The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 57 Soul Cage (Please subscribe!)

"Dear teacher (the word "teacher" is crossed out) Matthew:

Stay safe.

I am currently sitting on a bench outside the Prancing Horse Hotel in Shangdong District, Jade Cangting, writing to you (your word is crossed out).

It has been less than half a month since I came to Jade Cangting. Before setting off, I had all kinds of unrealistic fantasies about the journey. But after leaving Rolling Stone Town, I found that it was very different from what I imagined. I guess it was because my knowledge was too poor. for the sake of.

Many things happen unexpectedly on the road, and people have nowhere to talk.

Since the first day I came here, I have always missed the people in Rolling Stone Town, my father, mother, Sif, and you——

Please forgive me for my rashness that day. As you said, I actually don’t understand the Necromancer. I don’t know why I felt fear subconsciously. Maybe I was trapped by the fear in the worldly impression. Looking back now, at that time I am more at a loss.

But I guess you will forgive me, right?

Because you are always so considerate.

So I wrote to you shamelessly, hoping you really don't mind.

Our journey was not peaceful. On the second day after leaving Rapids, the convoy encountered a group of road bullies. At that time, their people blocked the convoy from the front and back. I was so nervous that I almost vomited in the carriage. The captain of the guard comforted me and said They'll figure it out.

He said that his judgment on gangsters was very accurate. The road bullies didn't look like they would fight to the death, and our team was strong enough.

The facts turned out as he expected. The team boss discussed with the road bullies for a while, collected a little money from each family, and then they dispersed.

The captain of the guard told me that the team boss was most likely working with Roadhog, and the two parties were working together to defraud the guests of their tolls. People who go out rarely mind spending money to eliminate disasters, so this is safe and can do more. an income.

I didn't believe it after hearing it. I thought this was a story made up by the guard captain to show off his knowledge.

But the afternoon before we arrived at the Elf Territory, I accidentally caught the convoy boss negotiating with a man who was not part of our convoy in the woods next to the camp. He took a heavy money bag from the man.

I recognized that man, he was one of the Roadhogs.

They spotted me, but the team boss just shooed me away and warned me not to say anything.

When I got back to the carriage, I told the captain of the guard what had happened, but he didn't allow me to leave the carriage for the next three days.

I was scared and of course I wasn't going anywhere.

I kept thinking wildly while sitting in the car. I always felt that the team boss was going to silence me at the next moment.

I was so scared that I couldn't sleep well for several days.

But when we reached the Elf Territory, we changed the team boss, and nothing terrible happened.

When handing over the guide, I secretly lifted the curtain to look at the team leader from Rapids.

He was calm throughout and even smiled at me when he saw me.

At that time, I suddenly remembered that when I first saw him in Grand Rapids, his wife came to see him off. He was sitting on the edge of the carriage holding his three or four-year-old daughter, talking to his wife with a warm smile, and told her not to worry.

that moment.

I finally realized a little bit of the nature of this world.

In the past, when I was at Sif's house, she would often lecture me in an old-fashioned way: "My child, the world of adults is very complicated, and little lambs like you can easily be eaten alive."

I always giggled at the way she imitated adult mouths.

Thinking about it now, Sif has always been smarter than me, more mature than me, and aware of the complexity of the world earlier than me.

The lord's daughter really wants to be better.

What do you think?

I thought it would be a smooth journey once the convoy entered the elf territory.

But who knew that the next day, we encountered a giant dragon!

Suddenly, when the dragon flew over our heads, I felt my heartbeat stopped for several seconds while sitting in the carriage, and all the horses were extremely restless and moaning.

I looked through the car window and saw a large shadow passing on the ground.

There is a faint hint of green above the sky.

Later, I heard the half-elf guide mention that it was an adult green dragon that nested in the "Garden of Fallen Leaves". Her name was Fatina. Jade Cangting had conflicts with her many times and tried to expel her, but Fatina Na is cunning and persistent, always wandering around the northern part of the forest, and from time to time she will attack lone pedestrians or convoys.

We were lucky enough not to be targeted by Fatina, but the fact that she appeared in the south of the forest was very strange.

I noticed a hint of worry in the half-elf guide's attitude.

Jade Cangting does not seem to be as powerful, sacred, and inviolable as I imagined, and the elves also have troubles that cannot be solved.

Later, I met many zombie-like elves outside Jade Cangting City.

