"You have about fifteen minutes to think about it."

The pirates gave Dalton the final countdown of his life.

It has to be said that the vitality of the animal-type devil fruit ability users is indeed tenacious enough.

They have found more than one palace maid and guard who had no external injuries and were frozen to death.

But Dalton, who was seriously injured and had been in the snow and ice for more than a day, was still breathing.

The old woman did not interfere with Chopper's choice.

She began to search the palace on her own, looking for people who could be rescued.

The Straw Hat Pirates came all the way.

The reason why they saw only corpses and no wounded was because she and Chopper transferred and treated the wounded.

It was just because the Blackbeard Pirates occupied the palace that they could not get close. They were able to arrive quickly after the Straw Hat Pirates had just wiped out the Blackbeard Pirates.

It can be seen that the two of them continue to pay attention to this place.

"I join you"

"Save Dalton."

Chopper gritted his teeth and made a choice.

The Drum Island Kingdom can live without Chopper, but it can't live without Dalton.

��Dalton is not only the last brake pad for King Valpo, but also the last barrier of the Drum Island Kingdom against pirates.

King Valpo is unreliable.

The Kingdom Guard is also unreliable.

The only person the people can rely on is Dalton.

A stream of blood was injected into Dalton's body.

An incredible miracle appeared in front of Chopper.

Dalton, who could never be saved according to normal medicine, recovered quickly and became full of energy.

"Thank you for avenging the people who died in the Drum Island Kingdom!"

Dalton, who had just recovered, knelt down in front of the pirates.

This tough guy was in tears.

He saw with his own eyes and heard with his own ears the people of the Drum Island Kingdom being slaughtered by the Blackbeard Pirates.

The pain and hatred accompanied him until his death.

Fortunately, he persisted to the end.

With his last consciousness, he confirmed the destruction of the Blackbeard Pirates.

"We encountered Walpo on the sea, and we killed the king who abandoned his people and fled.

The pirates said something that shocked Dalton and Chopper.

"This country and this palace are now in your hands."

"I believe you will not become the second Valpo"

"Then Chopper, we should leave now."

There is no need for the pirates to stay on Drum Island any longer.

"Please let me say goodbye to Dr. Kuleha."

Chopper found the old woman who was searching for the wounded in the palace.

After explaining the situation, he kept his promise. He carried his medical kit and followed the Straw Hat Pirates to the port.

Vivi and Ikareem did not land on the Drum Island Kingdom.

Their strength was enough to participate in the fight between the Straw Hat Pirates and the Blackbeard Pirates.

Fortunately, they did not wait for long.

After more than two hours, the Straw Hat Pirates successfully returned.

They did not take away the property looted by the Blackbeard Pirates in the palace.

That would be the reconstruction funds after the destruction of the Drum Island Kingdom.

But they brought back the ship's doctor, Chopper.

Members of the Straw Hat Pirates +1

"Next stop, Alabasta."

Vivi and Ikareem were both refreshed.

They finally waited for the Straw Hat Pirates to go to Alabasta to face off against the Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile.

Chopper introduced himself on the ship.

Others also knew that Chopper was a reindeer who ate the Human-Human Fruit and gained human intelligence and a humanoid body.

At the same time, Chopper was also a doctor with excellent medical skills.

As for his strength, it was also okay.

Beating up more than a dozen elite pirates was no problem.

But such a configuration.

For the current Straw Hat Pirates, it is still a bit unqualified.

They don't understand.

The captain's blood therapy has far exceeded the scope of traditional medicine.

Why do they need to find a ship doctor?


In the Straw Hat Pirates, the practices of pirates are not questionable.

Others can only accept Chopper's boarding.

"Chopper, you are too weak"

"We will face the Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile soon, so I decided to strengthen your strength."

Everyone else cheered up.

Here it comes.

The captain's ability to turn decay into magic.

It is obviously not a devil fruit, but it can also give others abilities similar to devil fruits, and it is not afraid of sea water.

"Is this the special ability you used to treat Dalton?"

"Then I accept it!"

As a kind-hearted ship doctor, Chopper has no limit to his pursuit of treatment technology.

Because only with better treatment technology can more people be treated.

A stream of blood was injected into Chopper's body.

The pirates gave him the ability to deceive and steal.

The combination of these two is enough to greatly increase Chopper's strength, and the medical level is also beyond the traditional range.

And Chopper's first reaction after gaining the ability to deceive was to materialize a beating living heart out of thin air.

Such a horrifying scene.

Chopper's eyes are incomparably kind.

Heart, kidneys, liver, spleen, eyeballs... one by one, human organs are constantly rotating in Chopper's hands.

With this ability, it means that he can Performing organ transplants on patients at the same time can save countless lives.

With the ability of stealing, Chopper's first thought is how to steal the patient's disease.

He is a truly compassionate doctor.

On the route to Alabasta.

New news shocked the world.

The Straw Hat Pirates who went to the forbidden sea area, the Ancient Island, strangely appeared on the Drum Island.

And fought a great battle with the Blackbeard Pirates who invaded the Drum Island.

In the end, the Blackbeard Pirates were wiped out.

According to the doctor accompanying Walpo who returned to the Drum Island Kingdom.

When the Blackbeard Pirates invaded the Drum Island Kingdom, the Walpo Kingdom fled the Drum Island Kingdom and went to sea as a pirate.

They encountered the Straw Hat Pirates on the sea and were killed by Captain Luffy himself.

Originally because The Straw Hat Pirates, who disappeared for more than half a month to arrogantly challenge the Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile, reappeared and shocked the world.

Whether it was annihilating the Blackbeard Pirates or killing King Walpo, the former demonstrated strength. The latter showed brutality.

When the Straw Hat Pirates arrived in Alabasta, the Navy Headquarters' bounty order was quickly issued.

Captain Blood Eyes Luffy, bounty of 120 million berries.

Fighter Shura Blood Blade, bounty of 60 million berries.

Chef Ghost Mountain Ji, bounty of 40 million berries.

Navigator Ghost Mist Nami, bounty of 20 million berries.

Sniper Explosion Sniper Usopp, bounty of 20 million berries.

Ship doctor Ghost Doctor Chopper, bounty of 10 million berries.

Sanji, Nami , Usopp, Chopper's titles and photos were also sent to the newspaper by the pirates.

After being reported by the newspaper, they were adopted by the Navy Headquarters.

If the previous challenge of the Straw Hat Pirates to the Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile was still arrogant.

After the annihilation of the Blackbeard Pirates, the Straw Hat Pirates completely had the capital to challenge the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Considering that the average age of the Straw Hat Pirates is less than 20 years old.

They have such strength at such a young age.

The Straw Hat Pirates are definitely the pirate supernova.

I just don't know if they can successfully challenge the Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile.

Or will they be killed by Crocodile in Alabasta.

Reporters from nearby waters gathered in Alabasta.

Countless news birds are hovering above Alabasta.

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