give it a try.

If that doesn't work, go back and advance to Advanced Necromancer.

Anyway, he has the knowledge of life and death, and has domain blessings. His combat power is several times that of ordinary people, and he is not that eager for the additional increases brought by special advancements.

At the moment, Matthew and Li Weiqi talked a lot about the Sioux island.

When he learned that Matthew was interested in becoming a Balance Messenger, Li Weiqi asked Matthew to find paper and pen without saying a word, and he wrote a letter of recommendation for Matthew.

This move moved Matthew deeply.

Before he could express his doubts, Li Weiqi chuckled and said:

"The oak trees have told me everything you have done here, Matthew, you are a nature-loving person, and I don't want you to lean in the evil direction in the future. The Balance Messenger is the most suitable person for your progress. level.

But you can’t have too high expectations. When I was walking on the island, I found that the Sioux people did not have any special abilities. They had probably completely lost their ancestral heritage. This is not surprising, no matter what race they are. , we will lose a lot in the long dark years. "

After writing the letter of recommendation, Li Weiqi said again:

"And I'm not helping you for free. In the next few days, I will live in Rolling Stone Town. The noisy and bustling town is not suitable for me. Only your oak forest is more suitable as a spiritual residence. I hope you can agree. I have lived in the woods for a long time."

How could Matthew disagree with this?

After Eli left, he was about to go out to look for opportunities to advance. By chance, a fifth-level boss took the initiative to take charge.

Although Li Weiqi stayed here most likely to monitor the changes in the Dark Territory for Rhaegar.

But Matthew is still relieved as a beneficiary.

Oak Grove is safe, at least in the short term.

The two chatted for a while.

The end.

Li Weiqi suddenly said seriously:

"Matthew, you'd better not go out to advance for too long."

Matthew solemnly said:

"What do you say? Is something big going to happen here?"

Li Weiqi nodded and said:

"It's a very serious matter - I'm afraid that if you leave for too long and I occupy the magpie's nest, your harem will fall in love with me!"

Matthew was shocked: "Harem?"

Li Weiqi couldn't help but burst out laughing:

"Your oak trees!"

"I can't believe it!"

Matthew laughed dryly and echoed twice.

Telling cold jokes is really not suitable for monks!

After learning the clues about the Balance Messenger from Li Weiqi, Matthew began to speed up preparations for the advancement.

In addition to purchasing necessary props for travel, intelligence information is a more important content.

Li Weiqi's information is not clear enough to be used as a complete basis.

So at four o'clock the next morning.

Matthew arrived at the "Crucible Room" with brisk steps.

Still an open top floor.

Matthew met the gentle-tempered Tarling 177.

"Good morning, Matthew, you look very happy. As someone who has been there, I guess you are in love! And your life with your partner is relatively satisfactory, oh, just like Xiaohua and I used to be. It's really sad to think about it."

Talling 177 became a little frustrated as he spoke.

"That's not the case. I just found an opportunity for advancement that suits me."

Matthew hurriedly explained: "I have two things I want to ask you."

Taling waved his hand generously: "Just ask, I will give you a 50% discount on the consulting fee until Ronan comes back!"

Matthew asked curiously: "Didn't you receive the full amount of the consulting fee?"

An expression of grief and anger immediately appeared on Ta Ling's face: "No, I only have 10%! In fact, I don't plan to hand over the consulting fee until Ronan comes back. After giving you a 50% discount, I am still better than before. Make a lot of money!"

It seems that Master Ronan is also good at exploitation.

Matthew wisely asked no more questions.

"Two keywords. The first is Mark of the Dead. I want to know the origin and story of the Mark of the Dead, as well as potential solutions to the spread of the Mark of the Dead. The second keyword is the Messenger of Balance. This profession does not involve the Su Kingdom. , but it’s related to the Sioux people, please don’t tell me it’s another confidential matter.”

He made his purpose clear.

Ta Ling thought for a moment and suddenly shouted loudly:

"No. 1001! Go get me the shiny thing on the cabinet!"

Soon, a panting little guy appeared on the other side of the elevator.

