The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 91 Your bone dragon is so useful!

When his whereabouts were revealed, Matthew increased his altitude and flew away without looking back.

Several arrows and magic attacks came from behind, but they all fell down powerlessly because they were beyond the distance.

It is worth mentioning that.

Matthew noticed that the half-elf archer didn't take action.

What she was holding was a strong bow that had been enchanted many times. For her, the distance was not unreachable.

"Is there any Dragon Cult that's not so bad?"

Thinking of the arrow that just passed him, it must have been the other party's mistake.

He noted the half-elf's face and name.

The raven swooped back into the rainforest.

Matthew already had a rough understanding of the structure of the breeding farm. Behind the tall wooden walls, a total of five tall wooden "factories" guarded the central building in a petal-like shape.

It was a giant tower with a pointed tip reaching into the sky and an oval base.

There was no sound in the tower.

But Matthew felt a rather dangerous aura from it.

There must be something being held there!

"A dragon?"

Matthew felt quite excited when he thought of the dragon eggs held in the arms of the Dragon Worshipers.

"The Dragon Breeding Farm, as the name suggests, is probably where the Dragon Worship Cult hatches its baby dragons. However, the baby dragons may not be real dragons. They may be the kind of earthly fire dragons we have seen before."

He compared them in his mind and confirmed that the dragon eggs in the arms of the Dragon Worshipers were much smaller than real dragon eggs.

After a few seconds.

Matthew returned to everyone and recounted what he saw and heard:

"...In addition to the necromancer and the half-elf archer who are senior members of the "Dragon Fang" level, they are accompanied by 6 dragon-blooded warriors and a small group of bugbear warriors, who seem to be the bodyguards of these two people. "

"The most numerous people inside are the Dragon Worshipers. They are all human beings. There are about a hundred of them. These people are much healthier and stronger than normal cultists, but they should not be difficult to deal with. In addition, although I didn't see it, they should be domesticated in the factory. There are a large number of earth fire dragons or other low-level sub-dragon species."

"They look very busy. They may be accelerating the hatching of sub-dragon species."

Li Weiqi asked:

“Didn’t you find Blinken?”

Matthew shook his head.

Li Weiqi muttered:

"It's not impossible to storm the dragon breeding farm and attract Blinken out. It's just that before seeing Blinken, Rega and I had better hide, otherwise we will lose the effect of surprise."

"But in this case, you will have insufficient manpower on the front. I'm afraid it will be difficult to pose a threat to the dragon breeding farm."

"Anyway, it's up to you to make the decision, Matthew, we are all willing to believe you."

The others also agreed.

Only Rhaegar curled his lips subconsciously.

"Manpower is not a problem. This is the home ground of the Rainforest. The Soul of the Rainforest will give us the greatest help."

Matthew made a quick decision.

He closed his eyes, communicated with Heirong's dream, and conveyed his appeal to Su Ya.

"You will have the support of the entire rainforest."

Su Ya's voice was soft and sacred.

Hearing this, Matthew felt an itch in his heart. Fortunately, "Xin Ru Shui Shui" was activated in time and the itch was gone.

The group of people waited at the edge of the rainforest for a while.


A rustling sound came from the woods behind him.

One by one, the little flying squirrels took the lead and flew down from the trees, forming a short flying squirrel waterfall.

"Don't worry, our little flying squirrel is just the vanguard, there are many buddies behind us who can fight hard!"

A voice sounded familiar to Matthew.


Matthew asked deep into the rainforest.


The earth trembled slightly.

The banana leaf that was two people tall was forcibly opened, and a burly figure taller than Matthew walked out.

Matthew took a closer look.

It was a little flying squirrel that was much larger than an average person when it stood up!

He had uneven muscles all over his body, and they looked like they had been drugged.

Only a scar left by negative energy among the white hair on his chest can prove his identity.

"Why are you so fat?"

Matthew asked in surprise.

A Fei spread his hands:

"Oh, Matthew, it's a long story. Natural Will was moved by my belief in sacrificing life and death, and after resurrecting me, asked me what else I wish for in this life.

I thought for a while, as the next generation of rainforest souls, it would be better for the shameful black history of always being kicked in the butt to occur less often. I told the truth, and the will of nature will do what I want.

As a result, when I woke up, this was what I looked like. I turned into a spirit of nature, but also lost my petite and cute appearance.

