The Nemesis

Chapter 20 - Edwin is Dead

Planet Earth.

16th April 2023.

The Excalibur returns to Arachnid. At the landing area, Dr. Hardin and Dr. Chaney are both present to welcome the crew. Some board members and staff members of the Eqxtron mission were also there. Even though the mission was successful, everyone felt downhearted because there was no survivor from the Pollux crew. Still, everyone gave them a round of applause. There were one or two casualties occurred among the Excalibur squad. The staff cleared the spaceship, and the maintenance crew took Excalibur to the spaceship workshop. And all of the space travelers went for medical check-up. In the meantime, Dr. Hadin left with the board members.

Dr. Chaney took the retrieved box and some other stuff with it. Later, he ordered a bunch of scientists to look after it with extreme caution. After all these activities, everyone is just waiting for the crew to clear the medical tests. Everybody was in the isolated area of Arachnid. After four hours, the medical was clear. As expected, no one has subsequent sickness or anything. Since the time was getting about midnight, they would meet with Dr. Hardin and Dr. Chaney in the morning.

At night, Jasper broke down in tears. At that time, he was alone. The reality of Edwin's death making him emotional. It is hard to believe that.

Jasper is good at holding emotions. On Eqxtron, when Tracie told everyone about Edwin's death, he acted tough. However, Tracie is in shock. Edwin was not only her friend but also her mentor. Tracie called her partner to inform him about Edwin's death. This news is sorrowful for Scott too. Except for the Excalibur crew, no one in the Arachnid knew about Edwin's fate. By order of Araceli Decker, everybody was silent on that fact. She ȧssured everyone on the ship that she would tell them in the meeting and mission report.

The next day Dr. Hardin, Dr. Chaney, and the rest of the Excalibur crew gathered for a brief discussion of the Eqxtron mission. First, Dr. Hardin paid respect to dead ones. Of course, those people who died knew about the contract they signed. Possible death is probable over 80%. Both Excalibur and Pollux had the same probability. The reality is that those death are a massive loss for the Arachnid. The Pollux crew was of superior experts of respective fields.

Dr. Chaney took care of the compensation for their family. Later, Dr. Hardin asked Araceli to brief about the scenario they faced up there. Araceli explained how her crew faced difficulty, and with the help of Space Corps, they successfully retrieved the box. Dr. Chaney couldn't believe the insanity that happened all up there. Dr. Hardin paid much attention to the details when Araceli was telling. Everyone in the squad kept quiet when the commander was talking. She did a briefing to Dr. Hardin and Dr. Chaney about everything. But Araceli didn't say a word anything about Edwin's death. This behavior of her made Tracie mad.

Tracie asked Araceli loudly that does Araceli forgetting about something? Araceli replied to Tracie that she explained the important things. And everything in detail is already in the report, and they would be reading in time. Tracie interrupted and announced that Edwin Miller was dead. He sacrificed his life for us. He didn't even have a second thought when he jumped from the ship to make us go to safety. Ain't it true that because of Edwin's death, this mission didn't fail. In other words, this success and the lives of surviving people come at a cost to Edwin's life.

Jasper interrupted and mentioned that even though Edwin was following the order, and made his own choice. But, we all are alive over Edwin's dead body, and nobody can change that fact. So, Tracie and Jasper have a point that Edwin's sacrifice deserves some respect too. Araceli said that's enough, and no one asked or excepted the stupidy from the Space corps. Besides, that Edwin guy belongs to the Space corps and not to Arachnid. Hence, it is none of our concern. Araceli mentioned she is thankful that the mission didn't fail and she is alive. After listening to that, Jasper left the meeting room. Tracie went out too.

Araceli is about to ask Dr. Hardin and Dr. Chaney about their behaviors, but she has seen the tears in their eyes. Elaine Stout asked Araceli to sit down. Elaine told Araceli that Edwin Miller was one of the founders of Arachnid. It is confidential as he left the organization two years ago. When Edwin was here, the guy always avoided responsibilities. So, he worked on his own. And Dr. Hardin had no problem with that. Because they both were doing the work, they were good.

But some tragedy happens to him. That's why Edwin left Arachnid. Elaine continued that everyone was surprised to meet Edwin up there, including me. And the news about his death was quite a blow for me, Tracie, and Jasper. Even Dr. Hardin and Dr. Chaney seemed shocked and downhearted. He was like a son to me and for Jasper, his little brother. Tracie is angry with your behavior because Edwin was not only his mentor but also her beloved friend. Araceli apologized to Elaine. And told Elaine that she was sorry for all of their loss. Araceli didn't know about the close relations Edwin had with these people. And the fact of being a founding member of Arachnid.

Elaine walked in and talked with Jasper in the meantime. Elaine asked Jasper how he was doing. Jasper told Stout that he was planning to meet up with Edwin's brother in Dallas. Tracie is talking with Scott. Once she has done with that, we will be heading there in the evening. Elaine told Jasper to give condolences on her behalf to Edwin's brother. Tracie joined the conversation and told Jasper that Scott would join them. Elaine told Tracie and Jasper to take care. Tracie and Jasper, including all the crew members, were free to go. Their part of the job is over. By late afternoon, everybody went home.

When Tracie met with Scott, she hugged him tightly. Scott told Tracie that the news of Edwin's death was hard to accept. But, Scott is grateful that Tracie is back safe and sound. They prepared for heading to Dallas. In the evening, they caught up with Jasper. After that, those three departed for Dallas via road.

On the way, Scott asked does Jasper or Tracie knew about Edwin's work at Space corps. They both didn't have any clue about Edwin. Tracie told Scott that after Edwin quit Arachnid, his contact got unreachable too. Jasper told Tracie and Scott that the last time when he met Edwin after abandoning Arachnid, Edwin was going somewhere in Europe. Later, Jasper didn't hear from Edwin. At night they reached Edwin's home. They knocked. Luke opened the door.

Luke Miller is Edwin's elder brother, 32 years old. He has the job of a banker. When Luke opened the door, he was surprised to see them. They all met once four years ago. Luke invited them inside. Without wasting any time, Jasper informed Luke about the incident of Edwin. Sofia, the wife of Luke, heard it too. They both couldn't hold back their tears. The reason is Edwin has admired Luke since childhood.. Both he and Luke grew up as perfect siblings.

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