The emergence of the Pirates gave the entire Alabasta hope for life.

A large number of dates were distributed.

Crocodile's assets in Alabasta were confiscated.

Young and middle-aged people were invested in infrastructure.

Women were put into textile operations and food processing.

Thanks to the Swallow Swallow Fruit provided by King Walpo at the cost of his life.

With the help of the ability of the Swallow Swallow Blood Eye.

A large number of textile machines were directly manufactured.

Just let the Swallow Swallow Blood Eye swallow a textile machine.

The next step is to invest in raw materials and continue to replicate.

Children received free education.

The whole country was thriving.

The wedding of the Pirates and Princess Vivi undoubtedly pushed this atmosphere to the peak.

This became a national carnival in Alabasta.

All forces in the world are paying attention to this wedding.

Just after leaving the East China Sea and arriving at the Grand Line, they killed the Seven Warlords of the Sea in seconds and seized a country.

Such behavior has already exceeded the scope of a supernova.

The Navy, the Whitebeard Pirates, the Red Hair Pirates, the Magnet���The island kingdoms all sent their envoys to participate in this world-renowned wedding.

However, the purpose of the navy's arrival was to recruit pirates as the new generation of Shichibukai to replace the dead Crocodile.

The envoy of the Whitebeard Pirates presented generous gifts and thanked the pirates for annihilating the Blackbeard Pirates.

The envoy of the Red Hair Pirates came purely to greet each other and take a look at Usopp, the son of Jesus.

Needless to say, the Kingdom of Drum Island.

As a country saved by the Straw Hat Pirates.

The new king, Dalton, who has not been recognized by the World Government, needs to repay his gratitude and also needs to help and support Alabasta.

【Marvel: I envy you so much]

To be honest, there is no one in the Marvel Universe that he likes.

【Hokage room: I envy you so much]

He and Hinata Hyuga's wedding will still have to wait for many years.

Fourteen is unlikely. Sixteen is a bit early.



But no matter what, it's not possible to get married in the next few years.

【Marvel Room: Send money, squeak】

【Pirates: Squeak】

【Naruto Room: Fuck]

I don't know who this pirate room resembles, highlighting the fact that there is no profit but to get up early.

【Marvel Room: A comprehensive list of modern industrial technologies for you to check out】

【Naruto Room: A puppet with bloody eyes, please check it out]

A thumb-sized door becomes a bridge for transactions

【Thank you for the donations from the two bosses.】

【This is a return gift. Please check the tissue sample of the sea king.

Of course, the pirates can't really be arrogant.

The tissue sample of the sea king.

They should also have a certain interest in the two.

After all, the sea kings that can grow to hundreds of meters, thousands of meters, or even more than 5,000 meters are not common even in the universe.

In front of the sea kings.

The tailed beasts have become younger brothers.

The guests are full.

Among them are the congratulators sent by various forces.

Naturally, there are other people from the Straw Hat Pirates.

Among them, Nami's eyes are flowing, containing extremely complex.

Obviously, she is the first to join the Straw Hat Pirates.

Obviously, she is more beautiful than Princess Vivi.

Obviously, she didn't have any ideas about the pirates before.

But after the pirates were so easily taken down by Princess Vivi.

She still couldn't help but feel jealous.

I'm afraid there will be no better young people in the world than the pirates.

If she had known earlier, she would have taken the initiative.

The grand and cumbersome wedding ended.

King Cobra personally sent his blessings to the two.

In a short time.

The pirates used their supreme power to renovate the entire royal city that was destroyed by the war.

The city walls were rebuilt.

The houses were rebuilt.

The streets were restored to normal.

Everything was in order.

Only the blood spear that pierced the sinners before was gone.

Outside the city were also countless wooden houses of uniform specifications.

Factories were built one after another.

Families were reunited or formed.

It was hard to imagine that this was Alabasta, which had been turned into a wasteland before.

And the all-important wedding night was completely shrouded in darkness.

There was no doubt that this must be the power of the Dark Dark Fruit.

Even though it was known to be impossible,

Marvel still couldn't help bubbling.

【Damn! 】

One word encompasses all the emotions.

I didn't expect that the two big guys were still single, but a third party got there first.

Just when everyone was immersed in the festive and positive atmosphere of the wedding, few people knew that the Straw Hat Pirates had set out to sea again.

Of course, the members of the Straw Hat Pirates were still in Alabasta.

This was very strange, but also normal, because this was the ability of the puppet blood eye.

A puppet carved from a dead person would temporarily communicate with the dead person.

A puppet carved from a living person could form a puppet clone.

This puppet clone could act independently, or act based on the consciousness of a living person.

So the pirates left puppet clones in Alabasta to replace their original bodies for development.

As for their original bodies, they had already set out to sea and resumed their voyage.

The captain also had a new member, Vivi.

Since she was his wife,

Vivi was naturally given abilities by him, which were ghost blood + ghost makeup + imitation blood eyes.

Through this combination.

Vivi can use makeup to transform into a target and activate the target's ability, or she can directly transform into the target by imitating the blood-eyed eyes and activate the target's ability.

Originally, the Mimicry Fruit could only transform into the target's appearance, but the ghost makeup successfully sublimated the Mimicry Blood-eyed Eyes.

In theory, Vivi can now completely transform into Whitebeard and activate the weakened Tremor-Tremor Fruit ability.

His strength jumped from the bottom of the Straw Hat Pirates to the strongest of the Straw Hat Pirates except for the pirates.

"Next stop, Mogu Town!"

Robin was stunned.

"Mogu Town is an island occupied by pirates.

She reminded him.

Robin had studied the routes of action of the pirates since their debut.

It can be said that they had never been aimless.

They had found suitable partners in every seemingly inappropriate place.

The trip to Alabasta was the starting point of shocking the world.

But she still didn't think of what attracted the pirates to Mogu Town.

"I know."

Robin stopped talking.

Since it was the captain's decision, they needed to follow it honestly.

After going out to sea, Robin and Vivi also ate the ghost chef food of the pirates for the first time.

The mysterious cooking style. The delicacy that makes people unable to stop.

The special food that can enhance strength.

They also understand why the Straw Hat Pirates are so strong.

This is not only because they are given abilities by the pirates.

It is also because of the effect of this special food on the strength enhancement.

For ordinary people, the pirates' nest is terrified.

But when the pirates saw the bloody straw hat skull flag of the Straw Hat Pirates and the iconic clipper ship, their performance was no better than the ordinary people they robbed.

""The Straw Hat Pirates are here, run!"

A large number of pirates fled in a swarm.

The Straw Hat Pirates are called pirates.

But through the investigation of their past deeds, we can know that they also hate evil.

Bad navy, kill!

Bad pirates, kill!

Bad king, kill!

Seven Warlords of the Sea, kill!

The Straw Hat Pirates have forged their reputation through killing.

Even if the number of people they killed is not actually that many.

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