Looking at Enel, who was showing off in the sky, a red line hit his chest.

Before he could react, he fell from the sky.

Feeling the weakness of his body,

Enel was horrified.


"Was it that red light?"

He recalled, stunned.

His guess was roughly correct.

But what hit him was not the seastone, but the Dark Blood Eye.

The pirates used the ghost domain as a gun barrel to shoot the Dark Blood Eye.

With the speed of the ghost domain close to sub-light speed, it was impossible to avoid it, and even the sense of crisis could not be responded to immediately.

Enelu, who fell from the sky, died.

Even the corpse turned into blood.

Although the Dark Dark Fruit can be used to attract the power of the Devil Fruit ability user and condense into a Devil Fruit again.

But since it can be directly transformed into a blood eye, why bother.

Another red light swept across Enelu's location.

The Dark Blood Eye and the Thunder Blood Eye were recovered. The extremely impressive Enelu was killed instantly before he could really show how powerful he was.

The residents of Angel Island turned pale.

Then they stopped kneeling to Enelu. They turned their attention to the Pirates who were leading the sky.

This meant that the Pirates became the new god of Angel Island.

The residents of Angel Island were willing to accept the rule of the Pirates.

The residents of Angel Island had always been like this.

The previous god was not even a Devil Fruit user, but he had a bird that had eaten the Ma-Horse Fruit as a mount, and could transform into a Pegasus and fly into the sky.

The residents of Angel Island also recognized this method.

"Robin, I leave the communication issue to you."

"You can also experience the local customs and culture of Sky Island"

"As for me, I will explore Sky Island first to see if there are any hidden dangers that need to be cleared."

The pirates turned into a red light and disappeared.

Everyone else thought that the pirates were looking for other devil fruit users on Sky Island.

In fact, the pirates were simply after the gold on Sky Island and Nolan, the lord of the sky.

There is no gold on Sky Island.

But a few hundred years ago, the Golden City happened to be located below Sky Island.

Noland, a navigator in the North Sea, discovered this place, and after returning to the voyage, he told the king of the Kingdom of Lubnir that there was a Golden City on the Grand Line with countless gold.

As a result, when the king led the fleet to the location of the Golden City after going through untold hardships and risking his life.

But he did not find the Golden City, only half of a deserted island.

Noland was executed for this.

Until his death, he still insisted that the Golden City existed.

So he was also called the Big Liar.

And it was also adapted into It has become a fairy tale of sorts, satirizing lies on the one hand and the king on the other.

But in fact, the Golden City does exist.

However, the Golden City was washed to Sky Island by the coincidental rising water current on the seabed.

At that time, the people of Sky Island believed that this was a gift from God to them. Taking advantage of the fact that the Shandians on the island could not adapt to the high-altitude environment, they expelled them and occupied the island.

The island was renamed the Island of Gods.

How could the Shandians endure such humiliation?

They were tough and good at fighting. After adapting to the environment of Sky Island, they fought and bloodied with Sky Island for hundreds of years around this island.

But neither side could completely annihilate the other, and could only waste time.

Until the appearance of Enelu.

The Shandians suffered heavy losses and never dared to invade the Island of Gods again.

But this is just the wishful thinking of the people of Sky Island.

Because targeting Enelu... The Shandians have been preparing for the assassination of Lu.

The pirates don't care about this island.

Island is extremely rare on Sky Island.

But they are everywhere on the ground.

The red light swept across the Island of Gods.

It swept through the Golden Temple of Enel; swept through the Golden Ark built by Enel; swept through the remaining gold in the Golden City; put the Lord of the Sky Nolan into the control of the ghost blood; took the Golden Bell for himself; and took the giant vines for his own use.

After such a sweep, there was nothing valuable on the Island of Gods.

The other members of the Straw Hat Pirates visited the lives of the people of Sky Island.

A multifunctional shellfish civilization was discovered here.

Sound shells, light shells, water shells, image shells, taste shells, cloud shells, wind shells, flame shells, heat shells, flash shells, impact shells, repelling shells, and slashing shells.

It can be said that from life to battle, shellfish fusion...

In all aspects of the empty islands, there are various forms of empty island clouds.

The way of rational style and handling of empty island also inspired Sanji.

They spent half a month on the empty island.

The third -thirds were shocked.

In terms of extremes, the Shandians are much more extreme than the priests.

If we let those extremists do one thing in public and another in private, there will inevitably be a bigger dispute in the future.

It is better to catch the extremists in one fell swoop.

Only then can the two races be forced to live in harmony and eventually merge.

Open the God Island to both the Sky Islanders and the Shandians.

With the current population of the two races, there is no need to worry about the problem of insufficient land.

The problem of the Sky Island was dealt with vigorously.

After leaving their puppet clones on the Sky Island for ruling and management, they returned to the Mogu Town below.

In half a month, two groups of people from the Baroque Works have landed in Mogu Town.

They are plundering and rebuilding Mogu Town.

To build it into a commercial port, it is definitely not possible with the current architectural style.

They are very satisfied with the efficiency of the Baroque Works.

The pirates allocated them a thousand blood people to assist in the construction.

And used a ton of gold on the spot as a cash reward after the construction of Mogu Town was completed.

So generous.

The Baroque Works staff in Mogu Town are all grateful.

It turns out that the new boss is not only domineering, but also really gives benefits.

The Clipper was left in Mogu Town to transport building materials.

The Straw Hat Pirates' ship was replaced with the golden spaceship Ark Maxim that Enel worked hard to build.

Such a luxurious and magnificent new ship naturally aroused the excitement of the Straw Hat Pirates.

There is no need to adjust the sails.

It uses electricity directly as power.

It can not only speed on the sea, but also fly freely in the sky, and even fly into outer space.

The next stop of the Straw Hat Pirates is...

"The City of Seven Waters."

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