Even though the Kingdom Army was beaten back by the rebels, they were able to hold on until now under the internal and external attacks of Crocodile Baroque Works. Naturally, there must be some experts.

All the buildings near the city wall were demolished.

They built multiple defenses in the city.

These defenses are three meters high.

Usually, they should mainly play a drainage effect.

But after the city wall was blown down, it unexpectedly played a defensive effect.

As a result, the Kingdom Army can also rely on defense to fight the rebels to the death in the city.

Teams of Kingdom Army laid down their weapons.

There are men, women, old and young in these so-called Kingdom Army. In order to protect their homes, they also tried their best.

Naturally, the elderly, weak, women and children were repatriated first.

Then the local residents in the city.

When these people were repatriated, they changed from soldiers who took up weapons to civilians who laid down their weapons.

The hundreds of thousands of Kingdom Army suddenly shrunk by nearly half.

Then let the remaining Kingdom Army be stationed in the city according to the region.

Their living supplies will be taken care of by the wartime logistics department.

There is no need to worry about eating, drinking, defecating and urinating.

Correspondingly, they cannot leave their jurisdiction.

Originally, the guards in the city were mainly responsible for patrolling the streets and maintaining people's hearts.

All those who tried to take advantage of the situation were pierced by blood spears from the ground as a warning.

In front of the giant reincarnation eye, no one can hide from his eyes.

When the pirates and Vivi dealt with the problem of the kingdom army, they finally arrived at the palace.

They unexpectedly found the missing King Cobra here.

The Kingdom Guards loyally stood in front of Cobra.


Cobra seemed fine except that he was a little depressed.


Weiwei's tears came out all of a sudden.

She immediately confirmed that the father in front of her was her real father.

This did not require evidence, just pure blood perception and body habits.

She threw herself into Cobra's arms and cried bitterly.

She had felt that her father was not right before, but she could not find out what was wrong. That

's why she chose to flee the palace.

Now that she saw the real father.

She immediately realized that the previous father was a fake.

No matter how similar the other party pretends, some things still cannot be deceived.

""Vivi, thank you for your hard work."

Cobra gently stroked his daughter's hair. With a simple word of comfort, Vivi could no longer hold back her emotions and burst into tears.

All the adventures and grievances were worth it at this moment.

Only the Kingdom Guards were still on guard against the Bloody Eyes Luffy in front of them.

They rescued the real king who was imprisoned by Crocodile.

They also knew about Princess Vivi's promise to marry the opposite pirate, and the other party's declaration that he was the new king of Alabasta.

They escaped Crocodile and the resistance.

Now the pirates have become their new enemy.


Cobra ordered the guards to retreat.

Even though the guards looked unwilling, they obeyed the order immediately.

This respect for King Cobra was the reason why the Kingdom Army could hold on to the end.

Because Cobra absolutely loved his people like his own children.

Even though he was imprisoned by Crocodile's men, it still did not take away his reputation of being righteous.

"I agree with your marriage to Weiwei"

"I will be abdicating soon."

"After you marry Vivi, you will become the new king of Alabasta.

Cobra calmly accepted this fact.

After the Crocodile Rebellion,

Alabasta could no longer withstand another rebellion by the Straw Hat Pirates.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong with you?"

Cobra waved his hand to stop the other party from speaking.

"I don't want to see you die at Luffy's hands"

"So if you still recognize me as your king, then follow me into seclusion."

"In the future, this country will belong to Luffy and Vivi's children."

"Do you understand?"

Cobra regained his dignity.

All the most loyal guards knelt in front of Cobra, without any doubt.

"I'm going to take a rest first."

"I'll leave Alabasta to you first."

"When the situation is stable, I will call all the nobles to announce the abdication."

Cobra put himself in a very stable position.

This also prevented the most loyal guards around him from being purged.

Soon, the edict with the seal of King Cobra was issued inside and outside the city.

King Cobra was unwell and unable to manage the affairs of state because of Crocodile's conspiracy.

Therefore, the state affairs of Alabasta are currently supervised by Princess Vivi and Prince Consort Luffy.

This recognition from King Cobra doomed the peaceful transfer of power of the Alabasta royal family.

The throne that Crocodile tried so hard to seek was easily picked by the pirates.

The new power of Wood Release and the art of calling the wind and rain displayed by the pirates outside the royal city were also spread to the world with Den Den Mushi and News Bird.

No one knows how many abilities Blood Eye Luffy has.

But it can be What is certain is that

Blood Eyes Luffy's claim that he will become the new Pirate King is no longer empty talk. He killed the Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile in seconds.

He shocked millions of troops.

With a wave of his hand, he created countless houses, countless dates, countless cotton, and was able to call the wind and rain.

Some newspapers even called the pirates the fifth emperor of the sea who rose like a meteor.

He killed the Seven Warlords of the Sea in seconds and occupied a country.

He basically met the lower limit of the fifth emperor.

Because they had to deal with the affairs of Alabasta.

So the voyage of the Straw Hat Pirates was temporarily stopped.

The new member Nico Robin was given the ability of Wood Release by him, which greatly increased the combat intensity of the Hana-Han-Yama Fruit.

Then her first test after joining the Straw Hat Pirates was to reintegrate Baroque Works.

Baroque Works includes���Many high-level officials including the Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile were wiped out in one go.

It will inevitably cause internal turmoil.

Rather than letting the chaotic Baroque Works breed more extreme organizations, it is better to gather them under his command again and control the harm within a controllable range.

Chopper was appointed by the pirates as the dean of the First Medical School of Alabasta.

Not only as a teacher to train doctors, but also as a scholar to write some medical books on basic diseases for popularization, and as a doctor to treat diseases and save lives.

But there is no way.

There are many patients in Alabasta, which has just experienced war.

It's just that no one cared during the previous war.

Now peace has been restored.

Naturally, we must pay attention to the prevention and treatment of diseases.

As a chef, Sanji can cook for tens of thousands of people at a time with ghost fire. In the ghost domain, he is almost omnipotent.

Whether it is the grand flame effect or the deliciousness of the food, it is enough to appease people's hearts.

The pirates gave Nami the authority to control the sea kings.

On the one hand, it is convenient for her to draw detailed sea maps of the waters near Alabasta and collect nearby astronomical information.

On the other hand, it also allows the sea kings to carry many prisoners whose crimes are not enough to be sentenced to death to open up wasteland on the ancient island.

Usopp used his explosive power to split mountains and blow up lakes.

The resistance army was used in an orderly manner for infrastructure construction.

The damaged roads were cleared, the destroyed bridges were rebuilt, and the dried-up lakes were filled with water again.

This country that had experienced war regained vitality and hope.

As for Zoro.

While practicing himself, he also taught some righteous soldiers and policemen to practice kendo.

In the midst of a wasteland,

King Cobra announced his abdication decree.

What followed was the grand wedding of Princess Vivi and the pirate, which was announced to the world.

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