The Nemesis

Chapter 21 - Four Ars

Back in the Zodiac Realm,

At midway to Colveil, Bruce advised everyone to take little rest. They have been walking since the morning. The one reason Bruce never orders them to stop is to know their stamina level. Bruce expected that all four of them would struggle to keep up for a whole day. But they did well. Of course, they are tired. However, it doesn't seem to affect them. But as soon as Bruce told them that they all were talking a break here, they collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily. Bruce laughed with confusion and thought he might have overdone that to them.

The pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw in the night sky. Beneath the tree, they lit the bonfire. After that, they all sit around the fire to eat. Myles asked Bruce that how's life was in Colveil. When Myles asked Bruce that question, everyone was looking at him curiously. Everyone grew up in the capital city of Pisces, and they never specifically left the capital to date. Even Tobias and Myles didn't leave the town despite being the cavalry unit. And also, the fact is they passed out of the academy two years before Ashley and Edwin.

Bruce was surprised to know that, and clearing their curiosity, he answered. The Colveil was not the hometown of the Hamilton family. Not so long ago, the war waged out between Gemini and Aquarius. In that war, some part of Pisces became their battleground. During that battle, many of the Hamilton clan people died. Fortunately, there was minimal damage Pisces had sustain, but our people paid the price. As the hometown of Hamilton's ancestors had turned into ruins, the King compensated us with the acquired land from Gemini.

Bruce further explained that our King threatened to join forces with Aquarius if Gemini didn't agree to Pisces terms. For Gemini, the purpose of the war was to fulfill some personal interests. Gemini offered three villages to Pisces, Colveil, Sauveil, and Liveil. The higher up had a suspicion that eventually Gemini would at least try to get their territory back. But they didn't even try it once, and that's odd. Ashley agreed that it was fishy.

In the morning, Bruce gave them instructions. Bruce told them that as Gemini is in a neighboring continent, the only way from here to there was by the ocean. As the weather is clear, it would take roughly one day to reach. After getting off the ship, we would part our ways to Sauveil and Liveil. It may be the first mission for you Ar rankers. But, be prepared to face the danger. Of course, your only objective is to observe if anything suspicious is going on. Avoid combat at all costs, and if there is no way to avoid it, do everything you can to save yourself. Later, they board the ship. On the way, Myles had a conversation with Edwin.

Shortly, the boys got into an argument. They were arguing about who was the strongest among them. Bruce was taking a nap, and by all the noise they were causing, he woke up. He yelled at them and asked them to stop this stupidity. Ashley sighs and puts her hand on the head, giving the expression of good grief. Bruce ordered Ashley to keep an eye on them so they would not do any more funny business. Ashley politely disagreed and told Bruce that she would not be getting involved with them. By giving a funny expression, Bruce went back to sleep.

Meanwhile, in Townhall of Colveil, the messenger is rushing to see the Kezar. Brock is discussing some village issues with his father, who is the leader of Colveil. The messenger opened the door and apologized for the interruption. He told Brock that he got the message for him from Klaussen. Brock thanked him and then asked him to leave the message and leave calmly. As instructed, he did that.

Brock received the mission status from Klaussen. It was about the task that Klaussen, Myra, and the anonymous spy in Aquarius are doing at this moment. His father asked what it was. Brock ȧssured him that it was the mission status report from the Aquarius region. It seems we did hit the dead-end again, as there were no clues in Aquarius. They are cleaning the mess, and after that, they might return. Might? Father asked Brock.

Brock said that it is just that I am sending them to Sauveil. As a reinforcement. Again Brock continued that soon Bruce would arrive on the coast of this land. As per the order, he is going with four non-experienced Ar to Liveil and Sauveil. There is nothing to worry about this at all right now. But, this used to be Gemini's territory after all. It is just for the ȧssurance that those kids didn't mess it up. Besides, Bruce cannot be at two places in one moment.

Mr. Hamilton asked Brock about the new Ars. Brock said there are two people from the cavalry unit, and both are 16's. One girl with psychic power and the boy with no civilization mark. Those kids just cleared the academy and aged 14, respectively. Surprisingly, the mages put them into a universal class. Mr. Hamilton said to Brock that it is understandable that mages put that girl into the universal. What about the boy? Does he is like Myra?

Brock replied that no father, Myra inherited the actual zodiac symbol and had access to some of Astrop's abilities. Mr. Hamilton added that she is indeed a prodigy then. Brock continued. However, the boy is different. His magical abilities are weak, but I wanted to believe that he'll grow up to become an exceptional swordsman. I saw him in an Ar battle. The knowledge of using a weapon is basic but sharp. Even I wonder what kind of power he has inside of him. For the time being, we would have to watch him patiently. And know what he is capable of as universal.

At midnight, Bruce and others arrived at their destination. It is a point where they are into two groups. Ashley and Myles, with Bruce, took the way to Liveil. And Tobias, Edwin headed towards the Sauveil.

Tobias told Edwin to camp, saying, c'mon, we need to camp here as Tobias had no energy to travel further. Edwin keeps on refusing. At a certain point, sleep deprivation got into Tobias' head. He punched on Edwin's back. Getting back on his feet, Edwin returns that back. Lying on the ground, Tobias yelled at Edwin, saying, now you've done it. Let's finish it right here. The loser will follow the order of the winner for the whole mission.

In a short time, the fight did settle. Edwin wins as it was a knockdown-based non-magic type fight. Edwin knocked down Tobias first. Edwin told Tobias that let's camp. I think you broke my rib. Breathing heavily, Tobias told Edwin that he regretted that and apologized. Edwin helped Tobias to get up.. They set the camp for the night.

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