The domineering Ark Proverbs sailed on the sea.

When passing ships saw such a huge golden ship, they would definitely observe it closely, and it would be best to take two photos to brag about it when they returned.

But when they saw the bloody pirate flag on it, they were shocked.

After confirming that it was the Straw Hat Pirates, they relaxed again.

The Straw Hat Pirates have not yet had a record of robbing a merchant ship.

But they still couldn't figure it out.

Why are the Straw Hat Pirates still in Alabasta?

This is a fact that reporters have been reporting on the news.

But what about the Straw Hat Pirates with a huge golden ship here?

With such questions.

There are always merchant ships that are not afraid of death and are willing to approach and talk.

Then it was confirmed that the personnel on this huge golden ship were also the Straw Hat Pirates.

By approaching and talking, it was confirmed that the Straw Hat Pirates in front of them were indeed the Straw Hat Pirates, and the ship was also newly replaced, and the old ship was placed in Mogu Town.

The pirates also promoted Mogu Town by the way.

It means that they have cleared the pirates in Mogu Town.

Now Mogu Town is under his management, and it is being rebuilt by Baroque Works. Passing ships can go there to dock, maintain, and consume.

The news of the Straw Hat Pirates was spread wildly by various merchant ships.

The pirates in Mogu Town were cleared out.

The golden giant ship was replaced as their new vehicle.

Although it is incomprehensible that there are two Straw Hat Pirates at the same time.

But the appearance of the Straw Hat Pirates has once again set off waves on the sea.

Whether it is the emptied Mogu Town or the golden giant ship, it has attracted the attention of many people.

Many pirates deliberately scolded the Straw Hat Pirates in the newspapers.

Although it is common for pirates to attack each other.

But as a pirate group, it is a shame for the pirates to slaughter their fellow pirates and occupy the pirate port. It is suggested that the Straw Hat Pirates be expelled from the ranks of pirates.

Even the Red Hair Pirates, who have the best reputation, have not slaughtered pirates wantonly.

What are you, the Straw Hat Pirates, pretending to be!

For a while, the Navy Headquarters didn't know what to do.

According to common sense.

The Straw Hat Pirates killed the Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile.

The Navy Headquarters should significantly increase the bounty of the Straw Hat Pirates.

But on the one hand, Crocodile's act of stealing the country violated the bottom line of the Navy Headquarters. The reason why

Doflamingo, the Sky-Yasha, was able to successfully seize Dressrosa was because Dressrosa was the property of the Don Quixote family eight hundred years ago.

It was only because the Don Quixote family, as Celestial Dragons, moved to the holy land of Marijoa and handed Dressrosa over to the Riku family for custody.

Now Doflamingo has been disqualified as a Celestial Dragon because of his father.

But he has Celestial Dragon blood flowing in his body after all, and is the spokesperson for the natural superiority of Celestial Dragon blood.

Doflamingo can implicitly tell the world that

Celestial Dragons can still stand at the top of humanity as long as they want. Even if they lose their privileges, they can still stand at the top of humanity.

But you, Crocodile, don't have the blood of Celestial Dragons, and how dare a lowly pirate risk the world's disapproval?

So Crocodile died, and the Navy Headquarters didn't take it to heart.

They even thought of using the opportunity of the wedding between pirates to win him over as the new Shichibukai.

Considering that the Straw Hat Pirates have only committed one crime against the navy since their establishment.

And it was done by Zoro.

The other one was killing a bastard King Walpo.

The number of pirates who died at the hands of the Straw Hat Pirates is somewhat surprising.

Hundreds of Crocodile, the Dragon Pirates, the Blackbeard Pirates, the Shichibukai Crocodile, the Mogu Town...

So whether to increase the bounty of the Straw Hat Pirates again is also debated in the Navy Headquarters.

Most people think that the Straw Hat Pirates can fight for it, at least they can guide the Straw Hat Pirates to attack other pirate groups.

There are also a small number of people who think that the Straw Hat Pirates are too bold and will become a big problem in the future, and it is recommended to wipe them out when they are fully grown.

In such a debate.

Navy Admiral Aoki Kuzan rode a bicycle on the sea to intercept the golden ship of the Straw Hat Pirates.

With the current record of the Straw Hat Pirates killing Shichibukai Crocodile in seconds.

If you want to test and evaluate the Straw Hat Pirates, you have to have the admirals of the navy.

And among the admirals of the navy, Aokiji has to be dispatched.

If Akainu Sakaski is dispatched, it will be easy to force the Straw Hat Pirates into a mortal enemy.

That is a force that occupies a country and kills the Seven Warlords of the Sea in seconds.

The Navy Headquarters, unless they are brain-damaged, do not want to have such an enemy.

Kizaru Borsalino is frivolous, which can easily make people misunderstand the attitude of the navy.

Seeing Aokiji appear,

Nico Robin's pdst was immediately violated, the whole person was trembling, and she lost her combat capability.

When the archaeological island Ohara was destroyed by the Demon Slayer Order,

Aokiji was also present.

Although Aokiji let Robin go in the end, he softened his heart.

But he killed the former Navy Titan Vice Admiral Sauro who tried to help Robin escape.

Since then, Aokiji has become Robin's nightmare.

Although Robin can survive to this day at the age of eight, it is inseparable from Aokiji's protection.

But her fear of Aokiji is also real.

【Marvel Studios: Famous scene, Qing Zhi riding a bicycle on the sea, I still saw it】

【Naruto Room: The world's top combat power is still there, but it will become abstract in two years.】

【Marvel: It's no longer abstract, the real Luffy can no longer keep up with the pace of the times】

【This world belongs to pirates!】

"Wow, what a huge piece of gold."

Qing Zhi looked at the bow.

The Ark Proverbs had already stopped sailing.

His eyes swept over everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates.

He saw fear and terror in the eyes of the other members of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Only in the bloody eyes of the pirates could he see only hidden greed and hidden restraint.

The greed was naturally because of the natural ice fruit in Qing Zhi's body.

The restraint was because he didn't intend to kill Qing Zhi.

Qing Zhi jumped with his bicycle and came to the deck of the Ark Proverbs.

"Aren't you afraid of me?"

Qing Zhi came to the front of the pirates and looked down at him.

"You are not my opponent, why should I be afraid of you!"

Just one sentence.

The frozen atmosphere thawed instantly.

The Straw Hat Pirates, who were originally afraid of Qing Zhi, returned to their normal state.

Except for Robin who was still trembling, it did not affect their actions.

Even though they had not been with the pirates for a long time, they knew that the pirates were not people who talked big.

Qing Zhi raised his eyebrows and did not provoke further.

"Warring States Let me ask you"

"Will you be an enemy of the navy in the future?"

Qing Zhi said his goal.

The Straw Hat Pirates are now a prestigious force.

"I only fight against evil"

"This evil can be pirates, navy, and Celestial Dragons are no exception!"

The pirates answered their own philosophy

"I can pretend I didn't hear the last sentence"

"I understand your attitude."

"Young people nowadays."

Qing Zhi turned around and jumped off the Ark Proverbs, riding his bicycle and leaving decisively.

If he said one more word, he was afraid that he would not be able to leave. He had a Den Den Mushi on him.

In the last sentence, he froze the Den Den Mushi to death.

Don't underestimate the observation Haki of a navy admiral

"Continue, target the Seven Water City!"

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