But luckily I didn't turn into a girl, otherwise I would have gone crazy! "

Bobo asked curiously:

"What's wrong with becoming a girl?"

A Fei suddenly showed a look of disgust on his face:

"My more than 3,000 brothers are all men. Once I am turned into a girl, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"Speaking of which, my status now is different from before. They all call me Fei Boss!"

Ah Fei snapped his fingers with his slender paws proudly.

The little flying squirrels immediately swarmed over.

Some of them climbed on Ah Fei's back and beat his chest and back, some tickled him from behind, and some danced back and forth on his arms.

Matthew smiled when he saw this:

"It seems like things are definitely not what they used to be."

A Fei said proudly:

"Of course, you can still call me Fei, little Matthew."

While the two were talking.

More and more animals are coming out of the rain forest. There are countless birds in the sky, and the beasts on the ground are even more ferocious. Apes and pythons, crocodiles, hippos, and a group of rhinos that come from nowhere are also watching outside the wall.

The rainforest creatures gathered in a mighty manner outside the dragon breeding farm.

Ah Fei didn't brag, these rainforest creatures all obeyed his orders.

Some beasts looked like they couldn't hold back their desire to kill, but A Fei didn't give any orders, so they didn't dare to move.

"What to say, Matthew."

A Fei asked.

"Just let the rainforest creatures attack head-on and attack the dragon breeding farm. Leave the difficult role to us."

Matthew said decisively.

"This is too easy, brothers, your boss Fei will take the lead in the charge!"

Ah Fei waved his hand and strutted towards the wall.

Several archers on the tower apparently discovered this conspicuous target.

As soon as Ah Fei approached, he was greeted by thousands of arrows.

Whoosh whoosh!

A hail of arrows struck.

A Fei was instantly transformed into an oversized hedgehog!


His body suddenly exploded, white light flashed, and the arrows fell to the ground.

A little flying squirrel ran out quickly:

"I have successfully deceived their bows and arrows!"

"Brothers, rush me!"

The next second.

Thousands of rainforest creatures attacked the wall!

Within the walls.

The people of the Dragon Worship Cult had obviously heard the noise.

"I know that being soft-hearted will not end well, Ms. Iracema. If your arrow hadn't missed on purpose, maybe they would have been more wary!"

Necromancer Jennings snorted heavily.

The half-elf archer ignored him at all.

She climbed up the tower again, pushed away the human archers, took a good position, and started shooting wildly at the rainforest creatures that rushed over!

After receiving the signal to retreat, the dragon worshipers within the wall also put down the dragon eggs in their hands and evacuated towards the five "factories".

They responded to the crisis in an orderly manner.

Jennings controlled the position of the gate where the bone dragon was located. The latter rushed into the herd of beasts and stamped violently back and forth, killing many rainforest beasts!

However, the battle has just begun.

"Tip: Your partner A Fei (the new Soul of Nature) was penetrated by a bow and arrow with "Ability: Strong Illusion" and is currently running away with his head in his arms!"

After glancing at the data column, Matthew chuckled and quickly arranged tasks for his teammates in the team.

After doing all this, he prepared to go around to the side of the dragon breeding farm alone.

Inciting rebellion is a magical skill, but it cannot be used indiscriminately.

Jennings is one level higher than Matthew. In a head-on competition, Matthew has little chance of winning.

He needs to be a little more tactical.

Unexpectedly, Matthew had just walked out a dozen steps when Bobo's voice came from behind:

"Matthew, aren't you with us from the front?"

Matthew explains:

"I have to go around the side for a sneak attack. Although you stay on the front, don't rush into the dragon breeding farm. Just like I just arranged, wait for my signal."

Bobo asked doubtfully:

"Why do you have to be so wretched even though you are a mage?"

Ma Xiu said confidently:

"Have you ever seen a mage who can transform into a wind god pterosaur?"

Bobo thought about it and felt it made sense, and then protested:

"Then why did you put me in the same group as the logistics people? Do you look down on me?"

Matthew was stunned for a moment, and then came to his senses after a moment:

"He's in the logistics department? You mean Rega? No, no, no, you misunderstood. He is a serious fourth-level warrior."

Bobo was shocked:

"I always thought he was in charge of making fun. I was originally going to ask you where you found the support staff, so he can liven up the atmosphere!"

