All the executives of Baroque Works were captured.

Usopp also slid down from the bloody crab.

As he landed, the bloody crab disappeared.

Wang Dong did not summon the Sea King crab from the blood pool.

Instead, he used the summoning technique.

Vivi, who was also watching the battle with a telescope on the clipper on the sea, burst into tears of joy when she saw the victory result.

In this world where the strong can decide everything,

Crocodile alone can change the weather of a country and provoke a civil war of millions of people in Alabasta.

Then after Crocodile is defeated or killed in the battle, the resistance army that has lost its munitions, logistics, and intelligence support will no longer have the ability to fight against the Kingdom Army.

The blood man on the clipper automatically controlled the ship to dock at the port.

Neither the Straw Hat Pirates nor Vivi cared about the port ground destroyed by the Sea King crab.

"How's Crocodile?"

"Did he escape, or did he die?

This is the question that Vivi is most concerned about.

Once Crocodile escapes, then no matter how many victories they have, it will be meaningless.

The Straw Hat Pirates cannot defend Alabasta for a long time.

But Crocodile can destroy Alabasta at any time.

"He's dead."

After getting confirmation from the pirates,

Vivi's tears burst out again.

Alabasta introduced the Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile in order to use pirates to restrain pirates.

This worked very well at first.

Crocodile killed a lot of pirates. He successfully shocked the pirates and made the destroyed port economy of Alabasta prosperous again.

But who would have thought that Crocodile was not satisfied with the huge profits of Alabasta.

In the end, he even tried to get involved in the throne.

Now with the death of Crocodile, the biggest hidden danger of Alabasta has disappeared.

Some reporters did not get the first-hand news.

After all, in front of the advantage of Den Den Mushi, the timeliness of the News Bird is too slow.

And the news focuses on timeliness.

So some reporters took the initiative to interview the Straw Hat Pirates regardless of the danger.

There is more than one such reporter.

It can be seen that the reporters are involuntarily and crazy.

They almost all came for the same crucial news.

"Captain Luffy, did Crocodile escape or was he killed by you?"

"Killed by me"

"These are all the evidences left."

The pirates took out Crocodile's clothes and his iconic golden claw.

Crocodile had a broken hand.

He used the golden claw as a replacement.

The camera flashes crackled, capturing Crocodile's iconic clothes and golden claw.

Just this confirmed news was enough to make their visit worthwhile.

They didn't dare to interview the moody Crocodile. They could try to interview the gentler pirates.

The next step was to confirm the results of the battle.

The senior executives of Baroque Works were almost wiped out.

Only two survived.

One survivor was Robin, the son of the devil, with a bounty of 79 million Baileys.

The other survivor was a little girl.

But according to these well-informed reporters, this little girl was also the core of Baroque Works.

Through hypnosis, she swallowed up the assets of many wealthy people.

"Princess Weiwei, our deal is done."

The pirates looked at Vivi.

Vivi nodded with a red face.

The reporter of the news soul soon brought a piece of information that made Vivi even happier.

That is, the rebels who surrounded the royal city temporarily stopped the attack.

Obviously, the rebels also knew the news of Crocodile's defeat.

The whereabouts of the biggest supporter behind him were unknown.

It was normal to cause confusion among the rebel leaders.

Only half a day later, the result of the duel between the Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile and the Straw Hat Pirates had spread around the world.

This explosive news was spread crazily by various newspapers and news birds.

This also included Alabasta.

This news was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for the rebels.

For the kingdom army, it undoubtedly greatly boosted morale.

Without Crocodile messing around behind the scenes, it was almost impossible for the rebels to break through the tall and solid defenses of the royal city.

The news was still spreading.

Crocodile went from missing to dying in battle, and new news was updating the previous news.

That night, the devil's son Nico Robin accepted the pirates' recruitment without hesitation and officially became a member of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Vivi, who was happy for just one night, received another sunny day. The news was like a bolt from the blue.

That is, the resistance army, which had stopped attacking for a day, launched a more fierce siege on the royal city.

Obviously, the top leaders of the resistance army, who had confirmed Crocodile's death, took advantage of the time difference in the spread of the news to make a last-ditch effort on the royal city.

At present, the ordinary soldiers of the resistance army only knew that Crocodile was defeated and missing.

The morale has declined, but it has not collapsed.

But once it is confirmed that Crocodile has died, it is normal for the resistance army to collapse directly.

Vivi did not expect that the dawn was just before her eyes, but she was still blinded by the darkness.

She could only pray that the kingdom army could resist. Block the final counterattack of the rebels.

Avoid the final tragedy.

But at noon.

A piece of news came like a bolt from the blue.

With the cover of the siege, the rebels successfully dug a tunnel under the city wall, detonated the explosives, and blew up the city wall.

Now the rebels have entered the royal city, and the situation is critical.

Weiwei was desperate for a while.

She didn't expect that she had paid such a great effort and such a great price.

But after defeating Crocodile, it was still inevitable that Nefertari's foundation would be destroyed. After a long time, Weiwei with disheveled hair rushed to Wang Dong frantically.

"Let's make a deal"

"As long as you can beat back the resistance"

"Then I will marry you"

"You can legally obtain the entire Alabasta Kingdom!"

Vivi said shockingly.

"If you don't help me"

"Then you need to ask the rebels for the Nefertari royal family's treasure and the 10 billion reward!"

At this time, Vivi showed unprecedented madness.

She could not accept her failure before dawn. She could only bet everything she had as a new bet.

At least she could still be the queen of Alabasta.

In the future, the king of Alabasta would also be her son.

The most important thing is that it is not shameful to marry a pirate.

Young, strong, mysterious, handsome...

Not like Crocodile, who is old and ugly.

Now she has to worry about the pirates rejecting her.

Then she will have nothing.

From a high-ranking princess, she fell to the mortal world in an instant.

"You are very good, I agree."

Weiwei is excellent in every aspect. Her bloodline, appearance, character, and spirit are far superior to ordinary people.

Pirates do not have high standards.

A princess like Weiwei is definitely qualified to be his sidekick.

"Then let's go see our royal city!"

A bloody light shot up into the sky, leaving the other members of the Straw Hat Pirates dumbfounded.

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