The guide warned us not to get close to them, otherwise our lives would be in danger.

Locals call them "the lost ones."

This is a group of lunatics abandoned and cursed by the forest.

I asked the guide if they were so scary, why didn't Jade Cangting expel them?

The guide only said that the elves could not bear to abandon their compatriots, but did not explain more.

I'm even more confused.

Later, when I entered the city, I felt like I had stepped into a dream.

Jade Cangting is really beautiful.

There are countless trees here. They are tall, reliable, warm, and their omnipresent branches and leaves shade every corner of this city.

Most of the ancient trees here are over a thousand years old.

If you want to enjoy the sunshine, as long as you know a few elvish words, the ancient trees will thoughtfully spread their branches and leaves and let the sunshine shine on your face.

I know you love planting trees, Matthew, and you will love it here.

When I first entered the city, my mood was so joyful.

But soon reality poured cold water on my face.

Before leaving, my father only said that he would send me to learn the singing and dancing of elves, but he did not tell me that I would also learn swordsmanship and spells at the same time!

I was sent to a group of half-elves and elves.

I am the only human being in the entire group.

Although everyone there greeted me with a smile, I could feel a deep sense of alienation and indifference beneath the smiles.

They don't welcome me.

Even a bit discriminatory towards humans.

One time after a dance class, while changing clothes, I overheard the exact words of a half-elf to her companion:

"That human busty girl, she really knows how to show off her figure, but what's the use of it? She's a good dancer, but her sword skills and spells are zero! I don't think she can become a "Sword Chant" at all. . "

Her companion smiled and replied:

"Why pay attention to her? After forty years, her plump figure will quickly dry up like a popped balloon. Isn't this the sad thing about human girls? I think with her hard work, There is still a chance to become the lowest sword chanter, but by that time, she is already an old woman who cannot dance."

I was really sad after hearing this.

Not because they are mean, but because they lament the short life of mankind.

Half-elves have a lifespan of at least 300 years, and wood elves have twice that. It is said that the night elves in the Evernight Forest live even longer.

But what about us?

The thought of inevitable aging in a few decades at most.

I feel really uncomfortable.

I wasn't even very active in dancing in those days.

After that day, the attitude of others towards me became even more obvious. They always bullied me intentionally or unintentionally - either the wooden sword used for training was hung on the butt of a musk ox, or the clothes used for dancing were splashed on. Embarrassing milk stains.

I cried for days before telling myself to be strong.

My father spent a lot of money to send me here to study, and I couldn't give up easily.

Many times when I was feeling uncomfortable, I thought of Sif.

I can't help but think that if she were here, she would be able to handle these problems with ease.

Unlike me, I only know how to hide and cry alone.

Speaking of crying, I actually don't object to crying. It doesn't help, but at least it makes me less broken.

A few more days passed.

Things took a turn for the worse when their bullying of me was caught by a Wind Chaser general.

He scolded the others severely on the spot, which frightened everyone.

The general's name was Terrani, and he was a very handsome Elf Swordsman.

He is very young, and it is said that he has the best chance of being promoted to the Elf Sword Master in the entire Jade Cangting.

Terrani treated me very well and would come to see me every now and then when I was finishing get out of class.

At first I was a little uncomfortable with his enthusiasm.

But soon, I discovered a secret of Terrani.

He is actually a girl, but she likes to dress up as a boy.

God, I was really embarrassed when I wrote this. I always felt like I was writing a novel by a third-rate bard, but it's all true.

Soon Terrani made her pursuit of me public.

This incident caused more trouble to me than the bullying from the elves.

I don’t know how to reject a powerful Wind Chaser general, and the other person is a girl.

I could only decline Terrani's passionate pursuit on the grounds that I was still young.

Tyrani did not force it. She said very gentlemanly that she would wait until I came of age, but there was only less than six months until I became an adult.

This bothered me because I had no one to talk to, so I thought of you.


If you have any great suggestions, please be sure to write me back!

It's already dark as I write this.

The aroma of barbecue wafts from the hotel. Not all elves are vegetarians. Their barbecue is light but not greasy, with a unique flavor.

But I still miss the rolled leaf barbecue in Rolling Stone Town.

Tomorrow is the Spring Festival, and there will be fireworks again in the town. The old York family will push the last batch of pigs today to eat and sell wine. Everyone will gather together to eat marshmallows and honey strawberries. My favorite arm wrestling competition and Martin Who will win the championship this time?

