Before they knew it, the Straw Hat Pirates had gone from being famous in the East China Sea to being world-famous, which was enough to make pirates tremble with fear.

The pirates in Mogu Town could not have imagined that the Straw Hat Pirates, who were enjoying themselves in Alabasta, would suddenly appear here.

But this did not prevent them from escaping.

It was just that they obviously could not escape.

Countless blood shadows emerged from the ground and pounced into the bodies of these pirates.

In a short period of time, all the pirates in Mogu Town were transformed into blood men.

The blood men sank to the ground.

The bustling Mogu Town became empty and dead silent.

Such a terrifying killing efficiency was enough to horrify the other members of the Straw Hat Pirates.

"Let the people of Baroque Works take over here and turn it into a transit station for merchant ships."

The pirates gave Robin an order.

Robin responded immediately.

This was said to her, and even more to her puppet clone.

Now Nico Robin has taken over Baroque Works.

For a worker, working for the Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile is the same as working for Ara, who killed Crocodile.���There is no essential difference between Stan and the new Kings

"As for our real purpose"

"Sky Island!"

"Sky Island?"

The Straw Hat Pirates all looked up at the sky.

Sky Island is not a secret in the world of One Piece.

On the contrary.

It is a very famous attraction in the world of One Piece.

It is considered one of the must-visit tourist destinations in a lifetime.

Countless travel newspapers and magazines have reported on the fascinating scenery of Sky Island, the Sky Island Clouds where people can walk, the Sky Island Clouds where people can swim, and the Sky Island specialties with unique tastes...

But the Sky Island known in the world is generally in the second half of the Grand Line.

This is the first half of the Grand Line.

"There are indeed rumors of empty islands here."

"But I didn't expect the rumor to be true."

Robin thought.

"Just go up and take a look to see if there is an empty island!"

"That's right!"

Zoro grew a pair of blood wings behind him and flew up into the sky first.

Sanji followed closely behind him.

A pair of green fire wings grew behind him.

"I'll go first too!"

A pair of mist wings sprouted from Nami's back.

"I'm flying too!"

A flame burst out from Zoro's feet, and he soared into the sky like a rocket.

This was because he learned from the embarrassment of not being able to fly during the battle of Alabasta. He further developed the ability of the explosive blood eye and invented the jet flight mode.

As long as the intensity of the explosion is reduced, the destructive explosion will become a controllable deflagration propulsion.

"I want to fly too!"

Chopper activated his deceptive blood eye ability and forcibly grew a pair of huge bird wings behind him.

These bird wings are real.

Chopper's medical knowledge and deceptive blood eyes complement each other.

He is light in weight but powerful.

He flapped his wings directly, and after creating a huge gust of wind, he also flew up.

"Boss, bye!"

A pair of light wood wings grew from Robin's back. Wood escape greatly enhanced the power of her Flower-Flower Fruit, and she soared into the sky.

"Then let's go too!"

A pair of blood wings grew out of the backs of Pirate Jian and Weiwei, and they flew into the sky.

As for the Clipper Ship?

It naturally stopped at Mogu Town.

If there are really blind people, the bloody people on the ship and the sea beasts under the ship are not vegetarians.

"There really is a sky island?"

Flying above the clouds, it was clear at a glance whether it was a sky island or not.

Because the sky island clouds are very different from normal clouds.

Normal clouds have shapes when seen from a distance, but once you get close, they are just mist.

The sky island clouds, however, are condensed and do not disperse, and have entities.

This is definitely a great discovery that can shake the world.

A super-giant sky island was discovered in the first half of the Grand Line.

The Straw Hat Pirates played and frolicked on the sky island.

Even Zoro temporarily put aside his training to experience the strange fun of the sky island. After having enough fun, they flew to the settlement on the sky island under the guidance of the pirates.

"There are people from Sky Island?"

Robin was shocked.

For a scholar, any civilization that has not been discovered has great research value.

Not to mention that from the buildings on the Sky Island here, it can be seen that the technology level of this isolated Sky Island is actually quite good.

If the research on the Sky Island civilization here can be published, it will definitely go down in history.

But she remembered her identity.

The son of the devil wanted by the navy.

Even if she really wanted to publish a paper, no publishing house dared to accept her manuscript unless she was willing to change her signature.

But this was her before.

Now she has the protection of the Straw Hat Pirates, and she is also the leader of the entire Baroque Works.

Perhaps she has the qualifications to publish a paper.

The people of Sky Island also discovered the Straw Hat Pirates flying in the sky.

These people from Sky Island spoke words they could not understand.

Then they began to kneel and kowtow.

No one knew their language.

Only Robin seemed to distinguish some words.

"They seem to be speaking an ancient language from eight hundred years ago"

"One of the words is repeated a lot."

"That is God"

"It seems that they regard us as gods."

Robin interpreted it to a certain extent.

But that was all.

No matter how smart she was as an archaeologist.

But on the one hand, when she was eight years old, the archaeological island O'Hara was destroyed by the Demon Killing Order launched by the Five Elders because of her research on the blank hundred years and the historical text.

She herself survived by chance, but she was also offered a reward of 79 million and was given the title of the Devil's Son.

On the other hand, Robin betrayed a lot during her escape and was betrayed by many people.

She had to survive, become stronger, and move around various forces. She didn't have much time to really immerse herself in knowledge.

It can only be said that Robin is really knowledgeable.

But he was not omniscient.

Such commotion on Angel Island could not be hidden from the God Enelu who was always monitoring Angel Island.

For a moment, dark clouds covered the sky above Angel Island, with lightning and thunder.

This was Enelu's anger, warning, and roaring.

He was obviously a god, but he was still kneeling to outsiders.

Lightning fell from the sky.

But it was not the Straw Hat Pirates who were struck.

It was the residents of Angel Island.

The residents of Angel Island could only watch in despair as God's wrath descended on them.

Only a black light offset the lightning.

Above the thunderclouds, a tall, mysterious, and domineering man sat in the clouds, like the god of thunder.

""The user of the natural thunder fruit!"

Robin murmured the other party's devil fruit ability.

This is definitely the top natural devil fruit ability.

Possessing the thunder fruit is enough to have the potential to become one of the Four Emperors and the admiral of the navy.

And from the other party's ability to change the sky at will.

The pure destructive power has already reached the level of the admiral of the navy.

""Fake God of Qinghai, how dare you offend my God's domain!"

Enelu spoke, still speaking the universal language.

On Sky Island, Devil Fruit users are generally called Gods.

This is why the Straw Hat Pirates are naturally called Gods by the people of Sky Island.

Because their way of flying is definitely not something that ordinary people can do.

The people of Sky Island have a pair of wings behind them, but they are just decorations, not real wings.

People with real wings and can fly naturally belong to the category of Celestial Dragons in Sky Island.

The Straw Hat Pirates inadvertently met this condition.

Looking at Enelu sitting in the clouds, looking down from above.

A hint of greed flashed in the bloody eyes of the pirates.

He wants the ability of the natural thunder fruit!

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