"Hey! Little girl, it's not a good habit to speak ill of others behind their backs."

Rhaegar followed dissatisfied:

"Matthew just entrusted you to me, and I'm still looking for you everywhere!"

Bobo looked at him suspiciously.

But under Matthew's encouraging gaze, she finally compromised:

"Okay, uncle, now we are temporary partners."

"Matthew said he was going to conduct a sneak attack alone. What do you think?"

Rhaegar said calmly:

"Let him steal it."

"The Necromancer should do some sneaky stuff!"

Bobo asked boredly:

"Then what are we going to do, just sit and wait? This is too boring. How about we sneak attack a group of monsters? I see a group of earth fire dragons over there, they look stupid and easy to bully!"

Rega thought for a while:

"It's not impossible, but what are the attributes of the Earth Fire Dragon?"

Bobo said cheerfully:

"Fire? Earth? There should be some of them."

Rega waved his hand:

"Then go fuck them!"

Bobo's mood suddenly became high:

"I'm sorry, uncle, I always thought you were from the logistics team, but now it seems I was mistaken."

Rega smiled magnanimously, and took out a medicine bottle exuding the breath of ice:

"It doesn't matter, just wait for me, I'll apply sword oil and we'll set off."

Bobo's eyebrows suddenly turned into a figure-eight shape, and the antenna on the helmet stood up again. The red light jumped up and down, looking extremely dangerous.

The surrounding environment also became very chaotic, with the sounds of fighting between dragon worshipers and beasts resounding inside and outside the walls.

But this does not affect Lei Jia's movements of applying sword oil to become more and more elegant, appropriate and...


To the east of the breeding farm, adjacent to the desert, at a gap in the wall, Matthew squeezed through easily.

Wearing an "invisibility ring" in his hand, he stood close to the wall and became invisible at the slightest disturbance.

But it was a smooth journey.

The Dragon Worshipers were all attracted by the crazy attack of the beasts from the west, but the rear was empty and empty.

Matthew was able to sneak all the way inside.

ten minutes later.

He successfully arrived behind a factory building.

This is not far from the western wall. Dragon Cultists have built a mixed structure of wooden bunkers and towers here. In the Dragon Breeding Farm, senior members of the Dragon Cult gather here.

Half-elf archers occupy the topmost part of the tower.

Her archery skills are very good and she can always accurately find elite characters among the dense rainforest creatures and kill them with one blow.

If there weren't too many rainforest creatures and Su Ya had not issued a death order, she might have been able to defend this level on her own.

However, the core factor that hindered the frontal battlefield in the rain forest was the necromancer.

Jennings is standing on the third floor of the bunker.

He was surrounded by guards.

Directly in front of him was the battlefield where the two sides were fighting the most intensely, and there were already countless corpses lying around.

With Jennings conducting and singing.

The bone dragon ran rampant, greatly slowing down the impact of the rainforest army.

The corpses were also resurrected by Zhannings. The beasts that had just charged and fought together turned into the puppets of the Necromancer in an instant. This phenomenon is extremely terrifying for any kind of intelligent creature.

After the initial charge.

The most ferocious and intelligent beasts, insects and snakes, hesitated.

They destroyed the wall wantonly, but did not dare to go any further.

In the factory building of Yulongchang.

Dragon worshipers were constantly coming in and out.

Groups of fire dragons were released and were rushing to the battlefield ahead in an orderly manner.

See this scene.

Matthew knew that if he didn't take action, defeat on the frontal battlefield would be a matter of time.

So he found a corner where he couldn't be easily found.

Started his own little action.

Two minutes later.

Jennings on the third floor of the wooden bunker suddenly felt something was wrong.

That moment.

A deep chill flashed through his heart——

It was as if a strong hand had arbitrarily inserted itself into the inseparable contract between himself and the Bone Dragon!

No, that's not a hand.

But the spiritual power of a third party!

"What kind of magic is this?"

Zhan Ningsi looked at the direction of the bone dragon in horror.

as expected.

Under the intervention of the third party's mental power, the bone dragon's actions showed obvious sluggishness. It stretched out its claws and wanted to pat but was reluctant to do so, which made Jennings extremely angry.

"Someone wants to snatch control of the bone dragon from me?"