I can't see it.

But I know it must be a very lively scene.

I really want to go home.

Be sure to write me back!


——Yours, Beanna, 3.28, in the Jade Cangting.”

After reading it through, Matthew felt quite emotional.

He had guessed that Beanna might write to him, but he did not expect that her journey and study life at Jade Cangting would be so tumultuous.

Beanna and Sif have always been the two most outstanding students taught by Matthew.

Their family backgrounds are all privileged.

Beanna's father is a big businessman with great vision and charm, and her mother is the only daughter of a big noble in Rapid City.

Compared to Sif, Biana's personality is actually more quiet and reserved.

So her confession that day still surprised Matthew.

After reading all the experiences mentioned in the letter.

Matthew went home and pondered for a while, then wrote a long reply to her.

Even though Beanna's little intention of deliberately crossing out the word "teacher" was already obvious.

But in Matthew's heart, she was always his student.

He tried his best to put himself in her shoes and analyze——

"...Your approach is wise. Under the premise that Terrani will not harm you, having a Wind Chaser general to escort you will undoubtedly make your studies in Jade Cangting much smoother. I have a few suggestions, You might as well give it a try..."

After writing the letter, he sealed it with a seal and asked someone to deliver it to the Prancing Horse Hotel in Jade Cangting tomorrow.

In this era, the efficiency of letter operation is also low. Instant communication by senior mages is extremely expensive, and ordinary people still have to endure a long waiting time.

“It would be nice to have an owl or an albatross as a messenger.”

Collect the letter, Matthew couldn't help but think.

It is impossible for a noble natural soul like Ella to do errands, and among the undead, there seems to be no being suitable for delivering messages - maybe this is because necromancers usually have no need to communicate with others?

In the afternoon.

Matthew went to the Lord's Mansion and signed a consulting contract with Zeller.

Since then, Matthew has officially had a place in the Lord's Mansion. He will provide Rhaegar with magic knowledge consulting services, and Zeller can also devote more energy to intelligence work.

But Matthew, a consultant, came to ask for leave on his first day at work.

After he shared some information about the Mark of the Dead and the Moonlight Goddess with Zeller, he informed the other party that he was about to advance and had to take a leave of absence for a while.

Zeller thoughtfully approved Matthew's paid leave for Rhaegar.

Not only did he provide some valuable suggestions for Matthew's advancement, he also enthusiastically asked Matthew if he needed an advance on his salary.

Matthew was very grateful for this.

Then he made a small advance without hesitation.

When leaving the Lord's Mansion, Matthew bumped into Sif and the two chatted for a few words.

Also inform the other person that you will be leaving for a while.

Sif looked disappointed.

After a moment of comfort, Matthew suddenly asked:

"Has Beanna written to you after she went to Jade Cangting?"

Sif shook her head.

Matthew smiled inwardly and left the lord's mansion.

Béanna mentioned Sif many times in her letters to Matthew, but did not write to her.

Girls' minds are really subtle.

Seven days later.

Matthew's figure appeared outside Zeshui City, the southernmost city among the "Hundred Cities of the Alliance".

The only people accompanying him were A Bing and Aila.

In the past few days, they left Rolling Stone Town and had a long and tiring journey.

Before heading to the east coast, Matthew made a special trip to White Rock City and purchased a series of props from the transgender mage he was familiar with.

The most important of them are the props that may be used in "Night of the Dead":

Rabbit feet, monkey paws, bat teeth, boar umbilical cords...these are all small items that can please the undead.

As an advanced alternative ritual for the Night of the Dead, Matthew would naturally make extra preparations.

After leaving Baiyan City.

Matthew then found a moonlit night and entered the Moonlit Woodland.

When traveling long distances, the role of joining the Moonlight Society is reflected. As long as the local area has nodes to enter the Moonlight Woodland-including the natural soul, altars, and shrines that believe in Assia, Matthew, as a moonwalker, can Can be teleported in the reverse direction.

Unfortunately, Asia's power in the south is obviously weak.

The southernmost node that Matthew found in Moonglade was still hundreds of miles away from the first destination of the trip, Zeshui City.

There are foothills near Zeshui City, and the road conditions are extremely bad. Matthew almost vomited after riding in the carriage for several days.

It was dusk now.