This is a construct that is only the size of a halfling, and its body looks quite thin. At this time, it carries a document bag on its back. The bag is heavy and seems to have a lot of content.

"This is all the information about the Mark of the Dead from the Seven Saints Alliance. It is free. The alliance welcomes anyone who wants to solve the Mark of the Dead to contribute, but it is difficult for you to find the answer you want directly from it. I suggest you take it back and slowly look."

Tarling handed the file bag to Matthew.

Immediately, he proudly introduced the small construct:

"Did you see it, Matthew? This is my new son, No. 1001! I have always felt too lonely, and always looking for a partner is not a problem. Why not find yourself a son? What do you think of it?"

Seeing the trembling appearance of the little construct, Matthew could only try his best to smile sincerely: "What a great kid, he looks like he has a bright future!"

"You are very discerning Matthew." Taling Dale said: "I knew he had a bright future. Look, his eyes look very similar to mine. We are father and son at first glance. This is unmistakable!"

As he said this, he was about to pick up No. 1001 and play with it for a while.

Matthew quickly reminded: "There are also Balance Messengers."

Ta Ling said blankly: "Didn't I just say that it is confidential content. Everything related to the Su Kingdom is top secret, unless you can kill Ronan and replace him, but you must not be able to do that now, right Matthew?"

"My suggestion is that you can go there and try your luck, but don't get too deep into it. I am very optimistic about you. When you successfully advance, please come to me in the Crucible House immediately. I will help you join the Seven Saints Alliance. formalities."

Matthew was a little surprised: "Me, join the Seven Saints Alliance?"

Ta Ling nodded and said: "Of course, Ronan has already written you an internal recommendation letter. As long as you reach the third level, you will immediately become the person with the highest authority among the peripheral members, but after that, you have to rely on your own efforts. , after all, Ronan’s life or death is uncertain, and the value of your relationship will be greatly reduced.”

As the most powerful mage organization on the continent of Irondor, the Seven Saints Alliance would naturally not be missed by Matthew.

Master Ronan's various arrangements also made him feel heart-warming.

"Why, are you ready to leave after asking the questions?"

Tarling looked at Matthew casually while playing with the small construct.

Matthew smiled sheepishly:

"Actually, I still have something to ask for."

Ta Ling said cheerfully: "Who among us is following the other! We are the first two founders of the "Ronan Must Die Organization" and our relationship is inseparable. If there is anything that needs to be said, just say it!" "

Matthew directly ignored the anti-thief declaration in the other party's words.

He took out the glass bottle from Miaofa's bag with his backhand.

"I know you have been lonely, so I found a companion for you. Of course, I am not without any requirements. I hope you can train him well - when I take him away from you, I hope you can Get an obedient little guy."

As he spoke, he smashed the bottle on the ground.


When the bottle shattered, a frog jumped out of it.

Ta Ling said dissatisfied: "Hey Matthew, what do you think of me? Are you still training me to think that I am the madam of a brothel?"

"Besides, I am not willing to play with all creatures. I have my own interests, hobbies and orientations. Look what you have brought to me? A frog? I have no interest at all!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the frog's body expanded rapidly and turned into an absurdly fat troll.

"Who woke up Xinwak from his sleep?!"

The troll roared in dissatisfaction.

There was a crisp thud.

Matthew saw Taling smash Construct No. 1001 in his hand against the wall far away.

"Oh, son, you are still young, you can't watch the next training scene."

Talling 177 stared intently at the troll's fleshy body.

His expression became more and more playful.

arrive home.

Matthew originally wanted to go to the Lord's Mansion first and discuss with Zeller about becoming a consultant to the Lord's Mansion.

However, just as he was going out, the postman in the town unexpectedly brought him a letter.

The envelope was large, with green tree patterns dotting the edges, and a beautiful bow tied with a piece of silver satin on the outside.

The postmark address is displayed.

This letter comes from the wood elves' holy city "Jade Cangting".

Matthew pondered for a moment and opened the letter.

A faint fragrance hits my face.

Today’s two updates are posted together.

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