The Nemesis

Chapter 13 - Old Man's Advice

Six months later. Past mid-time of year 462.

The day finally arrived when the study of his academy was over. Edwin is taking a test for Ar rank and faction selection before joining the designated unit. Back then, the jury and authorities decided that Edwin would be granted the rank Ar and send directly to Hamilton without putting him in a faction. In the beginning, Edwin had no problem with that. He was excited to hop into some real work right after the academy exit. Still, he does put lots of hard work into training and learning. Things changed during those six months.

Some of his classmates were talking and spreading a rumor. That Edwin is not capable of becoming the Ar with his strength. On the other hand, Edwin felt the same way. In reality, he is failing to do any elemental magic. Sixty percent of his classmates were good at elemental spells, even though elemental magic is tough to handle. Divination is way out of the league because a Kezar rank people could not use it. Only the mages can perform that. Edwin is average in Incantations and Alchemy. It's not like he can't do it, but average means he could die if he relies on Incantations and Alchemy.

Apart from that, Edwin shows potential in weaponry, and he is an impressive swordsman. He can do archery as well as have good knowledge of fighting with spears. As previously mentioned, he observes the opponents very well in close combat. With these skills, David considers him a good student. And he believes that Edwin would make a great warrior. Edwin is confident about that too. He wanted to prove to them and also to himself that he is capable and powerful to achieve the 'Ar' by himself. He approached the authorities and asked them to allow him to participate in the test.

Edwin made the point clear that if he failed to gain rank, he would go back to the academy to start over again, under the watch of Hamilton's soldier. And further work under them. Besides, that is just a rank and faction selection. What could it go against the decision? Thinking like that, they permitted Edwin to take the test. As soon as he got their approval, Edwin got anxious about his commitment. Edwin thought that on his way home, that is he did right or wrong. Edwin reminds himself that going back to the academy? What could he thinking when he talked to the authority.

He finally reached home and told the good news to his old man. Bobby Murphy was the man who runs the orphanage where Edwin lived in past years. Generally, when the kid becomes Ar, they are sent to their respective places after the academy. Or some stay in the orphanage until they were able to live by themselves. In other words, when this test is over and if Edwin pass, he would have to left the orphanage and go away from Murphy forever. Murphy knew that. He liked Edwin most of the time he spent with Edwin, teaching him stuff and telling stories. Edwin never felt alone and never thought about his parents when he was around. Murphy adores him as his grandchild.

It's not like Murphy only gave attention to Edwin, as for every child in the orphanage, he is the same. Edwin felt too much attachment towards Murphy, and he never disobeyed him and always paid attention to his teachings. Murphy's heart filled with joy when Edwin finished off academy, and he is taking a step towards becoming the Ar. He told Edwin that Murphy is so proud of him that he accomplished this. Sarcastically, Edwin told Murphy that this excitement is good, but that is just a first step. The day will soon arrive that Edwin will be an Ace knight of Pisces.

Murphy asked Edwin that if he remembers his teaching. Edwin answered that he remembers everything he taught. Again Murphy asked him to elaborate on it. Edwin got lost in his thought, smiled, and agreed on that.

Edwin elaborating that always look in the eyes of people. If in a fight, hit first and hit hard. Keep your secrets, never give up, and miracles happen every day.

Always accept an outstretched hand. Because in this world, where people try to crush one another, the people who give a hand are necessary. Be brave. Even if not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference. Make it a habit to do nice things for people who will never find out. There is not true glory and peace if you show off your kindness. The real ones are those who act in darkness to make the world a better place. Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all they have. Give people a second chance if necessary, but not a third.

Loosen up. Relax. Except for rare life-and-death matters, nothing is as important as it first seems. Be a good loser/winner. Never let the defeat break you or the win to be arrogant. Be modest. Beware of the person who has nothing to lose. Never burn bridges. You may be surprised how many times you have to cross the same river. Be bold and courageous. When you look back on life, you will regret the things you don't do more than the ones you did. Always remember, no one makes it alone. Have a grateful heart and be quick to acknowledge those who helped you.

Always pay respect for everyone who works for a living, regardless of how trivial their job is. Become someone's hero. Count your blessings Compliment the meal when you are a guest in someone's place. Don't expect life to be fair. Murphy was impressed that Edwin remembers all of it. He told Edwin that he is happy to see that his teaching Edwin remembers.

Later, Murphy asked about the date of the test. Just a few days from today, said Edwin.. Also, he mentioned again that he couldn't wait for more to demonstrate his skills.

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