In less than ten minutes, Pirates and Weiwei had already appeared above the Royal City.

Below were the collapsed city walls and the two sides in a bloody battle.

The rebels had already entered the city.

The Royal Army was also fighting desperately.

For the rebels, the outside world was a hell of drought for several consecutive years.

For the Royal Army, these few years were a paradise of good weather and abundant crops.

Once the Royal City fell, everything they had would be gone.

"Spiritual communication technique!"

A sea king crab several hundred meters long appeared again, blocking the gap in the city wall and forcibly separating the two sides of the bloody battle.

"It's Blood Eye Luffy and Princess Vivi!"

Both sides saw the two people floating in the air.

They shouted accordingly.

However, the rebels were desperate.

The Kingdom Army was ecstatic.

Blood Eye Luffy was able to defeat Crocodile.

In front of such a strong man , the number of people was meaningless.

The fact that one person destroyed a country is not uncommon in the world of One Piece.

"Tell me, what do you want?"

The pirate spoke.

His voice resounded across the battlefield, and the rebels froze in their tracks.

"Don't listen to him, kill him!"

An officer shouted and fired at the pirates.

Then a bloody gun appeared out of nowhere on the ground, piercing the enemy from bottom to top and hanging on it.

"Who else?"

"Anyone who wants war and killing, stand up and fight me bravely"

"Don't hide behind and incite others to die, while you yourself profit from the blood of others behind the scenes!"

The voices of the pirates continued to spread to the entire battlefield. With the previous officer's precedent, there was not even an instigator this time.

""It's not that we want war, it's that the king won't let us live!"

Someone bravely stood up.

The other party was Kosha, the nominal leader of the resistance army.

Kosha was not simple either.

He and Weiwei were childhood sweethearts.

The resistance army was able to gather hundreds of thousands of troops, and of course, Crocodile supported them.

But his personal leadership also contributed greatly.


Sky Weiwei's eyes were red again.

The two childhood sweethearts were now on opposite sides of a life-and-death struggle.

"Princess Weiwei has agreed to marry me"

"I will be the king of Alabasta from now on"

"So what do you want?"

"I want to have a house to live in, enough food to eat, clothes to wear, water to drink, and a field to plant.……"

"Or shall we all die here!"

A terrifying murderous aura swept the entire battlefield.

This was not the domineering aura.

He did not want the rebels to faint, but to make them face reality.

The rebels threw down their weapons one by one.

Because they believed that

Luffy, who defeated Crocodile, was really capable of killing hundreds of thousands of them alone.

All the wars in history that simply tried to pursue victory by numbers.

Basically, they were declared failures in the end.

There have been deeds of slaughtering tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of troops.

This is why the lower-class people in the world of One Piece are under the multiple oppressions of the Celestial Dragons, the king, the nobles, the sheriffs, and the gangs.

They can only choose to accept it.

Or they can only choose to go out to sea and become pirates to persecute other lower-class people.

There are very few large-scale uprisings that raise the butcher knife against the oppressors.

The Alabasta rebels are not pure behind the scenes.

If there was no support from Crocodile, the rebels would have been wiped out by the Kingdom Army long ago.

The same is true for the rebellions in other countries.

If it were not for the high-end support provided by the Revolutionary Army, all rebellions would have been impossible to succeed.

"If you can really let us have a house to live in, enough food to eat, enough clothes to wear, enough water to drink, and enough land to plant, then we will all respect you as the new king of Alabasta!"

Kosa knelt on one knee in front of the pirates.

He was able to unite so many armies.

One of the main reasons was Kosa's impartial, idealistic spirit like a saint.

Kosa was able to share the joys and sorrows with the rebels. He was able to lead the rebels.

He really didn't rebel for power.

He was simply rebelling for people's survival.

Now that he couldn't beat them, he could only bet on the promises of the pirates.

"Want a room?"

The pirate clasped his hands together.

"Wood Release: Lianzhu Family!"

The ground shook violently.

Then tens of thousands of wooden houses appeared out of thin air.

Such a spectacular scene, such a terrifying power.

Many rebels knelt down directly, as if they had seen a god descend to the world.

"Want to eat enough?"

"Wood Release: The World of Trees Arrives!"

Hundreds of thousands of date palm trees sprang up from the ground, and in the blink of an eye, the branches were filled with dates.

"Want clothes to wear?"

"Wood Release: Cotton Field Technique!"

Densely packed with cotton, the plump cotton flowers looked like a sea of clouds.

"Want some water?"

"Composite Ninjutsu: The Art of Calling Wind and Rain!"

For a moment, the wind and clouds were turbulent, and the rain fell from the sky.

"Is it enough now?"

All the rebels knelt on the ground.

They were not murderers. They just wanted to survive, that's all.

Since the pirates showed such a powerful power to get whatever they wanted, they believed that they could live better under the rule of the pirates.

That was enough.

"Kosa, set up camp!"

"Anyone who tries to cause trouble!"

"Kill without mercy!"

The next moment, thousands of bloody people emerged from the blood-stained land.

The blood of these bloody people came from the bodies of the dead on both sides of the bloody battle.

"You can control these blood men to maintain order"

"Do not disappoint me"

"That could lead to more deaths."

After appeasing the rebels outside the city, the next step is to reorganize the Kingdom's army inside the city.

"Lay down your weapons and report to me in groups of 100."

"Those who resist will die!"

Immediately someone jumped out to object.

"King Cobra is missing"

"We need to report to Princess Weiwei!"

Be it loyal or blind loyalty, he died. He was pierced by a blood spear rising from the ground. He died very high. It was very ugly.

"Princess Weiwei is here"

"Those who disobey orders will be executed for treason!"

Someone tried to escape, but was also pierced by the blood spear.

The order of the Kingdom Army was still higher than that of the rebels. They were just separated by the city wall.

They did not see the might of the pirates outside the city.

Soon, after hundreds of people were pierced by the Kingdom Army, led by low-ranking officers, the Kingdom Army began to put their weapons in front of the pirates and Weiwei according to the rule of one hundred people per team, and marched in a line.

In his eyes, hundreds of thousands of rebels and hundreds of thousands of Kingdom Army were actually the same.

Compared with the number of people, he cared more about weapons.

Weapons in anyone's hands can kill people.

Only by confiscating the weapons and suppressing the murderous heart first, can they be resettled.

This bloody war of millions of people was immediately calmed down under the strong suppression of the pirates.

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