"The enemies attacking this time are not only high-level druids, but also high-level necromancers?"

Much to Jennings' relief.

The third party's mental power does not seem to be strong.

Although he successfully intervened in the contract between himself and the Bone Dragon, the initiative seemed to still be in his own hands.

He is confident that he can take back his bone dragon!

The next second.

He closed his eyes and concentrated as hard as he could.

But at this time.

An extremely terrifying scream sounded in his ears!

Jennings' eardrums seemed to have been pierced instantly.

He opened his eyes in a panic, only to find an ugly ghost in the sky not far away smiling at him!

"Ability: Life-threatening cry"!

Fortunately, high-level necromancers are extremely resistant to mental attacks.

He bit the tip of his tongue and woke up immediately.

"What are you doing!? Get rid of that ghost!"

shouted Jennings angrily.

The resistance of the dragon-blooded warriors was also very high. They reacted and tried to kill the ghost, but the latter made a turn in the air and headed in the opposite direction to where Matthew was hiding at extremely fast speeds. flew away.

Being so frightened by the ghost, Zhan Nings' concentration dropped significantly. He panicked and mistakenly felt that the bone dragon was leaving him!

At the critical moment, he had no extra energy to find the enemy's location.

He just concentrated his mental power as much as possible, trying to bring back the bone dragon that was drifting away!

This skull dragon took him a lifetime to save!

He must not lose it!

"Never let others take it away!"

Under the support of this strong belief, Zhan Ningsi's mental power was unprecedentedly concentrated, and he actually pulled the bone dragon back a little from the opponent's hand.

But before he could see a happy smile on his face.

A strange itching erupted from his lungs, trachea, and throat.


He started coughing violently!

During this process.

His concentration also flowed down like a waterfall!

He can't hold back his bone dragon anymore!

"No no no!"

Jennings coughed painfully. He only felt that a hand was pinching his lungs, making him unable to breathe.

His eyeballs were heavily bloodshot, and the blood was almost solid and ready to drip out.

For a moment.

He seemed to see the innocent people who were tortured and killed by him.

They also knelt on the ground like this, looking at themselves with helpless eyes.

But this does not affect Zhan Ningsi brutally killing them, and then making them into immortals.

"Don't bother me, you bugs, death is your reward!"

Jennings shook his head violently.

He refused the memories that flooded his mind, and tried his best to call for help from his companions:

"Iracema! Iracema!"

"There is a mage near us! Please be sure to find him!"

However, the half-elf archer did not respond to his screams.

As early as the ghost took action, a skeleton assassin jumped out from the shadow realm and fought fiercely with her.

Iracema is a master of archery and has excellent melee skills, but it is not that easy to deal with a sword dancer of the same level.

She couldn't help Jennings at the moment.

Three seconds later.

She heard a heart-rending roar coming from her companion below:


"Give it back to me!"

Two seconds later.

The bone dragon, which had been in a daze on the battlefield for a long time, suddenly took action again.

But this time.

It is charging in the direction of the wooden bunker!

"Tip: You have completed a successful "Instigation of Rebellion", and you have gained temporary control of the Bone Dragon (lasting for 12 hours)!"

Feeling comfortable.

Matthew, who succeeded in the attack, controlled the bone dragon to run rampant without hesitation!


The bone dragon hit the base of the bunker, which collapsed violently, and the buildings on it also became shaky.

At the same time, a lot of bones also fell from the bone dragon.

On the bunker.

When Zhan Nings, who had just been helped by the Dragon Blood Warriors to evacuate to the open space, saw this scene, he raised his hand sadly and wailed in pain:

"Be gentle!"

"That's my bone!"

But at this moment.

This sentence floated beside him:

"Thank you, but it's mine now. Your bone dragon is so useful!"

Hearing this, Zhan Ningsi suddenly began to vomit blood and his body twitched violently.

Tens of seconds later.

With a kick of his feet, he died in the arms of the dragon blood warriors.

"Reminder: Necromancer Jennings died due to rage attacking his heart!

Since you successfully instigated the "Bone Dragon" in front of its owner and made the original owner angry to death, you have opened up a new field, which is similar to the "Plunder" field, but not exactly the same. You can make the following Choice——

1. Entering the "plundering field" for the first time (no consumption)

2. Open up a new field and name the new field (consumes: a certificate of the field)."

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