The accompanying convoy is setting up camp to rest.

Matthew stood on the mountainside and looked to the southeast. The east coastline bordering the endless ocean was rugged under the setting sun. The sea was calm, and the land was filled with undulating mountains. Between the mountains, a majestic city stood in half. It rises from the mountainside, spirals upward, and eventually envelops the entire mountain.

That is Zeshui City.

Further south, the mountainous land will be replaced by endless tropical rainforest.

There lives an indigenous group who call themselves the "Children of the Rainforest", and the Alliance of Seven Saints calls them "Jangos".

The Jango people are brave and good at fighting, conservative and xenophobic. They are very resistant to outsiders entering the rainforest. Even the druids and rangers from the north cannot blend into this mysterious greenery.

They have their own unique professions, the most famous of which are "dart blower" and "rainforest shaman".

They master the power of voodoo, voodoo, animal taming, cannibalism and other fields full of primitive wild colors.

The seas around the rainforest, including the Endless Ocean in the east and the Arunei Sea in the south, are home to a small number of Sioux people and a large number of Nagas, the latter being the darling of storms and oceans.

It is said that there are active traces of the Dracolich Cult and headhunters deep in the rainforest.

Mountains, jungles, oceans, storms.

This is the complex environment Matthew is about to face.

This trip was destined to be very dangerous, and he did not dare to slack off at all. Therefore, after doing sufficient homework in advance, Matthew would verify the accuracy of the intelligence on the spot wherever he went.

For example, right now, he is observing Zeshui City in the distance.

"Matthew Matthew!"

Ella whispered on his shoulder:

"The rainforest in the south is very scary. I sensed a very violent natural will. It didn't welcome me and even attacked me!"

"Also, the city you are looking at now, I noticed that there is a plague there - many people are suffering from fever and are dying!"

"Ooooo, I'm so scared, let's not go there, okay?"

Plague, fever?

Matthew frowned.

He did not doubt the perception ability of the natural soul, which was why he took Ella with him on this journey.

It’s just that Zeshui City is his first stop on his way south.

"We can go in and out quickly, and I need to find a guide there through the rainforest."

Matthew comforted him and said:

"As long as we don't come into contact with too many people, we won't be so unlucky as to catch the plague."

Ella suddenly sighed, her little head becoming wilted.

Matthew thought for a while, walked quickly to the team guide, and asked:

"Ange, I heard that there is a plague in Zeshui City recently. Is this true?"

The middle-aged man named Ange and wearing a white turban said disapprovingly:

"Of course this is true, because there is a plague in Zeshui City all the time. Unless you get a few fevers, you are embarrassed to say that you have entered Zeshui City!"

"Don't worry, go to crowded places less, and don't look for women or ducks. Your probability of getting sick will be reduced by at least half, and getting a fever doesn't mean death. There are several temples in Zeshui City that specialize in holy water business. As long as you have money, you can He won’t die.”

"Some wealthy people in the city will even deliberately get sick and then drink holy water to purify their bodies and minds. This is a way for them to find excitement."

Matthew was speechless.

I have long heard that some cities in the south have very wild roads, and today I heard that they are indeed well-deserved.

He chatted a few more words with Ange about the situation in Zeshui City.

He didn't leave until nightfall.

at night.

Matthew sat in the hood and re-read the information Samantha had given him about the Sioux.

At this moment.

Suddenly a large oak forest appeared in front of his eyes!

A familiar feeling came over me.

Matthew knew that this was the taste of a gift!

"Your ability 'Nature's Gift (1/2)' is taking effect.

You gain new abilities ‘Mace Mastery’ and ‘Soul Cage’.

Mace Specialization: You have acquired the skills to use the exotic weapon "mace" and become quite proficient; when you use this weapon and cause a headshot to the enemy, you will have the opportunity to become more excited (the power is short-lived). promote);

Soul Cage: You can capture the soul of a recently dead or very weak humanoid and trap it in a cage with you.

The captured soul remains in the cage until the spell ends or you destroy the cage.

During this period, you can make the following options for this soul -

steal life;

soul torture;

Steal experience;

insult of will;

Eyes of the Dead;

Consumption: Each cast requires 1 Heart Stone (worth 100 gold coins)."

The second update will be at 14:00 tomorrow afternoon. If no special instructions are made in the future, the update time will not change, it will be updated twice a day at 0/14:00. Ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket!

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