The reporters gathered in Alabasta did not dare to provoke the Seven Warlords Crocodile.

Because he really kills without blinking an eye.

But they dared to approach the Straw Hat Pirates.

Because although the Straw Hat Pirates are equally cruel.

They have killed the Navy Colonel, the Dragon Pirates, the Blackbeard Pirates, and King Walpo.

But the Straw Hat Pirates' style of doing things is generally traceable.

There is no record of looting merchant ships and killing innocent people.

Then they photographed Alabasta's princess Vivi on the Straw Hat Pirates.

This fact once again shocked the reporters.

For a time, a large number of reporters gathered at the dock and shouted loudly to Vivi.

Vivi stood up decisively.

She told many reporters about Crocodile's crimes in Alabasta.

These include trying to steal the throne of Alabasta; using his own Sand-Sand Fruit to create drought in Alabasta; slandering the royal family of Alabasta for using contraband dancing powder to bring rain; inciting and supporting the military actions of the Alabasta rebels; opening casinos on a large scale in Alabasta to squeeze the people's fat;


It can be said that all that Vivi could think of was pushed onto Crocodile's head.

The facts that were originally tacitly acknowledged were completely exposed.

Now it is time for a showdown.

They can't pretend anymore.

They can't rely on the Straw Hat Pirates for a final fight.

Then the Nefertari royal family will end their 800-year foundation in Alabasta.

Vivi's accusation further aroused the madness of the reporters.

Among the crowded reporters.

Suddenly, someone launched an assassination attempt on Vivi.

Fortunately, Vivi herself is not a weak woman.

She doesn't need the protection of the Straw Hat Pirates.

She dodged hidden weapons and gunshots in a chic manner.

Seeing that the assassination failed, the reporter immediately committed suicide by taking poison, leaving an unprepossessing corpse at the scene.

Vivi remained calm in the face of danger. She continued to hold a press conference.

In addition to accusing the Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile.

She also gave the Straw Hat Pirates the legitimacy to intervene in Alabasta.

She took the initiative to explain that she persuaded the Straw Hat Pirates to deal with Crocodile and break Crocodile's conspiracy to steal the country.

As for the reward and price.

She did not mention it.

The content of this press conference spread all over the world at the first time.

It was reported by major newspapers.

The Seven Warlords of the Sea stole the country.

This happened once in the past.

That was when the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Tenyasha Donquixote Doflamingo, successfully seized the throne of Dressrosa and was recognized by the World Government.

Now the Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile obviously wants to emulate Doflamingo's old deeds.

This was not a rare thing.

After the early preparation and mid-term strengthening of the Straw Hat Pirates, it finally ignited the hot spot under the personal accusation of Princess Vivi.

However, Crocodile's counterattack was also extremely fierce.

King Cobra of Alabasta also held a press conference.

Under the records of a group of reporters.

It shows that Princess Vivi has been rebellious since childhood, not like a princess, and now she is disobedient and ran away from the palace, associating with pirates, slandering Crocodile, the hero of the kingdom.

After a discussion.

King Cobra personally announced the deprivation of Princess Vivi's identity and issued a wanted order for her.

Royal infighting.

Moreover, it was an internal fight between the king's father and the princess' daughter. It once again triggered the explosion point.

Newspapers were published at the fastest speed.

Then they were spread at the fastest speed by the newspaper boys or news birds hired by the newspaper.

When Vivi saw her father's declaration and wanted notice for her, she was disheartened for a while.

Obviously, she did not hesitate to leave the palace, risk her life, and associate with pirates for the sake of the royal foundation of Nefertari.

But her father ignored it, and it all became her sin.

Faced with this situation.

The pirates asked Usopp to launch a challenge to Crocodile.

There were all kinds of dirty words in it, provoking and challenging.

Make an appointment with Crocodile at the port dock.

Instead of taking the initiative to find Crocodile and eating sand in the sand curtain.

It is better to wait for Crocodile to come to the door.

Such a challenge is issued every day.

Crocodile must be embarrassed to the whole world.

If he still has a little identity and style of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. He can only accept this conspiracy.

Facts have proved that Usopp's language art is indeed superb.

Only three days later.

Crocodile, with murderous intent on his face, went out with his Baroque Works executives.

They appeared at the port where the Straw Hat Pirates were anchored.

And all the members of the Straw Hat Pirates were also strengthened.

The strengthening here is the strengthening of seastone.

The seastone chain weighing about one pound that he bought for 30 million Baileys was changed by him using the ghost domain and evenly coated on other people's equipment.

Zoro's long sword;

Sanji's soles, toes, and heels;

Nami's seastone powder;

Usopp's seastone ammunition;

Chopper's seastone antlers.

And Crocodile's lineup is also ready.

Shichibukai Crocodile stands in the main seat.

On the right is Nico Robin, the child of the devil and the user of the Flower-Flower Fruit; on the left is Daz Bonis, the user of the Slash

Fruit; further back is Sara, the user of the Thorn Fruit; Von Clay

, the user of the Mimic Fruit;

Gal Dino, the user of the Wax-Wax Fruit;

Mariannu, the hypnotist painter;

Beb the baseball player and his gun Razu, who ate the Animal-type Dachshund Fruit; and

Dorophy, the user of the Animal-type Mole Fruit.

These are Crocodile's main forces. If you can beat them, there is no need to bring along the miscellaneous soldiers. If you can't beat them, no matter how many miscellaneous soldiers you have, it's useless.

"I have to say, you pissed me off."

""Straw Hat Pirates!"

Crocodile's face was ferocious, and murderous intent burst out.

He was really disgusted by Usopp's challenge.

There are seven Shichibukai in this world.

But why did he challenge him?

Is it because he is closest to the first half of the Grand Line.

Or do they think he is a soft persimmon among the Shichibukai?

In any case, he has no intention of letting the Straw Hat Pirates in front of him go.

Not a single one of them is going to be let go.

The dock used as the battlefield has long been empty.

In order to avoid being affected by the battle between Shichibukai Crocodile and the Straw Hat Pirates, civilians have fled at least ten kilometers away.

The reporter is two kilometers away. He is shooting and recording with a telescope.

The solid clearstone of the dock has turned into sand under Crocodile's ability.

In a short time, this dock by the sea has become a desert.

Crocodile easily changed the battlefield environment.

Both sides have also made preparations for the battle.

"I will turn each of you into mummified specimens as the price for provoking me!"

The sand waves swept in.

Then the sand waves subsided.

"What did you say?"

"I can't hear you!"

A bloody crab that was two hundred meters tall and four hundred meters long appeared at the feet of the Straw Hat Pirates.

The huge crab claws slammed down towards Crocodile.

"Sea, Sea Kings!"

The Straw Hat Pirates actually showed their ability to control Sea Kings, which was shocking!

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