The Blood Giant has an extremely fast speed that is inconsistent with his body size.

Blackbeard could only dodge the terrifying giant fist, without the chance to fight back, and he didn't even have time to use his Dark-Dark Fruit.

Although his Dark-Dark Fruit is a natural fruit.

But it cannot be elementalized, or in other words, it cannot dodge attacks after elementalization, but the pain is doubled.

Blackbeard is destined not to use this trick easily.

Because people can die from pain.

Blackbeard's strength is unquestionable.

He can repeatedly dodge the giant's attacks at the critical moment, which is evident.

But, what about this.

Another 20-meter-tall Blood Giant emerged from the blood pool.

Similar strength brought about a qualitative change in power.

Blackbeard can no longer avoid the giant's fist.

In his desperate eyes


Blackbeard was forced to use the elementalization.

Darkness covered his whole body.

But he still existed physically and could still be attacked.

During this period, he was immune to attacks, but the price was double the pain.

The bloody fists of the two giants slammed into Blackbeard's body like lightning.

Blackbeard's voice stopped abruptly.

He fainted. He fainted from the pain.

The unconscious Blackbeard naturally lost the conditions to perform the elementalization.

The elementalization was lifted. The Dark Dark

Fruit, which is almost the nemesis of the Devil Fruit ability user, also has great limitations.

Obviously, the current Blackbeard cannot fully afford the cost of the Dark Dark Fruit.

Only by seizing other powerful Devil Fruits to complement each other, can Blackbeard truly possess the combat power of the Four Emperors.

Now, at best, he is a Seventh Emperor with obvious weaknesses. Only at the level of Wu Hai.

A blank blood eye fell on Blackbeard.

It quickly swallowed him.

This generation of heroes.

Before he rose.

He fell on the Drum Island where it snowed all year round.

As expected, he gained a dark blood eye of the level of Samsara Eye.

Blackbeard's defeat and death.

Beyond the expectations of the Blackbeard Pirates.

The devil sheriff Lafayette tried to escape at the first time.

But he was entangled by Zoro.

Lafayette's combat experience is above Zoro.

But the big sword and the road Ichimonji in Zoro's hand have cut his cane sword into pits and there is a risk of breaking at any time.

His cane sword is of course a famous sword.

But there is also a gap between famous swords.

He has not joined the Blackbeard Pirates for a long time. It has not been long since he learned the Armament Haki from Blackbeard, and he cannot maintain the Armament Haki. It has been covering his cane sword.

More importantly,

Zoro has never used the blood knife that made him famous.

He completely treated Lafayette as a sparring partner. When Lafayette's cane sword was cut in half by the big sword and the road one word.

The swordsman's strength was greatly reduced without the sword.

After being cut by Zoro's three swords, his body was covered with countless bloody wounds, and he was beheaded with one sword.

The devil sheriff Lafayette was eliminated.

The second person to be eliminated was the fighting champion Gizas Badgers.

This fighting master who would do anything to win.

Lost in Nami's ghost fog.

The ghost fog is an alternative ghost domain.

Without special means, you will be lost in it forever.

Because it is a ghost domain.

So Nami's ghost laughter can also be constantly echoed and superimposed in the ghost fog, instead of being absorbed by the sound line.

Soon, Gizas Badgers, who was like a headless fly, had a look on his face. Consciously pulling out an equally weird smile, he fell to the ground.

But this was not the way he died.

As more ghost fog invaded his body, the unconscious body of Gizas Bajies was also assimilated into the ghost fog.

The ghost fog that was more than five times that of Nami itself exploded.

It can be seen that there is a gap in the strength of the two.

When these excess ghost fogs were absorbed into Nami's body, her strength also soared simultaneously, equivalent to having half the physical fitness of Gizas Bajies.

The third person to be eliminated was Van Oka.

As a natural sniper, he naturally has a perception talent similar to the observation Haki.

After joining the Blackbeard Pirates, he was taught the observation Haki by Blackbeard.

But it was still the same reason.

He joined too short a time, not enough for him to immediately become a master of observation Haki.

There was only one reason for his defeat.

That was that the bullet was too weak.

Under the premise that neither of them could directly hit the other's body.

Usopp's explosive projectiles injured him one after another with just the aftermath.

Finally, he was hit by an explosive projectile from Usopp, and a half-hole was blown out of his body, killing him.

The fourth person to be eliminated was Poison Q.

This seemingly sickly ship doctor Poison Q was the strongest person in the Blackbeard Pirates besides Blackbeard.

Sanji suffered a lot in the process of fighting him.

This was under the premise that Sanji's demon blood was immune to poison, and the will-o'-the-wisp could teleport.

Even after seeing Blackbeard's defeat.

Poison Q was still the only one who could get rid of Sanji's pursuit and escape successfully.

But he still died.

Died under the fists of the two blood giants controlled by the pirates.

The terrifying power of the 20-meter giants, the increase of demon blood, and the armed color domineering.

And the control of the pirates.

Blackbeard's death was not unjust.

Poison Q also died.

The Blackbeard Pirates were completely wiped out.

This should have been a good thing.

But Sanji was extremely ashamed.

Everyone else successfully solved the opponent.

Only he almost let Poison Q escape.

Demon blood emerged from the ground and engulfed the three bodies of the Blackbeard Pirates.

Blackbeard turned into Dark Blood Eyes.

Fighting champion Gizas Bajes was assimilated into Demon Mist by Nami and had no body.

These three bodies will become the new blood men on the Clipper.

Looking at the messy battlefield.

Looking at the huge wealth looted by the Blackbeard Pirates.

Looking at the different deaths in the palace.���There were many corpses.

King Walpo escaped.

But the maids and guards in his palace could not escape.

Such shocking and tragic scenes happen every day in the world of One Piece.

And in the palace, only a few people survived.

One of them was Dalton, the captain of the Drum Kingdom Guard and the user of the Animal-type Bull-Bull Fruit.

Walpo of the Kingdom escaped.

But he stood up and resisted.

Then he was seriously injured by the Blackbeard Pirates.

His Animal-type Bull-Bull Fruit was not appreciated by the Blackbeard Pirates, so he escaped.


Dalton was dying.

No matter how strong his vitality was as an animal-type devil fruit user. He was severely injured and abandoned in the snow for more than a day.

It was time for him to die.

The sound of hooves came quickly.

A tall reindeer carrying an old woman broke into the palace.

"Dalton, Dalton, you can't die!"

The reindeer turned into a small human form, and while quickly checking Dalton's body, he cried loudly.

Dalton had done him a favor.

He was also the last conscience of the Drum Island Kingdom.

If he died, there would be no hope for the Drum Island Kingdom.

"There's no need to save him, he's dead.

The old woman saw at a glance that Dalton was going to die. He was able to hold on until now, which was a last gasp.


The old woman looked at the pirates.

The pirates were flesh and bones, and their ability to revive the dead had long been exposed in the newspapers.

""Join my Straw Hat Pirates, I will save him!"

The pirate said to the crying Chopper.

Chopper stopped crying.

The other members of the Straw Hat Pirates also looked at their captain in disbelief.

This talking reindeer is indeed very cute.

But it is a bit too rash to invite him to join.

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